Being Real Gets You Hated Quotes

Being Real Gets You Hated Quotes

Why do most people hate being real? They won’t really dare to be themselves because they are afraid of the consequences. There are so many people in the world that accept just about anyone as long as they talk or act in a way that is considered normal.

To be real means to be honest in our dealings with others and ourselves. Bullshit has become as desirable as, or even more desirable than, the truth. Some people want to see a perfect you, and you get hated when you show your true self with some flaws.

It’s not that easy to be honest and to live a real life. It’s a lot easier to pretend to have integrity. Some people don’t like you to be real, especially if it’s detrimental to their integrity. But in the end, you have to settle your own moral account with yourself.

Sometimes, the cost of being honest about who you are and what you believe in the face of bullying, hate and scorn from others is that your life falls apart and everyone you love abandons you, leaving you alone with your principles.

Some quotes have been written about being real and getting you hated. See the best of them in the collection of being real gets you hated quotes below.

Being Real Gets You Hated Quotes

Being real gets you hated. When you are real, people will hate you. But when you pretend to be something you’re not, they will be waiting there to tell you how great they found your performance.

1. Being real gets you hated; being fake doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to be real. It gets you hated, but you have no choice in the matter.

2. Being real gets you hated but gets you everything you want.

3. Being real gets you hated. Being fake gets you hated even more. But it’s true, none of us is pure, so be yourself and have fun.

4. Being real doesn’t get you loved, but it guarantees success. The truth gets you hated but you just have to be real.

5. If you’re real, you get hated. But if you’re fake, then they’ll love you. Have the courage to be you. People will dislike you for it, but that’s their problem, not yours.

6. Once you start being real, people will hate you if they don’t get what you’re selling.

7. Being real is not easy. It will cost you friendships and money and probably hurt you. But the rewards are more than worth it. Just do it.

8. When you are authentic, people hate you. When you’re fake, people love you.

9. Be yourself. Be honest. Be real. People will hate you but you’ll be loved wholeheartedly by all in the end.

10. You will be hated for being real. Being real about who you are is the only way to what you want out of life. You can’t please everyone. You have to be yourself and live your truth.

11. Being yourself is a challenge. Let it be your goal to stay true to who you are and don’t let anyone change that.

12. Be real. Be yourself. Be better than all the rest because you can do anything you put your mind to doing even if it gets you hated.

13. The only thing that will set you free is being true to yourself and your vision. Being real gets you hated but it also makes you powerful.

14. Being real gets you hated. Being a human gets you loved.

15. Be real. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable and sharing your story with others. It gets you hated, but it also gets you loved.

16. If you’re not real, you’ll be misunderstood. If you are real, people don’t like it.

17. Being real is not easy, but being real with yourself and others will help you grow stronger.

18. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Be real, and people will judge you anyway, so why bother to act fake

19. Being real, being vulnerable and being honest with yourself and others is the only way to true happiness even if they hate you.

20. Be real, not a fake version of yourself. Don’t seek approval from anyone else but yourself.

21. You can’t please everyone, but you can be real. And in a world that’s full of lies and half-truths, that’s the only way to live with integrity.

22. It’s hard to be real, but it gets easier every day. Being authentic is the ultimate resistance.

23. No one cares about your secrets, especially when they’re boring. Tell the truth and let people love you for it.

24. We all want to be liked and accepted, but we need to remember that the world will always hate us when we are real.

25. You will be hated for being yourself. You shouldn’t care, because the only reason you are alive is so you can be awesome.

26. Be real. Be authentic. Be you. Then, when you get hated for it, that’s a good thing.

27. Be yourself, even if people don’t like it. Because someone who is exactly like you, who is real and honest, will always be respected and loved.

28. Sometimes you have to be real, sometimes the truth hurts. But it’s always worth it.

29. Don’t let others define you, don’t let the world tell you who you are. Be real and be yourself even if you’re hated.

30. The truth is, you’re never going to be accepted by everyone. But in the end, it’s all about how determined you are to be like yourself.

31. You can’t please everyone, but you can try to please yourself. People will hate you when you are real, but that’s what makes you amazing.

32. It’s hard to be real. But being authentic means facing the truth about who you are, what you say, and how you treat people.

33. I don’t care if you are hated or loved; I am going to be real.

34 It takes courage to be real and honest, but it’s worth every second. Be who you are, not who people want you to be.

35. Be yourself. Be the best you. Be real. No one wants to see you struggle and no one will ever love you if they don’t know your story.

36. You will never be appreciated if you do not put yourself in a situation to be appreciated, even if they hate you.

37. Be yourself people will hate you but be strong and courageous. Don’t let anyone tell you who you are or how you should live your life.

38. Realness is tough. It’s not easy to live up to expectations, let alone change the world and be yourself. But here’s a simple truth: You will be hated if you’re being real.

39. If you are real and true, people will hate you. But if you are fake and fake, they will love you.

40. When you’re real, people love you. When you’re fake, they hate you. Be yourself and be proud!

41. You might not be the smartest, strongest or fastest. But you are real. And sometimes that makes all the difference but people will you when you are real.

42. In life, to be real and true to ourselves, we must face the world with a fearless eye, not caring what people think of us or hate us.

43. Sometimes, we have to wear our hearts on our sleeves, and sometimes the only way to do that is to be real.

44. Go within, and find the courage to be yourself. Despite what others may think, or how others will hate you. You are unique.

45. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Be true to yourself and always follow your heart even if you’re hated.

46. People will hate you when you are real with yourself and others. But if you are brave enough to tell them the truth, they may come around.

47. When you are real, people will hate you. But when you fake being real, people don’t even know that you’re faking it because they think there’s something wrong with you.

48. You will be the only one who doesn’t care if you are hated for being true to yourself.

49. There are people out there who will hate the fact that you’re genuine. But they don’t know you or this world, and they won’t be able to hurt you in any way, shape or form if you stay true to yourself.

50. Be real. Be confident. Be bold. Be yourself, and you will be loved. Be who you are and don’t try to be someone else.

Hated for Being Real Quotes

I am hated for being real. I am hated for being real to myself and everyone else. But I’m not gonna change for anyone or anything. I’m just gonna be me. And if you don’t like it, that’s fine with me.

1. I am hated for being real, awkward and funny. I just want to be happy and comfortable in my own skin.

2. I am hated for being real. I am hated because I tell the truth, even to you, even when it’s hard to hear, even when it hurts my feelings, even when it makes me feel alone in the world.

3. I am hated for being real. Be true to yourself; if you’re not like everyone else, be okay with that too.

4. I am hated for being real and authentic. I don’t care if you like me or not, but I will continue to be myself.

5. I don’t care if you like it or not, I am hated for being real. And I have to live with this for the rest of my life. So stop hating. And start loving me.

6. I am hated for being real. I express my feelings; I’m not afraid to speak up and give people the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming they don’t want to listen.

7. I am hated for being real. I am hated for speaking my mind. I am hated for not following the crowd. But most of all, I am hated for loving myself and living my truth in every aspect of my life.

8. I’m hated for being real, but I don’t care because that’s a good thing.

9. I’m hated for being real, for being honest about my insecurities, my fears and the fact that I struggle with self-love at times.

10. I’m tired of being hated for being real. No one likes to be hated for being real. But I don’t care.

11. Some people hate me for being real. So, I choose to be myself regardless of how others treat me.

12. I am hated for being real. I don’t want other people to be fake and pretend I just want them to be authentic.

13. I am hated for being real, but I know it’s because I am trying to be the best person I can be.

14. I am hated for being real. I am hated for being honest and authentic and genuine. I am hated for admitting that I’m not perfect and flawed, but I am loved for doing that. I am hated because I refuse to fake it or sell anything short of my integrity.

15. I am hated for being real, with my flaws and all. I’ve been called shallow, lame, disgusting, and a lot of other things that are just downright mean, but I don’t care.

16. I am hated for being real because my reality is not your reality.

17. I am hated for being real and not putting on a front. I am hated for expressing myself through my music. I am hated for being a creative outlet for the people who need me most.

18. I’m hated for being real. I’m hated for the way I express myself, the things I say, and even for the way, I think.

19. I’m hated for being real. I believe in the power of my own emotions and opening up to others. I’m most misunderstood by people who don’t know me at all.

20. I’m hated for being real, and I’m hated for being myself. But I will not change because that’s the way God made me…

21. I’m hated for being real. I’m hated for my flaws, but I don’t care. Because if you can love me when I’m low, then when I’m high, you’ll be there too.

22. It’s hard to be honest about your true self. But here I am, being real and open about my struggles.

23. I don’t want to be loved for what other people want me to be. I want you to love me for who I am.

24. I am hated for being real. I don’t want to be loved for being fake.

25. I am hated for being real. I hate that I am disliked for speaking the truth and for being genuine. I hate that my authenticity is what people despise about me.

26. I am hated for being real. I am hated for caring about who I am and what I think. But in the end, as a teenager, at my mom’s funeral, I was able to say something that made me feel really good about myself.

27. I am hated for being real. I am hated for being vulnerable. But it’s all part of the journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

28. I am hated for being real. I am hated for having a voice. I am hated because I refuse to be silent while others remain quiet.

29. There’s a lot of hate in the world. I am hated for being real and not afraid to be vulnerable, but I am loved for being real and doing what feels right.

30. I’m hated for being real. The truth hurts, I guess. But I don’t care because I’m not afraid to be seen.

31. I’m hated for being real. I’m hated for speaking my truth, even though what I’m saying is true. I’m hated for envisioning a future that looks different from the one everyone else wants to live in now.

32. I’m not the good girl you think I am. I’m just me and nothing feels better than being myself. When I’m hated, it’s because of who I am.

33. I wish people could see me for who I am and not what they fear or hate. I’m totally not. I’m just myself.

34. Being yourself is the bravest thing any of us will ever do. When you embrace your truth and are honest with yourself, others will follow.

35. I am hated for being real and honest, but I don’t really care. I know that real people always win in the end.

36. I am hated for being real – I have to accept that. I have to realize that people don’t like me, even though they know nothing about me and what I’ve been going through lately.

37. I have to be quiet about it because I am hated for being real. But I have to talk about it for many reasons: my mental health issue and self-harm, and also so that I can stand up to those people who think they should be able to do whatever they want to me.

38. I’m hated for being real. I’m hated for speaking my truth, even when it hurts. I’m hated for not pretending to be someone I’m not. But most of all, I’m hated because people feel as if they’re not enough. And to be honest, that’s a weight that comes with being human.

39. I’m so tired of the lies and false hopes people try to sell me. I’m hated for being real.

40. I’m hated for being real. I’m hated for being honest. But I would rather be hated than ignored because being real doesn’t mean that you’re not a good person; it just means that you’re being true to who you are.

41. I’m hated for being real—too real, I guess. But I don’t care. It’s a bad deal to put on an act.

42. They say I’m fake, but I’m just being real. They hate me for being real.

43. It’s okay to be yourself, and it’s also okay to change. Just don’t hate me for being real.

44. I’m not supposed to be honest. I’m not supposed to share my feelings or admit that I have needs. I’m broken, and everyone hates me for it.

45. When you’re real, people hate you. Everyone has a story, but not everyone is brave enough to share it. Learn from my mistakes and keep being yourself.

46. My heart is heavy. I’m tired of feeling invisible, unappreciated and unadmired. I’m hated for being real.

47. I am hated for being real. I don’t care. I will not apologize. Most people feel the same way. I have no reason to be afraid of what others think of me because I have always known who I am, and nothing will change that.

48. I am hated for being real. My authenticity, my vulnerability, my flaws. But I can’t give up because I am human, and all of us are beautiful in our imperfections.

49. I’m not afraid to be me. I am hated for being real, and I don’t care because if being myself makes one person feel special, then it is worth it.

50. I am hated for being real. I am not afraid to be my authentic self. As a result, people don’t know what to say or do when they meet me.

51. If we want to live life without always feeling disappointed, we need to accept that people will hate us when we are real.

The truth is that we are far from flawless. We make mistakes, and the evidence of our mistakes will often be very visible. We must always expect that people will take those mistakes personally and feel angry or disappointed in us.

Being real gets, you hated, but that doesn’t matter if you feel fulfilled in being real. I hope you enjoyed going through the being real gets you hated quotes here and found some useful.

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