2025 Heart Touching Good Morning Messages for Friends

We live in times when people don’t truly express themselves to those around them. We see things like not having expectations when one is friends with someone, as they’d either hurt or disappoint you. Sometimes, it could even be the fear of being seen as either vulnerable or weak.

But really, a friend is that someone that you shouldn’t be scared of confiding in. A friend is someone you get to make mistakes with and most importantly, grow with. The person doesn’t put you down with their words or action, neither do they mock you for being open with how you really feel. A friend is someone you can say any and everything with.

So, how about changing the narrative today, by sending a heart touching good morning message to them? Bare your heart, be silly, say things that aren’t correlating. Just be honest.

It is on this note that we’ve prepared the best heart touching good morning messages for friends in 2024. You could use them word for word, or use them as templates to writing your own heart touching good morning messages.

Most Touching Good Morning Text Messages for Special Friends

Cute Heart Touching Good Morning Sms for My Precious Friends.

1. Yesterday may have gone really bad for you, but I know that today will be better. Rise up and shine, my friend.

2. I should never have spoken to you the way I did. I should never have used what you told me against you. And I’m really very sorry. I hope you can forgive me. Good morning.

3. You and I, we’ve had our highs and lows, but I do know that I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world. Good morning, best friend.

4. I know you wouldn’t deliberately set out to hurt me, but I’d really like if you could watch your words whenever we have a disagreement. Okay? Good morning.

5. If I haven’t told you recently that I love you, I do, honey. You’re still one of the best things that ever happened to me. Good morning.

6. You will always have a special place in my heart; nothing and no one can change this. Good morning, darling.

7. I’m sorry that I gave you the reason to doubt my loyalty to us; I’m really very sorry, my friend. Good morning.

8. I have to be honest; I really wouldn’t know what I’d do without you in my life. I really wouldn’t know. Good morning, friend of life.

9. Thank you for loving and forgiving me with so much abandon. I love you, and I want you to know that I never take you for granted. Good morning, darling.

10. Knowing that our friendship isn’t going anywhere any time soon just fills me with so much laughter and happiness. Good morning, dear.

11. Being friends with you has given me the greatest support system I could have ever hoped to get in my lifetime. I love you so much, dear. Good morning.

12. I can stomach losing material things, but I could never stomach losing you. Good morning, my darling friend.

13. Our friendship is something I’d always stay grateful to God for. Good morning, best friend.

14. I still can’t believe how our friendship blossomed into this beautiful romantic relationship. But I’m so thankful, and I love you. Good morning, darling.

15. Ever since I met you, my life has taken a positive direction. And I know I’ll always be grateful for your presence in my life. Good morning, dear.

16. And even if anything happens to us, I know I’ll always cherish this bond that we share. Good morning, dear.

17. I still laugh so much when I remember the events of last night. You’re a naughty lady, but I love you still. Good morning, sugar.

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18. You’re a sight for sore eyes, my darling. Thank you for last night. Have an awesome day!

19. You’re still the strongest person I’ve ever met, and that’s how I know you’ll pass this phase too. Good morning, dear.

20. If the world had half your strength and love, it surely would be a better place. Good morning, dear friend.

21. Good morning, my friend. How was your night?

22. What are we friends for if we can’t ease each other’s burden, or take some of our pain away? I love you, girl; and you’d never be a burden to me. Good morning.

23. If there’s anything you need to make today better and easier for you, I want you to let me know immediately. Good morning, dear.

24. You’d never be a bother to me. As a matter of fact, bother me as much as you want. Good morning, dear.

25. Knowing that our friendship is for all times just gladdens my heart. Good morning.

26. I think you’re called joy for a reason. See how much joy you’ve brought to me? Good morning, babe.

27. Even with all your disturbance and annoying traits, you’re still the best friend I could ever have hoped to get. Have a swell day, darling!

28. You and me, let’s face the world together, as we’ve always done. Don’t shut me out, please. Good morning.

29. I don’t have to be friends with so many people. Being friends with you is just enough for me. Good morning.

30. I know I hurt you, but I also know you have a big heart. Please, forgive me; I’m sorry. Good morning.

31. Knowing that you’re my friend through every situation I find myself leaves me so giddy with happiness. Good morning, love.

32. Our children just have to be best of friends. I can’t imagine anything else. good morning, friend of mine.

33. And even when my back is against the world, I know I can always count on you. Thank you, my darling. Good morning.

34. This is me deliberately saying that I’m not letting anything or anyone put a dent in what you and I share. Good morning, Mr. annoying.

35. You’re the sweetest friend there is. Good morning, dear.

36. Thank you for being real with me always; even when I’m so annoying. Good morning, dear. I love you!

37. Have I told you how much I love you this week? Well, I love you, my annoying best friend. Good morning.

38. Good morning, my best friend of life. Do have an amazing day!

39. Our friendship is forever etched in my heart. Good morning, dear.

40. You’re not just my friend; you’re my sister and family. Good morning.

41. Have you realized how slim you look? I’m coming to take you out for lunch and dinner. Then, we’d go cook at your place. Finish!

42. Thank you for being the check and balance to my excesses. Thank you for bringing other perspectives to the many scenarios that could have marred me. Good morning, dear.

43. The day you came into my life has got to be world history day. Honey, my life changed for the better!

44. Do you know that I believe so much in you? Now you know; so, go out and slay as you always do. Good morning, dear.

45. Sweetheart, it’s not a question of if you’re strong enough to overcome this phase. You have all the strength you’ll ever need, and you have me too. Good morning.

46. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of the night, I’ll always be here when you call. Good morning, darling.

47. My day literarily starts with knowing that someone who genuinely cares about me exists somewhere. Good morning, dear.

48. Seeing you light up with happiness as you held your child makes me really look forward to when I’d have mine. I really can’t wait. Good morning, strong woman.

49. I’m still angry that you didn’t say anything about how sick you’ve been. I’m really mad at you. Just get ready to deal with me personally. Good morning!

50. Have I told you how annoying you can be? But hope you know I still love you like that right? Good morning, love.

51. I’m coming to come fetch you for lunch. You need a break from work! Good morning!

52. This is to inform you that I took your pink gown last night. Don’t worry, you’ll survive. Good morning, darling.

53. See how I’m rooting for you? Have a super beautiful day today. Good morning.

54. Thank you for being so patient with me. I really do appreciate everything you keep doing for me. Good morning, dear.

55. How does it feel to be engaged? Do you think I’ll ever experience that feeling, ever? Well, I just wanted to say good morning, and to wish you an amazing day.

56. Sometimes, it’s almost like I’m being left behind. Everyone around me keeps going for what they want and I’m just here lagging behind. Well, good morning.

57. If your boss doesn’t realize how talented you are, then it’s his loss. Whatever happens today, I just want you to know that you’re still amazing. Have a great morning, love.

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58. Good morning, friend. This is me wishing you a successful presentation today. Go slay, darling.

59. My amazing friend, I know you’ll do big things in life. Good morning.

60. If there’s anyone I can trust with my life and possession, that person is you. Thank you for being a dependable and reliable person. Good morning, dear.

61. Everyone needs someone they can trust, and I’m glad that I have you. Good morning, honey.

62. With you, there are no walls. You don’t know how this makes me so happy. Good morning, angel.

63. There’s no way I’m getting tired of you any time soon. Remember? Your problems are my problems. Good morning, darling.

64. I love how you care and father me like no one ever has. You’re my best friend ever! Good morning, dear.

65. May your day be better than yesterday; and may you have so many reasons to laugh hard and well. Good morning, darling.

66. You owe me something nice for keeping something that important away from me. but regardless, dear, I don’t condemn you, and I love you fiercely. Good morning.

67. It doesn’t matter how yesterday panned out. There’ll be better and fruitful days. Good morning, beautiful woman.

68. So, you haven’t given me the full gist about that guy you went out on the date with. Yes, I know it’s 4:00 am in the morning; let’s start the gist anyway. Good morning!

69. Contrary to what you’re seeing now, I do believe your reality is so much better. Good morning, dear.

70. What’s there not to love about you? You’re love personified. Good morning, dear.

71. Good morning, sweetheart. Have a pleasant day today!

72. When you don’t feel strong, here’s me saying I’ll be strength for you. And if we both happen to be tired at the same time, we’d just cry and console each other. Good morning.

73. See how relaxed you look? Who would have thought that sharing one’s burden with their friends would ease things for them? Good morning, love.

74. Darling friend, have a super relaxed day today. Good morning.

75. When it seems that your back is against the world, I’ll still be here cheering for you, as I’ve always done. Good morning, love.

76. Honestly, I’m super thankful that I get to be friends with you. Good morning, dear.

77. Irrespective of what the day may bring, I need you to always remember that I really do care about you and that you can always count on me. Good morning, my friend.

78. So, I just discovered a new restaurant close to work. I’m coming to fetch you at the close of the day; and honey, you’re paying for our treat. Good morning!

79. That you’re not feeling strong doesn’t change the fact that you’re one of the strongest humans I’ve ever met. Come on! Go slay already! Good morning!

80. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and fussing over me like no man’s business. I love you. Good morning, dearie.

81. Truth be told, I envy the guy that would get you as his wife. He’d be both lucky and blessed. Good morning, dear.

82. I’ve seen you brace through so many difficult situations. And that’s how I know you’ll brace through this one. Good morning, darling.

83. I was up to see the sunrise; it reminded me of that vacation we took last year. We should totally plan towards another. What do you think? Good morning.

84. Good morning, darling. Slept good? Have an awesome day!

85. It’s our two year anniversary as friends. And I’m super grateful for the gift of you. Could morning, dear.

86. My one and only disturber, have a beautiful day ahead. Good morning.

87. Sometimes, I ponder on how I became so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being such amazing friends to me. Good morning, dear.

88. You’re answered prayers for me. I prayed for a friend, and God answered with you. Good morning, love.

89. How come I am struggling over what to wear when you have more than enough clothes? I’m coming to raid your wardrobe today. Good morning.

90. You’ve been a really great support system for me. I just hope I’m half as there for you, as you are for me. Good morning, love.

91. My beautiful friend, have a great day today. Good morning.

92. I just wanted to remind you of how much I love you, and that I hope we remain the best of friends always. Good morning.

93. Don’t blush too much when you read this. Anyways, wanted to tell you that I’m super proud of you and that I love you!

94. It feels good to know that even if no one else believes me, you believe me. Thank you. Good morning, dear.

95. Thank you for being my wonderful team cheerer. I know I wouldn’t surv8ive some days without you there.

96. Honestly, I envy the woman that’d become your wife. Thank you so much for last night. Good morning.

97. I wish for nothing more than today to be an awesome one for you. Good morning, babe.

98. Ever wondered how we’d cope if we didn’t know how to speak English? Those were the thoughts I had in mind when I woke up. Good morning, love.

99. Swimming date on Saturday. What do you say? Ps; you’re paying for it. Good morning to you.

100. Beautiful man. Have an awesome day today. Good morning.

101. Have you smiled this morning? You should, beautiful woman. Good morning.

102. Telling me not to worry about you is absolutely impossible. Good morning, gorgeous.

103. Do you think I care about your past? For crying out loud, all I see when I look at you is how strong and beautiful you are. Good morning, beautiful.

104. How your face lights up when you laugh is just amazing. Good morning, beautiful woman.

105. There’s no day I don’t pray that you actualize all of your dreams in life. Good morning, my darling friend.

106. Have you eaten? Please, don’t lie to me. I worry about you. Good morning.

107. Good morning, sleepy head. Hope you didn’t drool all over the place?

108. There’s nothing that would ever make me take our friendship for granted. I adore you, my friend. Good morning.

109. Good morning, my darling. Today, don’t be scared to actually learn and unlearn. Change can be good sometimes. I love you.

110. I know you’re finding it hard to adjust. Don’t beat yourself too much; you’ll eventually get the hang of it. Good morning.

111. You’re a very special woman to me. Never forget this. Good morning.

112. Good morning, darling. I just wanted to remind you that I love you infinitely.

113. There’s no morning I don’t utter prayers for you alongside mine. I love you that much. Good morning.

114. I know you and your picture perfect life and dreams. But I also want you to know that it’s okay not to have everything together. Good morning, love.

115. You’re so special to me, my treasure. Good morning.

116. Please, come get me for lunch, okay? I’ve been skipping meals lately, and I need someone to check on me. Good morning.

117. You’re definitely a blessing to me from God, and I’m super grateful for you. Good morning, my friend.

118. Don’t beat yourself too much because things aren’t going as planned. Okay? Good morning.

119. Hope you remember that I’m only a phone call away from you? Good morning, darling.

120. There are days when things don’t go as planned. And on those days, I’d be by your side. Good morning, dear.

121. It’s okay to cry; you still look beautiful then by the way. Good morning, gorgeous.

122. You don’t have to have everything together. You’re human; try to give yourself a break. Good morning.

123. For every dream you’ve shared with me, I’d do well to make sure I support you as much as I can. Good morning, dear.

124. Big dreams and small dreams are subject to the definition of individuals. Be true to what you hold dear. Good morning, darling.

125. It’s so good to see you happy and glowing. Lord knows that you deserve it. Good morning, my friend.

126. You’re my best friend. And you really don’t know how happy this makes me feel. Good morning, love.

127. Thank you for being so caring, loving and understanding with me. I really appreciate everything. Good morning.

128. This is to wish my best friend in the entire world a good morning. I love you!

129. I found a beautiful bracelet I know you’d like. Hurry up and come over. Good morning.

130. I can’t believe that I wouldn’t get to live five minutes away from you anymore. I miss you already. Good morning.

131. And to think I couldn’t wait to have my bed all to myself. I miss you. Good morning, darling.

132. I know the Lord is good, and that how I’m sure this phase too will pass. Good morning, love.

133. I don’t like that our lives are changing this fast. I mean, I’m happy, and I’m not happy. Don’t you dare laugh! Good morning.

134. So, I had gone half way only to realize I was wearing my clothes the wrong way. You better not be laughing. Good morning.

135. Remember how we used to sneak around to join in those paid classes cos we were broke? I miss those days though. Good morning.

136. Is it normal to be missing you this much? Good morning, darling friend.

137. Top of the morning to the most amazing friend ever. Have a fabulous morning!

138. Thank you for helping me laugh hard. You’re a gush of sunshine. Good morning.

139. You know I’m always willing to go the extra mile for you right? Good morning, darling.

140. Good morning, darling friend. Hope your night was good? If so, doxology!

141. Wen did we stop writing each other letters? Like, I miss those hand-written letters. Maybe we could try our hands at it again. Good morning, love.

142. I can’t wait for you to get back already. Have a safe trip. Good morning.

143. Please, buy me something on your way from work. Anything. It’s been so long you gifted me something. Good morning.

144. We should definitely go on a photography trip again. Good morning, love.

145. I pray that you find so many reasons to be happy and thankful for the rest of the day. Good morning, love.

146. You can face whatever life throws at you. And don’t worry; I’ll be at your side too. Good morning, my friend.

147. Thank you for always insisting on communication. I definitely feel better from letting out my feelings. Good morning.

148. All you’d ever need to succeed in life is already on your inside. Good morning, love.

149. Good morning, dear. Have an extraordinary day!

150. Glow, baby, glow! Good morning!

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