Wife Is Always Right Quotes

Wife Is Always Right Quotes

The phrase “wife is always right” is important in our daily life. Husbands use this simple rule as a way of complementing their wives when they want them to feel better or in terms of showing gratitude.

Not all men are lucky enough to have smart wives, but if you do, it is not surprising that you always try to please and support her in everything she does and wishes. The one phrase many men wish they could erase from their tongue.

The one thing that turns a man from a tough, confident, macho hunk into an insecure, whimpering pile of mush. Men say it to their wives, and women cringe with disgust when they hear this uttered. That elusive “thing” that makes wives right no matter what is known as “wife is always right.”

A wife is smart, and she is never wrong no matter what. She is an advisor you can trust. There are many ways to call your wife the best thing since the sliced bread, a rock star, or an angel sent from heaven, but they have a single thing in common- they admit that the wife is always right.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. And in most cases, the truth hurts even more when it comes from your wife or girlfriend. Here is some wife is always right quotes to help you survive what could be a disastrous night at home.

Wife Is Always Right Quotes

A wife is never wrong, and she’s just always right. I used to think that all the “wife is always right” bumper stickers were a joke. Now I’m not so sure. Don’t argue; just accept that she is always right. This is what you need some quotes for.

1. My wife always says that I should listen to her because she is smart and she is never wrong. I have to admit that she has been right about many things.

2. My wife and I have a great relationship. I always listen to her because she is intelligent and is usually right.

3. I was talking to my wife, and she mentioned that I should listen to her because she always knows what’s best.

4. Not only is my wife smart, but she’s also always right.

5. My wife is always right because she is smart. But the only reason she’s my wife and not yours is that we both know that I’m smarter.

6. While my wife’s list of “right things” is not as long as her list of “wrong things”, she still has been right about many things.

7. I have to admit that my wife has been right so often that I’ve started believing she’s clairvoyant.

8. My wife is always right. Just ask her.

9. One of the best features about my wife is that she’s never wrong. I know, it’s amazing!!!

10. My wife is always right. I love her so much.

11 I put a picture of my wife on the refrigerator. I figured it would be the best place to remind me that she is always right.

12. I used to think it was bad that my wife was always right. Then I realized she didn’t know everything but knew more than me.

13. It used to drive me crazy. My wife is always right. But she’s not smart. She’s just smarter than me.

14. My wife is the best at being right. She knows everything, and I know nothing except how to make a mean breakfast burrito.

15. My wife does not know it all, but she is always right.

16. My wife is always right, even when she’s not.

17. My wife is always right. But she doesn’t need to be sarcastic about it.

18. My wife is always right, but she’s got a mean streak too.

19. My wife always knows best, but even the sweetest person can get cranky every now and then.

20. I always say that my wife is right, even if she is wrong. I used to fight with her all the time, but now I have much more free time.

21. I always get into trouble when I tell my wife she is wrong. She always has a comeback, and I never know what to say.

22. I don’t always agree with my wife, but she is usually right.

23. Although my wife is almost always right, I don’t always want to admit it!

24. When I’m feeling down, I just remember that my wife is usually right.

25. I don’t always disagree with my wife, but when I do, she’s still usually right.

26. My wife is always right, just not today. (She’ll never know.)

27. She’s right 99% of the time, but I’m still going to bet against her.

28. Yes, I’m a man, and yes, I do listen to my wife. Let’s face it: she’s the brains of the operation.

29. I once tried to argue with my wife about something she said. She looked at me, shook her head, and said, “I told you so.”

30. Mrs Right is always right because she’s the wife!

31. The wife is always right unless she’s wrong.

32. My wife is not always right but always right for me.

33. My wife is the most amazing person in the world and a truly remarkable person. She’s loving, affectionate, and caring. She’s always right except when she’s wrong, won’t ever hurt anyone intentionally, and she’s very wise.

34. My wife isn’t always right. But we got married, so she must be right for me.

35. The best part about being a wife is that you always have someone who understands you.

36. The best part about being a wife is that you always have someone who understands you, even when you don’t understand yourself.

37. The best part about being a wife is that you always have someone who is legally obligated to agree with you.

38. Your wife puts a smile on your face. The wife offers you a hand to hold. The wife is always ready to listen, share and understand what you are going through because she’s always right.

39. Try as they might; husbands can never truly understand their wives because they’re wives are always right.

40. You may not want to marry your best friend, but there’s nothing better than having a soulmate who knows you better than yourself and is always right about everything!

41. My wife is the best. She lets me have my space and feeds me tea-time treats, but she can hold her own in an argument.

42. I have heard that the wife is always right. I guess it’s true.

43. I love how my wife thinks, even when she doesn’t say a thing.

44. It’s not that she’s always right; it’s just that no one is ever wrong when she is around.

45. She’s never wrong, ’cause she’s always right. She has it all. With her around, everyone is always right.

46. No one is ever wrong around her because she’s always right.

47. My wife is lovely and super-helpful, but she can also turn into a force of nature. She’s always right. It’s a rule.

48. My wife has a bit of a sarcastic sense of humour. But I love her anyway. She’s not always right, but she is never wrong.

49. When it comes to joking around, my wife can be sarcastic. But hey, she’s right most of the time. So she’s worth it.

50. My wife is always right. I just have to remember that when she is yelling at me.

Your Wife Is Always Right Quotes

Life is a lot easier when your wife runs on the same mindset that you do. Listen to your wife because she is smart. Never forget this. Even if she’s yelling at you, you just have to remember that your wife is always right. Accept this; this is peace.

51. You just have to remember that your wife is usually right. But if she’s ranting and raving, you’re allowed to say: “Are you still talking!?”

52. It might take a while to accept, but the message is that your wife is like always right.

53. Whenever she’s yelling at you, you should think about how lucky you are to have married such a smart woman.

54. Your wife is always right. The only thing you should ever say to her is, “I love you”.

55. Every time your wife yells at you, remember how right she is.

56. Your wife is never wrong. She’s always correct, but sometimes she needs reminding of that fact in certain situations.

57. Whenever you start to feel like your wife is wrong, remember that she’s always right. It just might take you a minute to get used to it.

58. I can’t believe your wife is usually right. I would never have figured it out.

59. Even though your wife is right, I still don’t believe she’s right.

60. If you have to be “the man of the house”, you sometimes feel like you’re outnumbered by women.

61. I always say, “your wife is always right.” This is true because she is always right.

62. You’ll love this shirt! It will show the world that your wife is always right.

63. It’s your wife’s birthday, and what better gift could you get than a mug that says she is Always Right?

64. Your wife is always right. What does that mean? It means she’s very intelligent and always knows the right thing to say in any situation.

65. Your wife is always right and the only person who can convince you to clean the toilet is your wife.

66. Your wife is always right; no matter what, I don’t dare to tell her that she is wrong.

67. She is always right; no matter what you say, she will always disagree with you.

68. Your wife is always right. She knows what’s best for you, so you better listen to her suggestions.

69. Your wife is always right. I can never win an argument with her. Whenever we argue, she always says, “I’m right, and you know it.” And then she smiles at me.

70. You’re never wrong to listen to your wife, no matter what anyone says.

71. Your wife is right. Take my advice, and you won’t miss the party!

72. The only thing your wife knows the truth about is that she’s always right.

73. Your wife is always right. You could always learn something from your wife’s wisdom.

74. Your wife is the best person to talk to, especially if you have a problem. She’s always right.

75. Your wife is always right. Show her how much you appreciate her with a bouquet of red roses and a bottle of Chandon Brut.

76. Your wife is a wonderful person. Trust me, I’ve been married for 30 years. Also, you should never doubt her. She will know if you’re lying. You can tell her that I said that!

77. Your wife knows what’s best for you, so you should listen to her suggestions.

78. I have to be careful what I say around your wife. She’ll take anything I say and use it against me in a heated argument.

79. You have to be careful around your wife, as she is always right.

80. I think that your wife is always right, so I don’t even bother arguing with her. She knows best.

81. It is impossible to argue with your wife.

82. At some point, you’re going to have to stop thinking of your spouse as an enemy who is out to get you and start thinking of them as an ally.

83. Think your wife is wrong? Well, you must have dozed off during that class on marriage. Your wife knows best!

84. Your wife is always right, but sometimes I like to put up a fight. It’s the only show she watches.

85. Your wife has never been wrong, and she won’t stop until she finds a reason to say I’m wrong.

86. Despite the four hundred years of research from the entire Men’s Rights Movement, I can’t find a way to prove that your wife isn’t always right.

87. It’s true what they say, your wife is always right.

88. Your wife is always right! If you disagree, it’s because you didn’t understand her.

89. Your wife is always right, but that doesn’t mean she’s always right for you.

90. I’m never right; my wife is always right. She’s right when we wake up in the morning and right before we go to bed at night.

91. Your wife is always right. You’ll love this shirt!

92. No matter how many times you tell your wife she’s wrong, she’s always right.

93. Your wife is always right – we just hope you’re always listening. Your wife is always right.

94. You can’t please your wife all of the time, but you can always make her smile.

95. Your wife is always right. And I love her for it.

96. If you want to get an argument started, tell a woman that she’s wrong.

97. She’s the type of person who likes to talk her way out of sticky situations instead of admitting when she’s wrong.

98. I always let her win. It’s not worth the fight.

99. I let her win because I always let her win. It’s a win-win for both of us.

100. Concede defeat. It’s not worth the fight. Your wife is always right.

Let these wife is always right quotes be a daily reminder for you. So next time, your wife will come up with some conflict and say she is always right. Just nod and say yes, because wives are always right. Thank you for reading. Please share this post before you go.

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