Happiness Is Being Married to Your Best Friend Quotes

Happiness Is Being Married to Your Best Friend Quotes

Just as water tastes sweeter when you’re thirsty, and air seems fresher in the mountains, marriage can be the sweetest thing when you and your spouse are best friends. A marriage based on love and emotional connection develops a feeling of intimacy that makes it easy to share your innermost thoughts with each other than with anyone else.

This freedom of communication in a marriage usually births a form of happiness that nothing else can produce or duplicate. Indeed, happiness in a marriage is of two souls in which each gives the best to the other and where there should be no competition or comparison between husband and wife who are best friends.

Check out this happiness is being married to your best friend quotes to understand the need to choose a marriage filled with happiness by marrying your best friend.

Happiness Is Being Married to Your Best Friend Quotes

Marry your best friend, and you’ll be forever happy. When you marry your best friend, you’ll suddenly have a wonderful new family. Most married person’s best definition of happiness is being married to their best friend. Words are short, and explanations are not lengthy. Every day should be filled with unspeakable joy.

1. At the heart of every marriage lies understanding, trust and friendship. These are what you will create with your love through an everlasting bond. It’s easy: like attracts like. Find your soul mate, your best friend, and you’ll make each other happier.

2. A union between two souls, marriage is the ultimate step in love. After you marry your best friend, then your life will be complete. Marrying your best friend will not just complete your life but also make it worthwhile.

3. Marriage is the centre of the family. If a family is centred around marriage and shared values, then that is where people find meaning in their lives. Your marriage will be worth it when you are with your best friend, and you do not have to pretend every day and live a lie.

4. Let’s be real; getting married can bring about some life changes. After you have married your best friend, you can discover new and fun things together. Getting married to your best friend has many benefits, like reducing stress levels, increasing happiness, and improving total life satisfaction.

5. After marriage comes a new phase of life forever. Get ready as you open the door to a never-before experience. Only when you are best friends with your spouse can you truly enjoy the bliss of marriage.

6. Marriage is bliss only if you are best friends with your partner. Marriage is tough, particularly if you have a spouse who is not your best friend. Only when you are comfortable with your partner can you find marital happiness.

7. When looking for the perfect life partner, nothing can be more important. If you’re getting married, make sure you find someone special who can simultaneously make you feel millions of miles apart because happiness is being married to your bestie.

8. Marriage is, by nature, a friendship. If you succeed in making friends with your spouse and get along well, a happy marriage is sure to be the outcome.

9. Attraction is often mistaken for love, but it’s important to wait until you are truly ready. Are you looking for the secrets to a healthy and happy marriage? We can help. One key ingredient is friendship. To have a good marriage, you must be friends with your spouse.

10. Marriage is about many things, but friendship is one very important element. To have a successful marriage, you must be best friends with your spouse. Not sure where to start? The first thing you have to do is start being friends with your spouse. Once you understand you’re on the same team, then the real magic can happen.

11. Marriage and friendship are inextricably linked. They both aim at a life-long relationship where partners can grow together and have fun, no matter the situation.

12. Marriage is a partnership of people who vow to love and honour one another for the entirety of their lives. Committing to another person is a lifelong partnership between two friends who want to fall asleep at night in the arms of the one they love.

13. Marriage vows have the opportunity to be the most important words that best friends should speak. This is your chance to show what you’re made of and how much you care.

14. One cannot find happiness in marriage if one is not the best of friends with whom they married. The marriage is meant to be a lifetime commitment of two people who love each other to fall asleep in the arms of someone they love.

15. Marriage is the simple lifetime commitment of two people who choose to fall asleep at night in each other’s arms. It’s more than just a piece of paper. It’s a celebration of commitment. It’s a promise from two people who are best friends and whose love has withstood the test of time and commitment.

16. Marriage is a momentous event in two people’s lives. It’s a commitment to share love, fun, and hopes through the good times and bad. Marriage is a beautiful institution that provides two best friends with the opportunity to experience unconditional love and support for the rest of their lives.

17. In marriage, friendships are the glue that binds you to your partner. When picked wisely, a friend is your soul mate and most intimate confidant. Friends are the most important relationship in any marriage. When you pick your friends wisely, they become your soul mates and most intimate confidants.

18. Friends are the conduit to your spouse’s inner self. In a happy marriage, friends will also be your partners in crime. It would be awesome to have your partner and friends together for an epic adventure, explore new places, travel abroad, learn something, or even participate in an activity together.

19. Friends are the only people who know the real you. No one is a better friend than your spouse, who has known you since the beginning and has seen you at your worst (and then forgave you).

20. Finding your soul mate can bring lifelong excitement, true happiness and pure joy. Choosing the person you spend the rest of your life with is no simple task. But when done right, especially with best friends, marriage can bring unmatched fulfilment and joy.

21. Marriage is not easy, but having a friend by your side who truly understands and supports you makes everything else seem possible.

22. Make an effort to find a best friend that supports you in every way. It will be the best decision you make in your marriage.

23. Marriage can be hard, and it can also be easy. It takes people who truly care and support each other to make it last.

24. Partners in life and business, your wife makes sure you know everything will be alright. Your spouse should be someone you trust and depend on, someone who is supportive, caring, and reliable. This person will make your love last through the years. That person should be your best friend; then, happiness will overflow.

25. A marriage is the union between two people joined together to enjoy life’s journey. The love, respect, trust and compassion you share grow as you learn more about each other daily. If you do not marry your best friend, marriage could turn out as you wish not.

26. A relationship is as precious as a gemstone. Trust and dependability are qualities you should look for when you’re looking for the ideal partner. And like jewels, some relationships last forever – and others aren’t worth your time.

27. Marriage is the foundation of a family. It is an investment in your future, and you should choose it carefully. The person you choose should be willing to spend time with your friends and family, talk about the future together, and make an effort to communicate their feelings.

28. With over 6 billion people on the planet, finding a partner who understands and supports you is important. It’s easy to get lost in the noise. And while there’s no one formula for a perfect partnership, with greater intentionality comes greater happiness. Happiness is when you marry your best friend.

29. When you fall in love with your spouse, you will know that marriage is not about whether or not you have a great time in your relationship. When you trust each other, you can be open. When you are open, you can be honest. And when you are honest, it means you’re ready for change.

30. You can only find happiness in marriage if you take your spouse as your best friend and vice versa. Marriages are made in heaven and can only exist if you and your spouse add each other as your best friends and show love to each other.

31. Marriage is made in heaven and remains only the perfect relationship if two people add each other as best friends and express love to each other. Your marriage will last as long as you say you want it to and show love for your spouse.

32. Marriages are made in heaven and can last a lifetime if you maintain healthy communication. A successful marriage is not a simple one. Married people will attest to this, but moving things along can make life much better for everyone.

33. Marriage is a special relationship between 2 people. It’s about togetherness, romance and loyalty. Prepare for your future with a successful marriage that’s built to last. A husband and wife in your marriage can ultimately be your best friend.

34. Marriage is not a “one-size-fits-all” kind of relationship. You can only find happiness and fulfilment if both partners are best friends, lovers to their soul mates, life partners, and spiritual companions.

35. Successful marriage carries deep commitment and the willingness to take each other as best friends, lovers, life partners and spiritual companions for better or worse.

36. The husband and wife relationship is supposed to be the foundation of a relationship. Through love, support, and communication, it can become your best friend. Your spouse can make all the difference to your marriage.

37. Forget the roses, chocolates and fancy dinners. A great marriage is a partnership based on friendship. While it’s normal to have disagreements and even rough patches, strong and happy relationships are built on the understanding that you are there for each other – good times and bad.

38. To be happy, you should share your life with someone else. That person should be your best friend and, ideally, your lover. Being in a committed relationship is one of the best ways to be happy. It provides a long-term support system and a partner with whom you can share life’s ups and downs.

39. Marriage is one of the most wonderful experiences in life. It brings satisfaction and happiness. Married couples enjoy a sense of well-being that is not found anywhere else. Get married. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

40. Marriage isn’t for everyone, but it’s a fact of life for many people. But being married doesn’t have to mean the end of your sense of independence and uniqueness. Marriage is about making the decision to grow together with another person – no matter what that means for each individual couple.

41. Marriage is an institution in which two people become one. The marriage ceremony binds them together in each other’s love and friendship. Happily married couples understand this simple truth that it’s not possible to love another human being unless you love yourself first.

42. Happiness is difficult to find in marriages where the spouses are not best friends. Happiness is often difficult to find in marriages where spouses aren’t best friends.

43. Research shows that happily married couples who are best friends get the most out of their relationships. With few exceptions, happy marriages are based on the friendship between husbands and wives.

44. Couples can build a healthy, long-lasting marriage by building a relationship that revolves around fun, friendship and intimacy. Statistics say it is hard to keep a relationship in marriage when you and your partner are not best friends.

45. When finding ways to make a marriage last, having a best friend could be the secret. Couples who start as friends are more likely to stay together in the long run. Friends enjoy communicating and doing things together, making a happier and longer marriage.

46. It’s no secret that married couples who share common interests and spend time together are more likely to solidify their bond. There may be days when the happiness you once felt isn’t there anymore. Not to worry, it’s not a permanent feeling, and there are many things you can do to reignite love and strengthen your connection.

47. Getting married to your best friend is an important decision, so we created a place for you to learn from real brides what it means to get married to their best friends and whether or not it was the right decision for them.

48. Being married to your best friend can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever experience. Marriage is full of love and caring, but in some cases, it is hard to find true friendship, one of the most valuable treasures of a happy marriage.

49. A good marriage is not just about love. It’s about trust, honesty, respect for each other’s feelings – in other words, being best friends. It is important to discuss the idea that wives need to feel friendship from their husbands and husbands from their wives too.

50. Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people who love each other. While friendship, romance, and so much more are all important ingredients, it is equally important to discuss the idea that wives need to feel friendship from their husbands and husbands from their wives too.

51. It is important to discuss the idea that husbands and wives need to feel friendship from their partners. Friends with your partner is a great way to fight negative feelings and stress. Friendship and love go hand in hand. Some people may say that the terms are synonymous, but they are not.

52. When one spouse is angry, the other spouse should try to be understanding. Friends are the people we make memories with. It is important to discuss the idea that husbands and wives need to feel friendship while maintaining their own individual friendships, too.

53. Wives and husbands need to feel friendship with each other while maintaining individual friendships. Marriage is not one-sided. Husbands and wives need to have their own individual friendships, too. At the same time, they should each feel like they are best friends.

54. Keeping friendship in marriage a priority is a key to a long, happy marriage. Don’t sacrifice your individual friendships. A good marriage is built on friendship, but when a couple spends time together, losing perspective and feeling like their partner is out of reach is easy.

55. Marriage is not a “one-size-fits-all” kind of relationship. A successful marriage should carry with it deep commitment and the willingness to take each other as the best friend, the lover, the life partner, and the spiritual companion of their better half.

56. A solid marriage is built on friendship. But when you don’t have moments alone, losing perspective and feeling like your relationship is in trouble is easy.

57. A good marriage is built on friendship and romance. Couples that spend more time apart have more room to re-discover themselves and their partner, making them closer and more in love than ever.

58. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, wedding, honeymoon, or birthday, some time alone will refresh the friendship and spark a deeper connection.

59. Being in love is one thing, but feeling close to your partner is another. Marriage trouble can ensue when partners only communicate when arguing about bills or raising kids. It’s vital that husbands and wives, who are best friends and companions, should feel friendship and companionship.

60. The key to a successful marriage is the understanding that it takes two individuals who are best friends and feel comfortable with each other. By being loyal, supportive and always respectful, we can feel confident that our spouse will do the same for us.

61. To stay in love and harmony, it is essential that husbands and wives be best friends, companions, confidants, and lovers. A strong and loving marriage is a bond shared by two people who are best friends, companions, confidants, and lovers.

62. For a marriage to be successful, it is essential that you and your partner have a foundation of friendship and companionship. To be happy in your marriages and relationships, it is important that you and your partner have the best of friends.

63. The most important ingredient for lasting love is friendship. To be happily married for a lifetime requires more effort than some belief. But it is possible. The essence of marriage is friendship and companionship. Husband and wife are best friends enduring through time.

64. Marriage is a beautiful bond, joining two souls in friendship and companionship through good times and bad. Marriage is friendship and companionship between two people who work together to create a new family.

65. Marriage is not about who changes first or whose fault it is. It’s about both of you growing together and helping one another to grow. Marriage is the union of two people who promise to love and honour each other through good times and the bad.

66. Marriages are made in heaven. You don’t need to worry about anything as long as you have your significant other by your side. It’s much more important for a husband and wife to be best friends than lovers. Marriage is meant to be a partnership among equals.

67. Married couples should be good friends, like you and your husband or wife. Marriage is also a friendship that requires hard work and commitment. If you like your other half, chances are the rest will follow.

68. The most valuable commodity in a marriage is companionship. Marriage is different from any other relationship, which must be nurtured daily. While it is important to remain steady, selfless, and committed to one another as a couple, couples need each other just as much—if not more—than their children need them.

69. A marriage of best friends is a blissful marriage. The best marriages are about friendship and companionship. It’s not just about romance but friendship, trust, and companionship. It’s what kind of marriage you want to have. When you find the right person and the right moment, it’s all about sharing.

70. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. As everyday life gets busy and time gets short, the importance of your friendship can help you make the most of every day. Marriage isn’t about finding someone you can live with; it’s about finding someone you can’t live without.

71. In a healthy marriage, your partner is the one person who knows you best in the world. In contrast to the outside world, he does not judge you for your imperfections and completely accepts all aspects of you. It’s a mutual acceptance that goes both ways. In this union, happiness abounds.

72. When you share your life with another person and accept them for who they are, you expand your world and increase your potential for happiness. A successful marriage is not a 50/50 deal. It’s a 100/100 deal. Each person must strive to give 100% of himself or herself and accept 100% responsibility for his or her actions.

73. Your marriage can be more than a union of two people. It can be a union of two hearts and minds. A friendship is bound with love; your love for each other sparks a deeper friendship and joy. Marriage is a social institution that joins two individuals in a sacred bond of love.

74. The more you know about your partner, the more likely you will be able to work through your issues. Happiness is when you marry your best friend. To make your marriage happier, make your spouse your best friend.

75. In your marriage, if you make your spouse your best friend, you will be happier. Find out more today. Your marriage will be stronger and happier if you make your spouse your best friend. Read more about it today.

76. Looking for a way to create the spark in your marriage again? Make your spouse your best friend. To have a successful marriage, you must make your spouse your best friend. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

77. Today, it’s not just about finding a spouse but also finding a best friend. With an increasing divorce rate and time pressures for both spouses, making a best friend out of your marriage is the key to happiness. Don’t get left behind.

78. It is the couple who makes their marriage vows before God and family the happiest. Learn how to achieve this goal today. Your marriage is the best relationship you will ever be in, hands down. It’s the foundation for everything else in your life. You can dramatically improve your marriage by making your spouse your best friend.

79. Making your spouse your best friend can dramatically improve your marriage. Can you feel that love? It’s the foundation for a healthy marriage. If your marriage isn’t as solid as you’d like, it’s time to start to rebuild.

80. A successful marriage carries with it deep commitment and the willingness to take each other as the best friend, the lover, the life partner, and the spiritual companion of their better half.

81. Being in a healthy marriage is like having a best friend who is also your lover, partner, and confidante. Marriage doesn’t have to be hard. Make it easy on yourselves and start with the basics.

82. There’s no place like home, especially when you return home to someone who is more than a partner but your best friend. You prepare, plan, and anticipate all the second you can come home to someone who would do anything to have your love and affection.

83. A good marriage is hard work. But work is easier when you have an extra set of hands, an understanding ear, and a forgiving heart. Marriage is not a word; it’s a sentence. Marriage is a journey of falling in love repeatedly with the same person.

84. People marry for lots of different reasons. But when two people are trying to live happily ever after, it’s all about partnership. The kind that grows, changes and stays together through every life event. Together, you achieve more. Together, you live better.

85. To be happy in your marriage, see your wife or husband as your best friend. To have a successful and meaningful marriage, one must treat his or her partner like a best friend. You can have a successful and meaningful marriage if you treat your partner like a best friend.

86. Marriage is one of the most important things in your life. A successful marriage requires dedication, respect, and much love. Husbands and wives often mistake forgetting that they are best friends. It is important that they regularly remind themselves of this fact through thoughtful, loving acts.

87. Having a happy marriage doesn’t require you to be in love every day, but it does mean that you have to keep the relationship healthy, even when you don’t feel very loving. To maximize your joy, feel that your best friend is also the person you are married to.

88. Anyone can have a good relationship. The happiest couples, though, are the ones who feel that they have a soul mate and best friend in their spouse. A strong marriage is a happy one, so naturally, you should find a lover who will treat you right.

89. Picking your best friend as the right marriage partner can be the second most important and happiness-filled decision you will ever make.

90. Happiness belongs to spouses who are together in their spirit, soul, and body. It can only be found in the union of best friends.

91. Make sure to celebrate the good times and accept your differences. The essence of marriage is to be happy forever. You will have to take your spouse as your best friend to achieve this. The secret to a successful marriage is treating your spouse like your best friend.

92. In this age of easy divorce, some couples still vow “till death do we part.”They treat each other as best friends. They resolve their differences with compromise and compassion. The secret of their successful marriage is based on the timeless qualities of friendship: honesty, loyalty, trust, intimacy, and shared values.

93. Happy marriage starts with the couple, who have to have a happy family. It can only occur when all family members, including grandparents and parents, are happy.

94. Marriage is not to be taken lightly; it requires a total commitment and dedication of two souls into one. It also requires effort and no effort without growth. In the end, it’s a journey you must take with your partner.

95. True happiness is being married to your best friend. To find true happiness, a couple should marry their best friend. Being married to your best friend is a dream come true. Being married to your best friend means you can also spend more time with the friends who’ve become your family.

96. Life after marriage is easier and better than you expected. There is peace, understanding, and support. A marriage is about two souls coming together to share not only their love but also their lives. Her heart is filled with love for the person she agreed to spend her life with.

97. Saying “I do” to someone you love is one of the most exciting times in life. Marriage should be about finding lifelong happiness with your soul mate. Once you are married to the love of your life, life is truly blessed with happiness.

98. Your wedding day is the beginning of the rest of your life, and vows are a promise to keep loving one another till death do you part. Marriage is a celebration of love. It’s a long-lasting promise and commitment made to one another.

99. Everyone deserves to find their soul mate. At perfectmatch.com, we take pride in helping singles find their other halves. Incredible is the only word that truly describes what it’s like to be married to your soul mate.

100. You and your spouse will be each other’s best friend, confidant and partner—forever. Our vows are the beginning of a lifetime of friendship. We promise to cherish your strengths, encourage your dreams, and support you through life’s endeavours.

Hope you enjoyed these happiness is being married to your best friend quotes. Feel free to share them not only with couples but also with your single friends. Thanks.

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