Standing Alone With God Quotes

Standing Alone With God Quotes

God cannot bless a work that is not done in faith, and He cannot maintain blessing where there is no trust in Him. The reality is that we need God, this is why we stand alone with God in prayer because only God stands alone and needs nothing from us.

All of us have situations where we feel ‘alone’. We feel alone physically, spiritually or mentally. However, whenever you feel alone with God, He is never alone with you. Standing alone with God can be a way of expressing how you’re feeling in the moment.

You want a meaningful life. You want to walk with God. But it’s not always easy. Thanks to the world we live in, it can be hard. But I’m going to share with you some of my favourite standing alone with God quotes. Reading these will help encourage you during your times of trial.

Standing Alone With God Quotes

If you are going through a hard time in your life, remember that God is with you. He has never forsaken any of his people. He will never leave you or forsake you. Nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. All you need to do is to stand alone with God.

1. When you stand alone with God, it is because someone has drawn a line in the sand that says no one else can share your life.

2. When you stand alone with God, you stand so close that you can’t see Him. But He sees every detail of your life, even your secrets.

3. When you stand alone with God, you will be comfortable; when you are comfortable with God, you will be effective.

4. I stand alone with God. He is my strength, my hope and my love.

5. Stand alone with God. It’s not always clear what He wants for you but it will be something good.

6. I stand alone with God and Hold nothing back.

7. Stand alone with God, you cannot be broken. You can only be bound closer together by the invisible chains of our love and devotion.

8. People are not meant to be alone. As we stand alone before God, He uses us to reach out to others.

9. There is a legion of people who will stand with you, but there is only one you. Be that one.

10. When life gets hard and the world is turning against you, remember that God will never leave or forsake you. He will be there by your side when you need Him most.

11. When you stand alone with God and raise your hands, it’s a picture of victory.

12. If you’re living alone in your life, you’re missing out on something. Life is meant to be enjoyed when you stand with God.

13. The best thing about being in God’s will is that God’s will is always the best.

14. You are the only person who can see you as you truly are. Don’t give up believing stand alone with God.

15. When you stand alone with God, you’re not so much speaking as listening. You’re allowing Him to speak through you.

16. I stand alone with God. He never gives up on me.

17. I’m standing alone with God right now. The sky is blue, the birds are singing and my soul is at rest because I know He’s got this.

18. Alone with God, nothing can stand against us.

19. When you’re standing alone, God’s arms are open to holding you. But if you close your eyes and turn away from God, He’ll leave you alone in a dark place.

20. There’s no better feeling than being alone with God, I mean alone. And it doesn’t take long to get there.

21. Don’t worry about what people are going to say. Just have faith and do your best. And stand with christ.

22. When you stand alone with God. He will always be there for you. He loves you more than any other person can love you, so hold on to Him and never let Him go.

23. God makes a way for the lonely, He is there with the brokenhearted. God never leaves you, He was there when you were lost.

24. Nothing will stand in your way. You can do anything and be anything that you want. We were made to be great! God wants us to use our gifts to bring glory to His name.

25. Stand in your truth and be the change you seek. Stand alone with Christ.

26. Always remember that the true measure of a man is the way he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

27. When you love without being loved, expect without being given and do without being understood, it is only when you are empty that your heart resides safely in God’s hands.

28. God is not far from the brokenhearted. He comes to help us when we need Him most. Keep standing with christ.

29. Standing alone without God is like trying to build a house with no foundation. We need Him to be strong and stable in our lives.

30. Standing alone with God is a lot like taking the first step without any shoes. You can’t see the bottom, but you can feel it.

31. When you stand alone with God, your voice is heard. When you stand alone with God, you feel confident, strong and powerful in doing what is right.

32. Stand alone with God and He will meet you halfway.

33. We can stand alone with God, together or apart. Will you stand with Him today?

34. The most important relationship we can have is not with others, but with God. Be a man who knows how to stand alone with God!

35. The best way to advance in God is to stand alone with Him.

36. I stand alone with God. I walk, even when no one is beside me.

37. It was a long road to get to this place in my life, but now I’m standing alone with God. And I feel so much more confident than I ever have.

38. There is power in solitude. The only way to find it is to stand alone with God.

39. God’s people are an island. They stand alone with God.

40. When you are alone with God, you will see things that no one else can see. You will see what God is thinking and feeling.

41. We can’t do it alone, but God can. He’s always been with us and will be forever.

42. God is the only one who can change your life. He does it through His Spirit, not by force. When you trust in Him with all your heart, mind and soul, He will take care of everything else.

43. Only by standing alone with God, can you find true freedom.

44. Let us stand alone with God, and live our daily lives in humility and reverence.

45. I stand alone with God, facing the unknown yet confident in the knowledge that He is there.

46. Life is always easier when you’re ready to be alone with God.

47. There is strength in being alone with God. In trusting that He is the only one who can hear the things you don’t say out loud. The silence of the morning, the presence of night and everything in between is filled with His truths.

48. Even when we feel completely alone, God never leaves us in the dark. He stands with us when there’s no one else around and will always be our faithful friend.

49. The only way to be ready for something, is to be alone. If you want God’s best to happen, then do it on your own. I learned that the hard way when He gave me my first book deal and I was unprepared.

50. I’ve been alone with God more than ever in my life and what I’ve found is that it doesn’t have to be like this. If we have faith, if we walk in the Light, there is joy in His presence.

51. God will always be there for you. You are not alone God knows your name and loves you very much

52. Whoever is alone, and no one else can help, and needs help that’s the most miserable situation there can be. Just stand alone with God.

53. There’s no place like home: God, alone with me.

54. There is no one like God, and there is no one who can replace Him. However imperfect we are, He loves us with a love that never fails, and as long as we trust in His grace and mercy we will never be alone.

55. When you feel like you’re standing alone, remember that there is someone who sees you for who you truly are.

56. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. When you stand alone before God, nothing in the world can separate you from His love.

Standing alone with God is one of the easiest, most profound, and most gratifying experiences any of us will ever encounter. It is our time with God, to lay all of life at His feet. You can keep your faith strong through these standing alone with God quotes. Please, share and do not hesitate to leave your comment in the comment section below.

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