The Man I Want to Be Quotes

The Man I Want to Be Quotes

In life, most of the time, plans and situations may not go the way you have mapped out your plans for yourself, especially as a man, because society places so much responsibility on the man.

But, you, as the man, are the one who should take the bull by the horn and face life squarely by refusing to be shaken by whatever life throws at you. Now is the time to live your life instead of taking up space and using your time on meaningless pursuits. Instead, make use of the time to discover your true nature.

And to go on this journey of discovery about finding strength and confidence as a man to achieve greatness in life is where the perfect beautiful words compiled for you from our huge collection of the man I want to be quotes about men and men’s wisdom come to play. It is exactly the words you need as a guide to self-improvement that encourages you to examine your life and take intentional steps toward the future.

The Man I Want to Be Quotes

The man I want to be is someone whom people admire for their honesty and integrity because those are two qualities that are hard to find these days, but once you find them, you never let them go again because once you lose them, it takes forever.

1. I cannot tell you exactly what the man I want to be will do. But I can tell you what he won’t do. He won’t be exclusively devoted to making money, won’t over-value material goods, and won’t live a life that enslaves others or himself. As I grow up, my goal is to be more like the man I want to be.

2. The man I want to be isn’t perfect. He just doesn’t care about living up to expectations and living in fear of looking like a fool.

3. You don’t have to be a certain way or wear a certain thing to be brave enough to be you. I am fearless. I am bold and brave. I am the man I want to be.

4. I want to be the man who washes dishes but still opens doors for ladies. I want to be a smart and funny man who doesn’t need an expensive watch or trendy clothes to tell the time. I want the man who doesn’t fear success because he knows that failure only breeds frustration and that true success is not giving up on yourself but knowing your limits and pushing beyond them.

5. I want to be a man of integrity, authenticity, and honesty. I want to treat my body and mind with care and respect. I want to do what’s right, even if it makes me uncomfortable or unpopular.

6. I would love to be the one who inspires you. The one who gives you the courage to believe in yourself no matter what. I want to be the person who makes you believe in yourself. I want to be that man that makes you say, ‘I can do this.’

7. I want to be a man who is not afraid of taking risks and will stand up for what he believes in and fight against injustice at any cost. I want to be a man who stands by his friends no matter what happens and who will always help those in need of help

8. He is the kind of man who can make me smile without thinking twice. He makes my heart beat even though he’s been dead for almost five years.

9. I want to be the man who does not judge others by their looks, status or wealth but by their character and values instead; because only then can he truly say that he knows what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes without wearing out his own shoes first.

10. I want to be a man who doesn’t give up easily and keeps going even when things seem impossible. I want to be someone who smiles in the face of adversity and keeps pushing forward even when things get tough because if you don’t believe in yourself, then nobody else will either.

11. I want to be the man who would have fought for you, who would have done anything for you. The man I want to be is not a hero; he’s the ordinary Joe who struggles with all of us through these petty troubles and bitter disappointments of life.

12. I want to be a man who has something more in his life than work, success and money. A man who loves his family and friends. A man who’s not afraid of being vulnerable, who’s not afraid to show how much he cares about someone or something even if it feels terrifying at first.

13. The man I want to be is a man who trusts the deepest parts of himself, despite how scared they may make him feel.

14. I want to be a man who is always so excited to see you that his eyes light up and his face beams. I want to be worthy of your love.

15. Let’s be the man we want to be, not the one we have to be. Let’s live a life of abundance, where every decision is made with purpose and value in mind—it feels good!

16. I want to be a happy man every day. I want to live a life full of positive, uplifting, meaningful moments.

17. You must think about your clothes and what you wear. And how it makes you feel inside. It’s an extension of who you are.

18. No matter who you are or what you have done, if the world sees only one side of you, it will be a mirror image. How well do you really know yourself? Start to look more closely at what matters most to you and give them the space to be yourself.

19. I have a vision for my future but don’t know how to get there yet. This is the time to create goals and make plans, but along the way, we will start second-guessing ourselves and lose our focus.

20. I want to be a man who inspires me to do more, says less and thinks more.

21. The man I want to be is someone who stands up for what they believe in, even if it means standing alone.

22. I’ve been thinking about the kind of man I want to be. And I think it starts with knowing the qualities I need in a partner and in myself.

23. I want to be the man that stands up when people are down. I want to be the man who helps those in need, not only with my money but with my heart and soul.

24. The man I want to be is respected by the people who matter in my life because I never back down from the things I believe in or care about. The man I want to be is an optimist, but not a fool.

25. I am a man that is not afraid to be me, who is not scared to take chances, to make mistakes and even stand up for what I believe in. I am a man who will always walk, run and fly with his head high no matter what happens. And most importantly, I am a man who believes in love, loyalty and friendships.

26. I want to be a man who knows how to stand in the face of difficulty, who is strong and confident when everyone else is weak, and who can smile at the world even when it’s falling apart around him.

27. The greatest happiness lies in the joy of achievement, the thrill of creative effort, and the passion for always reaching out to new frontiers.

28. The man I want to become isn’t one I’ve seen on TV or in books. The real one has flaws and imperfections, but he’s still the most extraordinary version of myself.

29. I want to be a man who stands up for what he believes in, who never gives up, and who always pushes to be better than the last day. Today is the first of many days that I am going to start living this way.

30. When you’re alone, I want to be with you. When you’re tired, I want to help you rest. When you’re sad, I want to make you smile. When your hands are cold, I want to warm them up. When they hurt, I want to help them heal. When your mind is restless, my thoughts have wandered out of the room and into yours. That’s the man I want to be.

31. There’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re making a difference in someone’s life.

32. The man I want to be is not the man you see or the man I wish I were. The real me is a whole new person.

33. The man I want to be is more than just a dream; he’s a vision and a goal.

34. The man I want to be is the one who will help me when I need him, and also the one who will walk away when I don’t.

35. I am what I choose to be. I will not be intimidated by people telling me my dreams are impractical or unrealistic. Instead, they should be challenged to help me become the person I want to be!

36. I want to be the kind of man who calls a woman by her name, sends text messages instead of emails, and appreciates what she does for me. I want to be the kind of man who makes a woman feel like she’s worth it.

37. A man is but the product of his thoughts. If you think of yourself as a failure, you probably are one. If you think yourself successful, you certainly will be. I’m going to be the man I want to be. Not the one my parents want me to be.

38. Being an adult is no easy task. It takes determination, strength and courage. This is the man I want to be.

39. I want to be the kind of man I can let my friends date and the kind of man they ask me out on a second date.

40. I’m a man that’s passionate about his work but also takes care of his people.

41. I want to be the man who doesn’t just care about his own life but cares about others and makes a difference in their lives as well.

42. The man I want to be is the one who holds on to his dreams but lets go of the fear that holds him back.

43. I want to be the man I am, not someone else thinks I should be.

44. Every day is a chance to be the man you want to become.

45. I want to be the man who always tries his best, even when it seems impossible.

46. I want to be the man who constantly strives for excellence in everything he does because he knows that there is no such thing as “good enough” when it comes to being a good person at heart, no matter what situation you may find yourself in at any given time during your lifetime on this earth!

47. I don’t have to think about the work – I just do it. That is the type of man I am and who I always wanted to be.

48. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough.

49. The man I want to start with me being who I am today.

50. The man I want to be is not afraid. He doesn’t live for the approval of others, and he’s not afraid to make his own decision, even if it doesn’t always line up with what others tell him he should do. He knows he can change his life if he so chooses, and that’s enough reason for him to keep moving forward.

51. I want to be a man of integrity, intelligence and character. This leads to the fact that you are willing to be accountable for your actions, decisions, work and time.

52. The man I want to be doesn’t dwell on yesterday but is grateful for today.

53. I want to be the man who always does what he says he will do. I want to inspire people, not intimidate them.

54. There is no man I can become if I do not become the man I want to be.

55. Be the man you want to be, not the man others expect you to be.

56. I want to be the man who does not give up on himself or others and never lets go of hope for tomorrow or others.

57. I want to be the man who is not afraid to do what he believes is right, even if it means upsetting people around him or losing friends and family members.

58. I want to be a man out there, not afraid of the storm, who sees beauty in the world and makes it all better.

59. I want to be a man who is true to myself and can respect others.

60. I want to be a man who is good at being me. It tips the scales of being moral or unethical.

I hope these quotes have what you are looking for to creatively express the type of man you want to be. Please, share these the man I want to be quotes. Feel free to share and drop your comments below.

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