
Sometimes, what you need to pull through a difficult situation are some motivational messages. Sometimes, what that special friend needs to overcome a challenge are some motivational messages.

So you’ve got someone to send some of these inspirational messages to? Then choose any to be sent to him or her.

  • Rule Your Anger

No matter the pain,
No matter the stress,
No matter how hurt you are,
No matter what plight,
No matter the pressure,
Never take it out on people around you.
You might be hurting a soul that cares while trying to unleash your fury.

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  • Make Your Existence Count

We are all created for a purpose. A plan and a reason. Until we know this reason, we are only existing and when we die, it ends as a waste of creation.

You have so much within you to be what you are meant to be.

That challenge is not an excuse. Lack of finance is not an excuse.

What can you do to birth the purpose you were made for?
Think about it and live your life so everyone will know that you were here and you made a difference.

In everything you do, make your existence count. You are not here to live and die, but to live and impart.

Don’t permit anything to stop you.

See More… Motivational messages and encouraging text messages for him or her.

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I Am Not Anti-Social Quotes

Among other definitions, an anti-social person is not sociable or wants the company of others. They could also be termed introverts, who oftentimes need solitude to function better. These kinds of people easily get exhausted by social activities and prefer one-on-one conversations to small talk or extended conversations with groups of people. As enjoyable as […]

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Welcome Home Marine Quotes

Someone you know, close or not has served your country as any loyal soldier would, and now it’s time to come home and rest. They have done the hard part by putting their life on the line for everyone’s safety; now all that’s left for them is to go home and reunite with their families

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