My Life Is in Gods Hands Quotes

My Life Is in God’s Hands Quotes

There is no better way to be in control than to be in the hands of God, for God’s hands are the all-powerful and wise hands of Love. Our life is not in our own hands nor is it in your hands or anyone else’s. Even when no one else knows what you are going through, God the Father does. He is the only one who has the wisdom to see what is best for you in this life and the next.

People do not realise that they are nothing in front of God. They claim to have control over their lives, but the truth is that it is God who has control. It is comforting to know that God is in ultimate control of everything in our lives.

He was the one who brought you into this world, and He is the One who can take you out of it. Know that you do not control your own life. We like to think that we are in charge and that we control most of what happens to us, but the truth is we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

Even though life can be difficult, do not worry about it because with these, my life is in God’s hands quotes, your faith in God will make you realise that everything will be okay even though, at times, it may seem impossible.

My Life Is in God’s Hands Quotes

My life is in God’s hands, and I will tell myself everything will be all right. God will work things out for my good and His glory. He has it all under control. My life is in God’s hands. So, I can enjoy life because it is a gift from my Father, who is for me and not against me!

1. My life Is in God’s Hands. I am safe and secure. God’s plans for me are good. I trust in the Lord. God blesses me; my heart is steadfast because God is with me wherever I go.

2. My life Is in God’s hands. I refuse to worry about anything; instead, I cast all my cares on God, for He cares about me. I won’t be worried and upset; I won’t be afraid.

3. God is so great that His mind and thoughts are above my highest thoughts and ways. I may never understand how He works things out for my good and His glory, but I can trust Him to do so because my life is in His hand, s and the Lord will make way for me.

4. I declare that my life is in God’s hands, and I refuse to worry about anything! Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” That’s a commandment from the Lord to His children—to cast our anxiety on Him.

5. My life is in God’s hands. I will not fear, for God is with me. I do not fear for the future. All things are possible with God, and He will rescue me from every evil attack because He is my refuge and my fortress. No matter what happens, God is there, and I will believe completely in Him so that He will take care of everything I do and say.

6. My life is in God’s hands, and I should never forget it. It is amazing what happens to my life when I believe this because I begin to fund peace, joy and contentment. I also discovered power and strength beyond anything we could have imagined.

7. It is all about having the right perspective. When I understand that my life is in God’s hands and it’s where my life fits into His plan, there is nothing that can shake me or take away the peace that passes all understanding. It is the kind of peace that can weather any storm and make sense of any circumstance.

8. God has me in His hands because I am important to Him. No one on earth is more important than I am to God (John 3:16). He loves me unconditionally, without reservation or exception. There is nothing I can do wrong or right to change how much He loves me— it just doesn’t work that way with Him!

9. What a comfort it is to know that God is in control!” The Bible says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). I will keep this in mind because my life is in God’s hands.

10. God has His hand on me today. He knows my needs, and He will meet them. I will never fear or worry about what the future may hold. Put your trust in the one who loves me more than anyone else. He will give me the grace I need to face any situation today.

11. My life is in God’s hands. He’s the best planner. It’s tough, but He got this. His timing is perfect, and His plan is even better. My life is in my hands.

12. My life is in God’s hands, so I do not worry about tomorrow. My life is in God’s hands, so I live it with gratitude and love. I believe that you have to be active and intentional about where He’s taking you because it will require sacrifice, action, faith, and hard work.

13. My life is in God’s hands. I trust him. He will never leave me nor forsake me! Everything is going to be okay. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil and whatever He decides is the right thing, I will be happy with it.

14. My life is in God’s hands because He holds everything together. That’s why I’m not anxious about tomorrow. God has opened many windows of opportunities for me. I only need to look through them and let His love brighten them.

15. My life is in God’s hands. Every part of my life is in God’s hands. Everything I have, everything I do is from Him. It’s His plan for us, and I’m living it to the fullest

16. My life is in God’s hands. If I were to die today, I know my life would be in his hands. He’s got a purpose for this season. His timing is perfect, and I will trust Him no matter what.

17. My life is in God’s hands. His plans for me are good. What he does is right. I know that He leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake, so I wake up very grateful

18. I know my life is in God’s hands. He will direct it and let it succeed. I trust in him! He will never leave me or forsake me!

19. Who am I to question what God has in store for my life? As long as I hold tight to my relationship with God, he will guide me through every evitable situation. I am a child of God. My life is in God’s hands, and I know my life is in God’s hands.

20. My life is in God’s hands. He will guide me and show me the way. I am so blessed to be able to serve Him. I will live by the faith of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

21. My life is in God’s hands. I trust Him with all my heart and lean not on my understanding. I’m not afraid of what tomorrow holds because I know my life is in his hands.

22. My life is in God’s hands, and he knows how best to look after me. I Trust God; He is the best planner. I will remind myself and others that God is still in control. Even though I may be in the midst of a storm, my life is in his hands.

23. My life is in God’s hands. He cares for me. I trust His love and guidance. I will stop worrying about the future and focus on today. My life is in God’s hands.

24. No matter the day, no matter the trouble, I know My Life is in God’s hands. I will live in the moment, let go of past mistakes and know that every second is a gift from God.

25. I don’t know anyone who will help you more than God! He knew what He was doing when he created me. That’s much better than my life being in my hands, and that’s why I put my life in his hands.

26. My life is in God’s hands. He will lead me down the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. I trust Him! I don’t worry about the world because my life is in His Hands.

27. Don’t forget, my life is in God’s hands. So I choose to stay excited about what He has for me today to face tomorrow.

28. I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me, but my life is in His hands. My life is a gift from God, and how I live it depends on Him.

29. Everything happens for a reason – There’s always a lesson to be learned—keep your faith and stay positive. The Lord will carry me through the journey I am on.

30. My life is in God’s hands today, tomorrow, and every day. I rest in His presence because walking the path of life with my Lord is the best way to live my life.

31. My life is in God’s hands. I wait patiently for the Lord. God has a unique plan for everyone, including me. He won’t leave me without guidance, strength and love. I have faith in him!

32. My life is in God’s hands. He doeth all things well. In his hands are life and death, power to direct our steps. The sunshine of God’s grace can brighten even the stormiest day. I will not be afraid, for my God is with me.

33. Since I know my life is in God’s hands, I live with freedom anxiety. I don’t need to grasp tightly to the things of this world, for they will all be taken away from me at some point. So instead of worrying about what tomorrow may hold, I trust God will provide for my needs and use me in His service today.

34 All my life, I will put my life in the hands of God. All my life, I will make all my ways known to Him because God’s love is bigger than my fears.

35. My LIFE is in God’s Hands—I am not squeezed by life. I am moldable. I am pliable, able to take a new form and be shaped by the love of God.

36. My life is in God’s hands to face each day with peace and joy. Every day, I am blessed by His love, mercy, and grace now and forever. I will stay strong, and keep going, even when it’s hard. I know that my life is in God’s hands

37. My life is in God’s hands. No matter what comes my way, it’s in His control and for His purpose, for he will never give me more than I can handle, and it is His responsibility to handle it on my behalf.

38. My life is in God’s hands, and I will not worry about tomorrow. I will believe in the Lord and do good. I will not fear, for He is always with me. Everything else will work out. He has a plan for me. He has a dream for my life. My hope is in Him.

39. Don’t stress about the little things in life. My life is in God’s hands, and I trust that he will take care of me.

40. My life is in God’s hands. Therefore, I am without anxiety. God has promised that if I give Him my worries and concerns, He will never leave me or forsake me.

41. Life is a mystery. We can’t know what the future has in store. But one thing we do know for sure: God holds our future in his hands.

42. Everything that happens to me is happening according to God’s plan for my life. So I choose to trust God’s plan and have a positive outlook, knowing that everything He does—no matter what it looks like on the outside—is always for my good! Amen.

43. God holds my hand wherever he takes me. The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

44. My life is in God’s hands, and He has a better plan than I could ever imagine. It could have been the best day of my life, but it wasn’t. I am grateful for that day now because, without it, I wouldn’t know how good the best day of my life can be.

45. My life is in God’s hands. He will do as He pleases, even if I don’t understand it all because If my life is in God’s hands no matter what’s happening in my life, whether it’s good or bad. It’s in good hands.

46. I’ll be happy when God takes my problems away from me. I don’t think he will take them, but I’ll trust him to do so. There is no need to fear. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Let My Life Be in Your Hands.

47. We rely on God and his faith for our lives to be successful. God has had his hands on my life from the day I was born, and I believe he will continue to bless me as long as I continue to trust him.

48. Walking with God during the good times and feeling his presence during the not-so-good. God will never leave your side—He’s there with you every step of the way.

49. When it feels like the world is crashing down on top of you, remember God’s got this, and you will be fine. Remember that all things are possible through God.

50. I’ve seen the sun smile, the moon dance and the stars slide across the sky. The beauty of creation can’t compare to what I see when I look in your eyes. No matter what tomorrow brings, today, I am blessed because my life is in the hands of God.

This my life is in God’s hands quotes were written out of love to express deep convictions about God and His Word. They were also written to put hope and encouragement into the hearts of fellow believers, as well as unbelievers, who may be searching for God’s purpose in their lives.

May they inspire you to become a better friend and neighbour by sharing these words with others.

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