2025 Happy Thanksgiving Quotes for Friends and Family

The Thanksgiving day is one of the most important holidays around the countries of the world set aside in gratitude for all the yields in a year and that of the one to come.

Families and friends come to mind on this very special day, for it is a privilege to have them around in such a beautiful moment as this.

So, in order to show your gratitude for their love and support in your life, here are well articulated Thanksgiving quotes crafted in their honour.

Do well to send them a couple of these. You’d be glad you did.

Happy Thanksgiving Quotes for Friends and Family for Thanksgiving 2024.

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends and Family

The best of Happy Thanksgiving Wishes Quotes for your Friends and Family.

1. Celebrating the essence of friendship, grateful for the support that comes with its gains. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

2. I’m courageous today because I got a ride or die friend. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend.

3. You’ve prevented me from failing and have held me up till I could stand on my own. You’re amazing. Happy Thanksgiving day, sweet family.

4. I’m blessed beyond a house but with a home, more than with friends but with family. I love you, sweet fam. Happy Thanksgiving, day.

5. Money might buy everything but not love and family. Happy Thanksgiving day. Grateful for the love and support.

6. Amongst all that I have, I’m so thankful to have you as a friend. Happy Thanksgiving.

7. But for you, I could not know the meaning of unconditional love. Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

8. Because in all of life’s quizzical moments, your hands remain familiar and supportive. I’m grateful, bestie. Happy Thanksgiving.

9. Apart from the food, the, and the shelter, I’m grateful for our friendship and love. Happy Thanksgiving day.

10. Family is wealth and peace. Glad to have you as my battalion. Happy Thanksgiving day.

11. I hope we have more Thanksgiving holidays in common. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

12. I never want to lose a friend like you. A friend so true and compassionate. Happy Thanksgiving day.

13. You shine a light on my path and make a way for me in the dark. I’m grateful to have you for a sister. Happy Thanksgiving day.

14. Is there a brother more supportive and loving than you are? That brother is you. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet bro.

15. Your bosom is my comfort and your smile my peace. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

16. To the world’s best dad; you need not be anyone else other than your amazing self. Happy Thanksgiving, dad.

17. I’d remember you on this special day because you’re a gift from the Lord. Happy Thanksgiving, sweetheart.

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18. My world is a better place with a friend like you. Grateful for having all that truly matters in this cold world. Happy Thanksgiving day.

19. Your smile is like the sun, shinning its glory all around. Thankful for your smile, grateful for the sound of your laughter. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

20. Some have lost their lives. And others, their partner, and fortunes. But I still have you. With an attitude of gratitude, happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

21. For preparing my meals and making sure that I am fit. I’m thankful for having you, mom. Happy Thanksgiving, my superwoman.

22. You’re always there when no one else is. You’re an angel as a friend. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend.

23. Because you understand better than a counsellor and listen more than a friend, I wish to have you in my life forever. Happy Thanksgiving, super friend.

24. We have our shoulders to lean on in times of need. And love when it’s cold. Happy Thanksgiving, fam.

25. Without your arms in mine, my world would have come crumbling. Blessed am I to have you amongst men. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet wife.

26. I have to make it crystal clear on this very special day; I’m so proud of my family and so blessed to be a part of its member. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet family.

27. It’s amazing what unity can do. I’m thankful that we are united and strong through the adversities and trials. Happy Thanksgiving day, fam.

28. I love each and every member of my family. Because without them, life would’ve been unfair. You’re my heaven on earth. Happy Thanksgiving day.

29. A husband like you will always have my heart till eternity. Happy Thanksgiving, love.

30. It’s been a long time coming but we’re still here, being the best we can be. So thankful! So blessed! Happy Thanksgiving, lovely friend.

31. Of all blessings, I deeply appreciate the gift of friendship. Happy Thanksgiving day, sweet friend.

32. Grateful for the days behind us, enjoying the day we’re in. And looking forward to the days ahead of us. Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

33. A cousin as you is worth more than ten thousand sisters in the dreams. Happy Thanksgiving, lovely cousin.

34. To a friend more protective than an angel; happy Thanksgiving, true friend.

35. Happy Thanksgiving day to the friend who has saved me more than a million times. I love you to the galaxies and back.

36. For every word of wisdom that proceeds out of your lips, I say, thank you. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet sister.

37. You perfect every other blessing the heavenly Father has blessed me with. So, I’m grateful for you on this day. Happy Thanksgiving day.

38. Thankful for the moon and the stars shinning its fluorescent light on our friendship. Clearing our paths of troubles and challenges. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

39. I’ll be sure to come back into this world as your own. Happy Thanksgiving, mum.

40. Oh, dear son. You’re a blessing to this family. So grateful you graced my womb. Happy Thanksgiving, day.

41. Thankful to have a friend who covers secret better than the night. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend.

42. The quiet waters of serenity surround me because I have a friend who cares for me. Who else would love me like that? Happy Thanksgiving, lovely friend.

43. Anyone would love to buy our bond and steal our connection. But they are blessings we couldn’t hope to exchange for the riches of the dark. Happy Thanksgiving, loving friend.

44. You love me more than I know. This you prove to me every sunrise. Happy Thanksgiving, sis.

45. I’ve crossed bridges. Walked valleys and climbed the high mountains but your love remains constant as the statue of the pillar of salt when I look back. Thank you for standing by me. Happy Thanksgiving.

46. When the wind stops to blow and the sky loses its stars, you remain my only one true friend. How blessed I am to have you love me in return. Happy Thanksgiving day, dear.

47. May the next Thanksgiving day bring in good tidings and love from all corner more than this year’s. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend.

48. I’ll go a thousand miles because you’re the definition of a true friend. I’ll win battles and gain victories because you’re my friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you, sweet friend.

49. If the riches of this world is flooded away by the vicissitudes of life, I’ll trust you to stick with me to the end. Happy Thanksgiving day, my ride or die.

50. Today is worth the gathering around our table because a happy family is worth celebrating. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet family.

51. Today is as beautiful as my super gorgeous friends. Happy Thanksgiving, friends.

52. I do not have wishes to make today. I only have gratitude to give. Happy Thanksgiving day.

53. Family and friends are valuable and irreplaceable assets. I’m happy to have y’all in my life. Happy Thanksgiving.

54. Joy rises up in my heart like an incense smoke rises to the sky when I’m sandwiched between my close friends. I’m grateful for this knitted circle of friendship. Happy Thanksgiving, friends.

55. The only thing that has been unchanging and ever abiding in my life is my family. I’m sincerely thankful for this. Happy Thanksgiving, family.

56. When I had too much, I shared with my friends. When I had little to nothing, my friends shared with me. Friends are a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving to my friends.

57. I have all my friends with me. And to top it all, none is missing in my family. I’m grateful for life. Happy Thanksgiving to these special ones.

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58. Mom has been there for me my whole life. More than my life, I’m thankful for yours. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

59. All the strength I drew from you is nothing compared to the unconditional love you’ve shown me over the year. Happy Thanksgiving day.

60. If I fall today, I have my family to fall back on. This alone gives me the confidence to live life. For this, I have a big reason to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving to my loved ones.

61. You’ve made me known the joy that exists when we hold hands together. Together, we’ve been a strong force unshaken by external forces. My family is everything to me and I owe God for such a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving day.

62. The love of a mother is enough for me; for that is true love. Today, I’m grateful for having a taste of such unconditional love. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

63. You’ve been a friend and a family to me; all wrapped up in one. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

64. If I never gained anything from life, at least I gained you. Your presence in my life is such a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving, bestie.

65. Dad, your life has been a blessing to your family, friends and even to strangers. I’m thankful for the life you’re living. Happy Thanksgiving day, dad.

66. You’ve made my life so beautiful. I’m proud of you for many reasons. You are many things to me. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

67. You’re more than a sister to me. You’ve been my warrior and has fought with me when times were tough. You’re sister indeed. It pleases my soul to be grateful for your life. Happy Thanksgiving, sis.

68. You’ve fed me. You’ve clothed me. You’ve fought my battles. Above all, you’ve loved me. You’re like a father to me but you came in the form of a brother. Happy Thanksgiving, my beloved brother.

69. Our friendship has been one of the things that added a sweet fragrance to my life in the past one year. I do not undermine this. Hence, I’m deeply grateful for what we have. Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

70. If I’m thankful for my life. I have every reason to celebrate yours too. Happy Thanksgiving, loving friend.

71. You never left me alone in the cold. You shielded me from the scorching sun. And never left me to die when it was hard. I couldn’t be more grateful. Happy Thanksgiving, bestie.

72. Family gives us the opportunity to have great people in our lives. Thank you all for being such a blessing to me. Happy Thanksgiving to the best family in the world.

73. Reminiscing on how far we’ve come brought sweet tears to my eyes which dropped down freely with joy. You’re the family that beats my dream. Happy Thanksgiving day.

74. I didn’t have to pray for wonderful parents. I got it on a silver platter; nevertheless, I’ll keep this as a rare gem. Happy Thanksgiving, mom and dad.

75. You’ve played so many roles in my life. And hence, you’ve been everything to me. Momma, I am thankful for your presence and effort in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, my dearest mom.

76. I have you and I have it all. Happy Thanksgiving day to my friends.

77. For the laughter’s we’ve shared and the tears we’ve had to wipe off each other’s face; I couldn’t have traded for anything. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

78. You’ve never left me by my lonesome. I never went to my bed lonely, because my friends were there to keep me company even in my head. Happy Thanksgiving, friends.

79. Love is the most wonderful thing in the world. Mom, I’m grateful to you for not depriving me of this. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet mom.

80. Your support has been my inspiration and confidence. I do not take this for granted. Hence, I’m thankful for this. Happy Thanksgiving day, sis.

81. No matter the numbers of time we disagree. Regardless of our misunderstanding. I’ll still love to have you in my life again if there’s an afterlife. Happy Thanksgiving day, bro.

82. You’ve seen me at my lowest point. Likewise, you’ve witnessed my hay days, yet you never left nor thought to live. You deserve my gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving day, best friend.

83. I’m thankful for having you in my life, be it in the day or at night. You’re always welcome in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

84. I say this on rare occasions such as this. So, I thought to say this once again, “you’re appreciated”. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

85. You’ve made me happy to the deepest part of my soul year in year out. This much is worth my appreciation. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

86. With my truest friends, I could fly to the end of time. Happy Thanksgiving day.

87. I asked for a friend and in turn, I got a best friend. You added colour to my life with your warmth of friendship. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

88. Your life has been the most precious thing to me right from conception. Happy Thanksgiving day, dear mom.

89. I don’t have to wonder what it feels like to be raised by a loving father. I’m earnestly appreciative of this privilege. Happy Thanksgiving, dad.

90. Today, I’ll let the world know, I have a friend that could meet my needs before his needs. Happy Thanksgiving, best friend.

91. You’ve showered me with true love. I’ve tasted the true meaning of love. You’re my mom, a million times again. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

92. I have reasons to sing for joy on this day, simply because I have you in my life up till this moment. Happy Thanksgiving day, bestie.

93. You’ve worked tirelessly to bring me this far. Your sacrifices are the most sacred things to me; hence, I owe you my utmost gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving, mom.

94. You’ve been my fountain of wisdom and my spring of water. Happy Thanksgiving, dad.

95. A friend that will always be there in good and bad times is a friend to shower gratitude on. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

96. You’ve blessed me with so many things I can never pay you back for. For this, I’m grateful you came my way and stayed in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, bestie.

97. Mom, when I see you and I feel blessed. Thank you for your prayers and sound advice. Happy Thanksgiving day.

98. Your lives are the most valuable treasure to me. I have every reason to be thankful today. Happy Thanksgiving, family.

99. Your life has been a blessing to me. Yet again, you proved that in the last one year. Happy Thanksgiving, bro.

100. With a friend like you, I have no reason to watch my back. I’m absolutely thankful for your presence in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.

Now, go light up your world on Thanksgiving day.

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