Life is a Matter of Choices Quotes

Life is a matter of choices. It’s made up of all kinds of decisions, big and small, throughout our lives. Though you can not choose how and when you are born or what family you are born into, it’s the choices you’ll make that’ll determine how you’ll end it.

The choices that you make in life affect you in many ways, sometimes in positive ways, sometimes not. You make choices based on what you feel is best for you at each moment of life. The combinations of good and bad choices that you make put you on a path through life.

Life is all about the choices you make. Some people think that the events and occurrences in life are not in their control, hence they submit to destiny, forgetting that whatever we allow will happen to us.

These life is a matter of choices quotes below will enlighten you about the choices you make and how it affects your life.

Life is a Matter of Choices Quotes

Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your goals, you get to choose your way. You don’t have to let other people tell you what to do or how to feel about things. If you don’t like the way things are, change it.

1. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your thoughts, and you get to choose your actions.

2. Life is a series of choices. Make your choices wisely and never look back.

3. Life is a matter of choices. The choices you make today will determine how you live tomorrow.

4. If you’re in a rut, stop making excuses and take the easy path. Choose something different.

5. Life is a matter of choices. The choices you make determine your happiness and future.

6. Life is full of choices. Choose the ones that bring you closer to the person you want to become.

7. Life is about making choices. Choose what’s right, over what’s easy, every day.

8. Life is a matter of choices. If you don’t choose, you let someone else choose for you.

9. We live in a world where we are told what to do. We don’t always get to choose our path. But the one thing we do have control over is our attitude and how we respond to life’s challenges. Make your choice — be happy.

10. Life is about making choices. And the choices you make, determine the type of life you lead.

11. It is often said that life is a matter of choices. Some are simple, and others are complex, but they all push us in the direction we choose to go.

12. Life is a matter of choices. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

13. Life is a matter of choices. If you make good ones, you’re lucky. If you make bad ones, you’re not.

14. Life is a matter of choices and every choice we make has the potential to change our lives. Enjoy the process.

15. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your attitude. You get to choose your goals. You get to choose your outlook on life.

16. Life is a matter of choices. Choose wisely, and pick the ones that are good for you.

17. Life is a matter of choices. Make the ones that you are proud of and live the life that you want.

18. Life is a matter of choices. Make the right ones and keep going, stay positive, and you’ll be just fine.

19. If you don’t value your time, neither will anyone else.  If you don’t put a value on your time, why should anyone else?  It’s your life. Make choices that reflect how you want to spend it. Make it count.

20. You can’t always choose the direction work takes you, but you can always choose what to do with it.

21. Life is a matter of choices. You get to make them all. All you need is love and a little bit of imagination.

22. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your thoughts, and you get to choose your actions.

23. Life is a matter of choices. The life we live is our choice. Our dreams are the ingredients that go into creating our choices.

24. Life is a matter of choices. The consequences of our actions are the results of those choices.

25. Life is a matter of choices. You choose happiness or sadness, right or wrong, success or failure.

26. If you can choose between what’s right and what’s easy, then you’re ready for life.

27. Life is a matter of making choices. It’s about the decisions we make and the actions we take. You can’t control the circumstances, but you can choose how to react to them.

28. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Life is a matter of choice.

29. When you find yourself at a crossroads, do what you have to do to take the path that feels the most right. That’s how you know you’re on the right path.

30. Life is made up of choices. The right ones bring us joy. The wrong ones can lead us down a path that makes us wish we would have chosen differently.

31. You don’t get to choose whether you have problems. But you do get to choose how you’ll deal with them.

32. Life is a matter of choices. The choices you make today will determine your happiness tomorrow.

33. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Life is a matter of making choices, and then living with the consequences. From your first step to your last, you can’t avoid them all. What will you choose?

34. Life is a matter of choices. The choices we make are the trail marks that leave scars on our souls.

35. Life is a matter of choices. The choices we make today will determine our tomorrow. We can choose to grow, or give up and die.

36. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your thoughts, you get to choose your actions. You get to choose your way.

37. Life is a matter of choosing your path. You can leave a mark or just exist. Be yourself and make the world remember you.

38. The only reason some people don’t achieve their dream is that they never learned to follow their hearts and make choices

39. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your thoughts, attitudes and expectations. Focus on what you want and get it.

40. You have to be the one, who says to me, “This is all you have to do today.” This is all you’ve got time for today. And I’ll be okay with that.

41. Making decisions is about deciding what to do, or not do. But, in life, it’s a matter of choosing yourself.

42. Life is a matter of choosing your path. Make choices that match you and don’t give up.

43. Life is full of choices, and they all bring rewards. You can go left or right, but you never know what is on the path unless you travel it.

44. The future is unwritten. Make choices that give you a positive future by choosing to embrace life and everything it has to offer.

45. Life is all about choices and when you stop making them, you start dying.

46. Choosing to be happy is the first step—and it’s the best one.

47. I invite you to challenge yourself and the status quo. Dare to be different. Go ahead, make a choice.

48. We all have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Choose wisely!

49. Life is all about choices and when you stop making them, you start dying.

50. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose who you are, what you do, and how you look!

51. Life is made up of small decisions that you make every moment. Next time you decide to pick something, think twice before saying yes.

52. Whether you choose to believe it or not, life is all about making choices. The first choice that you make is to believe in the fact that your choices matter. Once you chose to believe this (or not), everything else stems from it.

53. You are the author of your own life.

54. The heart wants what the heart wants…right? Choose to follow your heart, and you’ll never regret it.

55. It’s not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

56. Will you choose to be a creator or a reactor to what life sends your way? To put it simply, will you make things happen, or will they happen to you?

57. Do you ever feel like something is missing in your life? Something that used to be there but was lost along the way? It can happen to anyone. Life is a matter of making choices. We all have options. But once we decide, we stick to it. And even if we fail, we don’t have to begin again from scratch – just take a leap of faith and keep moving forward.

58. Your life is shaped by the choices you make. Make good ones.

59. Life is a matter of choices. It’s up to you to choose to be different and set yourself apart. Be remarkable.

60. People are hardwired to make choices based on the past. But you can choose to open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities. What do you want? You decide.

61. We make choices every day that affect both our lives and the lives of those around us. Choose wisely.

62. I’m just saying if my life is a product of my choices and nothing else, why am I always choosing poorly?

63. Life is a matter of choices. Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

64. Life is about choices, and every choice has a consequence. The consequences of our actions are what make us who we are.

65. Your life doesn’t have to be hard. It just has to be a choice.

66. When someone says your dreams are impossible, show them your reality.

67. Making choices is at the root of all success. But far too often, we keep ourselves from making the right ones.

68. Even the small things matter in life. Choose to do what is most important to you and don’t let anything get in the way of your path.

69. Time is running out, so we should quit wasting it and make those choices that will lead to a better tomorrow.

70. Life is a series of choices. Live them well.

71. We make choices in life. Some good, some bad. But every choice we uniquely make impacts our lives.

72. I’m beginning to think that life is about choices, about how we spend our time, what we choose to believe, who we choose to be friends with and why. Life is a matter of making choices—about people and causes, about personal priorities and what we say yes or no to.

73. Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions and make tough choices in life.

74. There are two kinds of pain in this world. Pain that hurts and pain that changes you. Change is good.

75. If you could choose to have anything in life, what would it be?

76. Life is a matter of making choices. Sitting here wondering what new adventures to embark on.

77. Looking at these street art images, you can’t help but wonder—what choices have you made that have shaped your life? Are your choices leading you to where you want to be now?

78. Here’s to the choices we make. One by one they’re adding up to be who we are. Best Choices Ever.

79. You can’t be half pregnant. You at either pregnant or not, so make your choices and wait for the outcome.

80. We’re all good at some things, and not so good at others. The key to success is finding something you love doing and then choosing to be good at it.

81. Do you want to live a good life? A life filled with travel, new experiences, and exploring the world. Then it is important to make good choices and accept that there are some things that you cannot control.

82. Every choice you make takes you one step closer to your destination or further away.

83. There are so many places you could be right now. But you’re here. That is your choice at play.

84. Follow your heart, make choices and the rest will fall into place.

85. Every choice surely does have consequences. Choose wisely!

86. It’s not that life is full of choices, it’s that it has no other options !!

87. Life is a matter of choices you can choose to run from life or you can choose to be a lion and face what comes your way.

88. Life is a matter of making choices. It’s about deciding what to do with the time that is given to us, and how we spend our days.

89. Here’s to the things you can choose, and the people you can choose to be.

90. Life is a matter of choices. You get to choose your thoughts, you get to choose your actions. You get to choose your attitude. It’s all up to you.

91. When you’ve made a choice, you might as well stick with it—because changing your mind can be so expensive.

92. Keep your eyes on the prize, and don’t let them pull you in a different direction. Choose your path wisely.

93. You can’t always have everything you want. Sometimes you’ve got to choose between pasta and ice cream and be okay with it.

94. It’s all about making the right decision in terms of work, education, love and life.

95. The decisions you make each day will lead you down a certain path. Choose right now.

96. We have the choice to be happy or sad. It’s up to us!

97. You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find that you get what you need.

98. Life is a series of choices. So be wise… and choose the ones that will help you along your journey.

99. Some choices are easy and some are hard, but we have to choose every turn.

100. Life is a matter of choices. It’s a matter of focus and discipline. It’s not about letting yourself go, but about growing into the person you want to be.

101. On the one hand, the new iPhone is great because it can do so many things. On the other, it’s a huge decision. You’re going to have to choose how you want to use it—and which features are most important to you.

102. Life is filled with choices. You choose to get up or stay in bed. You have the power to make good food choices, starting from breakfast. You choose how to allocate your time. Establishing a healthy breakfast habit is one of the easiest ways to start making good choices.

103. When it comes to making choices, don’t hesitate, just choose wisely. Remember that the future is a matter of choices.

104. Life is a matter of making choices. The journey of life is an adventure. And it’s the small daily choices that make each one unforgettable.

105. What do you choose to be tomorrow? To be a slave of your sorrow or a soldier of your joy?

106. Life is a matter of making choices. In flavours, that’s the same as having options. And when it comes to sundaes, toppings are like life choices: they’re optional.

107. Successful people make time for their goals. They take risks that could cost them a lot but it is a matter of choice.

108. Life is about making choices. It’s about taking chances, risks, and actions that may never be repeated.

109. What do you want to do today? It’s all up to you. Make your choice today!

110. Life is a matter of making choices—choose good people and bold adventures.

111. If you are an emotional eater, take one week and keep a food journal, and be honest with yourself. You don’t have to eat everything on your plate, but try to avoid emotional eating by taking the time to check in with yourself.

112. Have you ever wanted to make a change but been afraid of the unknown? The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

113. Regardless of who you are, what you do and the choices you make, there is a clear path in front of you. Make it yours.

114. How would your life look if you could choose how you live it?

I trust you have enjoyed these life is a matter of choices quotes above. The choices we make in life define who we are, and it’s important to remember this as we go about making big decisions. Sometimes, it might be hard to decide what the right path is, but by looking at our previous experiences, life lessons, and the words of others, we can make smart choices that do make a difference.

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