Good night messages are the perfect way to say good night to your friends and family. They will make them feel like you care about them and that you wish them well as they go to bed. They will be able to read them and know that you thought of them.
What about you motivate yourself or your loved ones at night with the top-notch inspirational good night quotes below? That could be all that’s is needed for them to be strengthened for the morrow. You can send the quotes as messages or post them on your social media.
Dive into the inspirational good night quotes and messages already!
Good night messages are a part of daily life. The moment you wake up, the moment you go to bed, good night messages are being shared. You can wake up to words of love, motivation or prayers that you may have prayed yesterday, you can find messages to enhance your day, uplift your mood, or just to say you are thinking of them.
Good Night Images with Motivational Quotes
Sometimes life can be hard. You think about the good and the bad, you wonder if it’s going to last forever… So many thoughts going through your head. But sometimes you have to take a step back, look at the big picture and realize what you have is truly special. I hope this note puts things into perspective for you tonight. Good night!
1. Nighttimes are for retreats, regrouping and rest in readiness for the next day. Of all, the rest is most important because it keeps the mind together. Do have a lovely night rest.

2. Daytimes are for execution. Nighttimes are for evaluation. The evaluation shouldn’t however bring regrets. Another golden chance awaits, the next day. Enjoy your night rest with this soft nudge.
3. The night’s sleep is not what excuses you from the sorrows of the day but what gives you the hope of an incoming day. Do have a good night sleep as you await the unopened gift of tomorrow.
4. Hope is the constant reminder that mornings always come after nights. Shelve your worries as you go to sleep and be reminded of this.
5. Work while you can during the day. Sleep while you can during the night. The cycle is endless and the opportunities that come with each is limitless. Have a lovely night.
6. Close your eyes. How was your day? Now take a deep breath and calm your nerves. You can do tomorrow what you couldn’t today. Enjoy your night.
7. You may not have had control over everything that happened during the day. But this choice you have, to shut the worries out and get have a good night. Do have a refreshing night rest.
8. Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, says the Scriptures. Retire, relax and make this rest the best part of today. Sleep tight.

9. Everything in nature has its uses, even darkness. Make good use of your night, the way you would your day. Goodnight.
10. A clouded head does no good. A troubled soul causes more harm. Nights come with quietness. It’s nature’s way of telling you to give yourself a break. Enjoy the night’s treat.
11. The night is an inseparable part of each day. It has its own purpose to serve. Allow it to take its course and your morning will thank you for it.
12. The day was good, be thankful. The night is here, be grateful. Another day is on its way. It can only get better, this is a reminder.

13. Night is not an escape from reality. It is nature’s way of announcing a rest. Go to bed hopeful and wake up thankful. Each day is a fresh start.
14. The day was so beautiful you wished it never came to an end. That’s no problem. The night has a provision for that. It is called a dream. Have sweet ones and wake up with smiles.
15. Look beyond the darkness of the night. Soak yourself in the bliss of its silence. The beauty of each day gets completed with the colours of the stars. Have a soothing sleep.
16. Make Hay while the sun shines. Hit the hay while the Moon smiles. There is a time for everything. Balance is of the essence. Sleep now, work later.
17. Your days are your withdrawals. Your nights are your deposits. A surplus is tolerable. A deficit is not advisable. You just got a chance to balance your account. Have a good time doing that.
18. If nights don’t fall, mornings won’t come. Sail on the wings of your dreams. You will wake up to the radiance of the Sun.

19. The moon can’t compete with the sun. It will be insane too. The sun can’t shine till night. It is not in its place too. Everything comes with a timeline, including your troubles. Do have a good night.
20. Green plants need sunlight to survive. Some plants thrive well in the dark. Your model is unique. I hope you go to bed with this.
21. You can’t freeze time, you can only capture memories of it. You can’t stop the night. But you can get sweet rest from it.
22. The day has gone to sleep and the night is here to play. For all that has happened today, there is at least something to be thankful for. Think of it and be grateful.
23. One prays to have time to sleep another has time to sleep but battles insomnia. Life is not always fair. Value what you have. It is probably someone’s heart desire.
24. Before you go to bed feeling so unloved, remember you are someone’s world. There are over 7 billion in the world. You are never alone.

25. No matter how long your day has been, know it cannot exceed 24 hours. No matter how hard the situation has been, be reminded that it has an expiry date.
26. The moon is not luminous. It reflects the light absorbed from the Sun. The day has come to an end. Your thoughts might reflect all you took in today. Tomorrow is almost here, absorb the right contents.
27. Oblivious of your environment, you sleep soundly at night. Refreshed in the morning, you wake up to start your day. The magic of nature, don’t try to make sense of it. Here is another chance to experience it. Have a blissful night
28. You haven’t seen the stars closely yet you draw the shape. Let your mind be a telescope. You can create whatsoever you can imagine. Go to bed knowing that nothing is impossible.

29. Regrets don’t correct, they only regress. Don’t go to bed heavy. Let nothing rob you of looking forward to the joy of each morning light.
30. No matter what happens during the day, don’t go to bed with the pains of the day. Sleep is magic but it only works when the catalyst is faith.
31. Be happy with no reason, love without reason, live without reason.
32. Everyone is fighting their own battle. Everyone has a different story to tell. Just remember there is always someone going through something worse than you. Be your kindest and most compassionate self!

33. We never know what’s around the next corner… We may not have as much as we wish we did. But if we look closely, we will see that there’s a miracle in what we already have. Good night!
34. Sometimes the smallest moments sparkle with a million brilliant colours. It is enough to make you take a pause and reflect on what a beautiful world we live in. I think about this on sleepless nights, when I can’t sleep due to excitement for the new day, or when I wake up next to the love of my life.
35. Don’t sit there and dwell on all the things that can go wrong in life… It puts a sour taste in your mouth… Good night!
36. Even when things are tough, put a smile on your face! Life is too short to let all the little things ruin it. Good night!

37. Love is affectionate, outspoken compassion for all creatures. It opposes all forms of cruelty, violence, deceit, prideful arrogance, and selfishness. It promotes harmony, friendship, altruism, happiness, kindness, tolerance, forgiveness and peace. Good night, dear.
38. No one is going to do your work for you. You have to do it. And, you have to start now. So, go out there and build that dream or go home and you will have sweet dreams tonight.
39. Be a soul-searcher, a spirit-seeker… Good night!
40. You have my heart, and I have yours. Good night, sweetheart.
41. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you it means they love you; if they don’t, it means you never had them to begin with. Good night!
42. May the night bring you sweet dreams, rest and may morning bring you bright sunshine. Good Night!
43. May the dreams that fill your head tonight bring a smile to your face tomorrow.
44. We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence and its only end. Good night!
45. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance.
46. Don’t be fooled by the short distance between hearts. Yours is always right here, with me. I love you, goodnight!
47. What you want most in this life is not just something you want, it’s someone you want to want. I hope you realize that tonight!
48. Go to sleep, for the light within you is shining, and dreams of tomorrow are given to you. But remember… The darkness is never far behind.
49. I hope you can dream big and think outside of the box. May you never give up on your dreams, but instead constantly work towards achieving them, because if anything is possible, then you are closer to achieving yours now than ever. Goodnight, my dear.
50. Goodnight everyone. Let’s make tomorrow great. Don’t wait to start. Make it happen.
Positivity Inspirational Good Night Quotes
Life gives us so much in the course of time. It can be hard to deal with it all at once, but when you focus on the details, you see that it’s not just a sum of bad or good parts. Be positive always. Good night!
51. The night sky is vast. We gaze upon it with awe and wonder. So many stars! You are a start, keep shinning. Good night!
52. Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. Always appreciate the good in you and be positive.
53. There are three things you never hear about a sailor on shore leave. Which ship they’re on, what their name is, and how much they love their wife. Good night!
54. Be Strong, Be Brave, Don’t Worry. Goodnight!
55. Good luck, good night, sleep tight! I hope that my words find you well; wherever you are. And if not, I hope my dreams will come true.
56. Life isn’t perfect, but it is perfect for you if you believe so. Good night!
57. To have someone to be there for you when no one else is, to understand you when no one seems to care, to love you when no one else will. To appreciate all you are…that’s priceless. Value the people in your life. Goodnight!
58. There are three things in life that last the best; love, friendship and memories. Don’t joke with them!
59. Don’t be afraid of the dark, the only thing it does is make the stars shine brighter. Good night!
60. Don’t forget to go out and love the people you love! Life is way too short for grudges, hatred, jealousy, anger, and regret. Good night!
61. So live life up, take risks, give everything you’ve got in your heart and soul to what you believe in; no regrets. Good night.
62. Someday you will kiss someone with your heart open wide. When that happens be sure to give them everything you have so they never want to close it again. Good night.
63. No matter what tomorrow brings, nothing will change how much I love you. Good night, dear.
64. Be the person who treats everyone with kindness, love, and respect. Good night!
65. Happiness starts with a smile. Always think positively no matter what life throws at you.
66. Life is too short to worry about things that don’t matter. Sleep well and be positive.
67. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is your ability to learn from those mistakes and continue to move forward that shows true strength.
68. The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Sleep well and wake up better, dear.
69. The best words a friend can say to you are, I love you. Good night, dear friend.
70. You are special to everyone who knows you. Everyone thinks so, few express it. Not because they don’t feel it, but because they can’t find the right words to do so.
71. Life has a funny way of taking you to places where not everyone gets along. I hope that, even when times are rough, you’ll always know who your “everyone” is.”
72. I want to make sure you know how much you mean to me. I hope this good night quote makes you smile and really think about all of the happiness you bring into your life. You are a wonderful person and I love you very much!
73. I wish you a good night, as you lay under the stars. I hope that as you twinkle in the sky, you think of me and I fall asleep to the sound of your heartbeat.
74. May your tomorrow be bright and filled with peace. Have a good night!
75. I used to think love was pointless until I met you. Late at night when I am alone with my thoughts about you, I feel so free, so happy. My life would be so meaningless without you in it. You are my light. Good night, my love.
76. Life is short. Be happy, be random, say hello to people, dance in the rain. Love with all your heart. Goodnight!
77. Don’t compare your life to others and always try to be the best person you can be. Because you will never know when it is your last day.
78. Wake up in the morning and smile. Tell yourself ‘I am going to have a great day!’ Love people and never give up on anyone or anything. Good night, dear.
79. I hope you find peace and joy, I hope that your dreams give you butterflies, I hope that all of your wishes come true. Goodnight!
80. Just a simple good night to tell you how much I care, even though you can’t hear my voice right now. I’m not going to say it’s going to be okay because I know it’s going to be a long road ahead.
81. As I look into your beautiful eyes, I see the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Good night!
82. Life is good, but it will be better when you’re here! It’s amazing how anything can look better when I see your face. Every time I hear your voice I fall more in love. Good night, my love.
83. There comes a time in your life when you need to pass on the things you have learned and try to help the people still searching for wisdom. You cannot pray for love, for that is begging. You must spread love, give love, and let prayer happen naturally.
84. I have counted the stars tonight, I have marked every shooting star. It was all for you. my love. So that when you woke up tomorrow morning, you would remember what today is all about. Goodnight.
85. May you sleep in peace under the stars above, May your dreams bring you closer to the heavens above… I wish the sweetest blessings for you tonight.
86. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don’t. Good night!
87. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
88. Never take life for granted. Life is short. Love the ones you love because you never know when they will be gone.
89. Everyone has someone who is meant to be in their life. You’re mine. I love you more than anything in the world.
90. There will be times in your life when you get heartbroken, your feelings hurt, your dreams destroyed, your confidence shaken. But ultimately, there are two roads you can go down- one towards bitterness or one towards betterment. You can either lay down and cry about it or you can get up, take whatever lessons you learned from the experience, become a better person and use that experience to make it even stronger for yourself!
91. Everyone needs to remember that you only live once, make the best of your life and spend your last few moments on something you really enjoy.
92. I don’t care what the future holds, because as long as I have you by my side I can conquer anything! Night, baby.
93. The most important thing in life is to learn to give out love and to let it come in.
94. As I begin to count my many blessings, I find it impossible to list you last. You are always first in my book. Thanks for being you, the best part of every day! Good night!
95. Life is too busy at times, it’s good to be reminded of the things that matter.
96. There is no feeling in the world like knowing that someone cares about you. We all need someone to hold on to, someone to cherish and someone who will never stop loving us.
97. Good Night, Sleep Tight, My Love. I pray that the angels will guard you until the morning light and that your dreams will be filled with only love. May tomorrow be filled with laughter and joy. Please know that I am always here for you, please comfort you if ever needed.
98. There are only two times that I want to be with you, Now and Forever! I love you so much. Good Night!
99. A dream is just a dream. A goal is just a goal. But I want to share with you what you mean to me, how much I love you and that is beyond words. It’s beyond what you can imagine or I can even describe. Maybe someday I will be able to tell you how much I love you and mean every word of it. Nothing would come close to what I feel for you. I just don’t know how to explain that in words. Good night, love.
100. There is no more beautiful sight than the night sky. The stars and moon capture my heart every time I gaze up. I am truly grateful for everything that God has given me in this life, but what brings me the most joy are the times I get to spend with you. You are truly an amazing person, one to whom I could not be any happier to call mine. Good night, dear.
A good way to prepare for a better tomorrow is to have great nighttime. That’s why you can’t go wrong with the inspirational good night quotes here. Do well to use them generously and share them with loved ones.
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