Thanks for Making Me a Mother Quotes

Thanks for Making Me a Mother Quotes

Nothing is more important than family. When you have a child, you want to do everything in your power to provide for them and give them the best life possible.

If you are fortunate enough to be a mother, then you know just how much of an amazing experience it is. From being pregnant to watching your child grow up right before your eyes, there’s truly no other feeling like it.

Children are the best gift that any mother could receive. If you have an amazing child, make sure you tell them how much they mean to you, and how much you are lucky to be their mother.

It’s easy to look at your child and think that they’re the greatest thing that ever happened to you, but how often do you tell them this? If you don’t say it enough, we have just the thing for you!

Here are some of the best thanks for making me a mother quotes down here!

Thanks for Making Me a Mother Quotes

Thank you for being the best thing that has ever happened to me and making me an amazing mother. I love you so much. You make me a better person every day and are always so full of wonderment and surprise!

1. Thank you for making me a mother. This is the greatest feeling I have ever had, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

2. Thank you for giving me the best thing in the world – being a mother. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you, but now that you are here, I know it is true.

3. We have a beautiful relationship. You are the biggest joy of my life. Thank you for causing me so much worry as I watch you grow up and become so independent. You are an inspiration to me and help me to see the best I can be. This Mother’s Day I thank God for giving me such an extraordinary child, who puts a smile on my face every day.

4. Thank you for being you. Every day I love you more and more. Most mothers say their relationship with the next improves the older their children get, but after spending years with you and watching you grow into the amazing person you are today, I couldn’t imagine my life without you.

5. Thank you for being my daughter. I made the best decision of my life when I brought you into this world. You are a precious angel who has brought joy and happiness to my life. You are worth all the sacrifices I have made to raise you and keep you safe. I can never thank you enough for all the love and inspiration you have given me. Without a doubt, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

6. Thank you for bringing me so much joy and happiness. You are the most well-behaved and sweetest little girl I have ever met and anyone would be lucky to have you as their daughter. Thanks for making me a mother.

7. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. I have such fun with you. I love watching you blow bubbles, kiss your teddy bears and get excited about the beauty in the world around us. I feel so blessed to be your mom.

8. Thank you for coming into my life and making me a mother. Having you brings a smile to my face every morning and helps me gain more meaning in life. I will do everything I possibly can to give you the best life possible

9. Thank you for being a great blessing in my life. I love you so much and I cherish every moment we spend together. Everything would not be the same without you in it. Thanks for making me a mother.

10. Thank you for being born. You have taught me so much and have opened my heart to many new things.

11. Thank you for making me a mother. I love being your mom and I love how much you enjoy and appreciate everything we do together. Thanks for being a great part of my life.

12. Thank you for making me a mother. It has been the most amazing and life-changing journey I have ever gone on. Even though it has been the most tiring and challenging thing I have ever done, it has also brought me more joy than I could have imagined.

13. Thank you for making me a mother. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, but you always remind me why I work so hard. You bring joy to my life and I love you more than anything in the world.

14. Thank you for making me a mother. I was always happy and proud to be your mother but at the graduation service on Sunday, it hit me that you have been with me since I have been alone on this planet. It was a very proud morning. Besides being your mother, we have had so much fun together and so many adventures. I am grateful for all of that, too.

15. Thank you for making me a mother. Daughter, I love you so much. I’m not in a mother-daughter relationship with my parents. However, I still always feel happy, grateful and grateful to be your mother.

16. Thank you for making me a mother. I’ve always wanted to be a mother since I was little but never thought it would happen because you were born without my knowledge or consent. Thank you for coming and being a part of my life.

17. Thank you for giving me the chance to be a mother. I’ve been watching you blossom in front of my eyes and it brings joy to my entire soul. I love you so much and always will.

18. Thank you for making me a great mommy. I’m very proud to be your mommy, and even though we sometimes argue, I know it comes from our love. Thank you for always being there for me and being such a wonderful person.

19. Thank you for the laughs, the kisses, and the snuggles. My life was empty until you came along. I don’t remember my life before you and sometimes I forget to tell you that I love you. Thank you for being a part of my life and thank you for enriching it more than words can say.

20. Thank you for making me a mother and being such a good daughter and doing exactly what your brother has done. I love the bond between you two!

21. Thank you for making me a mother. You have brought so much joy into my life and I have loved watching you grow these past seven years. I am the luckiest woman in the world.

22. Thank you for making me a mother. You have changed my life, and I could not imagine life without you.

23. Thank you for making me a mother. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am grateful for you every day. You fill my heart with love and you make me proud of you.

24. Thank you for making me a mother. I love you for giving me a reason to be. You have changed and enriched my life in so many ways. Thank you for the gifts of joy and wonder you bring into my days!

25. Thank you for bringing me the greatest joy I’ve ever known, one that I have never felt in my life. Thank you for being there when I need someone to tease me or someone who needs me to be a little calmer. Thank you for bringing forth immense joy in my life, no matter how little it may seem at times. Thank you for making me a mother.

26. Thank you for not only making me your mother but also the grandmother to your beautiful children. You have made my life complete and given me a reason to get up every morning.

27. Thank you for making me such a great mother. Now that you are older, you seem to be much more careful with your surroundings. I feel safe when you are out of sight, and when I have to leave you at school I am not worried that something bad might happen.

28. Thank you for giving me a chance to experience being a mother. I was always envious of my friends, but now I know it is a wonderful and amazing thing. You are the most precious person in the whole world, and I’m so glad that life brought us together. Love, Momma.

29. Thank you for allowing me to be both a mother and an entrepreneur. Your presence in my life gives me the drive and passion I need to keep going. I love you.

30. I don’t always say thank you when you do things for me, but please know that I am so grateful that I have a child as wonderful as you. You make my life so much happier and contribute to my daily joys and successes. Thank you for making me your mom.

31. Thank you for your smile and laughter. Both are things that bring joy to every occasion, no matter what it is. I’m very happy you are my daughter and I can’t imagine my life without you.

32. You are the most amazing daughter. Every smile, hug and cry make me feel blessed to be a mother. I developed a love for you that is more than motherly. You are my best friend.

33. Thank you for making me a mother. It’s because of you I get to experience some of the best moments of my life.

34. Thank you for making me a mother. I don’t know if I could get through life without you in it. You are so important to me and I will always be here for you 100 per cent of the time. You really made my life complete. Thank you for being my wonderful little girl.

35. Thank you for making me a mother. Before you came into my life, I was a believer in why would someone want to have children. But now that I have you, there are so many memories I will treasure forever. You make me laugh every day with your funny observation and witty jokes. Your hugs and kisses melt my icy heart. I love you so much.

36. Thank you for making me a mother. You were born on the most beautiful day of the year; you were this little precious bundle I needed in my life and my world has never been the same since then. Every single day with you is amazing and I want to carry it on as long as I’m still breathing.

37. Thank you for making me a mother. I never knew motherhood could be so amazing. You have taught me so much, even things that I didn’t learn during my ordeal. I love everything about you and I am thankful to God for the day I found out I was pregnant with you.

38. Thank you for helping me to become a mother. I love how you look at me with your big brown eyes right after you wake up, and the way you fall promptly asleep in my arms. I also love that I know what cuddles you want: lots of tickles and back rubs.

39. Thank you for giving me a child. The first time I met you, I knew you were special. You made it hard for me to love another person as much as I love you. A mother’s work is endless, but her love for her children is limitless!

40. Thank you for deciding to come into the world and be my son. It’s not always easy to be a parent, but it is so rewarding. I love you like crazy and I am so proud of you.

41. Thank you for being the most amazing son. You are the best, and I’m so happy we get to experience everything together. I love you.

42. Thank you for being an amazing son. I sometimes worry that I am not doing a good job raising you, but every time I hear you talking to your friends and see the genuine love and affection you have for everyone, it reminds me of what an excellent job I am doing. I hope you know how much joy and happiness your presence in my life brings me.

43. I looked at your beautiful, cute face the other day and realized how much I love and appreciate you. You are a great child, my dear. Stay that way forever. I love you very much.

44. Thank you for making me a mother to three wonderful children. You made my life complete and showed me that I could do anything once I started trying. There is no other feeling in the world like knowing that I have someone who loves me and who looks up to me as their mother. I love you very much!

45. Thank you for making me a mother. Bringing you into this world was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I know my life has changed in good ways that I would never have had if it were not for you.

46. Thank you for all that you do. I love how perceptive and smart you are. And thank you for making me a mother, because that is the best feeling in the world. Your imagination never ceases to amaze me, and your dreams give me confidence in your future.

47. Thank you for finally making me a mom. I was beginning to think it would never happen. I am very happy we have each other. We are a great team, and we should be proud of ourselves. Love, your mother

48. Thank you for making me the proudest mother of all. I love how you are so bright and cheerful. You are my happiness at times when things don’t look very happy.

49. The happiest day of my life was when I became a mother. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and my life has never been the same. I love you so much, and while it may seem like I never tell you, the truth is that I am grateful every day for bringing you into my life.

50. Thank you for letting me be your mother even though I didn’t give birth to you. You are the sweetest, kindest, most amazing person I know and I am so glad we have each other.

51. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of my life. A precious little girl that is more amazing than I could have ever imagined. You are such a happy, enthusiastic person and it’s infectious.

52. Thank you for all of the joy, laughs, love and tears you have brought into my life. I feel so lucky to get to spend every day with you. Here’s to hoping that we’ll have a lifetime full of memories together.

53. My heart is still so full of happiness and love. Nothing feels like it could ever make me happier than being your mom. You do not know how much your presence in life makes me happy, but I am sure you will find out what that feels like. Till then, here’s a silent kiss for you.”

54. Thank you for being mine. I don’t know if there is anything else I could ever ask for. I love you. My daughter.

55. I thought I knew what loving someone meant, but when you came into my life, I learned that what I had felt was only a small part of true love. Thank you for bringing joy and happiness into my life.

56. Thank you for making me a mother. I am so happy to have you in my life. You make me feel like being a mom is the best thing on this planet.

57. Thank you for making me a mother. I have never been happier than I am now that I have you and your brother in my life. You are both special gifts, and I love you very much!

58. Thank you for making me a mother. I wanted this so badly, and I can’t believe you are here and real and healthy. You are the love of my life and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Thank you with all my heart!

59. Thank you for making me a mother. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. I love you very much and will continue to always do my best to raise you well.

60. Love, thank you for making me a mother. No one mentioned how tired I would get being up all night with you and by myself. I feel like everyone said career, career, career but no one said about being a mom and the joy it gives you. Thank you for making my life so much happier.

61. I never thought I feel this way. A mother. This feeling is wonderful and it fills my heart with joy! Today, as I was writing my thank you notes, I couldn’t find proper words to thank you for being born and giving me a beautiful life.

62. Thank you for being my daughter. I did not think it was possible to love something as much as I love you. I did not know that something could make me feel so happy, so sad, and so proud all at the same time. You truly have made me into a mother.

63. Thank you for being my daughter. We may have had our bad days, but we always make up with love and lots of laughter. Your smile makes me a better person. Love, Mom

64. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your mother. Every day I learn new things about you and about life in general, and I wouldn’t trade knowing you for anything in the world. Thank you for always taking care of me and letting me be there for you when you need someone, but also for having your own life and being there for me when I need you.

65. Thank you for being born to me. I love you so much.

66. I don’t know how I could have ever gotten through life without you. You took me to the next level that I never thought I would get to, and as hard as it was, it was very worth it. I will always love you, even when we have our moments.

67. Thank you for making me a mother. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Not only are you the most fun, loving and silly person I have ever known, but you have made me feel more love than any human being on this planet could possibly know. Every time I look at you, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have had you in my life.

68. Thank you for making me a mother. I have never been so thankful in my entire life, but that is probably because I have never felt the love for anything or anyone like I do for you! You and our little family have made my dreams come true.

69. Thank you for making me a mother. There aren’t words to describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for telling me funny stories, sharing your triumphs and being a wonderful example of what a girl should be like. Thank you again, sweetheart, and all my love.

70. Thank you for making me a mother. You have changed my life and the way I look at the world. Everything seemed so hard before you came around. Now it seems like everything is going to be alright because you are by my side through every difficult thing. I love you so very much, stay safe and do your best!

71. Thank you for making me a mother. Anyone who knows you can see why I am so proud to be your mother. You are so warm and kind, a great friend to all of the girls at school. So glad we have each other.

72. Thank you for making me a mother. Thank you for making me happy in the morning when I see your adorable face and when I hug you tight goodnight. Thank you for taking care of yourself so that I can enjoy you now, and in the future. Love, mom

73. Thank you for making me a mother, and for giving me the chance to watch you grow. You are my sun in the morning, my moonlight at the night and my stars when I am tired. Everything I do is for you.

74. Thank you so much for coming into my life and making me a mother. I love being your mom. You are growing up to be such a beautiful young woman, who is smart and funny. I am very excited to see what you do in the future, but most importantly I am glad that you are happy.

75. Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity to be a mother. I’m so grateful that I get to be around you throughout my life and I hope that you know I will always love you.

76. I was secretly excited and nervous when I found out that I was going to be a mother. But when you came into my life for the first time, I was overwhelmed by how happy I was. The love I felt for you and how you made me feel is almost indescribable. Thank you for the inspiration in my life.

77. Thank you for being my son. We have been through a lot of ups and downs over the years, but look at us now! I am grateful that God gave me you and I’m proud to say I am your mother.

78. Thank you for making me a mother. I can’t imagine my life without you. You are the greatest joy in my life, and I don’t even have the words to express how grateful I am for all that you mean to me.

79. Thank you for making me a mother. It’s such an amazing and beautiful thing, to give birth to and hold my daughter. I want to raise her to be the best she can be. I love you, baby girl.

80. Thank you for making me a mother. You gave my life meaning and taught me patience and unconditional love. I’m so happy that you decided to come into this world so we could be together.

81. I am often at a loss for words, so let me use written words to thank you. Your love is the greatest gift I could have ever received. Being your mommy is the best feeling in the world. You are wonderful and precious to me.

82. Thank you for coming into this world and for giving me the chance to be a mother. I love your laugh and how you fall asleep next to me at night… You hold my heart and love me unconditionally.

83. I just wanted to write you a short note of appreciation for being there for me. You have made me the mom I always wanted to be and have given me so much joy. I am so happy to have you as my daughter. I love you!

84. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift a person could have – being your mother. You have grown into a beautiful, smart and kind young woman – just like I knew you would. If someone asks me if I think they can have children, I will tell them that “it’s worth it.” You are my life.

85. I never thought I’d be able to have a child, but you have changed my life. You are so sweet and so good-natured that I cannot help but love you. May you realize what a special little girl you are every day.

86. The day you were born was the best day of my life. I love you so much, and every day I thank my lucky stars that I get to be your mother.

87. Thank you for being such a sweet little girl. Your hugs and kisses make my day better and I love to spend time with you. Words cannot express how much I appreciate you.

88. Thank you for being born! I always said that I wanted to be a mommy, and now I am. From the moment you arrived on this earth, you have shown me what true love is. You came into this world kicking and screaming, but from then on, you have been a ray of sunshine.

89. You’ve made my life worth living. I was so lost without you until the day you came into this world. You are my heart and soul!

90. Thank you for making me a mother. I never knew I could feel this way about anyone else so soon after I lost your sister. You are the best gift in my life and I am very thankful you are a part of me.

91. Thank you for making me a mother, it has been an amazing adventure and thrill of my life to raise you, and I love you so much. I’m now realizing how lucky I have been. Thank you for being the girl you are.

92. Words cannot express how thankful I am that my life had a twist of fate that resulted in you. You made me become a mother. You have given me the greatest joy of my life. Thank you for all the times you made me laugh, and also for those times when I was frustrated or angry. Thank you for bringing up my self-esteem when there are days that I doubt it. You are the best daughter ever and I love you.

93. Thank you for being you, for making me a mother. You have taught me so much, love, friendship and most of all how to be patient and understanding.

94. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a mother. By having you, I am living a life completely different from what I expected it to be. I would not have been able to see this colourful world if you had not been born. You mean everything to Mama and Daddy. You make us so happy.

95. Thank you for giving me the best thing in my life. I love every single thing about being a mother to you. The way you smile, how sweet you are, the new things you learn and teach me every day. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing daughter.

96. Thank you for putting up with me during my pregnancy and childbirth. I know it wasn’t easy, but your smile and hugs make it all worth it.

97. Even though I’m not perfect and I sometimes say things that I regret, I’m happy that you’re my daughter. Because of you, my life changed for the better. You make me work hard and play hard. And thank you for coming into my life when I least expected it.

98. Thank you for being my son. I feel so fortunate to be your mom and watch you grow into a smart and kind person. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

99. Thank you for coming to this world. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love everything about your personality and I will always be there for you, supporting you when you need help.

100. Thank you for being born, being such a joy to have around and making life worth living! I love you so much.

101. Thank you for making me a mother! I have never in my life been happier than when I hold you for the first time. You provide so much happiness and comfort every day.

102. Thank you for being born and putting the pieces of my life back together. The family is complete now because of you. I hope we will have a good time together, as you grow up, doing all kinds of things. I love you very much and thank God every day for making me a mother.

103. Thank you for being my daughter. I love being a mom and watching you grow up each day. You are so thoughtful, smart, caring and strong. You make me a better person. I’m very proud to be your mom.

104. Thank you for being a wonderful and perfect little girl. Thank you for picking me out at the hospital and letting me hold you in my arms, even though I was pretty nervous. Thank you for choosing to be my daughter. I love you very much and hope we have many years of happiness together.

105. When I think about my life and how much it has changed for the better since you were born, I can’t help but feel grateful. You are so beautiful and smart. I feel so lucky to be your mom.

106. Even though sometimes I wish I had more time to do things on my own, I am so happy to be your mother. You have brought a lot of joy into my life. It makes me so happy that I get to spend every day with you.

107. Thank you for every moment that you are in my life. I’m very happy to call myself your mother, and for everything, you have taught me about life. You are the best daughter a mother could ask for. You have made my life special by being a part of it.

108. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. You have given me strength, courage, confidence and a reason to smile every day. I can’t even imagine how my life would be without you.

109. I’ll never forget the day you were born and when I first held you in my arms and kissed your soft and tiny face. You’ve brought me so much joy throughout the years, especially when we laugh together. You’re my best friend in heaven and on earth. I love you with all my heart! And here’s to many more years of celebrating our friendship and mother/daughter bond.

110. Thank you for walking into my life and changing it. I never knew how much joy Little Miss Sunshine could bring to my life in one little body but I’m happy I get to feel your love often. I’m also thankful for the sleepless nights and the diaper rash, because from these things you have made me strong. On this special day of Thanksgiving, thank you for all of your love, kisses and hugs.

111. Thank you for coming into my life. As cliché as it sounds, you truly have made my life complete.

These thanks for making me a mother quotes are to inspire and remind you that the motherhood journey is an adventure, not a job. Your own words should reflect your gratitude for this incredible journey God has allowed you to experience as a mom.

Don’t miss using them as you take these small moments in time to rejoice!

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