Mind Quotes

Battling Your Own Mind Quotes

Battling Your Own Mind Quotes

The struggle is real, and it’s exhausting. The worst part is when you’re not even aware of it. You are in a constant battle with yourself. You’re fighting to be happy. You’re fighting to be productive. You’re fighting to be healthy. And the enemy is your mind telling you that you can’t do it, or […]

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I Dont Mind Quotes

I Don’t Mind Quotes

“I don’t mind ” is a commonly used phrase and it can also often be misunderstood because it can be used in different situations. “I don’t mind” is a phrase people use when they are being polite and don’t want to offend someone. It can also mean that they don’t care about something or that

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Relaxed State of Mind Quotes

Relaxed State of Mind Quotes

A relaxed state of mind is one in which your mind is free and open, with no distracting thoughts. It’s the best way to learn. Your mind is not in the best shape to absorb new information when you are stressed, tired, or distracted. The goal of a relaxed state of mind is to reduce

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Mind Healing Quotes

Mind Healing Quotes

Mind healing is the process of healing mental and emotional disorders. The mind is connected to the body; when the mind is healed, so is the body. Mind healing can be used for many purposes, including relaxation, stress reduction, and improving relationships and self-esteem. Mind healing is also referred to as guided visualization, guided imagery

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