I Am Just a Human Being Quotes

The pressure on the globe is immense. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves aiming for things that are not intended for us, trying to do things we are unable to do, and working nonstop to become someone we are not meant to be. We shall ultimately lead unsatisfactory lives.

To shut the world up and do things on our terms, it is always advisable to present ourselves as we are all the time. Many people will not like it, and people who mean a lot to you may not agree. But we need to do what will make us feel at peace with ourselves.

We must always remember that we do not have superpowers, and neither are we superheroes that would have solutions to all problems in the world. And, of course, there is no better way to remind ourselves and the world than with these I am just a human being quotes. We are fine with all our flaws.

I Am Just a Human Being Quotes

I am just a human being. I have weaknesses, fears and doubts like you. But I also have strengths and abilities which make me who I am. And what makes me truly happy is that I can share these things with others.

1. I am just a human being. I do the best I can. I hope you take the time to be the best person you can be.

2. I am just a human being. Treat me as such. I am just trying to make sense of life’s mess.

3. I’m just a normal person, trying my best to make the world a better place. I hope you make it a priority to improve the world in your way.

4. I am just a human being. I’m not perfect, but I try to do right by others and myself.

5. I am just a Human Being. I don’t know why people treat me like I am someone special.

6. Even though I have fears, doubts and weaknesses like you, my strengths and abilities make me who I am. Truthfully, they make me happy. And what makes me happy is sharing them with other people.

7. I am just a human being. I’m not perfect. I get upset with my children and yell at them sometimes. I have weaknesses like everyone else.

8. I am a human being, so you are. We’re all just trying to make the most of what we’ve got.

9. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes! We will do our absolute best to give you what you need every time, but if it doesn’t happen for any reason, we’re happy to refund your money.

10. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s what makes us human!

11. I’m just a human being, nothing special about me. The only difference between me and others is that I’m more aware of myself.

12. I want to share my personal life with you. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes, sometimes yell at my children, and have weaknesses like everyone else.

13. I’m not perfect, and I don’t want to be a perfect human because it’s boring. I’m a real person, and I feel things.

14. I am not a perfect person. I have weaknesses, I make mistakes and sometimes my voice goes up when I don’t mean it. But I am working on myself every day to be the best person I can be for my family, friends, and myself.

15. I am not a perfect person. I make mistakes, I fail, and sometimes my voice goes up when I don’t mean it. But I have the heart of an entrepreneur, so I am working hard every day to be the best person I can be for myself, my family, and the world.

16. I won’t pretend that I’m a perfect person. I make mistakes and have moments when my voice goes up just like everyone else. But I can assure you I am working on improving myself every day to be the best version for myself, my family and my friends.

17. I may not be perfect and make mistakes, but I’ll never stop working on myself; I am just a human being.

18. I am just a human being; I try to be the best person I can be. Sometimes I’m not great at it, and working on it.

19. I am just a human being. I occasionally make mistakes when I speak or write. After all, I’m only human.

20. You can call me a human; I’m still learning and occasionally make mistakes when I speak or write. After all, I’m only a human being.

21. I occasionally make mistakes when I speak or write. Remember, I’m not perfect.

22. As a human, I occasionally make mistakes when I speak or write. Sometimes as humans, we don’t always get it right, but that’s okay – we can learn from our mistakes!

23. I’m a human being too. Even though I may get something wrong now and then, I’m sincere and try my best always to deliver high-quality work.

24. I’m human. Occasionally, I may get something wrong, but I always strive to deliver the best results possible and am sincere in everything I do.

25. I am just a human being, not an expert in everything. I am just doing the best that I can.

26. I’m not an expert on everything, but I try to do my best.

27. The more I say, “I’m just a human being,” the less I feel the need to defend my actions.

28. The more I think of myself as human, the more I feel free to make mistakes.

29. I am the most average person you’ll ever meet. There are hundreds of thousands of people just like me.

30. I want people to know I’m a regular human, just like everyone else.

31. Yes, I want people to know I’m a regular human being. I just want to be treated like everyone else.

32. I am a regular human being. I want my family, friends and colleagues to know I am the same person with the same principles they have always known.

33. I am just a human being. I make mistakes, laugh and cry, and feel happiness and sadness. But mostly, I am a simple human being who loves rainbows, smiles and kittens.

34. I’m just a human being. I make mistakes. Sometimes I cry and smile, and I feel happiness and sadness. On the other hand, I am also like simple people who love rainbow colours, smiles and kittens.

35. I am a friendly human being. I have friends and family that make me laugh. I have fun with my sister and brother on school days. I also love rainbows, smileys and kittens.

36. I am just a human being. I am not perfect, but I’m doing my best to be.

37. Being human isn’t perfect. Being me is all I can be, and I’m doing my best every day.

38. I’m not perfect, but I’m a good person who does the best I can.

39. I am not perfect. I only want the best for you. So forgive me if I do something stupid or give wrong advice. But I am human and will learn from my mistakes with your help!

40. I am just a human being. I am not perfect, but I try hard to be good. I love many things: my family, my friends and the people I meet along the way. Life’s journey continues.

41. I am just another human being. I am not always perfect, but I try my best to be a good friend. I love many things: family, friends and people I meet along my journey.

42. I am just a human being. I don’t think I am better than any other because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have been given everything.

43. I’m just a person. I don’t think I’m better than anyone else because I was born into wealth and have been given everything.

44. Hey, I’m just a regular person. I don’t think I’m any better than the next guy just because I was born with a lot of money and have been given a lot in my life.

45. I am just a human being. I was raised like most people, with everything I could need and some of the things that I wanted.

46. Like most people, I was brought up in an environment that gave me everything I needed and some of the things that I desired.

47. I’m a normal person. I grew up like anyone else, with all my needs provided and some of my wants.

48. I’m just like everyone else. I grew up with the world at my fingertips.

49. I am just a human being. But through the love and care of my family, I hope to contribute to society.

50. I am just a human being, no different than anyone else. As such, I feel I must help and support those around me.

51. I’m just a regular person, no different than anyone else. Just like you, my family and friends are the most important thing in the world to me. With that in mind, I would love to help others make their dreams a reality. And if I can do that by sharing what I’ve learned along the way, then all the better!

52. I’m just a person trying to make your life better. Let me give back to you what my family has given me.

53. I’m a regular person. But I’m surrounded by an amazing family that supports my dreams and goals.

54. I’m just a regular guy who grew up in the suburbs. But I am lucky to be surrounded by an awesome family always there for me — including my dad, uncle, aunt, and grandparents.

55. I’m your average guy, but I’ve got an extraordinary family. My wife and kids are my everything, and my family keeps me going.

56. I’m an ordinary guy who simply wants to give back by helping others.

57. I am just a human being. No one is perfect; that’s why I make mistakes too.

58. I am just human, and I know that none of us is perfect. That’s why we make mistakes.

59. I’m just human, which means I can’t be the best at everything or even at one thing.

60. I am just a human being. I am here to make mistakes. But to learn from them and to make a living from them.

61. I am just a human being who makes mistakes. I learn from them and grow from them.

62. I am just a human being, but I have the potential for greatness.

63. I’m just a human being with hopes and dreams. I love to laugh and make others laugh. I like to write and read. I’m always up for a good challenge and learning something new. I enjoy travelling too!

64. I’m just a human being, sharing my thoughts with you and waiting for you to share yours.

65. I am just a human being trying to do my best. Many people would like to be me, but I don’t know if they could.

66. I’m just a regular human being. Many people would like to be me, but it’s not for everyone.

67. I’m just like you. I have ups and downs, highs and lows. We all do. Don’t try to be anyone else but yourself.

68. I’m just a person living life with courage, compassion and integrity.

69. I am a jolly, cheerful person with a positive outlook on life.

70. I am a cheerful person with a fun, positive attitude towards life.

71. I am just a human being. I have flaws and strengths, same as everyone else. But above all, I am happy being who I am and with love in my life.

72. I am human. I have flaws and strengths, same as everyone else. But above all, I am happy being who I am, and I love my life.

73. I am just a human being with my hopes and dreams. Don’t you think I should be treated as such?

74. I am just a human being, and I have no special talents. I am only humble because of the very nature of my mind.

75. I am a simple person, and I have no special talents. However, I do what I love, and I am beautiful in my way.

76. The best part of me is that I am just a human being.

77. I promise you I’m just another human. Like most people, I wake up and work hard every day to pay my bills and support the people in my life.

78. I’m one of you. I wake up and work my tail off every day to pay my bills and support the people in my life.

79. I’m just your average human. I struggle with paying bills and being there for the people in my life.

80. I am just a human being. A child of God, born into the world with dignity and worth. I think, feel, dream and hope as all humankind does–that happiness is possible on earth even for those without money or power.”

81. No matter how great your life is, there are things you can do better. I am just a human being, not perfect.

82. I am just a human being like you. I have flaws and strengths and am at my best when I’m honest.

83. I’m a simple person who tries to be good at many things. I love my family, friends, and the people I meet. My journey continues.

84. I’m just like you. I’m not perfect, but I do my best to be good. I love my family, friends and the people I meet. Life is lively!

85. I am a human being. I am not perfect, but I have good intentions. I love my family and friends and enjoy the people I meet. My journey is far from over.

86. I am just a human with a mind, a heart, skin and bones. I am me; you are you; we are all unique and beautiful.

87. I am just a human with a mind, a heart, skin and bones. We are all unique and beautiful in our ways. Whether at a party or the office, the world would be better if we treated each other more kindly.

88. I am human: a collection of hopes and fears, pleasures and sorrows, kin­dled with contradictions.

89. I am just a human being. I am constantly learning and growing. I am con­stantly making mistakes and correcting them.

90. I am a human being. I make mistakes, and I learn from them. If you need help, please reach out to me. I’m here for you.

91. I am just a person. I make lots of mistakes and learn from them. I try to improve myself daily but acknowledge that sometimes I fail.

92. I’m a human being just like you. I have my strengths and weaknesses and am constantly working to become better.

93. I’m far from perfect, and that’s okay with me. We all make mistakes, but we also adapt, learn and grow.

94. It’s just me. I’m human. I’m anything but perfect, which makes me who I am. I’m a creator and have ideas to share with the world.

95. I am just a human being, like you. We all share this one world and our hopes and fears.

96. I am a living, breathing being. I have hopes and dreams, endure pain, and change constantly. I am complex and flawed.

97. I’m just like you. I’m a person with hopes and dreams, ideals and virtues, and lots of contradictions.

98. I am neither a saint nor a sinner, an angel nor a demon. I am only human.

99. I am a human, not a saint or a sinner, an angel or a demon.

100. My eyes are my window to the world, a reflection of joy and passion. I am a free spirit, not bound by social norms and expectations.

101. I’m a person who makes mistakes and has flaws. I like to have fun as much as anyone else, but I also work hard on my friendships.

102. As a person, I make mistakes. As a person, I can sometimes be unsure of what to say when meeting someone new. But as a person, I also care very deeply about making people feel welcome and comfortable. And that’s what I plan to do with my life. Make people feel welcome and comfortable on their paths to self-exploration.

103. I am just a human being, but I have the power to do great things.

104. I am but a human being, but even I can make a difference.

105. I’m just an ordinary person, but I can achieve extraordinary things.

106. I’m just a normal person, but I can do incredible things.

107. I am a person who wants to do something great with my life.

108. I am just a human being, nothing more and nothing less.

109. I’m a regular person and want to live in the world with the rest of you.

110. I am not perfect, yet I am good. I don’t always know or do everything right. Yet, I am still a person worthy of love and respect.

111. I am a friend who will always be there for you. I will take care of you when you need me.

112. I’m just like you, a normal person with a family, friends, and dreams. Sometimes I struggle and make mistakes, but I always learn from them.

113. I am just a human being who can write words. I am making interesting and nicest informative blogs in English and have 50 subscribers. I believe that the blog is important for every person. This blog is about making the blog about Personal Growth and Empowerment.

114. I am human, but I feel like I was born with a voice. If you want to make friends with me, then really listen to the words that I’m saying and follow my advice.

115. I am just a human being like others, and I enjoy the good comfort of life.

116. Like all others, I am just a human being and enjoy the good things in life.

117. I love to enjoy life, whether in a hot air balloon over the Amazon or gathering with friends and family around a campfire. I am, after all, just a human being like anyone else.

118. I’m just another human being like you. I enjoy the small things in life, like gathering with friends and family around a campfire or in the hot air balloon over the Amazon.

119. I am just a human being; I make mistakes. I am human and have no right to be biased.

120. I am just a human being. I have feelings and needs, and I can’t always be perfect. If you want to stay in my life, be truthful and honest. If not, then let’s be on our way.

121. I’m just a human being living on this earth. I try to be the best person I can be, but sometimes that’s not good enough. If you want to stay in my life, be truthful and honest with me. If not, then it’s time for us to part ways.

122. I am a person. Like you, I have feelings, needs and desires which are not always easy to control. If you want to continue our relationship, we need to be honest and direct with each other. Otherwise, please leave me alone.

123. I am a human being too. I want you to be honest with me. If you cannot, can we both let it go?

124. I am just a human being, a part of the great scheme of things.

125. I’m a regular person, just like you. I’m a part of the big picture – the great scheme of things.

126. I wouldn’t apologize for being human. I’m a regular person, just like you. We’re all in this together, and that’s a beautiful thing!

127. I am a simple person, just like you. We are all part of the big picture – together, we can do great things.

128. I’m just like you – a human being. I want to be able to live my life on my terms, and for that, I need your help.

129. I am still as marvellous as the day when I was born. I am funny and imaginative, but most of all, I am a human being.

130. I am still as wonderful as the day I was born. And while I understand that people see me differently, I know I’m just a normal human being.

131. I’m a person with a lot of quirks and interests. I like things that are good and fun but also cool, according to my definition of cool.

132. I’m a person with lots of quirks and interests. I like fun things that are good but cool by my definition of cool.

133. I’m a unique person with lots of different quirks. I like good and fun things, but also cool – in my way.

134. I’m an outgoing, easy-going person. My interests are varied – I have many fun things I like to do.

135. I’m a creative person with a great personality. I’m active and fit, and I love to discover things. For me, life is about finding wonderful experiences.

136. I’m a friendly person with an adorable dog and a love of travel. I have a knack for finding the perfect restaurant and the best place to stay while on vacation.

137. I am just a human being so that I can make mistakes. But I’m trying to change, and that’s what matters.

138. I am just a human being who happens to be an artist. But does that make me any less of one?

139. I sometimes feel like I am just a human being who happens to love everyone.

Here are some I am just a human being quotes to remind you that it is okay to make mistakes and learn from them. And of course, these quotes will also make you aware that you are not superhuman, so you should put less pressure on yourself to be perfect.

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