When God Closes a Door Quotes

When God Closes a Door Quotes

When God closes a door, it means that he opens a better one and it’s worth waiting for. When you feel like your dreams are not coming true, remember that God has a plan for you. He knows what is best for us and all the things that happen in our lives, even the bad ones have a reason behind them. Sometimes we don’t understand why something happened but when we look back at our life we see that everything happens for a reason and there are no coincidences.

When you’re waiting for something, don’t be afraid to let go of your expectations because God won’t give you more than you can handle anyway! The key to patience is not just waiting but also trusting in God’s timing; if he wants you to wait then it’s because something better is coming up ahead!

Don’t get caught up with the things you lost or didn’t get because they will never bring happiness into your life; instead, focus on the things that matter such as family and friends who love you no matter what happens! Here below are powerful when God closes a door quotes I am sure you will love.

When God Closes a Door Quotes

When God closes a door, it doesn’t mean you are rejected; It is a way of making room for new and amazing opportunities. Obey his words, quote them back to him and your faith in him would make you realize he has the best for you.

1. When God closes a door, it doesn’t mean you are rejected. It just means that the future behind that door is not meant for you.

2. When God closes a door, it’s so he can make way for bigger blessings. Sometimes God closes a door to your desires so you can accept the ones he opens. Watch and be surprised by what he has in store for you.

3. Sometimes, when God closes the door to your desires, it’s because he wants you to accept the ones he opens instead. Watch and be amazed at what he has in store for you.

4. When God closes a door to your desires, he does it for a reason. Watch and be surprised by what he has in place for you.

5. God never closes a closed door without opening a better one. Watch and be inspired by what he has in store for you.

6. As a creative, you sometimes feel like the world is against you. When it seems like an entire door has closed on your greatest desire, be patient and look toward what God has in store for you! Maybe he is closing one door to make room for another one that’s much better!

7. It’s time to celebrate joy and sorrow with a single dance. God will soon reveal his plan to you. Be attentive! The door that was closed may open again.

8. God closes doors because he wants us to have his best. Our selfish desires close doors and God opens them. Be encouraged. It’s better on the other side!

9. God closes doors that you have time to open. It’s time to recognize, believe and do it. Life can be challenging, but God has the power to change everything. Be patient and see what happens.

10. Life is full of challenges. Don’t let them hold you back or make you feel defeated. Every tough moment is a chance for you to grow stronger, let go and move forward.

11. Learn, be thankful, and face all challenges head-on. Start each day with a smile. Empower yourself. Do what you love and what you’ll always be your best.

12. Behind your closed door there lies a path to your greatness. The sky is the limit. Never stop dreaming. God closes doors no man can open, but he opens doors that no one can close.

13. If you don’t believe in God, you can ask the universe for help when doors close. Open your heart and mind and doors will open up to new things that you never knew existed.

14. God opens a window for you to catch things in a better way. When your dreams fail, remember the Lord is close to you. You may think that it is a failed dream. Maybe you are going through a difficult time. Maybe you are afraid. It’s OK.

15. He is going to remove the person who isn’t right for you and get you ready for someone better. God is not limited by man’s past, your past, or even your present. Believe in the Lord and His goodness. He will make a way where there is no way.

16. Don’t get discouraged when God closes a door. He may be keeping you from something better. Soon, you will realize that closed doors open new opportunities.

17. Some doors are meant to be left closed. If you’re feeling helpless and hopeless, read his words every day and you will know more about doors closing for a reason.

18. Many of us can spend too much time worrying about the doors we need to close, rather than having faith that God is working on the future with you in mind.

19. Never forget that when one door closes, another opens. God is in control of your life. When things that are out of your control happen, He has His reasons.

20. When God closes a door, don’t be disheartened by lost opportunities. God closes doors to keep us from things that are not meant for us.

21. When a door closes, God opens a window.

22. When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

23. You never know what’s waiting for you around the corner. Even when everything seems to be falling apart, you need to trust that something better is coming.

24. One day you’ll wake up, and realize you made it through the hard days and even better days are coming. Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful. Overcoming will be the best thing you’ve ever done.

25. When God closes one door, He opens another. Someone once said, “When God closes one door, he opens another.” That makes so much sense to me. It means that when the problems come, there’s already an answer in the wings, waiting to turn things around.

26. When one door closes, another opens. God will always be there to guide you through the storms. God closes doors no man can open and opens doors no man can close. Have faith in Him!

27. There are moments in your life where you may feel that God has closed a door on you, but He only closes them so He can open another. As long as we believe in Him, there’s nothing that we cannot overcome.

28. When you’ve lost all hope, don’t give up! Things will get better. Stay positive, stay strong, and never give up.

29. It’s always darkest before dawn, but if you keep faith in God, you’ll get through the hard times, and a better tomorrow will come.

30. God knows the difference between what is good and bad for us. This means that when a door closes in our life, it’s because He’s protecting us from something that could destroy us. You should trust God!

31. God knows the difference between what is good and bad for us. He’s protecting us from something that could destroy us. You should trust God!

32. God always knows the best path for you to follow. When a door closes in your life, it’s because He’s protecting you. This helps us realize that even difficult things are for our good, and helps us to trust Him more.

33. When God closes a door in your life, He does it to protect you from something that will destroy you. Never question His decisions. He knows what’s best for you and even the smallest details of your life! Trust God and remember that He is always with you, no matter what!

34. When a door closes, it’s because it’s not the right time for you. There is always a purpose behind everything. Remember that God knows and cares about you – He’s waiting for you at the end of the road.

35. Things happen for a reason. That’s why when a door closes, it’s because it is not the right time for you. At the end of this road, always remember that God knows and cares about you.

36. Don’t give up. Better things are coming your way. A closed door means God has something better in store for you, so wait. He is a great provider, and he cares and knows what’s best for you!

37. Never forget: When God closes a door, he opens another. Remember that He comes from distant places to give you your happiness.

38. If you’re feeling frustrated, it means you’re not in the right place. Maybe you should pursue that other opportunity – it’s okay! There is always another opportunity.

39. God closes doors so that other better ones can open. Don’t be discouraged if it didn’t work out, remember that changes are always for the better.

40. You are one step closer to the amazing world God’s prepared for you. Rest assured that everything will be beautiful in its own time and place.

41. A door may shut today, but something better awaits you tomorrow. In life, we’ll be presented with many closed doors. When one closes, we must always trust that a more suitable door is opening. Trust in God!

42. As long as we abide by God’s word, he will never lead us astray. Your purpose will be fulfilled on earth, and you’ll have all the blessings and protection you need to grow. Trust in God!

43. Trust that there is a reason behind everything, even if we don’t understand it. Trust yourself, everything that heals is within you.

44. We must believe in the power of God to work through us as we pray for one another. This will bring healing and healing and restoration to our lives!

45. Every setback, you encounter is an opportunity to fight again. So never lose your motivation or hope. Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to. But when you feel like you’re down and out, just think of the beautiful chances that are just waiting to enter through an open door.

46. While you might not understand it now, You can’t understand joy without pain. Everything happens for a reason. Be thankful when God closes a door – When one door of happiness closes, another opens.

47. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

48. We can be thankful when God closes a door. Sometimes we don’t know it, but what we think is the end of something is often the beginning of something new.

49. When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

50. If one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened.

51. God closes one door but opens another. The trick is just to be ready to enter when He does.

52. While God may close doors in your life, never forget that He will always open windows of hope and opportunity. For every closed door, opportunity awaits.

53. The truth is, we don’t always get what we want. Like it or not, life isn’t fair. But when one door closes, another door opens — it’s true!

54. As you stumble, you are redirected to the path where your success lies.

55. Wherever you look, you’ll find a better opportunity. So keep looking. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and into your new adventure.

56. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. When you think there’s no way out, but then it turns out you were wrong, and there’s a new way that is even better.

57. For every valley there is a mountain. For every endless night, there rises a sun. For every storm, there are calm waters.

58. But even in our darkest hour, we can find comfort. We can know that it will be ok.

59. Although life may be difficult now, it will get better. If something seems to be holding you back, try looking in another direction.

60. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you a window, enjoy the breeze.

61. It’s easy to get discouraged when things go wrong. When one thing closes, it means something even better will open up.

62. God will bring you something better. Sometimes all you need is one person who believes in you, to change your life.

63. Whenever you feel like you’re losing hope and things aren’t going your way, remember that time is on your side. Keep pushing forward, keep believing in yourself, and never give up.

64. You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. When God closes a Door, He opens a window and a better opening right ahead.

65. God never gives you a mountain you can’t get over in the strength he provides. The challenge is to remain hopeful and keep on fighting past all the closed doors. Not everyone gets to be successful, and that’s OK. Don’t let fear or lack of confidence stop you. Don’t give up

66. We are not here to determine if God can close a door. God closes doors so that He can open better ones. We all learn from our failures, but the best of us learn the most from our successes.

67. When God closes a door, he is really inviting you to go into his presence, so that he can give you a better door with blessings.

68. Door-closing is not the end of your story. It’s a new beginning that God can use for His glory.

69. Sometimes the doors and windows close. They’re only closed so that we can seek our new and better blessings.

70. Whatever the past has been, you have a spotless future. Below is the list of doors that God is about to open for you. The door may have closed, but opportunity still exists. Expect it and be open to it.

71. There’s a bigger plan out there for you. Don’t worry. Open yourself up to see what God has planned. He will always find you the right door. We don’t know the WHY of why things happen. But we do know the WHO of who our comfort and strength come from. God is always with us, especially when we’re feeling closed off.

72. You were built for the impossible. God will never give up on you, so don’t quit on Him just yet, because He’s got big things for you! Life is not always what it seems. God knows where he is taking you, even when you don’t.

73. You and only you are responsible for the choices you make. It’s the faith you develop in the act of overcoming the test that will lead you to better opportunities.

74. If God closed a door for you, he probably does it so he can open a better door for you. God doesn’t close a door without opening another one. The door may be different from the one you want, but it will bring you something better.

75. God closes doors not to punish you but to protect you. See it as a blessing in disguise. When one door closes, another opens. Even God cannot open a closed door, but he can open a new door for you

76. When one door closes, another opens. This means: when one opportunity ends, another begins. You are not your past or your present. You don’t even know your future. But God does. Trust Him, and He will make sure you end up exactly where you need to be at the right time.

77. When one door closes, another one opens. Don’t dwell on the past, embrace new opportunities. There is nothing more important than searching for who you are and what you are meant to do with your life. You will find the direction when you are ready to take it.

78. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

79. The answer any of us is looking for is waiting in the future. You just have to continue on your path, and the doors will open one after another.

80. There are times when things don’t go your way, but remember, the people that you love are always near. It’s always exciting to imagine a big breakthrough, a sudden change in your life. But you never know when that break will come, how it will come.

81. Don’t be afraid of closing doors, because things often don’t work out. God is constantly shutting doors from your past so you can open new ones. Remember to keep moving forward — your future could be just around the corner.

82. Focus on the doors that are opening, not closing. We know they’re God-sent since they’ve never let us down. God is opening new doors for you! Don’t be afraid as He helps to guide you to a place where you belong.

83. What seems to be the end for you, may actually be a great beginning. What seems to be taking your future away from you, may actually be redirecting it towards what you are meant to do.

84. Doors are meant to come and go. Doors are also meant to be open and closed. Sometimes doors can become obstacles, but in life, persistence is the key to success! Open a door, see what’s inside, and then close it quickly. Do this over and over again until you find your happiness. God places people in your life for a reason. When it’s time for them to go, don’t fight it. At the end of this, you will find that it was all for you.

85. Never let go of the faith to reach your dreams, never give up and never ever stop believing. Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.

86. The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. When God closes a door, something better will open. God brings good things into your life, just be patient and wait. Have faith in God and the right things will come.

87. When God closes a door, something better will open. Never lose hope while you await the next opportunity. Look forward to it with excitement. God is working behind the scenes to lead you in the right direction. Your blessings are coming soon.

88. Something better will open. There is nothing that God cannot do and while sometimes doors may close, His Presence is always open and He will be with you through it all.

89. When one door closes, another always opens. And it will be better! When one door is closed, there is another that is open. It’s easy to get discouraged when something in life isn’t working out the way you expect it to. Be positive and believe that everything happens for a reason. Trust in God and keep your faith, because an opportunity will always open up if it’s meant to be.

90. Every disappointment, setback or heartbreak is an opportunity in disguise. Someone great once said, “When one door closes another opens, but you often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that you do not see the one which has opened for you.”

91. God will always open a new path for you. Life opens doors for you. All you have to do is walk through them. Whether you’re feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster, or feel like everything is just not going your way, remember that there are things life will teach you, and the way things work out will always be in your favour.

92. When things feel like they begin to fall apart or go wrong, something new will always rise from the ashes. When God closes a door… I choose to trust that He has a plan that is bigger than my imagination.

93. The legend says, “When God closes a door, he opens a window. And even if there is no window, he still opens his heart and small angels appear through it to help us keep moving.”

94. God closes a door to keep you moving forward in the right direction. He leads you down the perfect path. God closes a door to keep you moving forward in the right direction. He leads you down the perfect path.

95. God closes a door in order to lead you down the perfect path and keep you moving forward in the right direction. God closes a door to keep you moving forward in the right direction, but He will never leave you alone. Even though this moment may seem extremely difficult, tiresome, and dark, God has revealed Himself because of you!

96. God’s path doesn’t as much lead you to a destination as it leads you forward forever. Remember that every door He closes takes you somewhere better. God opens doors for you that no one can close. So, don’t be afraid when God closes a door, because the right door will always open. Have faith in God and His plan for your life.

97. Believe in miracles, because they happen every day. Believe in yourself and face challenges with courage and perseverance. Moreover, trust in God to guide you, because God opens doors for you no one can close.

98. When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us. God has plans for you. Don’t be afraid when something bad happens to you, because something better will always happen if you have faith in what the future holds for you

99. God is a loving Father who wants the best for you. When He closes a door, it’s because He’s opening another better door in your life. Whenever God closes a door, He always opens another one. It may not be the one you want, but it will be the one you need.

100. Believe in things that cannot be seen. In the darkest times, you find strength. So, because God closes a door, don’t worry, because that’s the way He protects you. God is with you, always guiding you on the right path. Don’t be afraid to close doors that don’t lead you to where you want to be, because God is leading the way. Trust in His plan and know that he’ll open a door for you when the time is right.

We all get disappointed in life. Some disappointments are blessings in disguise and help us realize that there is something better just ahead. That’s why I hope you will find these when God closes a door quotes encouraging and comforting.

They remind us that no matter how bad the moment may seem, there’s always another door opening just ahead—and life is always better on the other side.

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