Attention seeking behaviour is common among humans. It’s a defence mechanism that can make you feel safe or secure. Such behaviour comes in the form of excessive requests for attention, whining, creating a fuss, being dramatic, and speaking out of turn.
Attention seekers want their needs to be met, no matter what. They want to feel satisfied with their lives. They crave attention and love. They value being needed and accepted, but most of the time, it’s done to get what they want, even if it means they have to be in the limelight.
At some point, attention seekers may do antisocial things, but they aren’t necessarily malicious; they only want attention, admiration, and adoration from others. This attention seeking behaviour can be good or bad, depending on the situation. So, here are some attention seeking behaviour quotes for you to check out.
Attention Seeking Behaviour Quotes
When you constantly seek attention from others, it is often because you need validation. You want to feel good about yourself, so you use attention seeking behaviour to seek approval from others. Don’t let your self-esteem be dependent on others’ approval. Be you!
1. If you know someone with attention seeking behaviour, always tell them it’s not a good way to get attention from people.
2. As a social species, you depend on attention seeking behaviour for survival. But as a human being, it can be extremely difficult for the people around you.
3. You want to be noticed and popular. But your attention seeking behaviour most times is not worth it.
4. Getting attention is fun, but there are better ways. Don’t seek attention through attention seeking behaviours; it hurts your self-esteem.
5. Don’t you hate it when someone tries to get attention by doing something wrongly? Stop your attention seeking behaviour. It is wrong.
6. I hate it when people portray attention seeking behaviour. It hurts me deeply.
7. I get why you use attention seeking behaviour. I know that sometimes it feels like you don’t have any control over what is happening. Well, be yourself!
8. It is not so good to have someone use attention seeking behaviour around you.
9. It is not so good to be around someone who uses attention seeking behaviour, so don’t do it.
10. You’re doing a lot of attention seeking behaviour. It’s not a good way to get attention.
11. I am sure you are fed up with people who use attention seeking behaviour every time, but sometimes you should try to understand them.
12. You might be doing things that bother the people around you. So, stop using attention seeking behaviour to attract people’s attention.
13. I get that you want to be heard and noticed, but your attention seeking behaviour is a bad way to do it. It’s not so good for the people around you.
14. It is not good to use your attention seeking behaviour as it can be disturbing for people around you.
15. You want to be liked and even loved. That’s only natural. But your attention seeking behaviour is a bad way to go about it.
16. When you’re around people who use attention seeking behaviour, you can’t help but feel like their actions are disturbing and distracting, but try not to hurt their feelings.
17. People with attention seeking behaviour are sometimes ignored because they only do it to get noticed and never think about how their actions affect others.
18. People with attention seeking behaviour can be disturbing and even hurt you, so try to talk them out.
19. You can try to seek attention, but if you do not use your attention seeking behaviour well, you might annoy people around you. So, stop doing that.
20. When you find yourself engaging in attention seeking behaviour, remember that it can be harmful to your self-esteem.
21. It’s disturbing when you try to get attention by being louder than others or acting weirdly. Your attention seeking behaviour is wrong.
22. The best way to attract attention is by being a good friend, not by using attention seeking behaviour.
23. Attention seeking behaviour distracts those around you; don’t do it.
24. You can’t seek attention in a good way. It’s better to focus on your things and avoid engaging in attention seeking behaviour.
25. Being an attention seeker is not a good thing. It’s not so good, and you should avoid it. Do not use your attention seeking behaviour.
26. I think you have someone in your life who’s always using attention seeking behaviour to get attention from others, so keep correcting that person.
27. Some people are so desperate for attention that they do things that are not so good to get a lot of people’s attention but are wrong. Stop using attention seeking behaviour.
28. You have heard of the term “attention seeking behaviour.” It’s an act to get people to notice you; it’s very wrong.
29. If you want to be a good friend, give them space and make them forget about your need for attention. Your attention seeking behaviour is not so good.
30. It’s disturbing to have someone seeking your attention when you are busy. Don’t use that attention seeking behaviour.
31. If you are always looking for others to notice you, you are an attention seeker. And using that attention seeking behaviour is very wrong.
32. It’s so disturbing when people try to seek your attention in a not-so-friendly way. Do not use attention seeking behaviour.
33. Attention seeking behaviour will get you ignored and is certainly not the way to get a girlfriend or boyfriend.
34. Everybody wants to be heard, but there are better ways to seek attention than behaving badly to make everyone else listen to you. Stop using attention seeking behaviour.
35. When looking for attention, you’re just looking for love and acceptance. Don’t use your attention seeking behaviour unwisely.
36. I’ve never understood why people want to be the centre of attention. It’s wrong to use attention seeking behaviour.
37. Don’t be a disturbance to others with your attention seeking behaviour.
38. If you start getting attention for being disturbing, it’s not a good sign. You need to put your ego aside and stop using your attention seeking behaviour.
39. It is distracting when people are always seeking attention for no good reason. Stop the attention seeking behaviour!
40. Sociopaths, narcissists, and attention seekers: you can agree that these people are disturbing, so stop engaging in attention seeking behaviour.
41. You want to be noticed, but it’s not like you’re doing any good. Stop the attention seeking behaviour.
42. It is all good and well that you want to be seen, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, you know? Stop the attention seeking behaviour!
43. Is people’s attention seeking behaviour, such as talking too loudly and saying something inappropriate, important?
44. It is not fun to be around a person who uses attention seeking behaviour to seek attention from others.
45. Don’t be a disturbance, and don’t try to attract attention if you don’t have anything important to say. People might ignore you. So, stop the attention seeking behaviour.
46. People can’t stand you when you are always seeking attention. You’re always disturbing. Stop the attention seeking behaviour.
47. Stop attention seeking behaviour. Some people constantly try to get your attention. They do it by making loud noises or by showing off. These people are not cool, but try to correct them lovingly.
48. Don’t be that guy or girl who exhibits attention seeking behaviour. It’s not so good for people around you and makes you look immature.
49. If you’re making people around you feel uncomfortable, it’s time to stop that attention seeking behaviour.
50. People will find you annoying if you constantly use attention seeking behaviour around them.
51. I do not like attention seeking behaviour. It is wrong.
52. You know, the people with attention seeking behaviour. They just can’t go out with friends without trying to be funny or make a scene. Yes! The attention seekers! Ignore them!
53. Attention seeking behaviour is a fantastic and bad way to get attention.
54. As a person who loves attention, I can confirm that it’s unpleasing when people around you use attention seeking behaviour.
55. Attention seeking behaviour is not a good thing to have. It’s like a mosquito that keeps buzzing around you.
56. Nothing is more disturbing than being surrounded by people with attention seeking behaviour.
57. You should not try to seek attention in a bad way; attention seeking behaviour is wrong and makes people around you feel bad.
58. You need to stop all the attention seeking behaviour. It’s not only disturbing to those around you, but it’s also a turn-off.
59. I’m sure you’ve witnessed your close friend’s attention seeking behaviour. They always seek attention from others, and they don’t care if you try to correct them.
60. It is sad to see people suffering from attention seeking behaviour. They are so insecure about themselves that they feel they need to steal the spotlight from others.
61. Do you know that person who always wants to be the centre of attention? Tell that person to stop all attention seeking behaviour.
62. You’re making everyone around you uncomfortable when you try to seek attention through attention seeking behaviours.
63. It is always unhealthy to deal with attention seeking behaviour, especially from someone you love.
64. It is distracting when people try to seek attention by acting funny and doing stupid things. Stop the attention seeking behaviour!
65. I don’t like it when people try to get my attention in public; it’s so embarrassing. People with attention seeking behaviour are most often ignored.
66. You must have met someone who exhibits attention seeking behaviour. But what do we do to avoid them?
67. Don’t be an attention seeker. Be aware of how you affect others. Stop the attention seeking behaviour.
68. Friends don’t let friends engage in attention seeking behaviour. Be there for your friends.
69. Fidgeting, interrupting, raising your hand, asking questions; all these attention seeking behaviours disturb people around you.
70. People with attention seeking behaviour always feel like they’re the centre of attention, but in reality, they just disturb others around them.
71. No matter how much it’s needed, there are better ways to get attention from people around you than by using attention seeking behaviour.
70. Why do people engage in attention seeking behaviour? Because they’re insecure. But when you give them attention, you encourage them to do it repeatedly. Try to correct them lovingly.
73. It is no fun meeting someone who is always using attention seeking behaviour, so stop being one.
74. It is often disturbing to see someone using attention seeking behaviour just to get attention. You may laugh at them or feel annoyed, but if you look at it from their perspective, they only lack love.
75. It’s one thing to want attention, but it’s another to create drama just to be the centre of attention. Stop creating drama with your attention seeking behaviour.
76. Look, everyone likes to get attention. But there are ways to do it without using attention seeking behaviour.
77. Everyone enjoys it when they get attention, but going through attention seeking behaviour to get it is not fun.
78. You have some attention seeking behaviour, but it bothers others when it’s just too much.
79. You must have been disturbed by the girl who always needs to be the centre of attention or the guy who’s always bragging about his prowess. It’s always wrong to use attention seeking behaviour.
80. You want to be loved, but there’s a big difference between loving attention and wanting to be noticed. Stop using attention seeking behaviour to get noticed.
81. You know you’re seeking attention when you can’t have a conversation without mentioning yourself or your achievements. Stop using attention seeking behaviour!
82. I know you have been there. You want to be liked and known by others, but it turns into a bad habit in the end. Don’t force people to like you through attention seeking behaviour; be yourself!
83. You know an attention seeker, but that doesn’t mean you have to be one of them. Do not use attention seeking behaviour.
84. Some people can’t help but seek attention. It’s usually not so good for the people around you. So, stop using attention seeking behaviour.
85. Maybe you want to get noticed through your attention seeking behaviour, but often it’s not always good for other people.
86. The way you seek attention is a bit disturbing. You always have to look for attention from people around you by bragging and boasting about your achievements. attention seeking behaviour is very wrong.
87. Hey, listen up! Do you want attention? Do you want to get in people’s faces? Well, it’s not cool to use attention seeking behaviour.
88. I have good news for you! There is a good way to seek attention without using attention seeking behaviour: it’s called self-confidence.
89. Attention seeking behaviour is not the best way. Build your confidence, and your confidence will seek attention for you.
90. There’s nothing wrong with seeking attention. It’s normal, but doesn’t it feel better to be accepted and loved? Just be yourself, and you will realize you do not need attention seeking behaviour to get noticed.
91. When you throw yourself around in the name of seeking attention, you tend to lose value. Stop creating drama with your attention seeking behaviour.
92. Attention seeking behaviour is the act of provoking a strong emotional response from another person for self-gratification.
93. The most unacceptable thing about people who use attention seeking behaviour is that they want you to think of them.
94. When you’re the centre of attention, it feels great. But sometimes, you go too far when you seek attention through attention seeking behaviour.
95. Stop the attention seeking behaviour and start being considerate. Do not be an attention seeker.
96. No one wants to be around someone who can’t stop talking or constantly interrupting. Stop being inconsiderate with your attention seeking behaviour.
97. Attention seeking behaviour is not always good and can be very hard to avoid, but it’s important to remember that it is also a sign of insecurity.
98. If you are one of those people who is often asked to be quiet or to stop talking, you are an attention seeker. Stop your attention seeking behaviour.
99. If you’re ever annoyed by someone’s attention seeking behaviour, remember that they’re just looking for human interaction.
100. It is one thing to distract people in small doses, but if you’re the type of person everyone tries to avoid, it might be time for you to stop using attention seeking behaviour to get noticed.
I hope that these attention seeking behaviour quotes have inspired you. It can be fun to seek attention, but it might not always be a good idea. If you find yourself craving attention, take some time to evaluate why you are doing it and whether or not it is helping you get what you want out of life.