A Man Without Goals Quotes and Sayings

A Man Without Goals Quotes and Sayings

A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder, drifting randomly with the tides to an unknown destination. The ship is still and dead in the water when a storm blows. The man who has a goal is like the same ship with a rudder. The wind may come upon him, he may get knocked off course, but he will always have a direction to aim for and has something deeper than his immediate surroundings driving him forward.

Goals are what drive and guide our life, giving us the motivation to achieve success. When a man does not have a goal, he has no willpower to achieve success and make progress in any given endeavour.

Have you lost the drive to stay focused on your goals of recent? Or are you hoping to do better in your family, profession, or any field of endeavour? Explore these amazing a man without goals quotes and sayings to enlighten you on what failing to set goals can deprive you of.

A Man Without A Goal Quotes

A man without a goal has no vision and will not be able to realize his true potential. He may not get very far, neither will he have any idea where he’s headed. Goals give us something to work towards; they keep us focused and motivated. A man without a goal is going nowhere and will accomplish no significant feat.

1. A man without a goal is like a tree without roots. Life is about the survival of the fittest and with no goals to achieve, you have no chance to survive.

2. A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder, he has no direction, no way to go, no way of knowing where he is going, he is lost in a world of confusion.

3. A man without a goal is like a boat adrift in this world, full of uncertainty and fear, of pain and regret.

4. A man without a goal is a man without the will to dream and the drive to achieve.

5. A man without a goal is a man who can’t see the bigger picture, a man who can’t look back at his life in the end.

6. A man without a goal is a loser who is going nowhere, but if your goals are all on your mind, you’re one step closer to success. So dream, think and act with purpose, and see the world through your eyes.

7. A man without a goal is like a bird without wings, he is born for nothing and dies for everything.

8. A man without a goal is just a sad, unfulfilled old man. Set a goal, so you can be the man that you’ve always wanted to be.

9. A man without a goal is a loser with no direction, no motivation, no purpose, nothing at all.

10. A man without a goal is a loser who is going nowhere. Never associate with a man without a goal, for he might drag you down with him as well.

11. A man without a goal is a loser, no matter what he has, he does not know how to use it.

12. A man without a clue is a man without a goal. He is a man who has completely lost drive and hope.

13. A man without a goal is a wanderer, he is just a zombie. A man without ambitions is such a failure.

14. A man without a goal is a loser who is going nowhere. He’ll always linger in the dark, he’ll always feel that he’s in quicksand, but a man with a goal will always feel alive.

15. A man without a goal, is like a ship without a port. A man without a goal is a bird without a nest. A man without a goal is a land without a city, very baseless.

16. A man without a goal has no target. He can’t swim across a raging sea, can’t climb a vicious mountain. Though he travels the world, he can’t conquer anything.

17. A man without a goal is like a ship without sails, a bird without wings, a person without a soul.

18. A man without a goal cannot accomplish true happiness and satisfaction. He is without a purpose and without direction to journey through life.

19. A man without a goal will never know the joy of accomplishing a good feat. He is lost in the valley of delusion, and he needs to set his priorities right again.

20. There’s a man in the street, a man without a goal, a man without dreams, who will never achieve true happiness and satisfaction.

21. Without a goal, he has no reason, no purpose, and no hope, he is lost. He is a man without a goal.

22. A man without a goal cannot accomplish true happiness and satisfaction, and he has no hope for living, except he changes his course and sets goals to accomplish.

23. A man without a goal, will never know the taste of happiness, but he should never stop dreaming, and never stop believing that he can still be part of something great.

24. A man without a goal is a man without a cause. A man without a dream is like a man without a soul.

25. A man without a goal is a man without dreams, a man without ideals, a man without focus, a man without plans.

26. A man without a goal is devoid of dreams and a future, he is a man who has no end in view.

27. A man without a goal cannot accomplish true happiness, he has nothing to strive for, he is not driven by a vision. And as a result, he is not fulfilled.

28. A man without a goal lacks motivation, and could easily give up. You may choose to enjoy some leisure, but the truth is, a man without a goal cannot go far.

29. A man without a goal is a man without a heart, a man without a goal is a man without a soul.

30. A man without a goal is a man without the longing for a better tomorrow. He is a man who is not afraid of being anything.

31. A man without a goal is a flimsy man. He never knows what he wants to do, he never knows if he can do it.

32. A man without a goal is like a man without faith, he moves after it, but never toward it.

33. A man without a goal is not driven by vision, he lacks motivation. It is not his fault, it is the fault of his source. He must go to the source and ask it, “where is my goal?

34. A man without a goal loses the light in his eyes, he’s a man who can’t see.

35. A man without a goal is, he is a man without friends, without dreams, without the power to change things,

36. A man without a goal is not driven by vision, but his actions only have one motive, to get rich and be king, and a king is what he really wants to be.

37. A man without a goal is going to be a poor man, he is relying on luck and chance so he is never going to be rich, he’ll also never be happy, he’ll never be satisfied.

38. A man without a goal is going to be a poor man. It’s easier to rely on others to guide your way than to live in the world with the freedom to make your way.

39. A man without a goal is only going to be better if he becomes a man with goals that he can reach and a man that will be filled with ambition.

40. A man without a goal is lost a man. A man without a goal will die and we will all see his end.

41. A man without a goal will never be satisfied, for he’s always striving for something to gain, and like a thirsty man he’s seeking some kind of wet, drinking in the waters of life.

42. If you want to be happy, look to your goal. If you want to be content, look to your goal. If you want to be at peace, look to your goal, because a man without a goal is worth nothing.

43. A man without a goal will never be satisfied. A man without a dream will never accomplish his purpose in life.

44. A man without a goal will never be satisfied, he is the walking dead, and he never makes anyone happy.

45. If you are a man without a goal, you will never know the joy of accomplishment.

46. A man without a goal will never find his way out of the misery he has gotten himself into, except he changes his ways.

47. A man without a goal is never content. He always strives to find a goal. A man without a goal is like a man without a home, he never finds his way in life.

48. A man without a goal will never know the joy of accomplishing a good feat, he’ll never know the joy of feeling a good deed done, he’ll never know the joy of feeling a new hope.

49. A man without a goal is nothing more than a man with a lonesome job. A man without a goal is nothing more than a man who owns nothing worthwhile.

50. A man without a goal will wander aimlessly and he will be able to realise his true potential.

A man without a goal cannot do well in his endeavours. He will have no plan and hence all his effort will be scattered and mostly lost to time. Even if he happens to hit the mark once, he will never know when to apply his energies and knowledge again.

Having a goal can make all the difference between success and failure in your personal and professional life, so if you have some sort of goal in mind, whether it’s big or small, start working towards it as soon as possible.

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