A birthday celebration is an appreciation for a new year and a new life. Celebrating your loved ones on their special day will go a long way in telling them how much they mean to you. For a 22-year-old daughter, she has a whole of opportunities ahead of her and guiding her as she develops into a full-fledge adult is one of your priorities as a parent, be it father or mother.
Celebrating your daughter on her birthday is also a way to fill the emotional vacuum that a lovely daughter has. When your daughter turns 22, she expects more from her life and even society at this stage demands more from her.
Your daughter is not just only your female child but a companion most especially if she is the first child because she keeps your company when you need someone to be there for you and makes you feel stronger to face challenges which you think are beyond your control just because she is your source of joy and happiness.
There is no gainsaying that birthday is always a memorable and special day for the celebrants and celebrating them on this special day will not only make them feel loved but leave them with wonderful memories which they can always look back to.
And there are blessings attached to each age and age 22 is not an exemption. To unlock these blessings, certain things need to be done, like praying them into the new age, sending them lovely wishes and many more.
Now is the time to browse through the wonderful collections of happy birthday wishes for 22 year old daughter and pick the best for your lovely and beautiful daughter. This will help remind her that she is always in your heart.
Here we go!
22nd Birthday Wishes for Daughter from Parents
Our daughter, our first fruit and the beginning of our parenthood, we wish you joy like the river and success in all you will lay your hands on. Do have an awesome 22nd birthday, dear daughter. We love you.
1. Happy 22nd birthday to you, dear daughter. Your existence in our lives has been a blessing and the best gift to us. We pray may you live long to fulfil your destiny.
2. With gladness in our hearts, we congratulate you, our little princess for breaking grounds into your 22nd year. Our wish for you is that the older you grow, the greater you become. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
3. Birthday comes once in a year but we will always celebrate you all the days of our life, dear daughter. your existence made us a proud parent. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
4. To the best gift of God to us. To the opener of my womb, our first daughter. We wish you the best 22nd birthday ever. May you live longer in peace and happiness. Happy birthday, dear.
5. A rare gem like you makes us one of the blessed parents on earth. Also, seeing you achieving your 22nd year has made one of our dreams come true. Happy birthday, our daughter.
6. To you, dear daughter, pronounce the blessings of womanhood as you have approached the age of 22. May you always be a source of happiness to your generation. Happy birthday, dear.
7. Children are a precious gift to their parents, even much more, a daughter. In this new chapter that you entered today, I wish you the best of it. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
8. Today, which is your 22nd birthday. I pray, may you walk and never tired; may you run and never stumble and may all you do be truthful. Happy birthday.
9. To me and your father, having you as our first fruit is the best gift every parent will ever ask for. You are God’s gift to us. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
10. As you clock another new year today, dear daughter, we pray may you always be happy all the days of your life and may God answer all your silent prayers. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
11. We hope you know that We do not have to wait till your birthday every year before we celebrate you, you really worth been celebrating every day. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
12. As you clock another new year today, which is your 22nd birthday, we pray for you as our daughter that, may the host of heaven celebrate you and makes you happy all the days of your life. Happy birthday, dear.
13. To some people you are just a girl. To your friends, you are just a female friend. But to your father and I, you will always be our little princess. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
14. We do not have to wait till your birthday to wish you well or celebrate you because you always make your father and me happy. Happy 22nd birthday, daughter.
15. Having you is not just the best gift; it is a surviving gift. You make us want to live more every day. You are just the best daughter ever. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
16. 22nd birthday comes once in a lifetime and celebrating you today isn’t overdoing things because you are worth being celebrated. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
17. As you clock another new year today. We pray may you live longer to glorify the Lord. May you be the head and not the tail in all aspects. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
18. Today, which is your birthday, we pray for you, dear daughter, may the Lord listen to your heart and fulfil your desires. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
19. Our lovely and beautiful daughter, today is your special day and we wish you long life and prosperity. Enjoy your day today and always. Happy 22nd birthday to you, dear daughter.
20. Today is your birthday. We want you to be happy. Do you know why? because happiness is what you deserve. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
Happy 22nd Birthday Daughter Images
My dear daughter, your new age is blessed and you will be a blessing to your generation and generations to come. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

21. Being the first daughter and the first child of the family always gladdens my heart, because you took your younger ones as if they are your children even when I’m not there. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

22. Today is your 22nd birthday, dear daughter. I pray may God gladdens your heart and answer your prayers. I wish you more years on earth. Happy birthday, dear daughter.

23. As you clock another new year today, dear daughter. I pray may God always protect you and may your enemies fall before you. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

24. I pray for you today, dear daughter, as you start a new chapter of your life, may new things begin to happen in your life. May God give you a new name. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

25. Today is your birthday. I pray may you always remember that your birth is a blessing to your father and me. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

26. My baby is gradually entering the stage of womanhood. I could remember the day I held you in my arm and your father was full of happiness. Happy 22nd birthday, my lovely damsel,

27. As you celebrate your 22nd birthday, dear daughter I pray for you as a mother that may you never stumble in your race in life. May your life keeps shining and never dies. Happy birthday, dear daughter.

28. As you start another chapter of your life today, dear daughter I wish you a prosperous year ahead and also wish you the best of other years. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter

29. To the child that opened my motherhood also turned her father into fatherhood. I wish you happiness all the days of your life. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.

30. Being your mother is the best gift God has given me among other gifts which are your siblings. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter. I love you.
31. To the best daughter on earth. To one of the best gifts, I ever got. To the sun that makes my life shine. I wish you a happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
32. I pray for you with my heart that may the Lord open another good chapter for you and always makes you happy. Happy 22nd birthday, daughter.
33. As you add another year today, dear daughter I pray that may the Lord hear your prayers. May the Lord give ear to your supplications and persecute your enemies. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
34. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter. I pray, may the Lord bless you and cause his light to shine on you. May the Lord direct your paths all the days of your life. I love you.
35. Wishing you a happy birthday today gladdens my heart so much. I pray may you walk in the path of the commandments of God. I wish you a happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter. I love you.
22nd Birthday Messages to My Daughter
As you celebrate your 22nd birthday, the favour and grace of God will locate you and stand you out among your mates. Happy birthday, dear daughter.
36. The bible says it is good to number our days. I pray for you dear daughter as you celebrate your 22nd birthday, may you keep counting your days in joy, happiness, riches, peace and wisdom. Happy birthday.
37. Happy birthday to my little princess and her father’s jewel. Having you in our life is not a mistake and God gave us the best gift. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
38. As you step into the new age, I pray for you as a mother that may the Lord establish you and may his eyes keep on following you all the days of your life. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
39. Dear daughter, as you celebrate your birthday, I wish you what you wish yourself. I pray the Lord answers all your secret prayers and make you happy. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
40. Wishing you a happy birthday is the best thing I want to do right now because you are the best daughter ever. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
41. If I forget to wish you a happy birthday it is a crime. You are the best thing that has ever happen to your daddy and me. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
42 My beautiful daughter, I wish you a lovely 22nd birthday and in this new age and beyond, nations will come to your light. Happy birthday, dear.
43. As you add another feather to your cap today, may the Lord bless you in all facets of life. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
44. In this new age and beyond, your life will not know any sorrow and all your heart desires will come to fulfilment. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
45. Happy 22nd birthday, my dear daughter and I wish you all the good things of this world in perfect health.
46. As you open a new chapter of your life today, may favour and blessing from above locate you and make their abode with you. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
47. Dear daughter, as today marks your 22nd birthday, may your life be peaceful just like the river. Do enjoy your day to the fullest. Happy birthday, dear.
48. My daughter, as you celebrate your 22nd birthday today, may you increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Happy birthday, dear.
49. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter, I wish you a birthday filled with wisdom and energy to clear all the hurdles on your way. Happy birthday, dear.
50. Look who is a year older today, my lovely and beautiful baby is 22 today and I wish you long life and prosperity in all your ways. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Happy 22nd Quotes for Daughter
Today and for the rest of your life, lines will fall for you in pleasant places and you will always be the best among the best. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter.
51. Dear daughter, having you in my life has always been a blessing and as you celebrate your 22nd birthday today, may the Lord bless you in all you will lay your hands on in this new age and beyond. Happy birthday, dear.
52. As you clock 22 today, I wish you become a better version of yourself and all your heart desires will come to reality. Happy birthday, dear daughter.
53. Hurray, my beautiful daughter is a year older today and may the Lord bless your new age and give you the grace to fulfil all your goals. Happy 22nd birthday, beautiful daughter.
54. My beautiful daughter, as you celebrate your special day today, you will live to witness more of this day on earth. You are simply the best. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
55. Cheers to a beautiful soul that has made my life a beautiful world and I celebrate you today as you celebrate your 22nd birthday. Do have a happy birthday, dear.
56. For the past 22 years you have been an amazing daughter that I cherish so much and as you celebrate your birthday today, I promise to always cherish and love you. Happy birthday, dear.
57. My beautiful daughter, I want you to enjoy yourself today and have an amazing time with your friends and also brace up for a wonderful year ahead. Happy 22nd birthday, my baby girl.
58. Dear daughter, as you celebrate your 22nd birthday today, I wish you all the best in this new age and your light will not go into darkness. Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter.
59. Cheers to your new age, my beautiful daughter! I wish you more of it in good health and wealth. You are the best, my baby girl. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
60. Dear beautiful daughter, as you clock 22 today, may you continue to be the pillar of hope for me and those around you. Happy birthday, dear.
61. My little angel, may this your new age be peaceful for you in all ramifications and all your heart desires be fulfilled. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter.
62. Happy 22nd birthday, my princess. I wish you a pleasant and peaceful year ahead. Remain blessed, my dear.
63. My beautiful daughter, today is for you and I’m reaffirming my promise to you that I will always be there for you and I wish you long life and prosperity. Happy 22nd birthday, my dear.
64. My sweetest daughter, every new year is a new chapter of life, a new beginning that brings a new topic, new moments. I wish this new year all the good moments approach your ways and make your year a memorable one. Happy 22nd birthday.
65. My dear daughter, as you celebrate your 22nd birthday today, the wind will blow away all your sadness and all your worries will be wash away by rain. Do have a wonderful year ahead. Happy birthday, beautiful daughter.
Birthday Wishes for Daughter on 22nd Birthday
My dear daughter, here are my wishes for you as you add another year today, you will make headway in this new year- and all-around success will be yours in all you do. Do enjoy your day and happy 22nd birthday to you.
66. As you add another year today, my dear, I just want you to always be the true you anywhere you find yourself and keep smiling always because it looks good on you. Happy 22nd birthday, sweetheart.
67. In this new year and beyond, my beautiful daughter, I wish you success in all facets of life and failure will never be your portion. I wish you a happy 22nd birthday in perfect health.
68. My little angel, as you clock 22 today, I wish you love, joy and happiness above all you might have wished yourself. I love you, my beautiful daughter. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
69. My dear daughter, every day, my love for you keeps waxing stronger and I wish you have a lovely and memorable 22nd birthday. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
70. Dear daughter, it’s your special day and I’m going to let the whole world know I have a beautiful and awesome daughter in you. You are such a darling. Go and make exploits as you celebrate your 22nd birthday. Happy birthday, dear.
71. Hi my sunshine, as you celebrate your 22nd birthday today, the blessings of God will locate you and will not depart from you all through this new year and beyond. Happy birthday, my daughter.
72. Today and for the rest of my life, I will always say I am the luckiest mom in the whole world just because I have you in my world. You are my dream come true. Do have the happiest 22nd birthday, daughter.
73. I wish you have a wonderful and awesome new year. I want the best for you and all things will go your way and all your dreams will come through. Happy 22nd birthday, daughter.
74. Beautiful and lovely daughter like you is one in a lifetime and I love the woman you are developing into, my lovely daughter. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
75. My dear daughter, your light has light up my world and I pray no darkness will come near your light. You are simply the best, dear. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
76. As you clock 22nd today, I want you to hope for the best because you are the best and nothing else. Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.
77. As the new light rays appear on the dark horizon this morning wish signify to the whole wide world a brand-new day so shall your light break forth today and till the end of time. Do have a happy 22nd birthday, my daughter.
78. My dear daughter, as you add another year today, I want you to let go of the past because it is dead and gone live for the future. After all, it is full of hope and energy. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
79. In this new year, I want you to go all out and make all your dreams come true because the Lord is always with you. Do have a happy birthday, my daughter.
80. I want you to know that a day started with a lovely smile and enthusiasm can glow forever, so, as you celebrate your 22nd birthday start with a lovely smile and enthusiasm because they are always good on you. Happy birthday, dear.
Happy Birthday 22 Years Old Girl
As you turn 22 today, my lovely girl, I wish you all the great things of this world and you will live to fulfil all your potentials. I celebrate you, my baby girl. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
81. My beautiful daughter, I want you to welcome this new age with a lovely smile, embrace it with joy and happiness and enjoy your new age to the fullest. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
82. It’s a new day, a new sun, a new hope, a new joy, a new breakthrough telling you to let go of yesterday and embrace the new day full of awesome moments. Happy 22nd birthday, my daughter.
83. My baby girl as you add another year today, I want to let you know that you are always in my heart and no matter how old you get you will always be my little baby girl. Do have a happy 22nd birthday.
84. I wish you blessings in all you do in this new age and beyond. I love you and I will never trade your love for anything, my beautiful daughter. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
85. I celebrate you today, my beautiful daughter and I want you to know that you mean a whole lot to me and the people around you so keep aiming high. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
86. At this age, my daughter, I want you to set your eyes on the things above and look up to the hills from there alone your help will come. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
87. My daughter, as you celebrate your special day today, I want you to avoid toxic relationships, avoid anger and fight. Speak lovely to every person around you. Do have a memorable 22nd birthday, dear.
88. Dear daughter, today is a reminder that God loves you and he has blessed you with another golden opportunity to make all your dreams come true so make you of it wisely in this new year and beyond. Happy 22nd birthday.
89. Happy 22nd birthday, dear daughter. Make every minute of this new year a memorable one, carve out an unforgettable moment out of ordinary moments. Do enjoy your day to the fullest.
90. In this new age and beyond, my daughter, I want you to have a good heart that can accommodate everyone around you and also a good nature to win every heart around you. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
Happy 22nd Birthday to My Beautiful Daughter
Today is your big day, my beautiful daughter. May your beauty continue to blossom as flowers blossom to the early morning sun. Do have a fun-filled year ahead. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
91. My beautiful daughter, I pray you will live to fulfil all the purpose of God for your life and nothing will be able to hinder it. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
92. The gift of life is in life itself so, my daughter, I want you to enjoy yourself in this new age to the fullest and also strife to make all your dreams come true. Happy 22nd birthday to you, my beautiful daughter.
93. I wish you a fabulous morning, a fun-filled afternoon, a cheerful sunset and a refreshing night as you go in this new year. Happy 22nd birthday to you, my beautiful daughter.
94. In this age, arise, start all over, see the bright and unending opportunities each day of this new year gift you. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter.
95. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter and as you go in this new age, I want you to make use of every opportunity that will come your way wisely.
96. I don’t want you to get tired of every little thing you are doing for others in this new age and beyond because that little thing may go a long way in their heart. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter.
97. I thank God with you as you add another year today and I wish you a great and memorable year ahead, my beautiful daughter. Happy 22nd birthday to you.
98. Happy 22nd birthday, my beautiful daughter and I want you to live your life in your very way without aiming to be like anybody but yourself alone. You are simply the best!
99. My beautiful daughter, you are the best, you can do it, God is always with you and you will always be a winner in this new age and beyond. Happy 22nd birthday, dear.
100. As you add another year today, my beautiful daughter, I want you to face your challenges without any fear, hope and aspire to be the best you can be. Happy 22nd birthday, my dear.
In conclusion, I must commend you for coming this far in celebrating your wonderful daughter because words go beyond the letter and stay with the recipient, most especially if it is a word of love, encouragement and prayer on a birthday. You are such a wonderful parent.
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