Lord Guide Me Always Quotes

Lord Guide Me Always Quotes

Everyone loves being reminded of the Lord watching over them but praying and asking the Lord to guide us always is a powerful way to express our worries and connect with God because God promises us that He will guide us. And the Lord guides those who call on His name because He is ever-present

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The Storm Always Passes Quotes

The Storm Always Passes Quotes

Life is stormy and while we can always pass through it and endure, we can be drowned by it if we allow it to take control over us. It can be easy to grow tired of the storms–the deep depressions, the heartbreaking losses, the crushing blows. But we must remember that the storm always passes.

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Learn to Be Grateful Quotes

Learn to Be Grateful Quotes

Gratitude is the key to happiness, and being grateful is the very first thing you must acquire and learn before anything else because a grateful heart receives more blessings. In learning to be grateful, you must, first of all, accept all that comes your way and never see yourself as being worthy of those good

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