Love Is a Game Quotes

Love Is a Game Quotes

As a poet once said, love is a game that two can play and both win. The rules are not those that society dictates or religion prescribes. They’re lighter and more complicated than that and, at the same time, harder to master. Love requires you to be truthful, brave and cautious all at once. In short, it requires you to be fully human in your dealings with another person. But it’s worth it if you can pull it off.

Love, like any other game, has rules. Some of them are written down, and some are not. Love games can be simple or complex, but they share one common feature: they require two or more players. There are two types of players: mated players, who already have partners, and singles, who are playing to get one. Love is a game that you can win only by playing well.

For some love is a game quotes, see the following amazing list of love is a game quotes.

Love Is a Game Quotes

Life is a game we play, and love is the prize waiting to be won. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. But always remember that when playing the game of love, you are the only one who can play it how your love wishes to be played.

1. Love is a game that two people play. Winners win, and losers lose. But we can both learn something, and the goal is to be the best at it — and enjoy ourselves along the way.

2. Love is a game of inches. You can get as close as you want—and not lose anything. Love is a game where you have to be ready every time.

3. Love is a game. If you win, you’re happy. If you lose, the most important thing is to keep playing it. Enjoy the journey and laugh a lot along the way.

4. Love is a game and you need to play it on your own terms. You score by getting your partner to fall in love with you. It’s not about who makes the most money or has the greatest number of followers, it’s about love.

5. Love is a game, and you need to play it with the right cards. Don’t be shy to reach out for help, and make sure to show your friends and family you’ve got their back.

6. As you get older, you realize that love is a game you play with others and yourself. The game of love is a game that we all have to play, whether it’s played well or poorly.

7. Love is a game of giving and taking. You need to be willing to put in the work, but you also need to be willing to give in return. It is a game you play with your heart, not your mind.

8. Although it may not always be easy, love is a game worth playing. A game of love can be fun but also serious business.

9. Love is a game of choices and decisions. You decide to play or not, but you always end up playing this game together with your lover.

10. Love is a game you must play from beginning to end to win. Be careful what you bet on, and the outcome may not be what you expect.

11. We’ve all got the same chance to find love. So don’t wait, play your cards right, and find your love in time. When you play the game of love, there’s always a winner.

12. Love is a game where you have to be the best player. Be a lover, not a chooser. Learn the rules and you can play, but don’t forget to play with your heart.

13. Love is a game of giving and taking. You have to be willing to let your partner do the same for you, no matter what it takes. Love is the ultimate strategy.

14. Love is a game. It’s something you play; it’s something you win and maybe loses. But if you’re looking for love—play the game!

15. Love is a game of head and heart. And there’s no rulebook for how you win—or lose. The first to make the first move wins.

16. Love is a game of giving and taking. You need to be open to the ups and downs of it all, but know that you can be beautiful when you’re bruised, hurt or different from others.

17. Love is a game. And you have to remember that there are no winners when it’s played, only people who have lost or will lose in the end.

18. Love is a game. It’s played on a broken board, with a missing king and an insane croupier. And it’s all your fault.

19. Life is filled with moments of passion and happiness. Love is an ongoing game, with ups, downs and a whole lot of fun in between!

20. Love is a game that you can play with others, just like you can play games at home. The more you play, the more you’ll win. It’s about who can love you back and who can’t.

21. Love is a game, but it’s also a journey. So whether you win or lose, keep playing. The hardest part is choosing the right one.

22. Love is a game of give and take, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. With that being said, don’t be afraid to fall in love with someone new this year.

23. Playing your best game of love is about more than just chasing trophies, it’s about choosing to get better at the things that matter.

24. Love is a game. It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about creating an experience that is enjoyable for everyone involved.

25. Love is a game of chance and skill. Be the best player you can be, and you’ll win every time. You have to play it well to win.

26. Love is a game. You have to be willing to play, take risks and give. If you aren’t willing to do that, then you are playing by your own rules.

27. Playing the game of love is a challenge, but the rewards are worth it. When you’re in love, it’s easy to forget that it’s a game. There are rules, and there are consequences.

28. We play the game of love. We’re not afraid to fall in and out of it. We’re happy when we’re together, sad when we’re apart, and ready to love again as soon as we’re apart.

29. Love is a game that you can play as long as you want. And the more people you play with, the more fun it becomes.

30. Love is a game, not a war. There is no winner and losers here. Love is something that we all should be able to experience at least once in our lifetime.

31. Love is a game of two steps forward and one step back. The key to keeping your balance is to know that you can always make it over the hill if you keep walking.

32. The game of love is not a simple one. Just like any other game, the rules are clear, and the goal is successfully achieved when both players win.

33. Love is a game you play by the rules. You win by obeying them and lose by disobeying them.

34. Love is a game. The game of love is full of surprises, twists and turns. It’s about seeing the world through someone else’s eyes, not yours.

35. Love is a game. It’s worth playing because there are no winners or losers in love, just people who learn to play well together.

36. Love is a game of two halves: the first half of your love story is how you fall in love, and the second half is how you get back out.

37. Love is a game. It is a game of strategy, but most of all, it’s a game of desire. The best people to play this game are those who want to win it.

38. Love is a game of giving and taking. But in the end, it’s all about being grateful for what you’ve been given instead of focusing on what you don’t have.

39. Love is a game. It’s a game you can win, but it’s also one that requires focus and dedication to keep the ball in the air.

40. The game of love. There are ups and downs, but the goal is to find that person who completes you and makes you a better person.

41. Love is a game played with rules that can change at any time, but friendship is forever. Life is a game, and you can either play it to win or lose.

42. Love is a game of giving and taking, a game of risk and reward. It’s always better to be the one who gives than the one who gets. Stay strong in love always.

43. Love is a game that can be played anywhere, anytime. You have to play in order to get it right.

44. Love is a game of trust. It’s never easy, but it’s always worth the gamble. If you want to win the game of love, don’t complain about the rules.

45. Live life to the fullest. Love is a game that never ends, that’s why you should play it every day. It is a game you can play all your life.

46. Love is a game of cards, not hearts. But you can win by good strategy, not reckless hope.

47. Love is like a game of chess, but it’s not about who moves the most pieces; it’s about who captures the heart. When love is a game, the better player wins.

48. Love is the game we play; when it’s right, we win, and when it’s wrong we lose. The game of love is one of the most beautiful games in the universe.

49. Love is a game. It’s a game you play with your whole heart, and it’s something you can’t win every time. But if you want to win, then play.

50. Love is a game, a game of chance. Without your heart, it’s almost impossible to play the game at all. It’s easy to lose but never to win.

51. We are playing the game of love. The object is to find someone who loves you back. You may not always win, but when you do, it’s a very big deal.

52. Life is a game of love, and every day you are given the opportunity to make a difference. You have to play the game of love—to win.

53. Love is a game. Catch it, win it—or lose it. But always play on. Love is a game of skill, but it’s also a race against time. Love is a game of chess and checkers, but not always checkers.

54. Love is a game. One that can be altered by the smallest of changes and completely altered by an act of will.

55. The game of love is a waiting game, but if you play it right, the reward can be infinite. Life’s too good to rush, so play the game of love with heart.

56. Love is a game of giving and taking. Give in the way that makes you feel loved, and take in the ways that make you feel alive.

57. A game of love that never ends-and there’s no better way to live life than to play it. Don’t let love go. Be the one who never gives up on love.

58. Love is a game. It’s fun, but it’s also serious. You have to play with your heart. You have to open it up, let people see it, and share it with the world.

59. Love is a game that you might win or lose, but you can’t lose your heart—it holds memories of fun and laughter, so when it’s challenged, remember that you still have the memories to reignite the magic of love.

60. Love is a game you play with your heart and mind, but the object is never to win. It’s to continue playing until you finally get it right.

61. Love is a game. The person who plays it well wins more often than not. It’s a chance to try and grow.

62. Life is a game of love. So, if you’re not having fun, go back to the start and play again.

63. Love is a game that you can play when you’re feeling blue. Love is the sweetest game, and you’re the only one you can play it with.

64. It’s all about love. The only game you should be playing is the one where you try to find someone who really loves you back.

65. It’s the game of love, where you try to find someone who makes you feel like you’ve found the person you’ve been looking for.

66. The game of love is not a game but an experience. It is never about winning and losing but about a journey that lasts for a lifetime.

67. Love is a game. Sometimes you will win, and sometimes, you will lose. But in the end, the only real choice is whether or not to play.

68. Love is a game that two people play. It’s not always easy, but it can be fun. It is a game that makes you want to win all the time.

69. Love is a game you don’t always want to play, but it’s always one you want to win. Love is a game of nostalgia and imagination. It is the best way to prove you’re still alive.

70. Love is a game you play with your heart, not on someone else’s rules. You have to play it with all your heart and actions, but never against anyone else.

71. You get what you give. Love is a game that you can win or lose—just like any other.

72. We all have our rules to play the game of love, and it’s the same for everyone. But the most important thing is that you play it with passion and laughter.

73. The game of love is a lot like the game of basketball. You have to take charge, you have to give full effort, and you have to be on your toes at all times.

74. When you’re playing live, keep in mind that it’s all about the journey, not the destination. A love that reaches deep into your heart touches all of your senses and makes you feel like a new person.

75. Love is a game. The rules are simple: You get 1 shot, and you have to win. One shot to capture your heart.

76. Love is a game that you can never win. It’s not about winning; it’s about laughter and falling in love with yourself and each other. You’re in the middle and have to play with passion.

77. Love is a game. The rules are clear, the stakes are high, and the only way to get ahead is to play. Love is a game of two people and a lifetime to win.

78. Love is a game; play it well. It’s all about the journey, not the destination. So don’t rush it. Love is a game that never ends, but it’s worth every second you spend on it.

79. We play the game of love; we try to win, but never forget that love has a short memory.

80. You can find love anywhere. It’s always there if you only stop looking for it and open your heart to it. It’s best to play with your heart; it ends up being more fun that way.

81. Love is a game with many wonderful outcomes, but it’s also a lot of hard work. You should play it with excitement and enthusiasm.

82. You never know how your life will change—love is a game that’s always in play. A game of love. One of the most exciting things you can do is play. In life, with friends, with your family and with your heart.

83. Love is a game of hiding and seek, a game of make-believe. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost, but when you find it, there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.

84. Love is a game well played. Play the game of love. Not hide and seek, not follow, but play. Make your moves, avoid the pitfalls and respond to opportunities. Love is a game you have to win.

85. Love is the game you play to make your dreams come true. To win a love game, you have to have fun. When you’re playing the game of love, it’s all about winning.

86. The game of love is a level playing field. We play it. You win some; you lose some. But we all play the game together.

87. Love is a game; it’s a battlefield. There are no winners in love, only losers. And that’s okay; every loss brings you closer to winning the ultimate prize: your heart’s desire.

88. Love is a game of patience and perseverance; it’s about letting things happen naturally. We want to be like water and allow people to take shape they are supposed to take.

89. Love is a game of tag. It’s what lives on after you find it, and it’s the chase that makes it all worthwhile.

90. Love is a game. It’s all about finding the right pieces. Love is a game you have to play right.

91. True love is a game that gets you through rough times and rewards you with a new perspective when it’s all said and done.

92. Love is a game of connect-the-dots. The secret to love is the ability to let go and trust—in yourself, in your partner and in life.

93. Playing for love. Not for money or recognition. But this game is won by the one who has the most heart and wins hearts along the way.

94. Playing a game of love is an adventure. It’s about finding joy in the little things and laughing at our own nonsense.

95. Love is a game. You have to make the moves that are right for you, and sometimes you don’t always get them. But it’s not over until you decide it’s over.

96. Love is a game, but you can’t be the one to lose. It is the most powerful force in the universe. It creates beauty, it creates peace, it creates hope, and it brings people together.

97. Love is a game of constant discovery, love and loss, joy and despair. Play the game of love because it’s never too late to fall in love with somebody new.

98. When you’re in love, it feels like there’s a different game you can play. If you’re playing the game of love, then you’re in it to win it.

99. Life is a game of love. You might win or lose, but you have to play the game. Never stop playing the game of love. Never ever settle for less.

100. Love is a game we all want to play, but it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about playing for love and doing what makes you happy.

Love is a game you play when you’re winning. This game is about love. It is about finding someone and loving them. There are rules to help the game along. It is not just the expression of a smorgasbord of temporary emotions, such as joy, exhilaration, lust, affection, or even friendship. It is real power – the ability to create something together that could not be created alone.

If you are here, that means you have read through the love is a game quotes up there. I hope you found one or more useful. You sure will!

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