Mind Quotes

Mental Burnout Quotes

Mental Burnout Quotes

Mental burnout means different things to different people, but it’s generally used to describe exhaustion from stress, anxiety and depression. It can be hard to focus, and you may feel like you’re not performing as well as you used to. However, it’s important to note that mental burnout isn’t the same as burnout at work […]

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Expanding Your Mind Quotes

Expanding Your Mind Quotes

A lot of people are afraid to expand their minds because they’re worried they’ll be overwhelmed by the number of new things they’ll learn. But that’s not how it works. When you expand your mind, it doesn’t mean you have to go looking for new ideas and concepts to apply to your life. You can

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Blank Mind Quotes

Blank Mind Quotes

The blank mind is the mind that is free of thoughts, worries and distractions. It is the state of pure awareness in which you are fully present and aware of what is happening around you, without being caught up in thought patterns or emotional reactions. It can be achieved through meditation, yoga, and other forms

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Battling Your Own Mind Quotes

Battling Your Own Mind Quotes

The struggle is real, and it’s exhausting. The worst part is when you’re not even aware of it. You are in a constant battle with yourself. You’re fighting to be happy. You’re fighting to be productive. You’re fighting to be healthy. And the enemy is your mind telling you that you can’t do it, or

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