Always Behave Like a Duck Quotes

Always Behave Like a Duck Quotes

Duck is an idiomatic expression used as a metaphor to describe a person or behaviour that exhibits calmness and caution while facing potential dangers or threats. It is a popular thing to describe someone’s personality as being like that of a duck as it means they have some generally desirable character traits. To behave like

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Welcome a New Day Quotes

Welcome a New Day Quotes

It is a well-known fact that every day doesn’t go as planned. Some days will go well, and some days will go so bad that you would wish the day never but when it comes with its issues, you can do little or nothing about it and just take it the way it is. Then,

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Being a Supportive Wife Quotes

Being a Supportive Wife Quotes

Supportive relationships are built on mutual respect, communication and consideration of each other’s feelings. Being a supportive wife is perhaps one of the most important roles on any planet. Supportive women constantly help create the lives they desire with their spouses. Married guys are much more likely to succeed in life, have better health and

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