The Pain of Losing Someone Quotes

The Pain of Losing Someone Quotes

When a loved one passes away, there’s no denying that our lives will never be the same. They’re no longer by our side, and the new reality that we have to face is painful beyond anything we can imagine. The pain of losing someone close to us is something even the strongest among us struggle with. They say time heals all wounds, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel the loss now and then.

Whether you’re just starting to recover from losing someone or have moved on without them, there are times when it can be hard to cope with — especially when there are no words that can properly express how you feel.

Did you recently lose a loved one? Are you going through pains that you can’t express? Coping with the loss of a loved one is difficult on its own. But it’s even more painful when you don’t have the means to express or deal with your pain. Here is a collection of the pain of losing someone quotes that captures the pain and hurts experienced.

Quotes about The Pain of Losing Someone

The pain of losing someone you love is without doubt the worst kind of pain there is. It’s a wound that does not easily heal. Losing a loved one to death is perhaps the greatest single pain that one can ever feel.

1. The pain of losing someone is what makes you want to be someone who can’t be touched; someone who can’t be broken; someone who can be loved, but not hurt by others.

2. The pain of losing someone dear, is like a tear in your soul. It’s a pain that you can’t feel, it’s a pain that you can’t heal, it’s a pain that you can’t control.

3. You hear them whisper, and you feel like touching them. But in the real sense, they are not here. They are gone. The pain of losing someone can be devastating.

4. The pain of losing someone is like a blade cutting through your heart when you least expect it.

5. The pain of losing someone dear to you is a pain that can’t be said, and the pain of saying goodbye, is a pain that won’t go away.

6. The pain of losing someone is like being on the edge of the world, with a gaping hole in your heart that fills with nothing but regret.

7. The pain of losing someone feels like fire burning one’s entire being. You wish they could call out your name, but really they are gone.

8. The pain of losing someone is like a monster that devours you slowly – the pain of losing someone is the worst kind of pain.

9. The pain of losing someone is like a drop of rain that isn’t meant to go through the earth, but it does.

10. When it comes to losing someone dear, the pain is so real and so clear. When it comes to losing someone, it’s like the world has been turned upside down.

11. The pain of losing someone is the worst pain one should ever feel, you may feel this pain every day, but it may be time to finally heal from it.

12. The pain of losing someone is a feeling that no one should ever feel. It’s unbearable, yet, it’s a feeling that is misunderstood.

13. The pain of losing someone dear is the worst pain one can ever bear, in the darkest days, it hurts and haunts the heart.

14. Some say the pain of losing someone is the worst pain we’ll ever know. The pain of losing someone is one of the worst feelings, there is no escape from this pain.

15. It hurts to keep your heart closed, it hurts to love without pride, it’s a great pain to know you’ll never see that special someone again.

16. The pain of losing someone dear such as a friend, can make you feel like you have lost a part of yourself.

17. The pain of losing someone can make you torn apart and broken, torn apart from the inside out, but in the end, you’ll find that you’ll be okay and you’ll return to life stronger and better.

18. The pain of losing someone is a feeling of being torn apart. It’s like losing yourself, just because you lost a loved one.

19. The pain of losing someone is a pain that makes one break down, like a machine that has lost the oil of its service.

20. When you lose someone, you’re lost in the pain. It makes you want to scream and scatter everything you can lay your hands on around you.

21. The pain of losing someone is a pain feel that is so real. It feels like you’re going insane, but you’ll find who you are.

22. The pain of losing someone dear can make you torn apart and broken, but then again it’s a common fear, that tears you apart and leaves you broken.

23. The pain of losing someone is the hardest part, it’s a fire that burns inside. It’s a pain one can’t get rid of, it’s like a thorn that’s stuck on one’s side.

24. Let’s lift our hearts and share a big hug with anyone who has lost someone. Because the pain of losing someone can be very devastating.

25. The pain of losing someone is the worst thing since world war 2. The pain of losing someone is like a bullet to the heart, a bullet to the heart of a butterfly.

26. The pain of losing someone leaves you feeling like you are not sure where you belong. You’ve lost the one you loved, and you don’t know what to do.

27. The pain of losing someone dear brings you to so many tears and makes you realise that you are only human.

28. The pain of losing someone can make you feel like you would rather fall off the edge than have to move on with the one you lost.

29. The pain of losing someone is unbearable at times, and when that happens, you have to be strong and move on with life.

30. When you have lost someone dear to you, you wish they would come back. The pain of losing someone can make you desperate to have them back.

31. The pain of losing someone is a pain you can’t relieve, it makes one feel worthless and sad.

32. People tell you to “get over it” and to “just move on”, but they don’t know what the pain of losing someone dear to you feels like.

33. The pain of losing someone is like a vulture preying on your soul, darkness so sinister, a sadness so sorrowful.

34. Like a knife that cuts through one’s skin, like a flame that burns one’s eyes, like a hole that sinks one’s heart, so is the pain of losing someone dear to you.

35. The pain of losing someone is like a sword through one’s heart. You can’t easily forget the shock that you went through.

36. The pain of losing someone is like a nightmare that won’t go away. It keeps coming back and every time you think of them, you just start crying.

37. It’s hard to forget the pain of losing someone. Having your heart ripped away, and never being able to repair it.

38. The pain of losing someone dear is like a stab in the heart, it can be emotionally draining and even make you wish you were dead.

39. The pain of losing someone you love is a sensation of hollowness, it’s a feeling that eats you whole like poison. It fills you with doubt and worries.

40. It’s hard to sleep at night when you lose someone you love so much. The pain of losing someone can be very hard to forbear.

41. The pain of losing someone is like losing yourself, it’s like losing a part of yourself.

42. The pain of losing someone, is a pain that’s so hard to bear. When they’re gone and you’re all alone, you wish they’d come back and you’d see them again.

43. The pain of losing someone makes you hurt inside. You can’t go on because it makes you fragile and easily vulnerable in life.

44. The pain of losing someone dear is like a tear in the heart. The pain of losing someone dear is like a needle in the heart.

45. The pain of losing someone is like a dull knife on one’s side. It makes you want to fall down and die, heartless and bleeding. When there’s actually nothing that can bring them back.

46. The pain of losing someone is hard to describe. It’s one you would like to share but cannot be shared with another.

47. The pain of losing someone can be very hard to imagine, it leaves you with weakness and the inability to move on.

48. The pain of losing someone is one that can demoralize you and make you feel like others around you do not care about you.

49. Losing someone you love leaves you with a sense of regret that you could have done something, instead of watching your loved one go.

50. The pain of losing someone can make the soul numb, with a terrible pain that you can’t even hide behind a smile.

Some say the pain of losing someone will lessen with time, but that it never really goes away completely. If you are lucky, however, something good might come along to fill your heart and make you feel better than you ever thought you could be.

Have you been inspired by the pain of losing someone quotes above that capture the reality of what the pain of losing someone feels like, and show more compassion to those who lose someone they love? If you have, then don’t hesitate to share this post with your friends and loved ones. Also, don’t forget to drop your thoughts and comments in the comment section below.

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