Mind Quotes

Mind at Ease Quotes

Mind at Ease Quotes

 Mind at ease means to be at ease, calm, relaxed and comfortable. It describes someone relaxed and not worried about something. It can also describe a situation where someone feels relaxed and comfortable. However, mind at ease also means that we are not preoccupied with the future and do not dwell on the past. We […]

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Ease Your Mind Quotes

Ease Your Mind Quotes

The phrase “ease your mind” refers to a state of mental relaxation and comfort. The phrase is often used to encourage someone who is stressed, anxious or otherwise troubled. It’s also used as a motivational tool for people who are struggling with a task or problem. However, for some people, it’s about letting go of

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Mindfulness in Daily Life Quotes

Mindfulness Quotes for Anxiety

 Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment. When we’re not mindful, we often think about the past or future instead of what’s happening right now. When we’re living in the moment, we can be more aware of our thoughts and feelings, which helps us deal with them more effectively. When you’re feeling anxious,

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A Busy Mind Quotes

A Busy Mind Quotes

The busy mind is a mind that is constantly thinking about the past and future. It is a mind that always wants to be doing something, whether it be an activity or just sitting around thinking about what could have been or might happen. This type of thinking can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.

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