Postpartum Support Quotes

Postpartum Support Quotes

It’s no wonder many new moms aren’t aware of the physical and psychological challenges they may face after delivering their babies. Postpartum may be the worst period in a woman’s life, yet it is also an amazing experience. Everyone is different, and so are their experiences with giving birth.

While women who just delivered will deal with many ups and downs during these trying times, their lives change so much. Their priorities shift, their schedule becomes a little more hectic, and their patience wears thin, but there will be the need for moments that bring them through it all like funny stories, encouraging words, and even pictures of their babies.
That’s why I have here some postpartum support quotes to help them get through their postpartum period because pregnancy and breastfeeding are wonderful experiences, and they shouldn’t let the delivery weigh them down too much. Let these quotes help you get through the pain and anguish of giving birth.

Postpartum Support Quotes


Postpartum is a struggle, but it’s not just a physical and emotional adjustment. You’re also changing your mind, from your relationship with yourself to how you talk to others. It’s hard, but please know that there are plenty of tools for you to learn and grow through this time.

1. There are so many things that make motherhood the best. But one thing tops them all: the support of friends and family—especially with this new role comes new demands.

2. The first few months of motherhood are the hardest. But you can do it—just one small step at a time.

3. As new parents, we understand your situation’s difficulties. It’s going to be hard, but you can do it. Everyone went through it. Just take your time and remember to breathe.

4. You’re not the only mom feeling overwhelmed right now. Feeling overwhelmed at first is completely normal, so don’t panic. Take a step back and breathe. You got this.

5. We hear you. We’ve been there, too, and we got through it. With a good night’s sleep and some extra money in the bank, all of that will seem like a distant memory. So, breathe. It’ll get easier, and you’ll get there.

6. You’re not alone. Everyone you’ve ever loved has walked this path before. You will get back up and keep going. So embrace your new journey with positive energy.

7. Everyone goes through a period of change when they become a mother. But it’s during these moments when you realize how much you love and support your little one.

8. When you become a mother, there’s almost a sense of pride that comes along with it. The challenges and obstacles of raising a child disappear as you gain a new perspective. And for the first time, you truly understand the power of love.

9. Coming to terms with your postpartum body isn’t easy. Remember the good times, and don’t let those pregnancy-related anxieties take over.

10. No matter how you feel, you’re a beautiful and courageous woman. You are not alone in this journey, and I love you for your courage to face it with excellence and grace.

11. When feeling down and out, remember: You are not alone. Thousands of other women have experienced this just like you, who will help you get through it.

12. You’ve heard it before. You can do it. But is it easy? Absolutely not. The baby takes over your life for the first few months, and you must roll with the punches.

13. Pregnancy is a powerful and joyous journey but also a time of change. Postpartum support is essential to help you adjust and feel supported by others.

14. Motherhood changes people. There’s no way around it. But your life will change in the most beautiful way to meet the needs of your growing child. And you will do anything to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

15. The best part of being a mom is watching your child develop from a helpless newborn to a thriving toddler. Your little one will learn to stand, walk, talk, and interact with others in no time.

16. It’s okay to feel a bit like a failure sometimes. It is normal for us to want to hide under the covers after giving birth. But don’t hide from the change and growth in your life as a mother. Keep pushing through and find beauty in the growth of being a mother.

17. It’s perfectly normal to feel like a failure from time to time. It’s sometimes hard to want to face the world after giving birth. But don’t hide from the idea of your life as a mother. Embrace the new changes and the fact that you are now a mother.

18. It’s hard to believe that you are a mother. You still feel like a girl. But don’t worry, you will be happier than ever. The motherhood lifetime job is not easy, but it’s worth all this effort.

19. I remember feeling like a failure when I didn’t know how to parent my child. But I learned that we all have moments of defeat as new mothers. We can find our way back if we don’t give up and stay determined.

20. The journey of motherhood is beautiful, complicated and challenging. You’re doing it. You survived giving birth. You’re feeling strong and healthy again, and you got this.

21. A postpartum period is a time to journey deeper into yourself, so start by letting go of your old self. You’re going to be amazing—you’re just now discovering it.

22. You’re doing it; you survived giving birth and feel strong and healthy again. And you got this, and remember, it’s worth celebrating.

23. Every day is a new opportunity to build your life. And it’s always more beautiful when motherhood finds you. You’re enough. You’re amazing. You’ve made it this far, and you got this. You’re not alone, and we’re rooting for you.

24. You’re on a journey that starts with pregnancy and ends with parenthood. Not only do you have to carry your own body weight while running all of those miles, but you also have to care for the life growing inside your womb.

25. I know how hard it can be to feel low during this time, but I promise you’ll be fine. Keep pushing through the little things and keep yourself busy with things that make you happy.

26. The perfect combination of beauty and strength is strong enough to create a new life. That’s what mamas do best.

27. You’re not alone; you are strong. You are a person—not your baby or your birth experience. And you can do anything you put your mind to.

28. You’re not done with this amazing journey. There’s still so much to explore and discover, but don’t let the hard work get you down.

29. One of the hardest things about becoming a new mom is accepting that we’re no longer in control. Don’t forget to breathe, take care of yourself and enjoy the journey with your new little bundle of joy.

30. Postpartum is not easy. The hardest part of motherhood isn’t what we do but how we do it. You’re doing amazing, and you’ll get through this. Don’t ever forget that.

31. Postpartum support isn’t about “what you should do”. It’s about “how you can make it happen”.

32. Being a new mother can be hard, but you are not alone. After a baby is born, the best thing to do is to get back to doing what you love—that will make you a better mother, too.

33. The moments when you feel most insecure and vulnerable are when you have to trust yourself the most. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The universe is full of angels, and you are never alone.

34. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or alone, asking for help is okay. You deserve to feel better, and I know you can do it.

35. There’s no reason to feel like you can’t be a mom. And there’s no reason to seek help for postpartum mood problems, either.

36. It’s okay to take a little time off. It’s okay to be careful, and it’s okay to take care of yourself. You are doing great; you are strong, brave and beautiful.

37. The postpartum journey brings with it many unique and unexpected challenges, but it’s also full of many moments of extraordinary joy. Write an amazing postpartum quote to express your experience.

38. It’s not about how we feel but how we react. Your body will remind you that it still needs your attention when you are lacking.

39. Don’t let your postpartum body scare you into not going through with it. It is the most amazing, powerful journey of your life. Take time for yourself. Your body will thank you.

40. Support for postpartum moms isn’t something you can find in one place. It’s a community of mothers like you willing to lend a hand and uplift each other on their own journeys back to health and fitness.

41. Postpartum support doesn’t have to be a one-way street. You can come back stronger and healthier than ever.

42. Getting through postpartum can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Recovering from childbirth is hard work, but the support you get as a mom is incredible.

43. It’s no secret how much postpartum moods can affect your overall physical and mental health. But I believe you can do anything after pregnancy. Now is your time to shine, to be the mother you always knew you could be.

44. It’s hard out there after the baby, but remember you are not alone. And the one thing that will help get you through the first few weeks of motherhood is a healthy and positive attitude.

45. When the world seems to be falling apart, you hold on to what you believe. Being a mom doesn’t make you weak—it makes you strong.

46. What’s a postpartum period without support? The secret to postpartum success: support and encouragement from loved ones.

47. Pregnancy is a big transition. Confidence and an open mind are needed to make it through grace and ease. New life doesn’t have to mean new challenges. The right support can help you get through it all.

48. When you’re pregnant and giving birth, you’ll feel that everything around you is changing. The body changes, and so do your hormones. All this can be overwhelming at times, but more important is how you manage your emotions and cope with these new changes in your life.

49. There’s no right time to become a parent. It just happens, whether you planned it or not. Stay strong and keep moving forward, even when it feels like everything is crashing down.

50. Our journey is not limited by what happened in our past. We can change our lives and the world around us by choosing to be happy and healthy.

51. Don’t let the fear of change steal your strength. If you don’t ask, the world won’t give. If you do ask, the world will answer.

52. Give yourself a break. You are a new mom, and you deserve it. The world has found it in its heart to lighten your load as much as possible, so lift your head, force yourself to smile and accept all the help offered to you.

53. Being a mom is hard. It’s a rollercoaster of emotion, exhaustion, and sacrifice. Everything can take a while, but it doesn’t mean we’re not on our way to becoming who we want to be.

54. Pregnancy and childbirth may be life-changing experiences, but they don’t have to change you. When you’re done nursing and have time to yourself, remember that it’s okay to take a break from the rigours of motherhood.

55. When you feel like giving up on motherhood, remember to take time for yourself, recharge your batteries and come back to them ready to tackle whatever new adventure.

56. The biggest, most destructive lie you could tell yourself about motherhood is that it’s easy. It’s not. But the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to realize that it’s hard but also really good—the best thing on earth.

57. Postpartum anxiety can be overwhelming, but you are not alone. You have support for the most important person in your life: yourself.

58. Time is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your baby. And the best way to overcome postpartum anxiety is to remind yourself that this too shall pass.

59. You’re not alone. There’s no shame in admitting that your feelings of anxiety and sadness can be overwhelming at times—and it may take a little while to get through. It’s never too late to talk to someone who cares or shows up for yourself.

60. When you’re feeling like the world’s largest ball of stress, remember that your friends are here for you and that every journey is beautiful. Being a mother is a journey, not a destination.

61. Don’t fear new things because it means the world is expanding to include you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

62. Going through it, you’re always stronger than when you started. I’m here for you if you need someone to listen, not judge.

63. Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but it can be hard too. Let’s make it easier for mamas-to-be by spreading love and support.

64. As a mother, you know how amazing it feels to be able to watch your child grow and develop into a strong individual. And while it is important to take care of yourself, don’t forget to check in with the other new mom in your life as well.

65. After the baby and all the changes you underwent, it’s no surprise your body has been changing too. But if there’s one thing we know, feeling good enough is the best way to look after yourself.

66. When you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed after giving birth, remember this: your body has done an incredible thing. Honouring that feat will help you feel more empowered to fight through the next few months.

67. You are beautiful, even if you’re not. You are enough, even if you don’t feel like it; you are capable, even when you’re not sure, and you are strong, even when your body hurts. You can do it.

I sincerely hope these postpartum support quotes about getting through hard times and lifting your spirit have certainly lifted someone who may feel down or low because of child delivery. Stay strong, positive and happy. And don’t forget to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

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