Fed up of Being Ill Quotes

I Hate Being Sick Quotes

“Health is wealth”, people say which is said to be true by almost every sick person. Being sick is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. It complicates everyday life and makes it harder to get through simple tasks, let alone perform complicated tasks.

Being sick creates another set of problems, too: guilt about missing out at work, the tension between you and your family, and a decline in confidence levels which can lead to anxiety disorders, depression or eating disorders. It isn’t a pleasant experience when you are sick. The whole feeling makes you hate it that you don’t even want to hear the first letter of the word, ‘sick’.

Your normal daily activities are incredibly difficult to do if you are sick and especially if you are in pain, lethargic, having no energy, not being able to get up, being stuck in the same place for days on end and doing the same thing every single day is mind-numbingly boring.

So when your body feels weak, you would want to feel better and get your life back. Who wouldn’t? But often, it’s not that easy. Well, expressing your feelings can help you manage the situation. With the list of I hate being sick quotes here, you have all the right words to express yourself. Kindly check them below.

I Hate Being Sick Quotes

I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. I hate the way my body feels, I hate the way my mind thinks, and I hate the way I look in a mirror. And all that’s left for me to do is lay in bed and complain about how much I don’t like myself.

1. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. It’s a miserable feeling, no matter how you try to swallow it and ignore it.

2. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. But I love being well because of how it makes me feel.

3. I don’t love being sick because of how it makes me feel, but I hate it because of how it can affect my family.

4. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel—weak, fragile and vulnerable. It’s such a drag—all the time, you’re bedridden, you can’t do anything, and even when you are well, you don’t feel 100%.

5. I hate being sick because it saps my energy, takes away my motivation and makes me feel weak. I despise feeling vulnerable and helpless. I wish I could find something that makes me feel better naturally!

6. I hate being sick because of how it disrupts my routine. I hate being sick because of the way I don’t want to be touched.

7. I hate it when I’m not as beautiful and strong as I should be. The reality is that no matter how sick or weak I feel, there’s always tomorrow to come back from it. So keep smiling and keep fighting!

8. Being sick is one of the worst feelings there is. I hate how it makes me feel and how much it impacts my day-to-day life.

9. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so helpless to take care of my family. It’s just so hard not being able to help them out, so I try to stay positive and make sure they’re doing okay.

10. I hate being sick. I’d rather be healthy and out there, doing my thing, than home in bed with a cold or flu.

11. I hate being sick. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough, like I don’t belong. And that’s the awful feeling in the world.

12. I hate being sick because it makes me feel weak, vulnerable and embarrassed. But mostly, I hate it because I can’t see the world through my own eyes.

13. I don’t like being sick. It makes me feel weak, helpless and vulnerable. I hate feeling that way, so I try to be careful about what I eat and drink.

14. When you’re sick, it’s hard to think of anything but the pain in your body. So I’m going to say this instead: I hate being sick.

15. The truth about being sick is that you feel better when you’re lying down. It’s also hard to do things when you are laid up and tired from pain! I just hate being sick.

16. I hate being sick because I have to feel like a failure, but I love feeling well enough to treat myself to a spa day.

17. When you are sick, you don’t feel like yourself. When that happens, nothing else really matters but getting better. I hate being down with a sickness.

18. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. I hate the way it feels to be helpless and unattractive. I hate that my loved ones are forced to see me vulnerable, weak, and unable.

19. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. On my worst days, I can’t even get out of bed, and I’m so tired that I want to cry.

20. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. It’s a bummer to take medicine and be sick, but I have to.

21. Being sick is miserable, and I would much rather be healthy. It’s not easy being sick. It makes me feel so low and helpless.

22. I hate being sick because it makes me feel like I am never going to get better, like I am just stuck in bed.

23. Feeling sick is not fun. It also makes me sad because I hate how it makes me feel. It makes me feel like a huge pile of… garbage.

24. I hate being sick. It’s like I’m in a cloud of sadness with no way out. But I love being healthy and living my best life!

25. I hate being sick because of all the things that I can’t do when I’m not feeling well. But mostly hate it because this feeling is not going away anytime soon!

26. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. I hate feeling weak and sad when I can’t do things I used to be able to do.

27. I hate being sick because I can’t eat or sleep right after, and I hate feeling so tired. But most of all, I hate feeling like I’m going to die if I get a cold or flu again.

28. I hate being sick. I hate having to miss out on things that I love, like going out with friends, dancing, and all the other fun stuff. I don’t want to live in a fog of illness.

29. I hate being sick because when I’m sick, I feel like I don’t want to do anything but sleep. It’s a drag!

30. I hate being sick because I’m stuck in bed with a fever, an ear infection and a runny nose.

31. I hate being sick. I hate how it makes me feel so weak and helpless, like I’ve let everyone down. I hate it when the only thing I can do is lay around in bed. And I don’t like what it does to my perfect makeup or hair.

32. I hate being sick so much. If I had a magic wand, I’d make myself well again, but in the meantime, all I can do is hope that this is temporary and that one day soon I won’t feel like this anymore.

33. I hate that I can’t run, play sports, or be around others how I want to. I hate it when I feel like an invalid when all my friends are out playing and having fun. I hate that it’s hard just to enjoy life when you’re sick.

34. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel, how I look and how it messes with my schedule. I miss sleeping in, doing nothing but relaxing and taking long showers.

35. I hate being sick because when I’m sick, it feels like there’s something wrong with me. And then I feel guilty and ashamed for feeling that way.

36. Being sick makes me feel like I can’t breathe. Being sick sucks, but you can’t get rid of the germs. I hate it!

37. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. It’s like I’m not my usual self. I don’t know how to act, and people treat me differently.

48. I despise being in pain and having no energy; I hate having to take so many pills that make me feel like a zombie. Sometimes I wish I could just get better so I can be the old me again, but then I remember that things are gonna be okay…I just have to hang in there for a little bit longer.

49. I hate being sick, weak, tired, and out of breath—even when I think I’m in the best shape of my life.

50. I hate being sick because it’s like being in a new body and feeling all the same things you felt in your other one.

51. The only thing I hate about being sick is that it makes me feel so pathetic

52. I can’t stand how sick I feel. It makes me want to just curl up in a little ball and die. I hate how it makes me feel. I’m so sick of feeling how I feel.

53. I also hate being sick because of how it makes my loved ones feel. It’s a real struggle, you know?

54. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel—like I have a disease and will never feel better.

55. I hate being sick because it makes me feel vulnerable and weak. It’s hard to deal with that. Sometimes I wish I could just get better really fast.

56. When I’m sick, I hate being sick. It makes me feel like I can’t do anything right.

57. I hate being sick because it makes me feel like a big baby who can’t do anything without being carried. But mostly because I don’t like taking care of myself, and that’s hard to admit.

58. I hate being sick. I hate it when you’re tired and can’t be bothered to wake up in the morning. It’s a drag feeling like crap all day just to make myself feel good to say that I’m still alive.

59. I hate it when I’m sick. I hate it so much that I want to die.

60. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel—and then, even after I recover, I still have to deal with the lingering effects.

61. Illness can be a lonely place, but it doesn’t have to be. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel—which is not good at all.

62. I hate being sick because I feel so weak. I hate being sick because I have to stay home from school and work. I hate being sick because it makes me feel useless and worthless. I hate being sick because it makes me look like a pathetic, weak person.

63. I hate being sick because it makes me feel weak and vulnerable. I hate feeling like I can’t do anything on my own. It just hits hard sometimes, and I get sad for a little bit.

64. I hate being sick because it makes me feel old and frumpy.

65. I hate being sick. Every time I wake up from a fever, I feel like I’m wasting away. Only when I get better can I ever be okay again.

66. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. The way my body aches, the feeling of being weak and helpless. I know it’s just temporary, but it still hurts.

67. I hate being sick. I hate the heat, I hate the pain, and I hate that I don’t have any energy to do anything. I just want to be healthy again!

68. I hate being sick because I don’t feel good. I hate being sick because of all the bad memories associated with it.

69. I’m tired, I’m nauseous, my workouts are ruined, and I’m looking for an excuse to skip them. I hate being ill.

70. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel and look. I hate running to the bathroom when I’m trying to study or do anything else productive.

71. The worst part about getting sick is that it makes you feel blah. I hate it with passion.

72. Oh, the rush of being sick. I hate it so much. I feel so bad for all the time I wasted when I was sick.

73. Sickness makes me feel like I can’t do anything. I hate it. It’s really messing with my head and spoiling my mood.

74. When you’re sick, you feel like your body is being attacked. Then you end up being weak and getting better too slowly. I hate that feeling.

75. When you are sick, your body is a prison, and the only way out is to break down the walls. I hate being sick

76. You can’t choose if you have a cold or flu. You can only choose how to act when you have a cold or flu. I hate being sick, seriously.

77. Sickness is the most taxing experience in life. It ruins your focus and your energy and it’s a constant reminder that you have nowhere to run and hide. I hate being sick.

78. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. I don’t like being on the end of fistfuls of medication, and my head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton balls.

79. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. I’m not supposed to be feeling like this, and yet I am.

80. I hate being sick. I hate that it changes your mood and makes you tired. It’s a waste of time and energy. But most of all, I hate it because I don’t like feeling weak and out of control.

81. I hate being sick because when I am, I feel weak and pathetic. But when I’m not sick, I feel like an invincible superhero.

82. Being sick does not feel good, I hate it so much. When you’re sick, your face looks ugly, but your soul feels pretty.

83. The feeling of being sick is awful. You feel like you have the flu, and you know it’s just going to get worse. It’s annoying. No matter what, I just want to feel better.

84. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. It’s like someone is stabbing me in the heart with a knife.

85. I hate the way my stomach feels and the way I feel like my head is going to explode. I hate that it can make me so down in the dumps and depressed. It makes me angry and impatient, too. Not to mention that I’m not able to do anything without feeling like I’m going to throw up.

86. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel, but I’ll take any excuse to put a smile on my face.

87. I would give anything to be well again. I hate being sick because it’s terrible.

88. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so miserable. I get grumpy and tired, I don’t have any energy, and I’m not myself! When I feel this way, I know how much you will love me again when I feel better.

89. I hate being sick because it makes me feel vulnerable and weak. You take on a whole new perspective when you’re not feeling well.

90. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so terrible. It’s like this sickness is just toying with me, waiting for me to break!

91. I hate being sick because it feels like it’s slowly rotting my body away and making me feel weak. I hate being sick because of how much extra time it takes to recover and regain my strength.

92. I hate being sick because it makes me feel useless when surrounded by friends, family and coworkers who don’t understand why I can’t participate in their activities – leaving me even sadder and more alone than usual.

93. I hate being sick because the only thing worse than being sick is making others around you suffer with it.

94. I hate being sick because it makes me feel like a complete failure. I feel embarrassed by how weak and pathetic I am. I hate that my life has become so frail. I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable and taking a lot of meds. The list goes on and on.

95. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so vulnerable. I hate that it drains my energy and makes me feel utterly useless. Every time I am sick, I am reminded of how important it is to take care of your health.

96. When you’re sick, Christmas just seems like an extra long wait for the inevitable. I hate being down.

97. I hate being sick because of how it makes me feel. It’s like being ripped away from everything I love and being stuck in bed, feeling miserable all day long.

98. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so uncomfortable and gross. I can’t even look at my face in the mirror when I feel ill.

99. I hate being sick because it feels like all of my senses are heightened. It’s hard to focus. I can’t taste food, and my taste buds are dulled. It makes me feel lazy and unmotivated, as if I’m missing out on something fun.

100. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so weak. – When you’re sick, you feel like you’re the weakest person in the world.

The experience of being sick also differs depending on the type of illness. Some diseases, such as extreme pain, make it easy to understand that one is ill. Other diseases are not so easy to spot and take a long time to detect without proper medical treatment and care. The experience of being sick is not just a good one.

However, with the I hate being sick quotes here, you can easily express how uncomfortable you are and how much you hate being sick.


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