I Am Better Alone Quotes

I Am Better Alone Quotes

In today’s world, most people often look for ways to make life easier for themselves, and they do not want to be alone because they think that they need the company of others to make things work in their lives. But the fact is that you do not need others to be happy. You may […]

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Alcohol Destroys Families Quotes

Alcohol Destroys Families Quotes

Alcoholism is not merely a medical problem. It’s an out-of-control behaviour that endangers everyone close to an alcoholic. Families are the first to suffer from alcoholism. It destroys the bonds between spouses, parents and children. Also, alcohol is one of the leading causes of domestic violence, and when the damage has been done, it is

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Music Is an Art Quotes

Music Is an Art Quotes

Music is an art that has been used to express creativity since the dawn of man. Music can evoke much more than just sound alone. Music is an art form and entertainment medium that uses sound and silence to create a mood, an atmosphere, or express an idea. In this sense, music can be heard

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