Its Okay to Be Sad Quotes

It’s Okay to Be Sad Quotes

Sadness is a human emotion. This feeling comes to us when we face some unexpected problems or we suffer a loss in life. Life can be beautiful and lonely. Sadness is a common feeling, but it doesn’t have to define you if you don’t want it to. ‘Just don’t go there,’ tell yourself. But then, the tears come and they won’t stop. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t let it overcome your life.

No one wants to feel sad, but sometimes you have no choice. Your best friend might move away, or your parents may get divorced, or you might fail an exam. Bad things happen—we all learn to live with them. But feelings of sadness can sometimes be stronger than we expected. Life isn’t fair and it isn’t always pleasant.

When life is cruel, it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry or feel helpless when dealing with someone’s severe pain. But sadness can become dangerous when it prevents you from focusing on what truly matters and causes you to immorally harm yourself and others.

Therefore, you should know the depths of despair are very temporary and you can stand against those horrible waves of sorrow and sadness. A number of it’s okay to be sad quotes have been compiled here to encourage anyone in despair. See them below.

It’s Okay to Be Sad Quotes

It’s okay to be sad. It’s a human emotion, and it’s necessary to feel it. But don’t let that feeling define you. Embrace your sadness and feel the weight of loss along with the joy of having loved and lost. Then celebrate how you feel—and choose to move forward again.

1. Life is full of moments that are sad. It’s normal to be sad. But it’s not okay to let that sadness consume you – turn you into an unhappy person who nobody wants to be around.

2. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to get upset. And it’s okay to cry. It’s okay if things are not going according to your plan or you feel like giving up sometimes. But remember, there is always hope for a better tomorrow and a next chance because everything happens for a reason.

3. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to grieve. But it’s not okay literally to live in fear.

4. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry. But you can’t cry forever because then you’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel. So don’t let yourself get lost in your sadness – just let yourself run toward what makes you smile.

5. It’s okay to be sad, it’s also okay to grieve but don’t let it consume you. Sometimes sadness is just a momentary thing, but sometimes it’s a permanent situation.

6. It’s okay to be sad and not happy all the time. Sometimes you have to let stuff go because it won’t make you or anyone else happy. But it will show up in a positive way soon.

7. It’s okay to be sad, but it’s not okay to feel sorry for yourself. Stay strong and go get your life back.

8. Sadness is part of life sometimes, we just need to accept it, and sometimes there are things we can do to make ourselves feel better. But remember that no matter what kind of day you’re having—a good one or a bad one—no progress has been made without some kind of pain.

9. Sadness is a part of life, but depression is a choice. It’s not the end of the world, just take a minute to feel the pain. The feeling passes and then you start over again.

10. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t let it overwhelm you. You have a ton of happy memories and great things ahead of you.

11. You’re allowed to be sad. Sad doesn’t mean you’re weak or that you can’t go on. You’ll make it through.

12. It’s okay to be sad, but it’s not okay to stay sad. It’s also fine to be angry or upset, but we should also carry on as best we can.

13. It’s okay to be sad but do not stay in that space, pull yourself out and start moving forward again.

14. You’re allowed to feel a little sad sometimes. You’re encouraged to share that sadness with your friends and family, but it’s no reason to stay stuck in it. There is light on the horizon.

15. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not your fault. We all go through tough times and struggle with things we can’t control; it just takes time to come out of that phase and live life again.

16. Don’t let the worries of the world get you down. It’s okay to be sad and it’s okay to cry. Just remember the sun will come out tomorrow and everything will be all right again.

17. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not a sign you’re weak, but rather your way of letting the world know how you feel about something.

18. You’re not alone. People have been there, too. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t let that stop you from living your best life.

19. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to let yourself feel it, even if that means hiding under a blanket with a good book and a box of tissue. It’s okay to be a little emotional for once in your life.

20. Sadness is a part of life, but it’s not to be used as an excuse for being depressed. What matters most is how you choose to deal with it and how you react to it.

21. It’s okay to be sad. Life will go on. Go forward and move forward. Don’t let this time of sadness drag you down.

22. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to say “I can’t do this anymore. I need help.” Most importantly, it’s okay to feel every emotion in your heart and allow yourself to become vulnerable with others.

23. It’s okay to be sad. It happens to all of us sometimes, right? And that’s okay. You are not alone in this.

24. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to complain. It’s okay to be emotional, but don’t let it control you.

25. When the world is full of disappointment, it’s good to have someone tell you that it’s okay to be sad.

26. It’s okay to be sad; it’s a part of life. But don’t let it always take over your life so that you miss out on all the good things. Be happy and live life to the fullest!

27. It’s okay to be sad and fall apart a little. It’s okay to cry, overthink things, and not always be happy. Everyone is human, after all.

28. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. It’s healthy to feel sad because it means you care enough to understand the feelings of others. I know how it feels to be sad; however, your sadness also has power. There are many ways to cope with sadness and find happiness again.

29. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel scared and confused. The world is a crazy place, but you can learn from it as long as you don’t let your emotions control you.

30. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay that you don’t feel good about your life right now. But it’s okay because you will get through it, and you will soon feel better. You are strong enough to overcome this.

31. It’s okay to feel down. It’s okay to be sad. Just remember that whatever you are feeling, you are not alone.

32. It’s okay to be sad. It will get better, they say. But what if it doesn’t? It’s okay to feel depressed and hopeless sometimes, but you have to keep going forward, or life gets lost in the past. Life is too short to mourn over the things that once made you happy.

33. It’s okay to feel sad, angry or frustrated. It’s normal to feel these emotions; they don’t make you a bad person. If a friend told me that, I would definitely tell them that it’s okay to feel those emotions, and it doesn’t make them ‘bad.’

34. It’s okay to be sad. If you feel like crying, it’s okay to cry. If you feel lost, it’s okay to ask for help. But don’t allow your sadness to turn into something more serious because that is a choice.

35. It’s okay to feel sad. You will remember this feeling tomorrow but won’t want to be in that place forever. It’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

36. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. It takes courage to be able to feel that way and realize that those feelings are real. But sadness can teach you so many important things if you choose to learn from it.

37. When you’re feeling down, remember it’s okay to be sad. It’s not the end of the world…it’ll just take a little time to heal from all the hurt.

38. It’s okay to be sad. It’s a part of life. And when we’re sad, it can be helping to talk about that. But even if you’re not into talking about your feelings and still feel ok with being sad, it doesn’t make you any less human or even less well-balanced.

39. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel scared, confused and lost sometimes. It’s okay to pause for a minute and ask yourself: “Why me? Why now?” It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to lose friends and loved ones. It’s okay to miss the past, but it is not your destiny. Life can be so hard sometimes, but it will always get easier with time the more you focus on the present!

40. We all have sad times in our lives. But it’s okay to feel sad because that means you are human and alive. Sad doesn’t mean you are weak or that your life isn’t worth living. Sad is just a signal for your brain to tell you to make changes so you can be happy again.

41. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel like your life isn’t what you thought it was going to be or that you aren’t living up to your own expectation of yourself. It’s okay if you are a bit lost, if you feel stuck in the “pursuit mode” and know there must be more out there waiting for you. Even better is when it leads to growth, and we all go through it.

42. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. That’s just part of life, and it doesn’t mean we have failed. It’s just a time to be emotional and think things over before you act on them.

43. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. There is a reason behind it, and that reason may be something big or something small. Either way, if you’re sad and you don’t know why just remember that sometimes you’ve got to go through things to get to where you want to go.

44. It’s okay to be sad. It doesn’t mean you’re not strong or brave because being sad can also be a sign of strength.

45. It’s okay to get sad sometimes. If you don’t care, then you won’t suffer. Do what makes you happy, but always remember to smile because anyone can feel sadness.

46. It’s okay to be sad and feel pain. The important thing is that you are doing everything you can to get better.

47. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. It’s important to remember that not everyone will be happy every day. Life is full of ups and downs, smiles and frowns. It’s okay to feel the way you do for a period of time, but don’t let that consume your happiness.

48. It’s okay to be sad; it’s not the end of the world. But it’s good to know there’s someone who cares enough to see you today and tomorrow and every day after that.

49. Sometimes life is sad, but you can’t let that stop you. The world is full of beautiful things, and there is always something good to look forward to tomorrow.

50. Sometimes life is just hard. But being sad is never an excuse to give up or let people’s words get to you. You have to remember that God has a plan for you, even though it may not look like what you want right now.

51. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be in pain. It’s okay to fall down and get up again. There will always be more days, and you should never forget that life is a gift.

52. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry, but not with yourself. Be mad with someone or something else because the feeling is temporary and that never lasts for long.

53. When you’re down, it’s okay to be sad. But you can’t stay there; you have to get up and fight again.

54. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel like nothing can make you happy again. But never let yourself forget that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel, and it will lead you towards something beautiful.

55. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry when you get rejected on social media. But don’t let your sadness consume you; you are not alone

56. When you have to face the reality of life, it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel down because you aren’t always in a great mood. But remember, even when you are sad, you’re still alive, and one day, you’ll be happy again.

57. It’s okay to be sad when you lose a loved one. It’s not okay to let sadness consume you and make you depressed.

58. It’s okay to be sad. It will get better. Look forward to the days ahead and don’t get stuck in the past.

59. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s how you deal with it that matters.

60. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to let yourself be vulnerable today because you are made of much stronger stuff than the emotions you’re struggling with.

61. You’re not alone. Life doesn’t always have to be happy, it’s okay to be sad, and you will get through it.

62. It’s okay to be sad this Sunday. There’s a little bit of sadness every day, and it’s okay to feel down. Just don’t let that sadness define you.

63. It’s okay to be sad. It’s what makes you human. It’s also okay to laugh about it because that, too, is what makes you human.

64. It’s okay to be sad, and you don’t have to hide it. It’s okay to cry and to feel down sometimes. It just means you’re a normal person going through tough times and there is help out there.

65. It’s okay to be sad. And it’s okay to feel happy. But never forget that life is a beautiful adventure and you are here for a reason.

66. Even if you’re sad, it’s okay to feel the way you do. It will end one day, and eventually, those feelings will subside.

67. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to let yourself feel it, even if that means hiding under a blanket with a good book and a box of tissue. It’s okay to be a little emotional for once in your life.

68. Sadness does not mean that you are weak, but it does mean that your strength lies in something different.

69. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t let it consume you. Even though you are the one who is hurting, someone in your life will always be there holding your hand when you fall down.

70. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. It’s healthy to recall a time when you were sad and how you responded so that you can prepare to react the same way again in the future.

71. Sometimes you just need to be sad. Then, all by yourself, you can change that heat into a burden–because your tears are heavier than your burden.

72. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not a weakness or a phase, it’s something that will pass with time. You are not alone in this world; you have family and friends who love you very much.

73. When you’re sad, don’t tell anyone. Tell yourself it’s okay to be sad, and then make up a list of things that make you happy. Then, when you’re done with that, tell yourself it’s okay to feel happy again.

74. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not okay to be unhappy and depressed, but it is okay to mourn the loss of things that have passed.

75. It’s okay to be sad sometimes. We’re all human, and we all experience sadness on some level. But it doesn’t mean you can’t live life to its fullest.

76. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, as it is a normal human emotion. But don’t let it control you.

77. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s just a different kind of sadness than when you thought you could be happy and now you’re not…

78. It’s okay to be sad when your heart is broken, but don’t be afraid to move on. Life goes on and you will find love again.

79. It’s okay to cry when you’re sad or feeling down. It’ll pass. Just try not to hold it in, because holding it in can make the pain worse later.

80. No matter how bad things get, it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel lonely. But it’s not okay to let that sadness turn into bitterness and hate.

81. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel depressed, especially after a breakup. But don’t let those feelings overwhelm you.

82. There is no such thing as a perfect world. Life has its ups and downs, but we must always remember that it’s okay to be sad or angry when things don’t go our way.

83. Sadness can help you grow stronger, but it can also make you look smaller. There is no need to be ashamed of your emotions. They will teach you valuable lessons if you choose to listen.

84. It’s okay to be sad. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure and it doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to live for. You are still beautiful, smart, and worthy. Life will go on.

85. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to not know what you want. You can tell that everything is going to be okay tomorrow, too.

86. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t stay there. Time heals all wounds but it is best to move forward as well.

87. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel pain or heartache. It’s okay to let go of things that no longer work for you or bring you joy. It’s okay to slow down and listen to your heart and soul, even when they tell you not to do something.

88. It’s okay to be sad. It’s even okay to cry. But don’t let your tears define who you are. Regroup and move forward, fighting the battles you must face one step at a time.

89. Be sad, it’s okay. But be happy when you get over that sadness. It’s always better to feel bad than not to feel anything at all.

90. It’s okay to be sad. It’s also okay to be happy. What matters most is knowing how to deal with sadness, not feeling it.

91. The most important thing to remember is that it’s okay to be sad. It doesn’t make you weak or pathetic, and crying makes your eyes look bigger and more beautiful.

92. It’s okay to be sad. It’s a part of life. But it is not always easy, and you don’t have to be strong all the time. You just have to find a way to carry on and manage your feelings with strength, grace and dignity.

93. When you’re sad, it’s okay to feel it. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to wear your heart on your sleeve and let people see how hard you are crying for lost love. But, don’t let them break you – because only you can decide that.

94. It’s okay to feel sad, but it’s not okay to stay sad. Life is too short to waste days feeling sorry for yourself.

95. Sadness is a necessary emotion. It’s OK to be sad when something bad happens, cry when you’re happy and laugh when you enjoy your life. But don’t let sadness become your identity because it can be so much more than that—it has the power to propel us forward into happier times.

96. You can be sad but don’t let that sadness consume you. Joy is infinite, happiness too. There must be room in your heart for both, but it should never be forced.

97. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not a sign of weakness. It just makes you human. So don’t beat yourself up for being human and don’t feel like you need to hide that from others either. Let people see what you really are because then they will want to help you make it better.

98. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay not to be okay, but only if you’re brave enough to acknowledge that sadness is a part of life, and celebrate your feelings without judgment.

99. It’s okay to be sad. But it’s not okay to stay that way. Don’t let your past hold you back from all the wonderful things that are in store for you.

100. It’s okay to be sad, but it’s not okay to stay sad. The passage of time will give you the courage to smile again.

Here we are! It’s good to see you’ve read through the it’s okay to be sad quotes up there. I hope you find relief for yourself or someone in the quotes. You have to let them know that it’s okay to be sad but not taken over by it. Go ahead to share with them.

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