I Rather Stay Single Quotes

I Rather Stay Single Quotes

There are many reasons why one would want to stay single one of which is freedom! This is the most obvious reason for wanting to stay single. If you’re married or in a relationship, you have less freedom because you’re bound to someone else’s schedule and needs. Single people can do what they want whenever they want without having to consult anyone else first.

Also, lesser drama and less stress are other reasons for one to want to stay single, married people have to deal with all sorts of drama: their spouse’s family drama, their spouse’s friends’ drama, and even their own friends’ drama at times! When you’re single, there’s no such thing as your wife or your husband, your lover or your partner.

Then as a single person, you have more time for yourself and your interests. Because married people and those in relationships spend so much time with their spouse and their children, they don’t have as much time left over for themselves and their interests as single people do! Here below are some amazing I rather stay single quotes that I am sure you will love.

I Rather Stay Single Quotes

I rather stay single, because I know what it’s like to be in a relationship where you are not wanted and no one wants to get old with someone they don’t love. So I’d rather stay single than settle for something less.

1. I rather stay single, because I rather am happy than have a love relationship to the point where I lose myself.

2. I believe that is the best way to live your life. I rather stay single, than be in a relationship where I don’t have any control over it.

3. I rather stay single than settle for any guy who doesn’t want to be with me. Everyone deserves love but not everyone needs it.

4. Being single is better than being in a long-distance relationship, I rather stay single than deal with the drama and stress.

5. Just because I’m single doesn’t mean I don’t want to be in a relationship. It means I want to be in a relationship with myself.

6. I don’t need the validation of a relationship. I just want to be happy and it’ll be okay if I’m alone on my terms.

7. I am not looking for a relationship right now. I just want to enjoy my life and singlehood as much as possible.

8. I rather am alone than with someone who doesn’t want me. I don’t want to wake up next to a stranger every day or feel like my life is a lie.

9. Many of us struggle with the decision to not be in a relationship. But if you feel like being single is the better option for you, I’m so glad you found your true love as I did!

10. Single life – it’s better alone. Now that I’m totally okay with that, I’m going to take this time for me and the single life I’ve been dreaming about for so long.

11. As long as I have people to love, I’m happy. Here’s to the single girls out there like me: You’re beautiful, you’re strong and you’re amazing!

12. Being single is better than being in a relationship where you are constantly fighting and arguing. I don’t know why people want drama in their life.

13. I won’t get married just yet. I’ll take some time to explore what makes you really happy even if it means staying single.

14. I rather stay single and be happy than be with someone who isn’t a good match for me.

15. I rather stay single than be attached to what I cannot have and my dreams won’t come true.

16. These days, I rather stay single than find someone who doesn’t love me and wants to change me. I’m happy just the way I am.

17. I’d rather stay single. There’s no better feeling than to sit in the dark and stare at the light, knowing that you can make it all happen on your own.

18. The single life is a beautiful, magical thing. I prefer being alone. It’s so much more interesting.

19. I would rather be single than settle for the wrong relationship.

20. I rather stay single and be happy without the hustle and bustle of relationships. Why not enjoy my single life when I would still get married?

21. I rather stay single and have my freedom. Maybe one day I will find true love again and live happily ever after with the one I love.

22. Don’t take the easy way out when it comes to love. I rather stay single than be with a man that can’t make me happy.

23. I rather stay single and have money in my pocket than be married to someone who doesn’t know how to use it.

24. I prefer to be single, I rather enjoy my habits and focus on myself, live life on my terms and never plan my future because it’s not something that can be predicted.

25. Single? I rather stay single. But if I get married, I’ll be happy to work on my marriage.

26. I will rather be single and happy than paired up and miserable in a relationship that I’m unhappy with.

27. I rather stay single and be free, than have to choose between being alone or being with someone who doesn’t appreciate you.

28. I rather stay single, alone and forever in my own company than find myself a guy who only wants to be with another.

29. I Rather Stay Single than be with someone who doesn’t love me back or be a part of someone who doesn’t want me.

30. Rather be single than stay in a relationship that does not really match me, I feel the best when I’m alone. So I might as well stay that way.

31. I rather stay single than give up on my dreams, life is better as a single person.

32. I rather stay single, than be in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t appreciate me and treats me well. I don’t want to be with someone who is always thinking about themselves, so I choose to be alone.

33. I rather stay single, than be with someone and not feel fulfilled.

34. I’ve been single for so long, that I forgot what it’s like to be with someone. I’d rather stay that way until my whole life is done.

35. There are no rules to being single. I don’t even like the idea of being in a relationship because it will limit me, and that’s what I like most about myself.

36. I Rather Stay Single, Than be with someone who isn’t completely happy with me. I don’t want to play games, and I don’t want someone who is going to put a label on me and expect me to play that game too.

37. I prefer to stay single than be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love me unconditionally.

38. Even though it’s frowned upon, sometimes I really enjoy being alone.

39. I rather stay single, than live a life of regret by being with someone who doesn’t love me for who I am.

40. I rather stay single and enjoy the life I have, than get married and have to deal with all that comes with it.

41. I rather stay single and have time to make new friends, than get married and have time to regret it.

42. I love being single and living life the way it’s meant to be lived. I rather stay this way, than date a man who doesn’t make me feel like the most important person in their world for no other reason than I am “available” and have a vagina.

43. I’ve had my fair share of bad relationships, but I rather stay single. Because being single means that I can do what I want with my life when I want.

44. Life is too short to be spending it with someone you don’t love. Let’s make the best of this single life—together!

45. I’d rather stay single and make a million doing my own thing than have a partner that I won’t be friends with and that doesn’t like me.

46. I think I’d rather stay single than be with someone who doesn’t make me happy.

47. I have a lot of really cool things to do on my own. I’d rather stay single and keep chasing my dreams.

48. I’m not one to settle, I will rather be single until something crazy comes my way.

49. When life gets busy, choosing to stay single is the best decision you can make.

50. The grass is greener on the other side. I’ll take my collection of happy memories, over a lifetime of dating.

51. I like my solo life and I’m perfectly happy just the way things are.

52. I rather stay single and be happy. I’m not ready to settle down, but I do know that somebody will come along soon enough. So I’m taking the time to enjoy where I am right now before my future partner comes along.

53. I rather stay single than get married to someone who doesn’t understand how to treat a girl right.

54. I rather stay single than be with someone who’s trying to change me for the worse.

55. I rather stay single than be in a relationship that doesn’t matter and I am not ready for commitment.

56. I rather stay single and make all my own mistakes than be in a relationship, where I always feel like the other person is out of step with me.

57. I rather stay single and still be loved, than be in a relationship that I don’t love.

58. I rather stay single and enjoy my freedom. I rather spend time with those who appreciate me for who I am. I rather spend my time with the ones that love me for who they are, not what they can give to me.

59. I rather dance alone knowing I’m free than be wrapped up in the perfect guy.

60. I’ll take my chemistry and I’ll take you to bed—but I promise, I’ll stay single.

61. When I’m single, I choose to live my life and not worry about anyone else. As long as I have a nice meal on the table and a warm bed to fall into, everything else is just the icing on top.

62. Rather than wish for a relationship, I have learnt to appreciate the freedom of being single.

63. I rather stay single when I have a great life, good friends and an amazing family.

64. I rather stay single and be happy than have a happy relationship and end up lonely.

65. I’d rather stay single than be with someone I don’t care about — which is why I’ll keep looking for that special one.

66. When the world is falling apart, I rather stay single. Because when the world is right, you stand out like a lily in a field of roses.

67. Life is too short to be in a long-term relationship. As hard as it is sometimes, I’d rather stay single.

68. I rather stay single than be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love me as much as I love them.

69. I don’t want to be in a relationship. I’m happy being single and enjoying my freedom. Life is better when you’re not attached to another person.

70. Single, not desperate. Don’t look for someone to complete you. Stay true to yourself, attract positive people and create a life of your own design.

71. The truth is, I will rather be single. A little lonely but happy as well.

72. I’d rather be single than in a relationship where I’m lonely and don’t feel like myself.

73. There’s no better feeling than being single and not caring what other people say.

74. Being alone is not a big deal. There’s more to life than being in a relationship. I rather stay single, be happy and enjoy everything life has to offer.

75. I want to stay single. I want to be in control of my life and not someone else’s. I want to travel and see the world, spend time with my friends, and laugh until I cry and love like it’s going out of style.

76. When you know you’re better single than with someone who doesn’t love you as they should.

77. Life is a journey, not a destination. There’s more to life than finding “the one.” All relationships take work, and many don’t last.

78. The happiest people I know are the ones who have figured out how to live their best single lives.

79. I rather stay single, because being single allows me to be myself. I will rather be single than let someone else define who I am.

80. I rather stay single for now, and focus on myself. I will find my one in a time when the time comes.

81. I rather stay single than be in a relationship that never works out. It’s worth it to be happy on my own time.

82. The reason I’m single is that I prefer staying that way, and if you don’t like it then you are not welcome.

83. There is no shame in being single and happy. If you’re not in a relationship, be grateful for who you are and learn to love yourself.

84. That feeling when you just know that the right person is out there, but you’re staying single because you are content with yourself.

85. I prefer living my life the way I want to, not because I’m afraid of commitment, but because it’s better this way.

86. I rather stay single and keep my eyes on the prize than be with someone who doesn’t value me.

87. I rather stay single, because I have my life and I am happy with what I have. Let the rest take care of themselves.

88. You only have one life, so why settle for someone who isn’t right? I rather stay single than live a boring and unsatisfying life.

89. I rather stay single and be happy than be in a relationship, where I’m jealous of my significant other.

90. I rather stay single, because I want to be happy. I want to live and not just exist. I refuse to settle for half of what life has to offer.

91. I’m not the type of girl who wants to be in a relationship. I much rather stay single, but if it ever comes down to a choice between the two, I’ll choose to be single.

92. I don’t want to be someone’s second choice, but I wouldn’t mind being his first. So I rather stay single.

93. There’s nothing better than a single life. I prefer to be single because it makes me appreciate and treasure the good times more.

94. I rather stay single – it is a great way to be yourself and enjoy life when you don’t have to worry about what others think about you.

95. I rather stay single. I don’t need a man in my life to be happy. I have friends and family, who fill that role perfectly.

96. I’d rather stay single, but I’ll never say it’s not worth a try.

97. If you’re single, it’s actually a relief because then you have more time to pursue the things that really matter.

98. I rather stay single, because I want to date who I am and not worry about changing myself for anyone else.

99. I rather stay single than get married, but it’s hard to be single when feelings are involved.

100. I’d rather stay single than settle for anything less than what I deserve.

I hope you enjoyed going through these I rather stay single quotes, kindly comment below and share. Thanks.

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