Control Your Destiny Quotes

Control Your Destiny Quotes

People often cite the words ‘destiny’ and ‘fate’ interchangeably, when they’re two vastly different ideas in reality. The former dictates a course of action outside of our control—and the latter is merely a generalized statement meant to provide hope. And guess which one you most likely have control over? That’s right: your destiny.

Sure, it’s not always easy to discern just how much power you do have, but the point is this: if you make decisions based on what you think your so-called fate has dictated for you, then you’ll never be able to find true fulfilment—or success—in life. Luckily, there are many things you can do to take greater control of your own destiny.

We all have choices in life, but the key is to make the best choices we can. We can be passive and let others decide how our lives will turn out, or we can take charge of our futures through hard work and dedication. Although it’s not an easy life for most of us, some look at their lives as a game of sorts, while others are determined to win it.

If you’re reading this and you feel that way as well, then congratulations – you have what it takes to control your destiny. Below is some amazing control your destiny quotes to inspire you.

Control Your Destiny Quotes

You can live the life you want to live when you become aware of your thoughts and your beliefs. When you control your destiny, you will not be a victim of your circumstances. Be in charge of yourselves and the way you think.

1. The ability to control your destiny is within your power, that is, if you take ownership of the decisions you make.

2. It’s time to take action, so get out there and do something great! You are in control of your destiny.

3. You are in control of your destiny, so fight for what you want and never stop hustling.

4. Don’t wait for something to happen. You are in control of your destiny; Take action and create the life you want.

5. You can take the reins and make your life what you want it to be. You are in control of your destiny, and always remember that this is your life, and nobody else’s but yours.

6. What you think and feel today, is what will be tomorrow because you are in control of your destiny.

7. You are in control of your destiny because you choose where you spend your time, who you spend it with and what you do with it.

8. Make sure your days are filled with health and happiness! You are in control of your destiny.

9. You are in control of your destiny because what you do today will determine where you will be tomorrow. The choices you make today are the habits that will shape your future.

10. You are in control of your destiny, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

11. Start your day with a sense of purpose and fulfilment. You are in control of your destiny.

12. It’s time to take your life back. Choose to put yourself first, set goals and make the changes that will get you where you want to go.

13. Don’t just sit there and wait for life to happen—make it happen.

14. You are the controller of your destiny. You can navigate it wherever you choose.

15. Control your destiny and live a life of purpose.

16. The choice is yours to control your destiny. Own it, be proud of yourself and your life will never be the same. If you choose to make a change, good or bad, you have the power to do so.

17. Start living the life you want. Make decisions that empower you, not ones that make you feel like a victim. You have the power to control your destiny!

18. Make the choices that will maximize your potential, control your destiny, and make it happen.

19. Your journey is never finished, it’s a continuous process of discovery. Keep living each day to the fullest and remember: you are in control of your destiny.

20. You are the main character in your own story, you are the one who decides which decisions you make and what happens next, and you are in control of your destiny.

21. No matter what challenge you are facing, control your destiny, take ownership of your goals and make the most of it.

22. It’s easy to tell your story, but it takes real courage to control your destiny.

23. Never let fear stop you from leaping. Own your life, own your future and always believe that anything is possible.

24. You have the power to control your destiny. Be a fighter and take control of your life now.

25. You have a choice to make. You can control your destiny or it will control you.

26. You are the master of your own destiny. Control what you can and never lose sight of your dreams.

27. You can control your destiny if you know what your calling is and how to act on that.

28. We don’t have to wait for circumstances to change, we can take control of our destiny.

29. You can’t always control what happens, but you can always control how you respond. Use your decisions and actions to create the life you want for yourself.

30. The choice to make the best of your life is within your power if you choose to take control of your destiny.

31. Be the difference in how you see yourself, your dreams, and how you live them. Take control of your destiny, it’s within your power!

32. The best way to improve your life and your productivity are to take ownership of the decisions that you make, it’s all about controlling your destiny.

33. You are the master of your destiny. You decide what you want, which is why it’s time for you to seize control.

34. This is the moment. Whether it’s your business or career, your goals, and dreams, or even relationships and friendships. Take ownership of what you do with your life, you are in control of your destiny.

35. The power to create your own reality is within your reach. When you take it, you’ll be amazed at the possibilities that emerge.

36. Don’t let anyone else control your destiny. Create the life you want, one step at a time.

37. You control your destiny. Don’t let anyone else tell you what to do, where to go, who to be, or how to live. Take control of your life and make it worth living!

38. Don’t be afraid to take a step into your future. Take control of your destiny and make that vision a reality today.

39. Don’t allow anyone to determine your future. You are the one responsible for what you create and who you become.

40. You alone can control your destiny. You have the power to make your life what you want it to be. So get started living!

41. You are in control of your destiny. You get to decide what you think, what you do, and where you go. If you want it bad enough, you’ll make it happen.

42. Take control of your destiny by being more intentional and moving forward.

43. You do not have to accept the hand you are dealt. You can change it, by taking control of your destiny.

44. You can change your circumstances. You will never be successful if you don’t take control of your destiny.

45. Your destiny is a choice. Choose to be the person you want to be, and learn to control your destiny.

46. Don’t wait for life to hand you a destiny. Take your own hand, and write your own story.

47. No one can give you more than what you bring to this life. Be the change that you want to see in the world, and take control of your destiny.

48. You can control your destiny, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. But you have to want to do that. You have to want it badly enough to push through the challenges and find a way to succeed.

49. Life is not a fairy tale. It is a story of how we choose to live it. Be bold, be brave, and make a difference in the world, take control of your destiny.

50. You have the power to make the changes you want to see in your life. Use it wisely to control your destiny!

51. You are in control of your destiny. If you want something bad enough, you will make it happen!

52. It’s your life, take control of it. You are in control of your destiny

53. Your future is in your hands. It’s up to you to make it happen.

Control Your Own Destiny Quotes

Lives are shaped by the choices made. Whether good or bad, these choices shape our identity. What you put into your mind will always come back out, and no matter what, you need to be in control of your own destiny.

54. Make a plan, set goals, and follow through on it, you are in control of your own destiny.

55. You are in control of your own destiny. You control how much you achieve and how fast you get there. Don’t let anything hold you back from achieving your vision.

56. There’s no better time than now to make a change. Set your goals and take action. You are in control of your own destiny.

57. You have the power to control your own destiny. And nothing can stop you from getting what you want.

58. Be the master of your own destiny. Don’t wait for someone else to make decisions for you; make them for yourself.

59. You have the power to control your own destiny. And nothing can stop you from getting what you want. Only by showing up, each day and taking action, will you ever get anywhere in life.

60. The world is yours to make. You have the power to control your own destiny. And nothing can stop you from getting what you want. Be unstoppable!

61. You are the only one responsible for making your dreams a reality. You have the power to control your own destiny and nothing can stop you from getting what you want!

62. Nothing can hold you back. You have the power to control your own destiny, make your dreams come true, and create the life of your dreams.

63. You don’t have to rely on someone else to make your dreams come true. You have the power to control your own destiny.

64. You are the master of your own destiny, if you believe in yourself and don’t give up, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

65. You have the power to create your own destiny. So don’t be afraid to dream big; you’ll never know what could happen if you don’t give yourself a chance to succeed.

66. You can do whatever you want. You get to control how your life will unfold. The only thing that stands between you and your destiny is your mind.

67. Your happiness is up to you. You have the power to control your own destiny and nothing can stop you from getting what you want in life.

68. Nothing can stop you from getting what you want in life. You have the power to control your own destiny and nothing can stop you from getting what you want in life.

69. You are in control of your own destiny and nothing can stop you from getting what you want in life. Live the life you always imagined!

70. You are in control of your own destiny, so it’s up to you to weave the magic in your life. Be the best version of yourself, and create a better tomorrow.

71. There will always be people who try to control your life, but you have the power to control your own destiny.

72. You’ve got this. Control your own destiny, fight for what you believe in, and make a difference in the world.

73. You’ve got to control your own destiny and make the choices that will define who you are.

74. When you control your own destiny, you will be unstoppable.

75. You are in control of your own destiny. Force it. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make something of yourself. Fight for what you want, and go after it with everything you have!

76. You can be anything you want to be. Choose your own path and your own passion! Take control of your destiny and make it happen.

77. Don’t wait for permission. Control your own destiny.

78. You must control your own destiny because if you don’t, someone else will.

79. Don’t wait for someone else to give you the chance to live your best life. Take control of your own destiny!

80. You are in control of your own destiny, so you have all the answers to your own questions. Be brave, be bold and do what makes you happy.

81. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. You are the control of your own destiny and only you can determine your future.

82. Your destiny is your own. Control it. It’s the only one you’ve got. Live It.

83. Don’t wait for someone else to permit you or make the first move. Make your own way in life. You’re in control of your own destiny and no one can take that from you.

84. You are the only one who can make life happen for you. The only person you should be trying to please is yourself because you’re in control of your own destiny.

85. You are in control of your own destiny. It’s up to you to make the right choices, take action and make your dreams come true.

86. You are in control of your own destiny. You are responsible for everything that happens to you and around you. Excellence is within reach, so let’s go get it!

87. You don’t have to worry about what other people think or how you look. You are in control of your own destiny and the only person who can make you happy is YOU!

88. When you get to choose, believe in yourself and make the best choice for yourself. You’re always in control of your own destiny.

89. You are not a victim of your circumstances, you are a creator of your own life.

90. Make your life what you want it to be. stretch yourself, try new things and never give up on your dreams. Take control of your own destiny.

91. You are in control of your own destiny, go out there and live it to the fullest.

92. You never have to settle for anything less than you deserve, because you are in control of your own destiny.

93. Take the first step towards achieving your goals, no matter how big or small they may be. Be fearless and go for it! You are in control of your own destiny.

94. You’re in control of your own destiny. It’s not fate, it’s your choice.

95. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. You are in control of your own destiny—make the best possible choice for where you want to go.

96. The universe isn’t going to do it for you. You are in control of your own destiny, and nobody can stop you from making a difference in the world around you.

97. When it comes to success, you are in control of your own destiny. Motivation is not something that is given to you, it’s a choice. Make the right one and you will succeed!

98. You are the only person who can determine how your future will unfold. Make this year count, and make it the best one yet.

99. It’s all about your attitude, so take control of your own destiny.

100. You are in control of your own destiny. You can create the life you want.

101. You are in control of your own destiny. Don’t let anyone tell you differently, including yourself.

102. You are in control of your own destiny. What you think, feel, and do will determine where you go in life.

103. You are in control of your own destiny. If you want to be successful, give it all you’ve got and never, ever think that you’re not good enough.

104. You are in control of your own destiny, so make sure you are taking full advantage of the opportunities that life offers you.

105. No matter how hard the road may seem, you are in control of your own destiny.

106. Set goals, take action, and achieve them. You are in control of your own destiny, so start working towards it today.

107. Control your own destiny. Make the right choices, set high standards, and achieve success by making smart decisions. Also, make sure you are on time for work and never leave things lying around.

108. You are in control of your own destiny. You can make the decisions that set you free. Start living the life you have always wanted.

Are you ready to take control of your destiny? There’s no better time than now. It all starts with having a positive attitude. When everything is going wrong and it seems like you have no way out, think back to what got you here. You worked hard and hustled to get where you are today. And if you can keep that mentality going strong, then you’ll see success right before your eyes.

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