Avoiding Someone You Love Quotes

Avoiding Someone You Love Quotes

Avoiding someone you love is a common problem in relationships. It’s usually caused by conflict or a misunderstanding, but it can also happen when you want to avoid conflict. It can be extremely difficult especially when you love them and want to be a part of their life. When you love the person you’re trying to avoid, avoiding them is probably even harder.

The reasons for avoiding someone you love can be anything from guilt to fear of rejection or even just not wanting to hurt them if things don’t work out. But if you’re trying to avoid someone because you’re scared of their reaction — don’t worry, because there are ways to tell them without them ever knowing what’s going on in your head.

Avoiding someone you love isn’t fun. Tossing and turning all night, the “what ifs” eating away at you, the wanting to reach out and talk to that someone and be in their presence — it’s too much. Dealing with these feelings can be unbearable, but there are several ways to get past them.

We all know that feeling of wanting to see someone or talk to them but knowing that you shouldn’t. You know it’s a bad idea, but at the same time, you just can’t help yourself from doing it.

If you’re trying to avoid someone you love, or you want to know how it feels, check this collection of avoiding someone you love quotes below.

Avoiding Someone You Love Quotes

Avoiding someone you love is a hard thing to do. We all indeed need a time-out sometimes, especially when love has got us down and we’ve had too much of it but it’s not easy to avoid the one you love.

1. You can’t avoid someone you love. They are always a part of your existence, whether they’re in your life or not.

2. The only way to keep your heart safe is to avoid someone you love.

3. When you fall for someone, you end up hurting them. I’ll avoid love until it’s necessary. I’m better off alone.

4. If you can avoid someone you love, do. If you can’t, call them. If they don’t answer, leave a message. If they don’t return the call; send a text. And if that doesn’t work, just show up at their place unannounced and say hello.

5. When someone you love cheats on you, it’s hard not to forgive them. But if they cheated on you with the same person over and over again, then there is no reason to stay with that person. Avoid them.

6. Sometimes, avoiding someone you love is the only way to find the truth.

7. If you want to avoid someone, don’t go near them. If you want to avoid an opinion, don’t give it. If you want to avoid being hurt, don’t care!

8. Avoiding someone you love is the most painful thing you’ll ever do.

9. It’s not always easy to avoid a person you love, but if it’s unavoidable, then at least try to ignore them.

10. One of the most difficult things to do is to keep your distance from your loved one. Trying to cut off a relationship can get complicated when dealing with feelings. Even if you think that it’s the right thing to do, ending it will leave you pretty messed up.

11. Nothing hurts more than avoiding the one you love.

12. I know you’re avoiding me, and we don’t talk much anymore, but I hope you know that if you need someone, I’m here for you.

13. The hardest thing to do, is to avoid someone you love and move on.

14. Avoiding someone you love is the worst feeling in the world and you hate yourself for it because you know it will end badly.

15. We all make mistakes. Unfortunately, sometimes those mistakes come back to haunt us. Avoiding someone you love is not always the solution.

16. Avoiding someone you love is like trying to avoid sinking into quicksand.

17. Avoiding someone you love is not ideal for you or for whomever it is you’re avoiding.

18. The best way to avoid someone you love is not to get close to them in the first place.

19. It’s better to avoid someone than to be with them. It would be exhausting to love someone I can’t go out with because they are with someone else.

20. You’re someone I love but I’ve been avoiding you because it’s easier than confronting you.

21. When someone you love makes you sad, mad, or otherwise sick, don’t try to avoid that person. Communicate clearly, and it’ll never get awkward.

22. Avoiding someone you love is harder than it seems, but it can be done. Just remember: no matter how much it hurts now or how hard it gets, end this now and for good.

23. Avoid the people that you love because they’ll either hurt you or make you feel like you’ve been hurt.

24. Avoid her. Ignore all the signals. She might be a keeper but she’s not worth your sanity.

25. To avoid someone you love, don’t go through all the trouble of starting a conversation. Just tell them you’re busy and walk away.

26. Avoiding someone you love can be the best thing for you. You have the strength to do it, and you have the determination to change things for the better. Go for it!

27. Avoiding someone you love is never easy, but there are ways to do it.

28. If someone you love is driving you crazy, and you can’t take it anymore, we’ve got your back. It’s hard to avoid them.

29. Avoiding someone you love proves to them that your relationship is over. It’s the way to express you need some time apart.

30. If you’re sick of someone you love, it’s time to decide whether you want to be around them anymore.

31. If you’re fed up with someone you love, it’s time to stop feeling guilty and take some action to avoid them.

32. When you love someone but you need to start avoiding them.

33. You love them, and they love you, but sometimes, it’s okay to avoid them.

34. The best way to let someone you love know you’re not texting them back is to avoid them.

35. Once you start avoiding someone you love, it’s possible you won’t speak to them anymore.

36. Don’t let this happen to you. If someone you love is getting in over their head, step up, and tell them the truth about what’s happening instead of avoiding them.

37. You can’t avoid someone you’re not supposed to be with.

38. When someone you love is toxic, the best thing to do is to get avoid them. Get far far away.

39. It’s hard to avoid someone you love. But it can be done.

40. Maybe the person you love is toxic, or maybe they’re just too busy to spend time with you. But whatever the reason, sometimes it’s best to avoid someone — even if they’re your significant other.

41. If someone you love makes you feel bad about yourself, avoid them.

42. If someone you love puts you down or makes you feel insecure, then this is a clear sign that they are not good for your mental health. Avoid them!

43. If someone you love constantly berates or criticizes you, then it’s probably best to distance yourself from them as much as possible so that you don’t end up feeling even worse than before.

44. If someone you love doesn’t respect your boundaries and opinions, avoid them.

45. If someone you love doesn’t respect your opinions or refuses to listen to what you have to say then they probably won’t change their behaviour no matter how many times you tell them how much it bothers you. Avoid them!

46. It’s hard to avoid someone you love. It can be even harder to avoid a friend or family member who is going through a difficult time.

47. When you love someone, it can be hard to avoid them. But sometimes, the best thing you can do for your health, happiness, and well-being is to stay away from someone who is not good for you.

48. If you’re in a relationship with someone who has an addiction, there are times when you may need to avoid the person.

49. Avoiding someone you love can make you feel lonely and depressed — and it doesn’t help matters if they’re feeling lonely and depressed as well!

50. Avoid someone you love if they’re having an affair or have a crush on someone else.

51. Avoid someone you love if they don’t like being close to their partner or spouse in general.

52. Avoid someone you love if they feel overwhelmed by the other person’s presence.

53. Avoid someone you love if their partner has been emotionally abusive or has cheated on them before.

54. Avoiding someone you love is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary. It’s so tempting to want to see that person, talk to that person, or even just be in the same room as them. But if your relationship has turned toxic, avoid them at all costs.

55. Avoiding someone you love isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s for the best.

56. Avoiding someone you love is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary. You just don’t go in there and do it. You have to prepare yourself and know what to expect.

57. If you’re not careful, avoiding someone you love can cause emotional trauma or worse physical violence.

58. Avoid someone you love if you feel drained by them.

59. Avoid someone you love if their bad mood is contagious, and you find yourself in a funk even when you’re not around them.

60. Avoid someone you love if they constantly put you down or make critical remarks about the way you look or act.

61. Avoid someone you love if they’re abusive toward you physically or emotionally — or both.

62. Avoid someone you love if they’ve hurt you so many times that it’s become normal behaviour between the two of you, and their apologies never seem sincere enough anymore.

63. Avoiding someone you love is never easy. It’s difficult enough to be away from them, but to know that you’ve hurt them and caused them pain is devastating.

64. Love can be confusing and painful. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to avoid someone you love. But leaving them behind may also mean that you have to cut yourself off from them entirely. It will hurt, but it will also help in the end.

65. Love is never easy, but it can make you feel alive. If your relationship has turned toxic and you feel like you’re doing more harm than good to your partner, know that it might be time to walk away.

66. When you love someone, it’s difficult to let go. You might hold on to your relationship much longer than you should. But if it’s in your best interest to go your separate ways, you need to make the tough decision of avoiding them for a little while.

67. When you love someone, you may be hurt or angry about how your relationship has turned out, but you shouldn’t give your loved one up without a fight. It takes courage to fight for someone you care about.

68. True love is rare, but when you discover it, it’s something that will never fade. Even if it seems difficult now, you’ll find that the best thing you can do for yourself is to avoid them and walk away.

69. It’s easier to avoid someone you love than it is to say goodbye.

70. If you’re truly in love with someone, then it can be hard to avoid them. You want to see them, talk to them, and spend time with them. But sometimes that’s not possible — or even advisable.

71. Avoiding someone can be difficult when they are someone you care about deeply, but there are times when it’s necessary.

72. Avoid someone you love if they have a bad temper: If someone is prone to outbursts of anger or aggression, then it’s best to stay away from them until they can get their temper under control. Otherwise, they may end up hurting themselves or others around them by their actions.

73. Avoid someone you love if they have an addiction: If someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, then they need help — and if they don’t get it voluntarily, then people around them should intervene before the addiction gets out of hand, and causes problems for everyone involved.

74. Avoid someone you love if their lifestyle is unhealthy: If someone has an unhealthy lifestyle that puts their health at risk — such as heavy smoking or eating junk food all day long — then avoiding them will protect both their well-being and yours if you hang out with them too often.

75. If you’re trying to avoid someone you love, the best way to do it is, to be honest with them and yourself.

76. If they don’t respect your decision and continue pursuing you, then they’re not someone who deserves your time or attention. Avoid them.

77. If they refuse to respect your needs and wants, or if they try to guilt-trip you into staying in touch with them when all signs point towards them being toxic in some way, then maybe this person isn’t someone worth having in your life at all. Avoid them.

78. If you’re trying to avoid the person you love, you may be feeling a lot of guilt and anxiety about it. You may not know how to tell them how you feel or what’s going on, or how to get them out of your life without hurting them.

79. It’s natural to want to avoid someone when you can’t be with them, but if this has become an ongoing pattern, it might be time to take a step back and examine the situation.

80. When love is unrequited, it’s natural to want to avoid someone unavailable to you in the past. This may seem like an escape hatch from rejection, but it could also be a way to dodge the pain of being with someone when you’re not sure how they feel about you.

81. You might be better off being in love with someone who doesn’t want to hurt you than the person you’re currently attached to. They may not appreciate the attention or feelings that come from loving someone, but it’s a sign that you might be better off on your own.

82. If you want to avoid someone you love, avoid going places where they might be so that you don’t run into them accidentally; however, this can be difficult if they live in the same area as you or if they go to the same school or work as you do.

83. If you want to avoid someone you love, tell them how much it hurts when they don’t return your feelings; however, this could lead to an argument or fight between you two which will only make things worse for both of you.

84. It’s hard to let go of someone you love. But sometimes it’s even harder to stay in contact with them.

85. Every break-up is hard. But it doesn’t have to be painful if you stay in contact with your ex after the relationship ends.

86. Sometimes avoiding someone you love isn’t the answer, even when it hurts. Sometimes, you just have to give them space and hope for the best.

87. When you love someone, avoiding them can feel like pulling your own heart out of your chest. Just because they aren’t in front of you doesn’t mean they’re gone though.

88. It can be hard to avoid someone you love. But sometimes, it’s necessary.

89. The best thing to do is try to stay away from them. You need time to think, and they probably do too.

90. You love your partner, but you need some time to yourself.

91. You love your partner and want them to be happy, but you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Avoid them for some time.

92. You want to spend more time with someone else but can’t tell them why you’re avoiding them.

93. If you’re still struggling with feelings for your ex after a breakup, this is one of the most important things you can do. Don’t talk about them with other people, even if they ask you questions about them. Instead, distract yourself by hanging out with different friends or doing something else that makes you happy.

94. If you want to break up with someone you’re in love with, avoid places where they might be or hang out with their friends without telling them who you are.

95. If you want to avoid someone you love, avoid social media sites and apps like Facebook where you’ll see updates from mutual friends about what they’re doing or what they’re posting online.

96. If you want to avoid someone you love, stop giving them attention.

97. If they don’t show any interest in talking to you or spending time with you, stop trying so hard to engage them. Give them space!

98. If you want to avoid someone you love, be busy with other people.

99. The best way to avoid someone you love is to avoid the places where you know they’ll be. This can be tricky if you live in a small town or if your significant other has a job that requires them to work with other people.

100. Avoiding someone who loves you can be more difficult because they typically want to spend time with you. However, you must establish boundaries and stick to them.

I hope you find the collection of avoiding someone you love quotes I have here interesting and helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments and endeavour to share them with your family and friends.

Thank you.

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