I Am Grateful for You Quotes

I Am Grateful for You Quotes

Gratitude is the most powerful thing in the world. It allows you to be thankful for everything and everyone around you, no matter how big or small. It’s the greatest gift you can give to someone. When you show appreciation to people, it speaks to how much you appreciate the effect they have on you, and it lets people know how much you value their relationship with you.

Appreciating people connects people and breeds gratitude. Acknowledging people’s impact on your life is one of the most rewarding things you can do because it builds relationships. Tell them when they have played an important role in your life. It will make them feel proud!

It is easy to forget how much they mean to you during a busy day, but it can feel like the best thing in the world when you get back in touch with them. We all need this reminder sometimes, so why not send one now with these I am grateful for your quotes that you can use to show your gratitude to people in your life.

I Am Grateful for You Quotes

I’m grateful for you. Every time I try to write things down and say a few words that describe how I feel about you, I always sit in quiet and stillness. There are no words to do justice to being grateful for you in my life.

1. I am grateful for you. I see how hard you work and how many sacrifices you make for our children, home, and family. I am in awe of your positivity, courage and strength. I appreciate all that you do.

2. I am grateful for you because I know that there are not many things I would be able to do without you by my side. Without your love and support, I would always feel terrified that nothing would go my way. Thanks for being you and showing me what it is like to be loved again.

3. I am grateful for you, my dear friend. I am so grateful we have each other to help us through life. I am grateful that we can go through the ups and downs together. I hope we are friends forever.

4. I am grateful that you always tell me the truth. I am grateful that we can have a nice conversation no matter what time it is. I am grateful that you helped me move and realize how great you are.

5. To my loving husband, who always takes care of me and helps me be the best I can be, thank you for all you do. I love being your wife.

6. I am so thankful that you came into my life. I didn’t know how much I lacked in my life until I got to know you more. You are, hands down, the best guy I know and the greatest friend I have today. Whenever I feel lost, you’re always there with a smile and a helping hand. You’re always there for me and will never give up on me, regardless of what I do. You have become a huge part of my life, and it wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you for everything.

7. Thank you for being so supportive. You are always there for me when I need a sounding board or someone to vent. Thank you for all you do in my life and for making it better.

8. Finally, I had a fun night with my family. You guys are the most amazing family I have ever had, and I feel so lucky to be with you all. I am grateful for you raising me so well.

9. I am grateful for you because you are always there for me. I am grateful for you because you help me with things I’m unfamiliar with and want to learn. I am grateful for you, my family and my friends, who are always there to support me when I need them.

10. I’m grateful for you! I am so lucky to have you in my life. I can’t imagine what it would be like without you. You help me so much and make me feel good about myself and life. You bring something special to our relationship. Thank you for the love, friendship, support and encouragement you give me every day of my life.

11. I am grateful for your love, tolerance, and steadiness. I am grateful for your understanding and the joy you bring to my life. I am grateful for the children we have created, and I am grateful for how you are a great mother. I love and respect you, darling.

12. I am grateful for you! I am grateful for the time we spent together. I am grateful that you always see something in me that I don’t see in myself. I am grateful that you are my friend, lover, and soul mate.

13. I am grateful for you for being so understanding and accepting of my flaws. I am a person who has lots of fears, and I need someone who can help me analyze them and move past them. Thank you for listening to all of my fears. I couldn’t do it without you.

14. I am very grateful for you. Thank you for always telling me I can do whatever I want to do and for always reminding me how special I am.

15. Thank you for being in my life. You know that I am a happy person; However, there are times when I tend to be a little sad. But you are always there, offering your shoulder to cry on and your advice to get me back on my feet. And because of you, I found myself smiling again.

16. Thank you for the lovely day today. Spending it with your company was perfect because you are thoughtful and kind. I’m very glad I found you and got to know you.

17. Thank you for entertaining all of my girlfriends and being a good date to other guys’ parties and my brother’s get-togethers. Just for being there for me, I am very grateful.

18. Thank you for being a great friend. You help me out regularly and even listen to me as I vent about life.

19. Thank you all for joining us tonight. It’s much appreciated. I got some thank you notes emailed in, but I’d like to address a few of you personally, face to face. We make this journey as partners, so everyone is appreciated equally. Thank you so much.

20. I’m thankful to you for being my friend, for being there when I needed someone to talk to, and for listening when I needed someone to talk to.

I Am Thankful for Quotes

I am thankful to you for everything you do. I am very thankful that we are friends. Without you, my life would not be complete. Thank you for taking me out and showing me the good times in life, for helping me get on my feet when I was down, and for the advice that helped me in more ways than one, for being my friend.

21. I am thankful for you. I don’t know where I would be without you by my side through everything. You have been a great husband and father to my children, and I can’t imagine my life without you.

22. I am thankful for you because we have been together for ten years. I am grateful that you tell me how much you appreciate me, even when someone else does something better than me. I am grateful to you for being my partner, best friend, and lover.

23. I am thankful for you, for our time together. You are smart, funny, kind and thoughtful. I thank God every day for bringing us together.

24. I am thankful for you because you bring out the best in me. You encourage me to do my best and walk beside me on this journey that I’m on. Thank you for your love and support.

25. I am thankful for you, the father of my children and my main source of happiness. I am glad you are there for me when I need you and that you are so reliable and responsible. I love you and your craziness.

26. I am thankful for the many ways you have shown me that I can trust you. I will always be there for you; I hope that we can continue to lean on each other as life changes around us.

27. Thank you for being the father of my children. Without your support and understanding, I am not sure I could have gotten this far. I appreciate all of your sacrifices and devotion.

28. I want to thank you for all you’ve done and all the love you’ve given me. I wouldn’t be the same without you. You make me feel special, and I thank god that I have you in my life.

29. Thank you for all you have done for me. Good luck in everything you do. And I am proud that I met you, I’m grateful we were meant to be friends.

30. Thank you for being my friend. I met you right on the day of a very stressful deadline, and you have been there to comfort me. Your friendship has helped me get through many days.

31. Thank you for always being there for me. Whenever I was in trouble, you always helped me out, calming me down and encouraging me. Always willing to lend a hand and an ear whenever I needed it. Thank you for being a great friend.

32. Thank you so much for your support and help. A few months ago, I decided to start my own company but was unsure how to get it off the ground. You came into the picture at just the right time and helped me out.

33. I am grateful for you. You are a wonderful person, and I am glad you entered my life.

34. I am thankful for you. When I am with you, and we talk, I feel like I can be myself, and it feels so good not to pretend around you. Thank you for making me feel that way.

35. I am grateful for you being my best friend, my love, and always there when I need you. I may be a workaholic, but I’m glad you are pushing me to step away from the laptop at times. I love you!

36. Thank you for always being there for me. You are so close to me that I feel like we are one person. Your presence in my life brings a certain sense of peace and serenity that I can’t find anywhere else.

37. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother to get up in the morning. Then I realized it was because of you. If there were no one like you in my life, I’d throw it away in a second. I am so grateful for all you do for me.

38. Thank you for all the little things you do for me, especially cleaning up around the house. With my job and other activities, it’s hard to find the time.

39. Thank you for all of your support. You are always there for me, telling me how I am doing a great job and calming me down when I get stressed out. I’m very happy we have each other on this crazy journey.

40. Thank you for always saying encouraging and supportive things to me. I appreciate that you share the same dream with me, and I am very happy we are working together on this journey.

I Am Truly Grateful Quotes

I am truly grateful for the love and support you provide me. You are wonderful, and I am thankful we met and can share this experience in life. I know that there is no one else out there like you — you’re unique, special and irreplaceable to me.

41. I am truly grateful for you for teaching me some amazing lessons about life. The past few years have been crazy, and I’ve learned a lot from everything. I’m glad that you’re in my life to show me how to be who I am.

42. I am truly grateful for you for not giving up on me and standing by me when I needed you. Sometimes I think about how I could be dealing with this alone, and I appreciate your support.

43. I am truly grateful for you. All throughout the years, you’ve stuck by me. You’ve loved me for all my flaws and have helped me grow. I’m glad I have you in my corner.

44. Thank you for your help. I was overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do before you stepped in to lend a helping hand. I appreciate all of your hard work and effort. I couldn’t have done it without you.

45. I am grateful for you. Thank you for always being there with a laugh and a cuddle. Thank you for understanding me and making every day seem like a holiday. I love you so much!

46. I am grateful for you taking care of me while I was sick. Thank you for refusing to let me get more cough syrup when I was ill and insisting on taking care of me.

47. I am grateful for you. Every time I see you, you make my day and hear your cheerful voice. I hope we can be best friends forever.

48. Thank you for the things you do. You are very thoughtful, and it is clear that you care about me a lot. I know that our lives would be different without each other, and I am grateful to have someone like you around me.

49. I am so glad we have each other. I know that many people out there feel lonely and can’t find anyone to support them. I am very thankful for your consistent presence in my life.

50. You for being in my life. I am one of the luckiest people in the world as we are best friends. I don’t know what I would do without your friendship and support.

51. I am grateful for you. Thank you for being so kind, generous and open-minded. It makes me very happy to have the opportunity to know you better and be your friend.

52. I am grateful for you. Thank you for supporting me through my ups and downs. You are the best husband.

53. You bring the riches of the day to me. You are the source of all that I need. All that you touch turns to gold. I’m forever grateful to you.

54. I’m grateful for everything you do to make my life better.

55. You are appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work and support. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me.

56. I am truly grateful for your loyalty. I aslo appreciate your bravery as well as your compassion and cleanliness.

57. It’s because of you that I am so successful. No matter what happens, I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I am grateful for you.

58. Thank you for all the things you’ve done for me. I am grateful for you.

59. You are a beautiful and special person to me. I am grateful for you.

60. You inspire me, motivate me and make me proud to be a part of this community. I am grateful for you.

61. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I truly hope you know that. I am grateful for you.

62. Thank you for being a kind and patient teacher. You gave me useful feedback and helped me improve my work a lot. I am grateful for you.

63. I am grateful for you. Thank you for being who you are and for the things you do. I appreciate all of the work you put into our relationship. There are many great people, but only one person is like you.

64. Thank you for being in my life and caring about me. I am grateful to you every day.

65. I may not tell you often enough that I am grateful for you, but I hope this will suffice for now. I hope this gives you hope and inspiration for the future and that you continue to improve in all aspects of life.

66. I am grateful for the awesome sister you are. Thank you for always cheering me up and understanding when I say I am not in a very good mood. You keep me going with your warm heart and bright personality. You are the best!

67. Thank you for being such a great and supportive friend. When I look back on my life, I will always remember how special you are to me. I am grateful for you.

68. I am grateful for you, thank you for being a terrific friend. You are always there for me when I need someone, and you cheer me up when I am sad. There is no one else I would rather be with. Thank you for the lovely night we had together.

69. I am grateful for you; Thank you for being in my life. I have never been happier than I am right now. I love you with all my heart and can’t wait to see what the future brings us.

70. Thank you for being my friend. I’m so lucky to have you in my life, and I am grateful for you. You are a great friend, and I love you.

71. Thank you so much for always making me laugh. I appreciate that you can turn a crappy day into something funny and enjoyable. I am grateful for you.

72. I am grateful for you in my life. I cannot think of anyone else who keeps me motivated to win and have passion the way you do. You always look at the brightest side of things.

73. My gratitude for you grows with every passing day. It is truly a blessing to know you and call you my own. Thank you for the joy and happiness you bring into my life!

74. Thank you for being in my life. I am so grateful for how you care about me and show it every day. I want to be with you forever and mean it from my heart.

75. Thank you for coming into my life. You do wonderful things to make me feel better, I am very grateful.

76. I am truly grateful for you. You are kind, patient, and funny, and you go out of your way to make me happy. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

77. I am truly grateful for you for being there for me. Even when I have been upset with you, you have been there to calm me down and pull me out of my funk. Thank you for being a good friend.

78. Thank you for the wonderful day we shared. I learned so much, and I am grateful that you participated in creating my new product. Thank you for being so ambitious and focused on your career. I am grateful for you.

79. Dear friend, I’m so grateful for your friendship and kindness. Our friendship is something that I cherish a lot. Thank you for being a good friend.

80. Thank you for your support, for always being there for me, no matter what, and taking care of me when I was down. You are the best, and I love you. I wouldn’t be this far without you, I am truly grateful for you.

80. I am so grateful for you. Thank you for your support, I wouldn’t be this far without you. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what, and taking care of me when I was down. You are the best, and I love you.

81. Thank you for showing me that I have to be strong for our kids. Thank you for supporting me when I needed more time to return to my job. Thank you for being there for me, even when things are so hard sometimes. I am grateful for you

82. Thank you for being so understanding. I love that you let me go out with my friends even if it is late. I know how hard it was for you to come to terms with who I am and the mistakes I made in the past, but I appreciate how you stuck by me. I am grateful for you

83. I am grateful for you all the time, but today I want to thank you for being a great friend. You are always there for me, and I just want to let you know that I appreciate it. Your friendship is priceless.

84. I am grateful for you because you always support me in my undertakings, and true to say, I am nothing without your love.

85. I am grateful for having you surround me with all of your beauty, honesty, and love. I am grateful to have someone who understands me so well and can always help me see the light in the darkness. I am so blessed to have a great friend like you in my life!

86. I am grateful for everyone who is part of my life. The people who are always there for me, the people who have never let me down and the ones who make me laugh. I am thankful that life led to our paths crossing.

87. Today is a day of gratefulness. I am grateful to you, my amazing boyfriend, for all you do for me. Without your love and support, I could not be happy.

88. I am grateful for my family. I know it sounds cliche and overused, but thank you for always being there whenever I need a shoulder to lean on or a voice of reason. I would be lost without you all in my life.

89. Thank you for being there for me. I can always count on you to be a good listener and offer advice and guidance. You are one of the most important people in my life; Thank you for that letting me know how much you care. I am grateful for you

90. I will say again how grateful I am for you.

91. Thank you for being a great partner. You are the best at everything you do, but you do it all with compassion and a smile. I can’t imagine living without you. Thank you for all the work you put into our relationship, and I hope I can continue to give you a reason to smile every day. I am grateful for you

92. Thank you again for being so easy to talk to. I cannot always talk to my friends about everything that is going on in my life. It’s hard because they are not close, suburban or rural. But talking with you is always easy and comfortable, like talking to someone I’ve known for years. Thank you for listening and talking when I need it most! I am grateful for you

93. Thank you for being my best friend. You understand me, and your love and support mean the world to me. I am grateful for you

94. Thank you for all of your help. Without your guidance, I couldn’t have done half as well on the project. I hope you know how appreciative I am for everything you have done for me and our great work together. I am grateful for you

95. I am grateful for you, for the time you dedicate to me, my children, and your presence in our lives. I am grateful we have time together out of our busy schedules.

96. I am grateful for you. You are the most supportive and kind boyfriend in the world. I’m lucky to have found someone like you.

97. I am grateful for you. Thank you for being my friend. There have been so many times when I needed a friend, and you were there with open arms. I don’t know what I would do without those arms that pull me in for a hug when I need one!

98. I am grateful for you, who have become my real friend.

99. I am thankful to have all of you in my life. I’ve been in love with every girl that I date. I appreciate your kindness, commitment, understanding, love, integrity and friendship in my life. Sincere thanks for being there for me, especially in the trying times when most people run away instead of comforting me. I am grateful for you

100. I am thankful for being close friends with you. I am grateful that my daughter loves you and looks up to you. Thank you for always supporting me and cheering me on.

101. Thank you for being all of the things I never knew I needed. You do so much for me that is important and meaningful, keeping me happy and making sure my days are great. Thank you for being a good friend and a loving woman in my life. I am grateful for you

102. Thank you for being such a great partner. I appreciate the way you take care of me and the house. Every night, I get to come back to a clean home. It is amazing how it looks so nice! Formerly we relied on someone else, but now we know what it feels like to have it be taken care of by someone who loves me. I am grateful for you

103. Life would not be the same without you being in it. I am grateful for you. I will always remember the times we spent together, whether going to a concert, hiking up a mountain, or just simply hanging out at home. You always seem to know what I’m feeling and how I’m feeling. Life has not been easy, but you have always been my rock. Thank you for standing by my side and supporting me through it all.

104. Thank you for your support. I appreciate that you are always ready to listen and help me solve my problems. I am grateful for you

I hope these I am grateful for you quotes help you realize how grateful you should be and teach you the art of being appreciative.

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