2025 Biblical Good Morning Messages to Wake Up To

The day has broken. A new day has begun. Every living being has at least one reason to be thankful. Every living soul has one undeniable reason to be appreciative to God for.

God is the giver of life. He formed and moulded us. He breathed the breath of life on us and made us living souls. God is the reason we exist: He is the bane of our existence. He deserves our honour, praises, adoration and worship.

God is the author of life. He has everyone’s blueprint. In Him we live, we move and have our being. He is the beginning and the end. Our day should start and end with Him to have a good/meaningful content.

The start of a morning sets the tone for the whole day. Here are 120+ ways you can wish your friends, colleagues, family and loved one a beautiful and inspiring morning, that will help to turn their day into a special or remarkable one.

A thankful heart is a grateful soul. An appreciative heart sees at least one good in every situation and chooses to praise God for it. Nothing pleases the heart of God like a heart of thankfulness. Praises move the hand of God to do the miraculous. Praise God every morning.

God is the source of everything in life; He made the heavens and the earth. The cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. He wrote the script. He has the original blueprint. Encourage your loved ones to start their day with a prayer of direction, so that they will be at the centre of God’s plans for their lives.

Are your loved ones going through challenges? You can’t be there for them at all times to meet all their needs. Only God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Don’t play God. Point them to God with a warfare prayer message or SOS to heaven.

Do you sense loneliness and depression in others? Be a life saver, and reach out with a message of hope. Has someone been good to you and you want to encourage them to be diligent in their good deeds? One good way to do it is in a prayerful mode.

Perhaps, you are sure all is well with everyone around you. Still, be a source of further encouragement by letting your beloved know God is with them and is capable of helping them through all situation.

Are you ready to be an instrument 0f light in the hands of God? Are you willing to be used by God to bring victory into people’s lives by establishing a victorious start in the day through inspiring good morning messages? Do you desire a divine intervention and testimony in your loved ones’ lives?

Pick your choice as applicable. Let the Lord use your simple prayer or message of faith/hope to bring divine early morning intervention.
Here we go:

Good Morning Biblical Messages for Christians

Best Biblical good morning messages, biblical good morning wishes, good morning biblical wishes messages and quotes.

1. It’s a beautiful morning.
A day of hope and sunshine.
A day bright with promises of God’s favour and mercy.
This lovely morning; may the Lord go ahead of you; may His presence be with you, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Good morning! Have a wonderful day!

2. A lovely day to be alive and well.
Heaven has bestowed its blessings upon us, already.
With showers upon showers of an abundance of rain.
Everywhere is cool and refreshing;
It’s our season of refreshing.
Good morning.

3. Each day is a gentle reminder of how good God is, to me.
You are God’s instrument of expressing His love and goodness.
May you find help when you need it.
May you reap a thousandfold what you sowed.
Good morning.

4. Each day is a gift from God.
It serves as a cleaner that erases the ugliness of the past.
It gives us a clean slate with which to start afresh.
A new dawn pregnant with so many promises.
Good morning, have a fresh start!

5. A new morning, with a thankful heart, presents endless possibilities.
A day of joy, bright with hope, filled with blessings.
This morning shall bring word if God’s unfailing love to you as you put your trust in Him.
Good morning.

6. This glorious day, the Lord will work in you, both to will and do of His good pleasure.
May you walk in God’s divine plan for your life.
Good morning.

7. The path of the righteous shines brighter and brighter.
May your path today, shine brightly in God’s glorious light.
May your way be free from trouble and sorrow.
Good morning.

8. Every good and perfect gift comes from above; from the Father of lights in whom there’s no shifting of shadow.
May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart, today and always.
Good morning.

9. May the blessings of the Lord that makes rich, without adding sorrow; be yours this marvellous morning.
May He raise helpers of destiny for you.
Good morning.

10. As the mountain surrounds Jerusalem, may the Lord surround you and your entire family throughout today.
May He keep you from all harm and guide and guard you every step of the way.
Good morning.

11. Arise, shine! For your light has come.
May the glory of the Lord rise upon you and His peace fill your heart to the brim.
Good morning, have a glorious day!

12. As you set out today, the light of God shall illuminate your path.
May the Lord crown all your efforts with good success.
Good morning.

13. Each morning appears with new hope and a new beginning. It offers renewed strength and vitality, to handle each day and all it entails.
May the Lord renew your strength and cause you to soar like the eagle.
Good morning.

14. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him; He shall direct your path.
Lean on Him, He’ll not fail.
A beautiful morning to you.

15. Hope does not put to shame; for Christ has poured His love into our hearts, by His Spirit.
Put your hope in God. You will not be put to shame. He is God! Those that put their trust in Him are never ashamed.
Good morning.

16. Today, the Lord will do exceedingly abundantly, above all you ask or imagine; according to His power that’s at work within you.
You shall experience God’s supernatural accomplishments.
Good morning.

17. Lines shall fall upon you in pleasant places today. You shall have a goodly heritage today and forever.
The angels of the Lord shall direct you to your place of testimony.
Good morning.

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18. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver you from them all.
The Lord will be with you to keep you from all harm. You will not fall prey to the enemies’ evil devices.
Good morning.

19. This beautiful morning, the Lord shall divinely position you at the right place, at the right time to connect you to your blessings.
Your testimony is on the way.
Good morning.

20. May the Lord give you the unction to function in your place of destiny. May you receive grace to fulfil purpose.
Good morning.

21. You are engraved in the palms of the Lord’s hands; your walls are continually before Him.
God has not forgotten you; you are the apple of His eyes.
In due season, He’ll make you laugh.
Good morning.

22. Your strength shall not fail in the day of adversity. The Lord shall be your help, support and strength.
He will be with you to deliver you.
Good morning.

23. As you go out today, may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord be with you, keep you and give you peace.
Good morning.

24. May the peace of the Lord that passes all understanding, be upon you this morning. The love of God shall reign in your heart and His mercy shall speak for you.
May the Lord silence your accusers and vindicate you.
Good morning.

25. When you call upon the Lord, He will answer you. He will hear your cry for mercy. He will be your shield and your strength.
He will defend you and fight for you.
Victory is yours, only believe.
Good morning.

26. The Lord our God, is the living God of the army of Israel. He will fight for your battles for you. He will give you a lasting victory. The Lord will silence the uproar of the aliens and still the songs of the ruthless. You shall experience double honour for all your shame.
Good morning. Sing a song of victory!

27. No weapon that’s fashioned against you shall prosper, every hand that’s lifted against you in judgement, shall be condemned.
The sceptre of the wicked shall not alight on your lot. You shall not raise your hand to do evil.
Good morning.

28. This morning, the Lord will give you extraordinary grace to do extraordinary exploits.
His grace will take you to the realms of extraordinary achievements.
Good morning. Have a splendid day of adventurous exploits.

29. There’s a spirit in man, the inspiration is of the Almighty; it shall give you understanding, this morning.
As you go about your business today, may you be like the men of Issachar; may you have a clear understanding of the times and know what you ought to do at every stage.
A wonderful morning to you!

30. May the Lord go ahead of you today, to smoothen every crooked path. May your journey be hitch-free;
Everything will work out for your good and to God’s glory.
Good morning.

31. A lovely day; made by God, free of shadows, devoid of trouble, affliction-repellant and full of joy, blessings, and successes.
Good morning. Have a great day!

32. Good morning, dearest!
Yesterday is gone, buried and no more.
Today is the present, a fresh gift from God, with promises of joy, love and blessings.
The steadfast love of God and His unfailing mercy, are new every morning; thankfully receive and enjoy it.
It’s all yours. Have a wonderful day!

33. Start today in God’s awesome presence; watch your worries grow wings and fly away, never to return.
Stay in God’s abiding Presence, embrace His warm embrace and bask in the glow and euphoria of His love for you.
Have a glorious day in God’s presence! Good morning.

34. You are the apple of God’s eyes; you are close to His heart.
Today, He will give you the finest of wheat, and honey from the rock.
The Lord shall reward your labour of love with abundant blessings.
Good morning.

35. I can hear the rumbles of thunder, and feel the coolness of abundant rainfall. Torrents upon torrents, about to fall.
It’s going to rain! Be expectant! God will visit you with His goodness.
A lovely morning to you!

36. There shall be no slightly better yesterday for you. Each new day shall be a much better one than all the previous. Your latter glory shall always surpass your former ones.
Good morning. Have a glorious day!

37. Good morning!
The dawn has broken, it promises to be a wonderful day; full of sunshine and hope.
Today, your hopes will not be dashed; your expectations shall not be trashed and no broken promises shall feature. You shall experience God’s unlimited favour and joy.
Have a fabulous day!

38. Praises unlock impossible doors.
Praises pave and smoothen the way to supernatural abundance.
Praises open doors without a struggle.
Praise your way into divine intervention and blessings today.
Good morning!

39. Today, you shall set forth in joy and return with a mouth filled with praises and a thankful heart.
God’s favour shall encompass you and His grace shall speak for you all the way.
Have a fantastic day. Good morning!

40. In your work, today, may you be truly inspired for greater accomplishments.
May the Lord anoint you with the oil of gladness and give you an excellent spirit to achieve extraordinary feat.
Good morning.

41. When others are beating a fast retreat from life’s challenges; you shall be as bold as a lion and overcome to take over your territories.
Be bold today, and take your place in destiny. The Lord is with you.
Good morning.

42. The Lord was with Isaac; he planted and reaped a hundredfold in times of famine.
The Lord was with Joseph; he was lifted from prison to palace.
The Lord is with you. Whatever the odds stacked against you; they are but instruments of elevation.
Aim high! Good morning!

43. Your troubles may be much and overwhelming; have faith in God, He is on the throne.
Your God is greater, mightier and far more terrifying than your challenges.
Be confident in who you are, and His ability to save and deliver.
Good morning.

44. It’s a wonderful morning: there’s melody in my heart.
The angels of God whispered into my ears that help is on the way for you.
Have faith, and be expectant. It’s time to dance.
Good morning.

45. The night is over! The storm is over!
A new dawn, a new beginning filled with hope and endless possibilities; is here.
Grab it, your joy has come! Sorrow is no more. Good morning.

46. The arms of flesh will always fail, but God is our only comfort.
He is our shield from the fiery arrows of trouble and evil.
He is our shade from the heat of oppression and our shelter from the howling storm.
Take refuge in Him: this too shall pass. Good morning.

47. God is the only one truly capable of turning our stumbling blocks into stepping stones. He’s a mountain leveller and path smoother.
A distinguished way maker and an accomplished promise keeper.
Let him have the driver seat; take a break from controlling the direction and narrative. He is able!
Good morning.

48. God’s words never fail, change or bend. Time, season, situation, or background… has no power over it.
God’s word is powerful, faithful, enduring, tested and proved.
May every word God has spoken to your life, begin to manifest speedily, from today.
Good morning.

49. My prayer for you today:
May everything work together for your good, according to God’s purpose.
Helpers of destiny shall arise for you. Strangers shall be of strangers help to you. You shall be favoured.
Good morning.

50. Give today your best shot: your best is yet to come!
Don’t deny yourself the privilege of enjoying today because of tomorrow. Do not allow the pangs of yesterday’s regret, rob you from today’s blessings. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come. Only today is here as the present; take it!
Good morning.

51. You have struggled and laboured, all to no avail.
You gave your best shot; only bounced back at you.
It’s time to take the back seat and rest in God.
He is the shepherd of your soul; He has the blueprint. God will navigate your way out of every mess, straight into a marvellous breakthrough. Good morning.

52. Take a break; it’s time to rest.
Do not struggle against the wind.
Soar over the storm on God’s wings, like the eagle.
It shall be well with you.

53. Life is good because God is good. You have paid your dues; your reward is on the way.
Fret not, only rejoice. Your joy shall be full.

54. Today, your glory shall brighter than the brightness of the sun.
The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon, by day.
The Lord will surround you with walls of fire and angels.
Keep shining! You are secured!
Good morning.

55. May the Lord give you beauty for your ashes and comfort you on every side.
Good morning.

56. I entered the throne if grace, in order to obtain mercy that will help you in this your time of need. You are a friend, indeed. Heaven’s resources shall open up for you.
Good morning.

57. Great is God’s faithfulness; His mercies are new every morning.
All we ever need, He provides.
God’s mercy covers all multitude of wrongs; only repent and surrender.
God’s love overturns all judgement; embrace it.
Whatever your situation; you’re totally covered in Christ. Only believe. Have a blessed morning.

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58. For the gift of sleeping and waking up, be thankful.
For the gift of life and sound health, be thankful.
For God’s manifold blessings, be thankful.
This morning, may your sacrifice of praise provoke showers of blessings.
Good morning. Have a blessed day.

59. Today, you will not be put to shame as you put your trust in the lord.
You shall be as Mount Zion; your feet will not be moved. May the Lord surround you now and forever more. Great will be your peace, beloved. Good morning.

60. As you go out this morning, may the light of God shine upon your way. May He order your path aright and lead you in the way you should go. Good morning.

61. Divine direction is knowing the right place to be at the right time, to receive uncommon favour. May the Lord divinely direct your steps today as you begin to operate in the realms of supernatural favour. Good morning.

62. By God’s mercy, you shall not be consumed by the storms of life. The Lord shall keep you till the very end. Have faith. Good morning, my beloved.

63. There’s a river whose stream make glad the city of God; the holy habitation of the most high God. God is within you; you shall not fall. God will help you at the break of dawn.
Reach out to God with high praises, your dawn is about to break with new songs. Good morning, love.

64. God has not forgotten; His words will prove Him true. He has engraved you in the palms of His hands; your walls are continually before Him.
Good morning.

65. We are saved by grace, through faith; and not of ourselves, it is a gift of God. Receive grace to do great exploit in all your undertakings today. Good morning.

66. Open your heart. Dare to hope. Be expectant: help is on the way. The glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He’s not a man that He will lie or repent. God is faithful. Good morning.

67. Even when we are unfaithful, God remains faithful; He can not deny Himself. He remains unchanged; He is steadfast. May God’s faithfulness be revealed in every area of your life, today and forever. Good morning.

68. It is not of he that willeth, nor he that runneth, it is of God that showeth mercy. May you run tour race effortlessly, by the sheer mercy of the Lord. A wonderful morning to you.

69. I have a good feeling about today. It’s going to be a great day! I have a deep conviction within me that the Lord is set to do a new thing in your life. It shall spring forth.
Good morning.

70. A bright new day, with a new opportunity to achieve goals and fulfil destiny. An exciting day filled with promises, devoid of regrets and full of hope.
Go and accomplish greatness: it’s in you! Good morning!

71. Your case is settled! Whatever you are looking up to God for; it’s settled. Only belief. Have faith, remain unshaken. Your long wait is over. The Lord will respond to your cry. Good morning.

72. This beautiful morning, the Lord will arise and show you His compassion; for it’s time to show you a favour. Yes, your set and appointed time have come! Congratulations! Good morning.

73. Good morning, dearest. Out of sight isn’t out of mind. My heart is with you; I’m only reassured and secured in the knowledge that the eyes of the Lord are watching over you. Have a most blessed day His care!

74. I got a peek in heaven’s goodie bags as the angels of dispatch await their instructions from the giver of good gifts. I saw a beautifully wrapped package, with your name boldly inscribed on it. I wasn’t privy to the content, I could only hazard a guess as to its preciousness. It’s huge!
Expect your box of goodie today, dearie! It’s your time to dance. A lovely morning to you.

75. Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Hey, it’s in the morning already! I sense great excitement in the air. As the sun rises over the earth today, your joy has come to stay.
Bid a final goodbye to your challenges. It’s your turn to laugh. An awesome morning to you!

76. Every night comes with a sense of finality, and the inevitability needs for rest. Each morning comes with a feeling of hope, inspiration, and victory.
As the Lord had given you victory over the evil of the night, so shall He breathe a fresh hope upon you today. Good morning.

77. Until the final whistle blows, there’s always hope for the cut-down tree with withered root. At the scent, if water, it sprouts again.
This morning, may the Lord shower you with refreshing water. Everything that’s dead shall come back to life. Good morning.

78. Our help is in the name of the Lord. May the Lord show up for you when you need His help, today and forever more.
Good morning.

79. You are a special being; to me and to God. Today. May the Lord open doors for you. Gates will not be against you. Most pleasant morning to you.

80. Good morning, my darling! You are welcome to a most glorious day, specially made by the Lord. I commit you into the able hands of God for tremendous blessings, multiple success, uncommon favour and abundant grace.
Have a blessed day!

81. This beautiful day, the Lord will open the book of remembrance concerning you. He will fulfil all His good promises to you. This is your due season; God will not owe a man. There shall be a performance. Have a fulfilling day! Good morning.

82. The Lord will protect your going out and coming in. He that watches over you, does not sleep nor slumber. He will keep you safe. Have no fear! Good morning.

83. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which lives in you. There’s therefore, no parking place or stopover slot for sickness, disease, shame disappointment or lack in your life. Yours is a life of sound health, abundant blessings and favour.
Enjoy a lot in Christ. Good morning!

84. Dearest, have no fear; the Lord is with you. Whatever that is against you cannot withstand the grace of God within you. We have this blessed assurance that we are more than a conqueror; we are overcomers in Christ Jesus.
Receive strength to overcome today. Good morning.

85. Today, I pray for you that your eyes of understanding shall be enlightened to see the hope you have been called to, in Christ Jesus. As you take the step of faith into today, may you walk into favour and experience supernatural provisions.
Have a blessed day! Good morning.

86. As a baby’s cry attracts the attention of its mother, so shall your needs move the lord for prompt attention. You shall experience God in a new dimension today, with loads of favour and tons of blessings.
Good morning.

87. Set out from home today with this blessed assurance: the lord is with you. His goodness will encompass you and His glory will overwhelm you. May the light of God shine upon your way. A beautiful morning to you!

88. The interesting thing about life is its daily challenges, presented in any form. Life would be dull and devoid of meanings without these perks, sparks, troubles and earth-shaking happenings. The important thing is to remember that the Lord will make everything to work out for your good.
Have a blissful day! Good morning.

89. Whatever that is troubling you, God is capable of handling it to perfection. Hand your worries over to Him. Ha has the perfect answer/solution, long before your problem exists/appear. He is God!
Have a blessed day! Good morning.

90. The gift and the calling of God upon your life is without repentance. Hang in there, help is on the way! You are not alone. Beloved, do not give in to despair or succumb to oppression.
Have a victorious day in God’s presence. The battle is the Lord’s.
Good morning.

91. This beautiful morning, our loving heavenly Father will be your guide, helper and protector. Your day shall be meaningful, fruitful and productive under His watchful eyes.
Good morning.

92. The Lord is your refuge and fortress; your God in whom you trust. Dearest put your confidence and hope in God, He will never fail. Enjoy an unforgettable experience in God’s awesome Presence today.
Good morning.

93. Darling, you will not wake up early to sleep late in the night and eat the bread of sorrow. Your labours shall not be in vain. You shall be fruitful in all your endeavours today. God will crown all your efforts with success.
Have a fruitful day. Good morning.

94. This morning, I asked the Prince of Peace to visit you. He shall calm every raging storm in your life and command the howling wind to be still. His peace shall rest upon you and all that is yours today.
Have a peaceful day! Good morning.

95. You are buried in Christ with God. Congratulations! You are dead to sin, sickness, diseases, defeat and death. You have been raised with Christ! It’s glory all the way!
Welcome to the heavenly realm of dominion, power, victory and prosperity.
Have a prosperous day! Good morning.

96. A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. This lovely morning, may your gift distinguishes you, paves way for you and take you to a place of prominence. You shall stand before kings, not mere men.
Have a fulfilling day. Good morning.

97. Grateful heart, thankful soul; defies the odds of overwhelming problems to appreciate God for anything praiseworthy…like the gift of life. For where there’s life, there’s hope. Give thanks in all your situations today; it’s the key to God’s divine intervention.
Good morning.

98. May the lord satisfy you this morning, with unfailing love.

99. When your strength is waning, do not be troubled. Only put on the strength of God. It is never failing. With God, you can accomplish impossible fêtes and attain greatness. You can do all things through Christ that gives you strength.
Good morning. Have a prosperous day!

100. When you call upon the Lord today, He will answer from on high. He responds to the prayers of the destitute; He will not despise your pleas. Good morning.

101. This lovely morning, the Lord will bear your burdens and load you with benefits. He will be your sufficiency.
Good morning.

102. As the Lord wakes you up this morning, I pray He opens your heart to understanding His will. May you receive the grace to act on it, without delay. May you receive your just reward in due season.
Good morning.

103. Weeping may tarry in the night, but joy comes in the morning. It’s a beautiful morning: bright and clear. Your joy just arrived! Sorrow and weeping are terminated and exiled with immediate effect. It’s your time to dance. Rejoice, my beloved!
Good morning.

104. In the presence of God, there’s fullness of joy. At His right hand, there are pleasures forevermore.
Start the day in God’s awesome Presence and enjoy His unlimited grace, favour and joy.
Good morning.

105. Praise God for His numerous blessings in your life. As you get prepared for the day’s task, may the Lord’s powerful hand lead you and bring you home safely.
Good morning.

106. God’s strength and power are revealed in our weaknesses. As you own up to yours and ask for His help, may the Lord guide you through the struggles and challenges of today. May He fill you with strength go overcome your secret fears and anxieties.
Good morning. Best wishes!

107. Set aside your worry, and for a brief spell; enjoy the brightness of the sun; the coolness of the refreshing air; the happy chirping of the birds and the beautiful work of nature around you. Life is good, only because God is good and awesome. He will not leave you or forsake you.
Good morning.

108. Giving up is not an option when the trumpet is yet to be blown. Each new day presents another opportunity to reach for the moon. The sky isn’t your limit; heaven is the throne of God. The Lord is your ever-present help in trouble. Reach out!
Good morning, beloved.

109. In times of trouble, we have God’s call card. It is cheap/affordable, free access, unclogged network; inexhaustible airtime…Prayer is the key! Pray your way into breakthrough. Wait on God till He gives you an answer. He is awesome.
Good morning. Have an awesome day.

110. In turbulence time, when the angel of destruction sees the blood of Jesus upon you and your family, he shall pass over. No evil shall befall you and your household; no scourge will come near your dwelling. Good morning, dearest beloved. The Lord will keep from harm.

111. God’s love is constant and consistent. He loves you without a single reason, but His love is total. Today, the Lord will turn your mourning into dancing; your sorrow into joy. He will give you a reason to smile and laugh… again.
Good morning. Have a fun filled joyous day.

112. Good morning. May the Lord continue to shower you with the abundance of His storehouse. May He fill your heart with songs of joy and give you a sound testimony.
Good morning. Have a fabulous day!

113. For all your acts of kindness, love and generosity towards me; may the Lord replenish your purse a millionfold. Your cruise of oil will never fail and your source will not dry up. May God bless you abundantly.
Good morning. Have a prosperous day!

114. You are God’s special gift to my life; my harvest of praise unto the Lord. You are a constant reminder of God’s awesome greatness. I am grateful for the gift of you, my amazing darling.
Good morning, love.

115. Good morning, dearest. May the Lord grant you many more beautiful mornings in the land of the living. May you live long and prosper. Have an awesome day!

116. Believe in God even when He is silent. Have faith in Him in the terrifying darkness. Hold tightly to Him when you are utterly confused. Never let go until the day breaks. The Christian journey isn’t for the faint-hearted: God is working your miracles behind the scenes.
Your testimony is going to be explosive. Good morning.

117. As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, shall not cease. You have poured yourself out unto others, may you receive your reward here on earth and your crown in heaven. Your labour of love shall be rewarded in due season. You have restored my faith in God and humanity. God bless you real good.
Good morning.

118. Awaken the dawn with songs of praise. Bring down God’s glory with your Thanksgiving. Let your harvest of praise bring the testimony you desire. Praise your way to breakthrough. It sure looks good on you.
Good morning.

119. Lift up your voice to the Lord in the morning. Take your request before the throne of grace and wait expectantly for His response. You will not be cast away. Your face shall be radiant and your heart fills with joy.
Good morning.

120. Unto the Lord that answers prayer, shall all flesh come. The Lord will answer you when you call to Him. I may not know what ails you, but I do know God cares and is willing to help if only you’ll let Him.
Do not shut Him out; He alone is your rock and your salvation.
Good morning.

121. Good morning. You have a need; go ahead and ask God, He will give you. Need help? Seek His help; He will not fail. Need a breakthrough? Knock at the door of mercy, your testimony is sure.
Good morning. Go and do exploits.

122. Though the world deserts you; God is with you. Though an army besieges you; the Lord will deliver you. You are not alone; the God of the universe is with you.
Bask in His love. Good morning.

123. The storms of life as ordered by God is never meant to bring you down or destroy you. Its main aim is to prepare and groom us for greater heights and higher responsibilities. Do not struggle against the winds. Let go, and let God navigate your course. You shall have the last laugh.
Good morning.

124. Whatever your enemies meant for evil against you today, the Lord shall turn it around for your good.
You will not fall prey to the bait of your adversaries. You will escape their trap.
Good morning.

125. Except the Lord watches over a city; the watchmen watch in vain. The Lord shall watch over you and your household today. As many that will gather or conspire against you shall scatter for your sake. The hand of the wicked will not achieve its enterprise against you, today and forever.
Good morning. Enjoy God’s sure victories!

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