Living With Someone With Bipolar Quotes

Living With Someone With Bipolar Quotes

Bipolar disorder, or bipolar affective disorder, is sometimes referred to as manic depression. It is a mental health condition that causes sufferers to experience extreme highs and lows in moods and energy levels. During manic episodes, people with bipolar disorder may feel abnormally happy, overly excited or irritable.

Bipolar comes with many mood swings that may cause behaviours that are out of the patient’s character. Therefore it’s expected that living with someone with the condition can be quite uneasy. You may suffer from anxiety and not know what to expect from your loved one every day.

Here are in-depth living with someone with bipolar quotes for you. They are sure to help you feel understood and even help you find ways to deal with the situation more effectively.

Living With Someone With Bipolar Quotes

Living with someone with bipolar quotes are used to describe what it feels like to have a family member, friend, or loved one living with the disorder. Living with someone who has Bipolar disorder comes with its own set of challenges. And when they aren’t in crisis, they often aren’t the easiest people to get along with.

1. Living with someone with bipolar can be hurtful, but I choose to forgive the words that were spoken during the mood swings. And I also choose to believe that my loved one is the kind and loving sibling that they are.

2. Believe me when I say you can have a healthy and comfortable relationship with a spouse or partner living with bipolar. All you have to do is help them cope with their symptoms.

3. I won’t lie; living with someone with bipolar takes a lot of strength and determination, but it is possible to live your best life with them.

4. When I think about how challenging it must be for my loved one to live with this bipolar condition, I choose to help them deal with it more lovingly and patiently.

5. Every day, I tell myself that they did not choose to live with bipolar. So I choose to treat them with kindness, patience, and love. I’ll never forsake my sibling who has bipolar.

6. Living with someone with bipolar is so hard. Sometimes, you might suffer an outburst; other times, their outburst may make you feel completely inadequate. But in all, I’ll always be there.

7. Living with someone with bipolar isn’t easy at all. But living them to be on their own is neither easy nor beneficial. So I choose to be supportive and loving every day.

8. Don’t forget to be kind to those living with someone with bipolar. They also need to be understood and taken care of.

9. Living with someone with bipolar is so hard. You never know what to expect every day. Sometimes you just want to love them. Other times loving them can be so hard.

10. Living with someone with bipolar can make you walk on eggshells around them. And it hurts not to feel comfortable around your loved one.

11. Living with someone with bipolar is such an arduous task. You also suffer mood swings and wonder if you should take a break.

12. Living with someone with bipolar can make you cry. It’s just part of what you experience in that situation. But you can rise above it.

13. Sometimes, you may feel unappreciated when living with someone with bipolar because nothing you ever do may be enough.

14. Living with someone with bipolar is not the best thing in the world, but you can do it for your loved one. It is surely worth it.

15. Living with someone with bipolar means you’ll continue to be intentional about how you feel around them and about their actions towards you.

16. Forgive their behaviour because it’s not who they are but what bipolar has made them do. Living with someone with bipolar isn’t a joke.

17. The journey of living with someone with bipolar may seem unending but draw strength from your love for them. Never give up on them.

18. Living with someone with bipolar can make you cry to sleep but don’t worry; it’s just the cross you have to bear.

19. Living with someone with bipolar means you try to understand their hurtful behaviour and forgive them even when they do not ask to be forgiven.

20. Living with someone with bipolar may sap you of your joy sometimes. But you get your superpower from the love you feel for them.

21. It takes a while to kinda understand who they are. It takes a while to separate the disease from who they are. Living with someone with bipolar takes a lot of understanding.

22. Sometimes you want to be away from them and just live in a more comfortable environment, but you can’t do that because you love them.

23. Living with someone with bipolar means you don’t get angry at every hurtful thing. Instead, you choose to see the good in them always.

24. Bipolar isn’t easy to live with, and neither is living with someone with the disorder a cakewalk. But you can choose to live with them happily.

25. Living with someone with bipolar can make you develop anxiety, so take your mental health seriously, too, just as you care for them.

26. Living with someone with bipolar can make you wonder why they do the things they do, but you can’t understand it but can learn to love them through it all.

27. Forgive and forget. It’s the only way to live with someone with bipolar. Also, you can create boundaries and help them understand why.

28. Living with someone with bipolar means you give several chances and that you try to make them feel better, thereby making you feel exhausted. People who live with someone with bipolar deserve some love too.

29. Living with someone with bipolar involves helping them get better. Help them take their medications seriously and manage their symptoms better.

30. Living with someone with bipolar may take its toll on you. So remember always to appreciate yourself and rejuvenate your energy when you feel like it.

31. It’s okay to take a break for a while. You also need to be mentally fit to continue to love them through the situation. Living with someone with bipolar isn’t easy but worth it.

32. You may not find anything rewarding about living with someone with bipolar sometimes. Many times, you may feel like loving them from afar.

33. Living with someone with bipolar interferes with your life. You may feel hurt when they are hurt; you may feel down when they are down, and the cycle continues.

34. When living with someone with bipolar, you do not know what to anticipate from them. Therefore hurting your relationship with them.

35. When living with someone with bipolar, blame the condition and not the person when they act out of character. Never let them feel like they’re too much to bear.

36. When living with someone with bipolar. Your primary goal should be about helping them stay healthy and in touch with reality. Help them take their medication and rise above their condition.

37. You may feel sometimes rejected when living with someone with bipolar. But that’s just the condition and not them rejecting you.

38. When they judge you wrongly, look beyond that because that’s not how they truly feel. It is just the disorder that makes them see things quite differently.

39. Do not ignore your self-care when living with someone with bipolar. Do what you love to do and talk to people who give you peace. It’s how you can make your relationship with them work.

40. Living with someone with bipolar may be exhausting. But think about how they have to live with the condition before taking any decision against them.

41. Do not lose yourself while living with someone with bipolar. Instead, always make out time for yourself as much as you make time for them.

42. Sometimes, you may wonder why it has to be you living with someone with bipolar. Just take each day at a time and make patience your watchword.

43. Dealing with the consequences of someone living with bipolar is also a huge part of living with someone with the disorder.

44. When living with someone with bipolar, it’s important to know that bipolar isn’t a consequence of their action, and neither is it your fault.

45. Living with someone with bipolar isn’t so easy. You can’t tell them to snap out of their mood. Nor help them with their reasoning to feel better. Just accept them for who they are and what the situation is.

46. When living with someone with bipolar be determined that your affection for them would be stronger than the disease itself. That is the only way to keep your relationship with them going.

47. Hate the condition and not the person. Living with someone with bipolar would teach you a lot of virtues such as patience, understanding, and unadulterated love.

48. When living with someone with bipolar, know that you can’t always have your way, even if it is the right way. You can only offer them your unconditional love and understanding.

49. Someone with bipolar may not see the real situation but as someone living with them, endeavour to understand that their actions are not intended to hurt you.

50. When living with someone with bipolar, do not expect so much from them. Instead, help them to be their best self for themselves and you.

I hope these amazing living with someone with bipolar quotes have helped renew your strength and enlighten you more on what it feels like. Please drop your comment and share it with loved ones also to help manage the situation well.