In Love With Two People Quotes

Love is an all-consuming emotion that changes everything else about who you are. It makes you care less about your own needs and more about the needs of another person. It makes you willing to do whatever it takes to make someone else happy – even if it means sacrificing your happiness in the process.

Falling for two people at the same time can be a very confusing thing. There are so many reasons someone would be in love with two people at the same time. It could be that they have different qualities that attract you.

For example, one person might make you feel beautiful, whereas another person makes you feel loved and appreciated for who you are as an individual. Whatever the reason may be, there are some things to know about being in love with two people at once before you decide what to do about it.

Below are a few things to keep in mind if you’re in love with two people at the same time. Just go through this collection of in love with two people quotes, and find out all you need to know.

In Love With Two People Quotes

It’s possible to be in love with two people at the same time. It is perfectly rational to love more than one person at a time. Loving someone does not mean that you can’t love someone else as well.

1. I’m not saying it would be easy, but if you love two people at the same time, then pick the second one. Because if you loved the first one then you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.

2. It’s hard to decide between two people you love. It’s most times a state of confusion.

3. Loving someone can inspire you to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats you’ll ever undertake. Loving two people at the same time, however, can be downright painful. Know that having such strong feelings for two people is not a bad thing.

4. When you’re in love with two people, it’s easy to confuse the intensity of passion with the depth of intimacy. There is a very real danger that instead of being a person you are in love with, the person you are in love with merely occupies a pivotal position in holding your fragile sense of self together.

5. If you do find yourself caught in this situation, be cautious and take time to figure out what’s going on. You need to consider whether or not the other person is fulfilling needs that weren’t being met or if they are supplying some sort of drug-like fix for an internal deficiency.

6. If you can separate yourself from these confusing feelings and see clearly, then you can ask yourself some important questions about your current relationship: Are you emotionally involved? Do you feel as though his or her absence would create a hole inside? Is this relationship important to you?

7. It’s a common thought that loving two people simultaneously is wrong and no one should ever do it. But in reality, it happens all the time.

8. I’m in love with two people and I know we are in love with each other, but we are afraid to try. This is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever known.

9. There’s no such thing as being in love with two people at the same time. You just haven’t met that one person that you want to be with for the rest of your life yet.

10. Being in love with two people is not a sin, but acting on it is.

11. If you’re in love with two people at the same time. A situation like this can be fun and exciting but only if both parties are aware of the situation and know what they’re getting into. If only one person is aware of the situation, that person is bound to get hurt no matter how hard they try to fight it.

12. I am in love with two people. And I’m not talking about two lovers. I’m talking about my two loves; music and books.

13. I’m in love with two people. I think it’s because both of them don’t require any effort for me to love and appreciate them. They’re just there for me, whenever I need them and wherever I am.

14. The idea of being in love with two people at the same time may sound weird to some people, but it’s not. It happens all the time.

15. Love is a very powerful thing, when you are in love with one person you never know what will happen; but when you are in love with two people at the same time it could get very hard to make a decision.

16. Being in love with two people can be overbearing. The only way to deal with this situation is to ask yourself whom you want to spend your life with, or which person makes you happy. It may be a difficult decision, but sometimes you have to choose.

17. I don’t think that you can fall in love with two people at the same time, but I think that you can be “in love” with two people at the same time.

18. I have someone else in my life who does love me and treats me like a queen but I can’t get myself to love him back. It’s not his fault that he got involved with a girl who was already in love with someone else.

19. The act of loving two people at the same time can be confusing, especially when these two people appear to be your perfect matches.

20. If you feel like you’re in love with two people simultaneously, take a moment to reflect on why you might feel this way, and then look for ways to come to terms with your feelings.

21. When you have both of them, choose the one who makes it easier for you to sleep at night and makes you feel better about yourself and your life.

22. I’m in love with two people; my girlfriend and my best friend.

23. Loving two people is not about loving both people half as much as you love each of them individually; it’s about dividing yourself in two so each person gets half of you.

24. You don’t have enough to make one person feel truly special and loved; you have enough to make two people feel like they’re sharing something special with someone else. And at the end of the day, that’s not fair to anybody.

25. It’s impossible to give all of yourself to two separate people when they both deserve all of you and not just part of you.

26. If you are in love with two people at the same time, you need to sit down and think about what it is that you truly want in life.

27. You can’t fall in love with two people at once or at least two people who are opposites of each other.

28. I’m in love with two people at the same time, and that’s so good and so bad at the same time.

29. The act of loving two people at the same time is not an easy thing for most people. Whether or not you choose to love two people at the same time, you must do it to pursue a relationship with each individual.

30. Loving two people can offer you the opportunity to explore your feelings and get to know yourself better. You may also find that you can communicate better by being honest about what you feel.

31. Loving two people does not mean that you have to be in a relationship with both of them, but it can help if you can show each other how much you are willing to give and how much you are willing to receive in return.

32. The act of loving two people at the same time is an action that is not recommended for you. The reason this type of situation is being avoided by many people is that it will give a serious problem that can lead to a heart-breaking moment.

33. Loving two people is tricky. It’s not something that you can control, and it’s not something that should be labelled as “a mistake” because you can’t help whom you love, and you can’t force yourself to stop loving someone.

34. If you are truly in love with two people at the same time, then you should let both people know how you feel. If you don’t, then one of them will probably get hurt.

35. Sometimes telling your feelings to both people can make them happy because they’ll know how much they mean to you and that they have a chance with you. However, having feelings for two people at once usually means that there is one person that is slightly more important to you than the other.

36. When you’re in love with two people, it’s important to communicate with both parties about how things are going to change between the three of you now that all three of your feelings are out in the open.

37. If you’re in love with two people, it’s important to communicate how each person makes you feel and what it is about each person that makes them special to you

38. Loving two people is common when someone has been single for a long time and they have felt lonely or had their heart broken in some way earlier on in life.

39. When two people care about each other, they always find a way to make it work, no matter how hard it is.

40. I’m in love with two people. One is mostly good and sweet but is a little bit mean. The other is mostly bad but pretty nice. In both cases, I have no idea what I should do.

41. The act of loving two people at the same time can be an overwhelming experience. While it can seem as though you are the only one caught in this love triangle, you are not alone.

42. I was in love with two people. And I still am in love with two people. But the thing is, one of them loves me back. And the other one, well, he just loves me and that’s all there is to it.

43. Love is not about loving two people at the same time. It’s about loving one person two times as much.

44. To love two people simultaneously cannot be a good thing, especially if you don’t tell them the truth and they find out later on, you will lose them both anyway.

45. There’s nothing more fascinating than a person who loves you, loves the things you love, and is in love with two other people.

46. I must try to remember that we are only human and it is hard to be in love with two people at the same time.

47. You want to know what’s confusing? Falling for two people at the same time. Deciding between them is even harder. Choosing one over the other will make your life easier but you’ll just spend your days wandering about the one you let go of.

48. It’s difficult to not feel confused about the situation you’re in. One person is your friend, but you have feelings for them, too.

49. It’s hard to turn off those emotions, even if you know that it’s wrong or that it’ll hurt the other person. You’ve already put yourself into a tricky situation by having these feelings.

50. You can be in love with two people at the same time.

Being In Love With Two People Quotes

If you feel intense love for two people at once, don’t be ashamed of it, use it constructively and put forth your best effort towards balancing and moderating the situation somehow.

51. Loving two guys at the same time is confusing but it’s also beautiful. If you’re lucky enough to meet someone who gives you butterflies, who makes your heart beat faster, and who lights up your life, don’t let them go. But if you meet someone else who makes you smile even when they’re not around, don’t give up on them either.

52. There’s nothing wrong with meeting two people and falling in love with both of them. You’re allowed to love more than one person at once because many reasons could make you fall in love with two different people at the same time. It’s rare, but it happens.

53. If you can love two people at the same time and not hurt anyone then why wouldn’t you? It’s hard enough to find someone who loves you back, so when it happens, don’t let it go just because it doesn’t fit into society’s mould of what love is supposed to be.

54. A relationship is a bond that is built with trust and affection. A relationship can be one-sided or two-sided. But when it comes to being in love, sometimes the person you love may not reciprocate your feelings.

55. Loving more than one person can sometimes seem like an impossible task.

56. You’re just one person, with only one set of emotional needs. How could you possibly give the same attention to two people at the same time?

57. You can’t, and that’s why loving two people simultaneously, is so hard.

58. Believe it or not, having feelings for more than one person at the same time is much more common than you might think.

59. The truth is, there are plenty of other people out there who have felt just like you do right now – and many of them have been in love with two people at once.

60. Many people have fallen in love with two people at the same time. Although this may not seem right, it is natural and can happen for many reasons.

61. When you’re in love with someone, you feel like you want to tell them how much they mean to you. If you feel that way about two people at the same time, it’s okay to say so.

62. If you’re in love with two people at the same time, it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with one or both of them. You just need to let them know how you feel about them, so they can decide for themselves if they want to be with you or not.

63. When you’re in love with two people, it’s difficult. You’re torn.

64. It’s not bad to be in love with two people, but you should be honest with both of them.

65. You can’t love two people at once; it’s one or the other.

66. I know it is possible to feel something for someone else and still love someone else. It is possible to love more than one person at a time. It may be hard, but it is possible.

67. If you can’t choose between the two, then maybe neither of them is right for you.

68. You never fall for the right person until you learn to let go of the wrong one.

69. Love is a tricky thing, and it can be hard to understand why you’re in love with two people at once. You may have the classic conflict between head and heart. Or you may simply feel torn between two very different people.

70. If you are in a serious relationship and have fallen in love with someone else, you need to end your current relationship before pursuing a new one.

71. It’s unfair to your partner if you keep them around while developing feelings for someone else. If you don’t want to be in the current relationship anymore, be honest with your partner about how you feel so they can move on without wondering what happened.

72. If someone else has caught your eye but you aren’t sure how to tell them how you feel, find an opportunity to spend time alone with them, such as a lunch date or coffee break in the middle of the day. Then, explain how much they mean to you and that you’ve developed feelings for them and would like to see what they think.

73. You are in love with two people. What you need to do is find out what it is about the person that you don’t have that you want. Then, find it in yourself or the other person that you love. It doesn’t work out most of the time but it’s worth a try.

74. It is possible to be in love with two people at the same time, but it’s hard to be in love with three people at the same time.

75. Loving two people can be confusing and painful, but it’s important not to feel guilty or ashamed about your emotions. Doing so just adds an unnecessary emotional burden on top of an already difficult situation. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on what you can do now to move forward with grace and confidence.

76. Love is a strange thing, and sometimes it’s hard to define or express what exactly we feel for one another. We can spend our entire lives with someone, yet we still don’t know what goes on inside their heads.

77. Being in love with two people at the same time is a very strange feeling; it’s like being in love with your best friend, but even more intense. You want to be together all the time, you want to share everything with them, and you never want to be apart from them. It’s an amazing feeling, but also very confusing and difficult to deal with. You begin to wonder if this is really what you want, or if you’re just going along with something because it makes you happy at that moment.

78. It’s a difficult thing when you love two people at the same time. There’s no easy solution to a situation like that. You can’t get them out of your head and it’s not fair to either of them.

79. When you are in love with two people at the same time, you need to experience the pain it will cause yourself and the other person involved. The act of loving two people is simply not fair to anyone.

80. It is possible to be in love with two people at the same time but it depends on the nature of love. It is a special situation that happens when you have developed feelings for more than one person.

81. Being in love with two people is difficult, especially when you have the same plans for both. It’s like choosing who your favourite kid is or which ice cream flavour you like best. You don’t want to hurt anyone but it’s so tough to choose just one.

82. If you’re in love with two people, choose to love them both. Don’t make one a priority and the other a backup. Don’t make one your best friend and another your confidant. Love them both, but don’t be surprised if you find that one of them hurts more than the other.

83. You can be in love with two people, but if one of them doesn’t want to know every detail about you or if one of them forgets about you for a little while because they’re so caught up in their own life, don’t be mad.

84. You see—we fall in love without reason, without purpose. We don’t choose whom we love. It just happens. And when we fall, we fall hard.

85. The act of loving two people at the same time is something that most people find difficult to comprehend. The idea of having your heart divided in half is something that can cause even the strongest person to fall.

86. When a person falls in love with another, it can take a long time for those feelings to fade when a new love enters the picture.

87. It can be two, three, or even more. If you love someone but cannot be with him, that does not mean you no longer love him. The ability to love two people at the same time is among the worst conditions a person could find himself in, but it is an unchangeable law of love.

88. The ability to love more than one person at the same time is a wonderful thing.

89. Loving more than one person is an extremely difficult situation near impossible to do. Loving two people when you can only be with one isn’t easy; it’s like a double-edged sword and that’s why it’s so hard.

90. Love is a strange thing. It can make your stomach flutter, or it can make it plummet. It’s a very powerful emotion and when you feel like you’re in love with two people, it messes with your head. You will be torn between the two because you love them both so much it hurts.

91. In the case of a love triangle, make the best out of it. We all fall in love with two different people at some point in our lives. Sometimes, we might fall for the same person too. But there are ways to cope with this love triangle function.

92. In a perfect world, your significant other would accept the fact that you have grown to love someone else, but sadly this is not a perfect world.

93. Do not be scared about your newfound feelings for two people, it is perfectly fine because as you fall in love with two people, you already know that one day, things will work out.

94. It’s wrong to fall in love with two people at once, but admit it, you’re guilty of this. You can’t help it if you are so compassionate and care deeply for others that you can tend to many relationships. The best part about this predicament is that it doesn’t matter whom you love more because you can love people just as much on the inside; your heart has room to spare.

95. Sometimes, loving two people at the same time can confuse you, since as much as you want to concentrate on both of them, you’ll end up forgetting about one and love him/her less because of the other person. This is not the best way of handling a relationship. You must give your full attention and loyalty to one person, even if it is painful or complicated sometimes.

96. When you’re in love with two people, both feel like the luckiest people in the world.

97. In loving two people simultaneously, you can’t simply turn your back on one and focus on the other. Loving both of them is a journey, not a destination.

98. There is no such thing as loving two people at once. You’re only thinking that you do because you can’t imagine living without either.

99. Claiming love for two people at the same time is hard to handle and can make a person feel confused. It’s a difficult situation when you don’t know which way to turn and even harder trying to choose between the two. The heart wants what the heart wants, but you don’t want to be unfair to either of them by leading them on.

100. The art of loving two people is something that many people don’t understand. Loving not one but two people at the same time is an extremely complicated thing. There’s a lot of guilt, deception, and overall confusion. Loving two people at the same time is always going to result in broken hearts in the end.

Hello there. I’m sure you had a good time going through the collection of in love with two people quotes up there. I’m also sure they will help you in knowing all you need to about falling in love with two people. Kindly drop your comments and share them with others. Thank you.

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