Sometimes you start the day thinking of someone close to your heart, and it’s a great idea to let them know about it with a heartwarming message.
Perhaps they are recovering from a difficult day before, or they are about to face a big challenge today. In either case, emotional support from a dear one can help them overcome their challenging situation.
Let them know you care about them, no matter what they are going through. Choose the best one from these good morning messages that perfectly captures your heart towards them.
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Friends
The very Best Good Morning Text Messages for Your Lovely Friends. Best Good Morning SMS Messages for Your Best Friend Forever.
1. Don’t wake up with the regret of what you couldn’t accomplish yesterday. Wake up thinking what you will be able to achieve today.
2. Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our lives.
3. You’ll tell me things that I need to hear but everyone else is too afraid to tell me. Your honesty is so damn refreshing albeit a bitter pill to swallow sometimes. You aren’t just a friend, you are my morning sunshine.
4. Thanks for being there, thanks for not minding my many troubles, but standing by me, holding my hands, and helping me know my worth. I’m most glad you are my very best friend for life. Good morning.
5. I seem to have been blessed with all the luck in the world, bagging you as my best friend; someone who’s there for me through everything, thick and thin, good and bad. Good morning.

6. Our friendship is about you and me, ever-changing human beings who have decided we are going to love each other through this life. Good morning friend.
7. Your presence fills my heart with such joy that I always want you around whenever I’m feeling down. You always make my moments so much happier. Good morning.
8. Whenever you feel joy, I feel it too. And when you feel pain, I feel it so much that I want to do anything to make it better. I love you, my friend. Good morning.
9. The story of my life is incomplete without you in it. Thanks for everything and for not judging me, but rather, encouraging me, and helping me see the best in everything life has brought my way. Good morning
10. My Dear lovely friend, today like every other day, I pray that our friendship will always blossom and knows no end. It will always stay fresh like the early morning river.

11. Each and every day will be another chance to cherish and love each other so much more than ever before and we will always be together till the end of time. Good morning bestie.
12. Many times I wonder what I have done to deserve your treatment of me, but I’m coming to realize you are just being yourself and your actions stem from a heart overflowing with love. Good morning
13. When you are around me, I always have a reason to laugh and find joy in life. When you are gone, it is easy to focus on the bad moments in my day. Good morning.
14. You bring a light and brightness into my life. From your funny jokes to your charm, there are so many reasons why I am thankful to have a friend like you. Good morning.
15. God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, but whatever reasons He had in mind for making our path cross and I’m grateful that He did. Good morning.
16. They say you don’t get to pick who you’re related to, that’s true. But you do get to pick who your family is, your real family and you’ll always be my family. Good morning.
17. We’re closer than sisters could be, thicker than any thieves. You know all my secrets, all my wild ambitions. You support every one of my craziest fantasies. Good morning.
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18. Most people are not as lucky as us. They might have a friend for a while, but they can never find a true friendship that lasts a lifetime. Good morning.
19. Good morning. I count myself blessed to find a true friend like you and to know that I have the most amazing friend in the world.
20. We’re best friends because you make feel less alone in this world. When I see you, it’s a burst of reassurance that I’m not the only who looks at the world this way. Good morning.

21. Each new day reveals another layer of your beautiful soul. The more I know you, the better I love you. You are special, a treasure amongst treasures. Good morning.
22. No dull moments around you darling. Always the life of the party you are. Here’s letting you know you’re so much fun to be with. I love being around you. Good morning.
23. It is amazing how we don’t get to talk or hang out as much as we used to do, yet, whenever we get an opportunity to, it’s like nothing ever changed. Good morning.
24. Our friendship is really irreplaceable and I am super grateful for the gift of you. Thanks for being my best friend, dear. Good morning.
25. If our friendship was to be a big beautiful building; I would be the ground, to protect you from every creepy thing and I would be the roof, to be a shade over you during the rainy day. Good morning.
26. I’ll always be there for you darling just as I know you’ll always be there for me. Nothing can break this bond of friendship. Good morning friend.
27. We have definitely gotten into our fair share of arguments, but the next day everything is okay again. I love this because it reassures me that you won’t be going anywhere for a while. Good morning.
28. You are a priceless and irreplaceable friend. I just want you to know that I love you so much, and I never want us to stop being the best of friends. Good morning.
29. Ever since I met you and throughout all our years together, I can confidently say that I have found my best friend in life. Good morning.
30. You have always understood me even at the moment when I am not saying anything as the best and true friend which you are. Good morning.

31. Thank goodness that our path crossed and I met an understanding friend like you. I cherish every moment with you, my lovely friend. Good morning.
32. You’re one special person, who knows the real me and understands me. That one person is always there for me, no matter what. Good morning.
33. We met by chance and that singular meeting has solidified into sound friendship. I thank God for bringing you into my life and I cherish your friendship a lot. Good morning.
34. Everything we go through, whether hardships, whether fights, whether love, whether disappointments, whatever it is, our friendship will triumph and we will only come out stronger. Good morning.
35. To my wonderful friend, today like every other day, I pray that our friendship will always blossom and knows no end. It will always stay fresh like the early morning river. Good morning.
36. Each and every day will be another chance to cherish and love each other so much more than ever before and we will always be together till the end of time. Good morning.
37. I have never had a friend who I could lean on during the bad times. I know that you are always there for me, and you have let me lean on you for support. Good morning.
38. No matter what happens, I want to be the person who you can lean on when you need help. My one goal is to be as good of a friend to you as you are to me. Good morning.
40. My closest, cutest and best friend. I know that I don’t get to reciprocate your sacrifices, but I write this to appreciate your efforts. Good morning.

41. No matter where life takes us, I will always be your best friend. I will be there when you need someone to talk to, whether you’re elated or depressed. Good morning.
42. I’ll be there when you want company through a long, lonely day. I will be by your side through thick and thin, in sickness and in health because you’re my best friend. Good morning.
43. If I were asked in an examination to show my appreciation to the most important people in my life, using a paragraph. I will name you as my best friend. Good morning.
44. It’s indeed an honour to regard you as my best friend for bringing out the genius in me, through motivation, advice, unexpected help, sacrifices and genuine respect. Good morning.
45. Saying that you’re special is an understatement. I hope that you know this, and not just know it, but really believe it. Good morning.
46. We’ve been through so much, so I can honestly say what makes you stand out as the amazing friend that you are. Good morning.
47. I love you for all that you are, for all of our memories, all of the fun times, all of the times we’ve supported each other, all of the times we’ve grown. Good morning.
48. To be honest, my present status wouldn’t have been achieved if not for your sincere, genuine and constant support, I love your selflessness. It’s indeed, one of a kind. Good morning.
49. Your friendship is invaluable to place a price tag on, and it’s more precious than the finest gold and silver in the entire universe. Good morning.
50. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways that I could never have thought of your care and love and I will always treasure our friendship with every breath in me. Good morning.
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Boyfriend
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Your Awesome Boyfriend. Best Good Morning SMS Messages for Your Cute Boyfriend.
1. Take my love with you today as you face your challenges. You have what it takes to make great things happen today!
2. No matter how gloomy the night is, the best morning always brings my king sweetest kiss. Good morning sweet pie.
3. I know it’s going to be a great day today because you were the first thing on my mind when I woke up this beautiful morning.
4. It’s time to open your eyes beautiful and greet the world with the love and happiness you have shown me. Good morning to you babe.
5. With you by my side, I know that every single day will be filled with joy. With your heart in mine, I know that we can take on anything that life brings. Good morning.

6. Each morning I look forward to seeing or hearing you because I know the rest of my day will be much more better.
7. The night is usually long, but it is worth the wait because I will finally get to see you in the morning. Good morning, love.
8. I am missing you more today than I did yesterday when I texted you good morning and more than the day before that. Good morning.
9. I hope that your morning is as bright as your sugar smile. I hope that the rest of your day is as sweet as our love. Good morning my love.
10. You make me want to get up early in the morning to take on the world because I know you have my back always. Good morning babe.

11. Every morning I leave the house, I’m rest assured you have everything covered because you are capable just like the early rising sun, you are my early rising light that shines so bright and illuminates my life. Good morning.
12. Your smile is radiant as the sun. I hope that you wake up with a smile on your face and brighten up the world’s day, half as much as you do mine. Good morning.
13. The sun would be darkness without your light. The coolness of the day would be sweltering hot without the gentle breeze of your love. My sleeping and waking would cease to be if it were not for your love. Good morning, love.
14. I wake up every morning with a smile because I love looking after you and getting you ready for your day. I bless each morning because you choose me to rise up with you. Good morning.
15. Today is a gift. You are the present. We can’t go back to yesterday and have a perfect day, but we can start today and make it as perfect as either of us could have dreamed. Good morning, love.
16. I always want to be the first voice you hear in the morning and the last voice you hear at night. This is your warning. Good morning to you babe!
17. The best mornings are with you. The warmth of your cuddles and the tickling of your kiss help me greet the day with confidence and joy. Good morning.
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18. Even when you aren’t here, the thought of you reminds me that I have nothing to fear. Time to wake up and face the morning! Good morning, love.
19. All of my fears and worries seem to disappear when I am with you. If I were beside you this morning, I would gaze into your eyes and wake you up with a sweet morning kiss.
20. The first thing I do every morning before I open my eyes is seeing you in my mind. That helps me wake up with energy because you are my reason to live. Good morning

21. The birds that land on your window every morning and have the privilege of watching you wake up are so fortunate. I settle with saying good morning to you.
22 I am so cold this morning. I think that it’s time you wake up from your sleep and call me. My love is growing for you with each passing day. Good morning, love.
23. Isn’t it amazing how just the thought of you brightens up my entire morning? Your love is what carries me through the day. Knowing I’ll see your handsome face when I get home makes each day worthwhile.
24 The worries of the day seem to disappear the moment that you wake up. It’s like you control the wind and the sun while keeping out all of the darkness that makes the world an unbearable place to live. Good morning.
25. I can’t wait for the day when I can finally wake up right next to you. All I want is to fall asleep in your arms and to wake up next to your handsome face each morning. Good morning, love.
26. The beauty of your eyes can never be seen without the radiance of the morning sun. So let us wait for the light to shine, as I will witness the future in your sparkling eyes. Good morning babe.
27. The sun doesn’t rise in the east, it rises right next to me in my bed. Good morning, sunshine. I love you.
28. There’s a cute space in my heart reserved for you only. Your being far away doesn’t change that. I love you as always. Good morning.
29. Let me fill your morning with tenderness, care, love and attention from now and until the end of our days. Good morning babe.
30. You the biggest treasure I have ever had and nothing can contend with your place in my heart. Good morning love.

31. Rise and shine my love. The sun is up and the birds are singing to let you know just how great the morning is. Good morning love.
32. Yesterday’s sorrows and failures won’t matter today. Give yourself another chance to be happy. Good morning my love.
33. I wish you to get everything you want and deserve today. You deserve a lot because your kindness is endless. Good morning babe.
34. Each my morning is wonderful because the day I will spend with you. You are still in the arms of sleep, and I embrace you and wish you a good morning, I love you!
35. I woke up thousands of times with you, but it doesn’t matter because you are still in my heart. Good morning, boyfriend.
36. I hope that your day will be fine and you will not get stuck in traffic like yesterday. Good morning sweetheart.
37. Letting you know that I’m always thinking of you, even in my dream. Good morning my one and only BF.
38. Here comes another morning, happiness and joy it brings. Another time to have a chance to make you feel you’re in my heart. Good morning dear.
39. Sharing a smile is the easiest way to get your day started off right. Here is a smile for you so that you can have a day as wonderful as you are. Good morning.
40. Every night I go to bed wishing for sweet dreams of you, but when I wake up, I’m glad that our love is a reality. Good morning love.

41. I am truly blessed to be able to call you my love. Good morning, lovely. I hope that you have a great day.
42. I got up this morning with you in my thoughts. Come to think of it, I went to bed last night the same way. Hey, at least I’m consistent. Have a great day!
43. Waking up every morning knowing that you are mine, light up my world brighter than the sun could ever be. Good morning to the love of my life.
44. I never imagined that true love existed until the day that I fell in love with you. Good morning, enjoy your day my dear.
45. Do you know how good it feels to wake up every day and know that you are mine and I am yours!
Good Morning, I love you.
46. The sun will rise and It will go down too. But I will always be there for you. Good morning, I love you.
47. I wish to shower my love on you on this special morning, so wake up my dear, and come get your queen. Good morning, I love you.
48. Let’s start the day with my kiss on your sweet cheeks! There are still more kisses to follow if you want to have it. Good morning, I love you.
49. You are my world! You were the last thought in my head last night and the first one this morning. Good morning, I love you.
50. As each day passes, I find myself loving you more. I know I’ll see you tonight, but I just wanted to say good morning.
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Girlfriend
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Your Sweet Girlfriend. Best Good Morning SMS Messages for Your Beautiful Girlfriend.
1. My morning would be a little boring if I do not hear your voice, see your smile, or hold you in my arms. I need your presence. Good morning, sunshine. Do have a wonderful day ahead of you and I love you beyond words.
2. My Angel, wake up to a brighter day, let the sun kiss your skin and let the morning breeze embrace you in its gentleness. My love for you is renewed with each rising sun and it stays fresh like the early morning river.
3. Hello Beautiful, wake up, it’s a new day, step out of bed, run into the bathroom, take a shower and get ready for a new day waiting to receive you.
4. This morning and always, may your beautiful glowing smiling face not fade away with the troubles and ups and downs of the day, but shine brighter and better than ever before.
5. They say God is good, I know that anytime the sun shines in the morning, but I’m more convinced when I get to see a pretty sight of you and you are a proof of that.

6. Yesterday is gone, and I already have a feeling, that today, is a new day, is going to be another blissful day because I wake up to your love.
7. Life due too quickly, just like the night switching into the day, I want you to know that I’ll be your sun, to shine a light on your morning.
8. I can’t help it but melt into your arms this morning when your arm is wrapped around me, and the warmth it gives I could feel, even in my semiconscious mood.
9. I’m feeling fabulous this morning, woke up reminiscing about you, and your thought stimulates my mind, makes me smile longer while I whisper your name repeatedly.
10. I’m still amazed at the way you love, how can your heart be so large that it gives so much love. That’s the thought on my mind, it’s what I wake up thinking.

11. Every wake of each day, my heart yearns for you and my soul desires to confess to you how you have freed me from my aloneness.
12. This morning, nothing else seems to matter, only the fact that you exist and the gift of love you continually give to me.
13. There are thoughts in my mind, that flows in every morning, when that elegant and strong hands of yours, curl my waking body into you.
14. There are times I feel tired and weak, I don’t feel like stepping out of bed in the morning, but the secret energiser that keeps me going, it’s the thought of you. Good Morning, Sweetheart.
15. If only you knew, how grateful I feel, whenever I wake up and I think of you in the morning. I just feel elated to have you in my life.
16. They say God is good, I know that anytime the sun shines in the morning, but I’m more convinced when I get to see a pretty sight of you and you are a proof of that.
17. My Love, my desire today is that your love flows through my entire being, like the air through the lungs, let it fills the whole of me like the early morning sun fills the earth with its strength.
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18. I try so hard to hide my happiness, but the way your thought carve it’s way into my heart each morning, made it really impossible for me to hide what you.
19. I am here this morning, cherishing alone moment, thinking of how you have, in our long years together, etched beautiful memories in my heart.
20. I can’t boast that I am the best man ever created because I am not but an early morning smile from you, is the key to me wanting to be perfect each day.

21. I was invited into your dream last night, and this morning, I woke up to your smiles and giggles, echoing in my head. That’s how much you’ve filled my heart.
22. There are some days in the morning, I just want to stay back in bed, and just let my eyes glide over your body and enjoy the feeling it evokes inside of me.
23. Being strong isn’t something I can do all the time, each day comes with its own cruelty, but a thought of you gives strength to counter anything
24. Good morning, my Queen. How I love to watch you in that state, watching you sleep so peacefully, embraced by dawn. I can’t even dare to wake you up.
25. The dawn is here, with a promised hope and the morning breeze humming a gentle soul-filled song. It’s going to be a good day. Good morning, Honey.
26. This morning, your thought crawl into my mind, but not alone, it came along with Cupid, and I got my heart hit just to remind me you’re on my mind.
27. I realise that you control most of my mornings, it may seem like nothing to you but the effect is more on me when I wake up and I find my heart succumb to your thought.
28. When I wake up in the morning and realise that no great journey is ever easy, I think about you, as you’ve made life’s journey so easy for me daily.
29. I’m looking forward to beautiful days with you when I’ll have to wake up to your smiles and you’ll be feeding me best of your stylish cuisines every morning.
30. It’s funny how you trap me with your smile every morning and drown me in love with you over again, like a ship in a stormy sea.

31. I’m laying here with an envious heart this morning, I’m envious of the face you saw first, I wish I could have been the one. Why can’t I be the one you saw first?
32. This is a just a reminder, for you to know that you are specially made on this specific planet, in this specific season and for a specific reason.
33. The day couldn’t have started in a better mood, I woke up to a pampered chef with a breakfast in bed. Thank you, my love.
34. When your thought rode into my mind this morning, knocking out jumpy feelings and filling my heart with warmness, I know today is going to be a blissful day.
35. Wake up, my Love put on your best smile. Right now, someone, somewhere need the freshness that your smile bring to life.
36. Before you get out of your bed, before the day starts to get busy, I’m sending you a warm hug through the phone to keep you company for the day.
37. Baby, as you’re my knight in shiny armour guiding my way at nights, let me also be your rainbow, to colour your mornings with love when it’s looking faint.
38. Honey, thank you for the times you brought me out of my mess when I crashed and I wasn’t myself. Thank you for your morning boost.
39. It’s a new day, to rise up and receive your morning dose of love from nature, because I know I’ll get mine from you.
40. I don’t know how to clearly express myself but my words can do a better job and you should know that every morning, You’re the purpose of my desire.

41. May this beautiful new day bring you every reason to smile and be happy. May it bring you fresh ideas and motivation, and may it be a day filled with love happiness and laughter for you.
42. I love you beyond the stars, sunshine. Good morning and do have a wonderful day ahead of you. Good morning, sunshine. I love you more than love itself.
43. I just wanted to say good morning to the most beautiful woman in the universe – You. May your morning be favoured and your afternoon is blessed.
44. Do have a beautiful day ahead. You know that I love you right? Well, I do. Always have and always will. I love you to the moon and back, damsel. Do have a wonderful day ahead of you.
45. Good morning to you, the love of my life and my everyday happiness and joy. I pray that God will visit you in times of need and may every day be filled with abundant blessings and happiness.
46. Whenever you need me, I will always be there for you, no matter how far you are from me. From now on and until the end of time, I will always love you so much more than you can. Good morning to you, beautiful.
47. I’m always happy every morning because I wake up to the thought of you. It gladdens my heart that you’re mine forever and I wish your day be filled with unlimited happiness and joy. Good morning.
48. Good morning to the best and beautiful woman who makes me feel special and like a gentleman, to my woman and my princess, my everyday inspiration and courage, my cheerleader and my everything.
49. I wish you have a fun filled day ahead of you today. May your heart be filled with joy and happiness, may your day be productive and full of beautiful things, and may your life be merrier than ever before.
50. Forget about what is gone, appreciate the things you have and hope for better things to come. I love you to the moon and back. Good morning to you, beautiful. Do have a wonderful day ahead of you.
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Husband
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Your Cute Husband. Best Good Morning SMS Messages for Your Awesome Husband.
1. Waking up is my favourite and most hated part of the day. I can talk to you when I am awake, but my dreams with you at night are always cut short. Good morning my king.
2. You make me want to get up early in the morning to take on the world because I know you have my back always. Good morning my hubby.
3. Every morning I leave the house, I’m rest assured you have everything covered because you are capable just like the early rising sun, you are my early rising light that shines so bright and illuminates my life.
4. Your smile is as radiant as the sun. I hope that you wake up with a smile on your face and brighten up the world’s day, half as much as you do mine. Good morning.
5. Your love has replaced all of my worries with happiness; all of my nightmares with beautiful dreams; and all of my fears with nothing but pure love. Good morning babe.

6. To my princess, my priceless treasure and the one who makes me feel like a royal highness I say have a great day. I love you yesterday, today and every other day. Good morning my king.
7. My king, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that I want, the one that I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything. Good morning my prince.
8. It was chilly this morning – until I thought of you. The mere mention of your name and the thought of your embrace warmed me right up. Good morning to the love of my life.
9. My soul saw you and it kind of went, Oh! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Good morning my love.
10. Wake up, sunshine! It’s time to have coffee with me. But first, can I have my morning kiss and hug? I love you! Good morning hubby.

11. You have a cute yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hands. All that remains is a good morning message from me. Have a great morning my love.
12. Hey baby. I know that you had a long night, so I sent you a picture of the sunrise, so you could see how beautiful it looked today. Good morning love of my life.
13. You know I really hate sending you morning text messages. I would much rather be with you night and day so that I can love you in every way. As a new day starts, I wanted to tell you that I love you with all of my heart.
14. I might not be a perfect person, but that’s okay because I found the perfect partner in you. Good morning to you my one and only husband.
15. Night is over, morning has begun. Now it’s time to wake up and give me a hug. Good morning to the best husband in the world.
16. I love the sun each time it rises, it gives me yet another chance to spend the day with you. And you are the one and only guy I dream about every night. Good morning my king.
17. Your sweet smile is intoxicating; your warm caress is calming, your beauty is breathtaking, you are simply amazing. Have a great morning my love.
18. I am sitting here on a park bench drinking coffee and watching the birds fly around as they sing their pretty songs. The only problem is that you are not here by my side. Good morning my life.
19. The best part of my morning is that I’m thinking of you. The worst part of my morning is that I’m far away from you. Good morning my crown.
20. Most people pray to God at night, thanking him for the day that has passed. I pray to God in the morning, thanking him for making you mine and letting me live one more day in paradise.

21. I used to be the type of person that would stay in bed for an hour and not want to get up. Now, I can’t wait to jump out of bed and see your beautiful face as fast as possible. Good morning dear.
22. Sometimes, I wake up so tired. I dream of you at night, and I dream of you during the day. Even when I am with you, I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. Good morning hubby.
23. Morning is not just the time of day when you wake up. Morning is the beginning of another day that you can help make perfect for me and all the people’s lives that you will touch. Good morning dear.
24. Happiness is starting the day with a message of how important and special you are to the one person in the world that matters the most to you. Good morning to you babe.
25. Yesterday I made mistakes, and today I will make more, but the one mistake that I will never make is taking you for granted. Good morning my love.
26. While you were asleep last night, I stayed up watching you sleep and it was such a good feeling. Top of the morning to you my king.
27. Each morning is like a painting: you need some inspiration to get moving, the silhouette of that beautiful smile on your face, and a message from someone you love to colour the day. Good morning sir.
28. Wake up, wake up. I just realised that if you’re awake, I might be able to stop daydreaming about you. Good morning my love.
29. You are the light that brightens my dark world; the music in my quiet heart; the very first thought in my day. Good morning to you my darling.
30. It’s my turn to sleep now, was a pleasure standing guard while you were asleep last night. Have a wonderful day my love.

31. Although sometimes I go to bed mad at you, in the morning I wake up more in love with you. Good morning to you my love.
32. Will you call me to tell me you are alright because I worried about you the whole night. Thoughts about you kept me up all night. Good morning to the best man on earth.
33. Life’s ups and downs make other people frown, but for me, it presents the challenge of how to make every day you have the best day forever. Good morning my lovely husband.
34. Mornings are a blessing, even if the skies are cloudy. Each time the sun rises, we have hope that we can hold each other again. Good morning my king.
35. Good morning, sweet pie. Woke up with a smile on my face, guess it was because of the thought of you. Every morning I wake up I thank God I have you in my life, am grateful for life with you in it.

36. I know it’s going to be a great day today because you were the first thing on my mind when I woke up this beautiful morning. Good morning to you my crown.
37. It’s time to open your eyes beautiful and greet the world with the love and happiness you have shown me. Good morning to you, love.
38. With you by my side, I know that every single day will be filled with joy. With your heart in mine, I know that we can take on anything that life brings. Good morning dear.

39. Each morning I look forward to seeing or hearing you because I know the rest of my day will be much more better. The night is usually long, but it is worth the wait because I will finally get to see you in the morning.
40. I am missing you more today than I did yesterday when I texted you good morning and more than the day before that. Good morning honey.

41. I hope that your morning is as bright as your handsome smile. I hope that the rest of your day is as sweet as our love. Good morning my love.
42. The morning breeze on my face makes me think of you. The sun on my skin makes me think of you. Even the birds singing their beautiful songs make me think of you. Good morning.
43. I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eyes popping, life-changing, spectacularly, passionately, deliciously in love with you. Good morning to you, love.
44. Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side. Good morning to you, love.
45. The sun would be darkness without your light. The coolness of the day would be sweltering hot without the gentle breeze of your love. My sleeping and waking would cease to be if it were not for your love.

46. I wake up every morning with a smile because I love looking after you and getting you ready for your day. I bless each morning because you choose me to rise up with you.
47. Today is a gift. You are the present. We can’t go back to yesterday and have a perfect day, but we can start today and make it as perfect as either of us could have dreamed.
48. I always want to be the first voice you hear in the morning and the last voice you hear at night. This is your warning. Good morning babe.

49. The best mornings are with you. The warmth of your cuddles and the tickling of your kiss help me greet the day with confidence and joy. Even when you aren’t here, the thought of you reminds me that I have nothing to fear. Time to wake up and face the morning!
50. All of my fears and worries seem to disappear when I am with you. If I were beside you this morning, I would gaze into your eyes and wake you up with a sweet morning kiss.
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Wife
Best Good Morning Text Messages for Your Sweet Wife. Best Good Morning SMS Messages for Your Beautiful Wife.

1. Good morning! Your sweet teddy bear misses you, I can’t wait to see you. Your smile is my inspiration. Your voice is my motivation. Your love is my happiness. I love you, dear.
2. Hey, are you awake? I was just thinking of you that when I get up, and you’re still asleep, the world feels a little emptier. Without you, my heart doesn’t beat the same and my smile goes on a long vacation.
3. I love every rising of the sun because every morning is a reminder that I have another day to spend with the woman of my dreams. Good morning my heart!
4. Good morning, beloved! In the morning you are especially beautiful, I love you! To you my heartbeat, I say good morning.
5. You are the pulse that throbs in my veins, you are the antidote that frees me of all pains. You are the rhythm of my heartbeat, without you my life would be incomplete. Good morning my love.

6. When God created you, He was in a good mood because He has created a masterpiece. Good morning, angel.
7. I think about you when I go to bed and when I get up. Thanks for sweetening up my life. The best feeling is goosebumps from your kisses, I want to feel them for the whole life. Good morning, princess.
8. Every person shares with others what she has inside, you always charge me with optimism and joy. Good morning, my sweet girl.

9. Every sunrise gives me a new day to love you! Good morning sweetheart, hope you have a wonderful day! Every morning I open my eyes because I want to see your pretty face. Good morning, sweetie.
10. I hope your morning is as bright as your smile. I’ve been always dreaming about meeting the person, with whom I can choose the beauty of the morning and the charm of the evening and I’ve met you. Good morning, the queen of my heart.

11. It is impossible to see the beauty of your eyes without the shining of the beautiful morning sun. So let’s wait for the light to shine, cause I wish to see the bright future in your charming eyes. Good morning, my love!
12. I might not be a superman, but seeing how you manage to get along with our children, solve all household chores and look great at the same time, makes me understand that you are a superwoman.
13. I love the fact that I get to wake up every morning to the sight of a woman as beautiful as you and the thought of being the husband of a wife as loving as you. Good morning dear.
14. The breeze of this cold morning reminds me of the wonderful feeling of your romantic touch a sweet sensation I feel on my skin, inspiring a surge of joy inside of me. Good morning baby!
15. This morning it is snowing outside, a blizzard is raging, and only thanks to your love spring flowers bloom in my heart.

16. I am waking you up because I realised that once you wake up, our future together will start. I hope that today is filled with the same love and passion as every other day we’ve spent together.
17. It takes only a second for me to think of you every morning, but the soothing smile you put on my face lasts throughout the day.
18. Nothing can be better than your tender whisper in the morning and little surprises you organise for me. Good morning, sweetheart.
19. Good morning, my rose! I hope that today I will avoid a meeting with your studs and you will delight me with your smile.
20. For all those who say that marriage isn’t worth it, I say that marriage is the best thing to have ever happened in my life. I may not be getting wasted at pubs and bars with my mates but I get to cuddle with someone whose life revolves around mine. I love you, sweetheart, good morning.

21. May your day be colourful just like the flowers of the garden – this is my wish for you this morning. May it be cheerful like the giggle of a baby. I love you in the night and in the morning. To you, my heartbeat, I say good morning
22. You’re probably sleeping like a baby all warm and cozy in your bed, but I just wanted to tell you how special and beautiful you are.
23. I hope that my text brings a smile to your face and sets the tone for a wonderful day filled with happiness.
24. You brought back all those dark memories and turned them into something I could laugh about. You made my life easier by teaching me how to live again. Have a fabulous morning!

25. You are the sun which gives me warmth, you are the air which gives me life, you are the blood which gives me vitality and you are my heart that beats your name.
26. When I looked up at the sun, it reminded me of you. It is always so bright and hot. When the cold air breezes, I remember how lonely and cold the world would be without you.
27. You never left my side even when I told you to leave. You sacrificed your happiness, just to see me smile. You went above your limits to help me achieve mine.
28. I feel honoured to love you and will do everything to make you mine. I love you in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the hours we are together, and the hours we are apart.

29. Having you by my side, makes me go for the moon as well. Urges me to fetch stars for you. But, this all wouldn’t suffice for the loads of love you shower upon me. Have a wonderful morning!
30. Today is a gift. You are the present. We can’t go back to yesterday and have a perfect day, but we can start today and make it as perfect as either of us could have dreamed.

31 Those three words ‘I Love You,’ so simple yet so underrated. But, from your mouth, it feels like heaven, Like that beautiful piece of music which you want to play in a loop. Have a melodious morning my love!
32. I wish your morning will be as bright as your smile and your day be as good as your soul. Good morning honey!
33. Happiness, excitement and being speechless are not things I am used to. I still am so unsure of what to say when I go to wake you up because I don’t want this dream of perfection to ever go away.

34. Across the streets, in those long train of thoughts. Ever you find yourself lost, just turn back, and you’ll find me waiting with a smile and a hope to make you happy. Have an adventurous morning!
35. Every morning the sun makes a compliment to your beauty and illuminates your room and fills it with warmth. Good morning, my love.
36. Most people pray to God at night, thanking him for the day that has passed. I pray to God in the morning, thanking him for making you mine and letting me live one more day in paradise.
37. Colourful just like the flowers in the garden so is my wish for your day this morning. Cheerful like the giggle of a baby, so will today go. I love you in the night and in the morning.

38. Here comes another sweet morning, bringing joy and happiness and one more opportunity to let you know that you always stay in my heart. Good morning, my queen.
39. I received another wonderful gift this day. It is you, silently sleeping beside me. Wake up and let’s start our morning with kisses and hugs, good morning sweetie.
40. Life is never perfect. It is full of twists and turns which throw up challenges and problems. But it is all worth it because the first thing I see when I wake up is the romantic look in your beautiful eyes. Good morning my sweetheart.

41. Every morning I remember how lucky and blessed I am for the opportunity to text you and let you know how much you mean to me.
42. So on this special morning, I want to let you know that I love you and won’t stop loving you. Good morning, sweetheart!
43. Good morning, gorgeous. You spoiled me with your care and kindness, and now I cannot start my day without you. Let’s wake up together always.
44. The morning breeze on my face makes me think of you. The sun on my skin makes me think of you. Even the birds singing their beautiful songs make me think of you.
45. Those sweet nothings, those morning talks, those little memories. Have occupied a major part of my heart and soul, and I wish to create more with you. Have a hopeful morning my love!
46. Last evening you hugged me, this morning I caressed your beautiful face, and today I will make you happy, good morning!

47. I am sitting here on a park bench drinking coffee and watching the birds fly around as they sing their pretty songs. The only problem is that you are not here by my side.
48. Sometimes I try to type in exactly how I feel about you, how much you mean to me. But, fingers make it hard to decipher the connection between hearts and even words fail. Have a beautiful morning!
49. Now you’re still asleep, and a strand of your hair fell on your forehead, I gently remove it, kiss your cheek, and I wish you a good morning.
50. Each morning I get a chance to make this day more memorable for you. To love you more, to make you feel like a princess and most importantly to make you smile. Have a good morning my dear!