Man Without Beard Quotes

Man Without Beard Quotes

Most men like to have a beard, but some of them don’t have it. Why? Some people say some reasons are: some men think that not having a beard gives them an advantage over other men, some of them think that they will look odd with a beard, and some others think that being bearded makes them look weak.

Bearded men are perceived to be more aggressive and dominant. However, it does not mean that a man without a beard cannot be dominant but the perception is that he is less dominant because of his physical appearance.

There are other ways that this fashion sensibility can be used to accentuate different features on the face in different looks. But it is said that a man without a beard is not complete, he’s like a fish without water. The fact is, shaving a beard or leaving it is a personal choice.

Notwithstanding, you are here for quotes about a man without a beard. The best among all is right here. You will find them in the list of man without beard quotes underneath.

Man Without Beard Quotes

A man without a beard is like a fish who can’t swim. Beards are like lightning rods for men. It draws attention, it draws a lot of energy. So if you have a beard, you must have the right attitude to handle it. And if you don’t have one, you might as well be called a boy.

1. It’s okay to be bold, it’s okay to be smart, and if you dare, it’s okay to look tough. But above all else: let your beard grow wild and free. A man without a beard is like a tree without leaves, he’s alive but not living.

2. A man without a beard is like a ship without a compass. Beards are part of our natural evolution. Be true to yourself, be who you want to be and never let anyone tell you otherwise.

3. A man without a beard is like a wine without sediment. Beard is not a fashion statement, it’s a lifestyle.

4. A man without a beard is like a bird without wings. Man was never meant to be without a beard. It is not his nature, nor does he look good in smooth-shaven looks.

5. The man without a beard is no more a man than the man who has not yet jumped off the bridge.

6. A man without a beard is like a book without a spine. There are many faces of man, but there’s only one face of beard.

7. A man without a beard is like a tree without leaves, while a man with a beard is like a forest.

8. A man without a beard is like a fish without a bicycle. Beards make us better men. Beards are more than just a beautiful accessory—they are a part of our character.

9. Man without a beard is like a man without a soul. How do you explain that? Beards are the only thing that grows on trees.

10. The man with a beard is the man with a plan. It’s not easy being a man without a beard, but it’s still worth it.

11. A man without a beard is like a snowman without hands or a fish without scales. Every time you shave your beard, you are taking away from the beauty of nature.

12. Man without a beard is like a man without hands. Beards aren’t just a sign of manhood, they’re also a mark of style.

13. Men without beards are like women without shoes. Grow a beard and you grow a little bit of everything.

14. When you’re with a man without a beard, it’s like travelling back in time. Beards represent passion and courage, honour and strength.

15. A man without a beard is like a fish without water. Beards are a great metaphor for life, because they remind us that we should always be growing, even if it looks like we’re shrinking.

16. The man without a beard is not a man. The man without a desire to be clean-shaven is a failure of evolution.

17. Beards are a symbol of strength, power and a way to express yourself. Be a man with a beard…not just a man who has one.

18. Beards are manly and all. But there’s something about a clean-shaven face that makes you feel like a whole new person.

19. It’s been said that a beard is an emblem of manhood. And in many cultures, a man without a beard is considered to be less than a man.

20. A man without a beard is like the ocean without water. Beards are the strongest, most powerful symbol of the wildness of our masculinity.

21. Man without a beard is like a room without windows. Beards are the best, a symbol of masculinity.

22. A man without a beard is like a pencil with no point. Beards are like tattoos, you’ll regret not having one when you grow old.

23. Beards on men are like tattoos on rock stars. They’re bold, edgy and timeless.

24. Be a man without a beard and you are just an ordinary guy. Be a man with a beard and you become an extraordinary person.

25. Man without a beard is like a tree without roots. Beards are a sign of strength. You can’t change what you’re born with, but you can change how you handle it.

26. To be the kind of man you want to see in the mirror, a man without a beard is better.

27. A man without a beard is like a clock without hands. Beards are a symbol of manliness, dignity and strength.

28. A man without a beard is simply a man who is afraid to let his face grow. The beard is the crowning glory of a man.

29. A man without a beard is like a winter without snow. Bearded men are charming, not because of their facial hair, but because of their confidence and self-expression.

30. A man without a beard is like a ship without a sail. Beards aren’t just a physical manifestation of manliness. They are an outward expression of what goes on within the soul.

31. Be a man without a beard, but be a man with a soul.

32. Aman without a beard is incomplete. Beards make you look like a man and also a superhero.

33. A man without a beard is like a lion without claws. Beards: the ultimate symbol of bravery, self-determination and individuality.

34. The man without a beard has never experienced the power of having a beard.

35. When you don’t have a beard, you will always be a man. But with the Beard of Life, you can do anything.

36. You don’t need a man with a beard to be masculine. You can be anything you want to be, just like the men without beards.

37. A man without a beard is like a robot. He only knows how to do what he is told.

38. Don’t just be a man…be more than that. Be an awesome beard.

39. A man without a beard is like a fish without a bicycle: They are both things that could exist, but they would be pretty sad.

40. Man without a beard is like a rock without pebbles. He is no more than a hole in the world.

41. Man without a beard is like a tank without wheels. Beards do not make a man, but they sure make him look like one.

42. A man without a beard is like a fish without any water. Beards are a symbol of strength, masculinity and commitment to your beliefs.

43. The man without a beard is a man with nothing to do. Beards are a sign that you’ve been around the block and tried things that other people wouldn’t dare.

44. Life without a beard is like a night without a moon.

45. A man without a beard is like a woman without eyebrows. Beards may be manly but they are beautiful too. Just ask the ladies.

46. If a man doesn’t dare to grow a beard, he’ll never be brave enough to grow anything.

47. Man without a beard is a man without thought. Beard is an indicator of wisdom, experience and health.

48. Beards are an outward expression of inner strength. Be a man without one, and you’ll never know what it’s like to be truly alive.

49. There’s a great man without a beard that lives in your heart. Meet him, give him a chance.

50. A man without a beard is like an apple without a tree. Beard is the sign of someone who has seen a lot in life and has achieved the greatest things that life has to offer.

51. Be brave, be bold and be a man without a beard.

52. A man who doesn’t have a beard is like a church without stained glass windows.

53. Life is too short to have a bad beard. Beards don’t grow on trees, but they’re not just for lumberjacks. A beard is a chance to express yourself and live an unedited life.

54. A man without a beard is like a rose without petals, he’s a girl without makeup.

55. Nothing is more manly than a beard. Nothing is more masculine than being a man without one.

56. Beards are more than just a look. They’re a way of life, a mindset, and an attitude. Be a man without a beard, someone who’s not afraid to think for himself about what he wants out of life.

57. A man is incomplete without a beard. Beards are man’s most natural adornment.

58. Man without a beard is like a computer virus, Seeking to spread its creation.

59. Man without a beard is like a bird without wings. Beards are man’s greatest accessory.

60. Men who don’t grow beards are missing out on something important to them.

61. Beard or no beard – there is no substitute for the power of a well-groomed man.

62. Beards are like a hug for the face. Beards are just so much more powerful than beardlessness.

63. Man without a beard is like a boat without a sail, a bicycle without tires and a dog without a leash.

64. The man without a beard is no man at all. Beard gives a man courage, strength and warmth.

65. Always keep a man without a beard in mind. He has a beard on his lip, but not on his chin.

66. The man without a beard is like a rose without its thorns. Beards are man’s crowning glory.

67. Just as a man without a beard is still a man, so is a woman without hair.

68. Without a beard, you’re just some guy. With a beard, you’re a dude with attitude.

69. It’s not the beard that makes a man. It’s the heart within. However, the beard is the soul of a man.

70. A face without a beard is like a sundress without a bikini. Beards are the new black.

71. Beards are like roots. They may be old and gnarly, but they’re always there. A man without a beard is like a movie without sound.

72. A man without a beard is like a sailboat without sails.

73. Without a beard, man is incomplete. Without my beard, I am half the man I used to be.

74. Beards are not just for men. They can be a sign of strength, a symbol of self-determination, and more. Men without beards are like men without roots.

75. Beards are not a fad. Beards are an extension of your personality. Beards are a reminder to live a life of adventure, vitality and adventure. Bearded men are heroes in more ways than one.

76. Beards are a symbol of confidence, strength, and wisdom. It says you’re not afraid of who you are or what the world thinks.

77. A man without a beard is like a tree without roots. He may be strong and healthy but he will never be alive.

78. Beardless men are the new empowered, strong men. You go unshaven if you want to inspire others.

79. Be a man—without a beard. Be a man—without fear. Be a man—with dignity. Be a true leader of men.

80. This man without a beard is a paradox. He is both the most powerful and powerless being on earth.

81. Unshaved, unfound, unkempt and unmatched. Unadorned and unattractive, yet still desired. These are a few of the things that make a man without a beard so desirable.

82. A man without a beard is like an apple that has been picked clean of its core.

83. Hair on the head, and beard on the face, a man without a beard is like a man without a soul.

84. Being a man without a beard is like trying to touch the sky with just your fingertips.

85. A man without a beard is like a gun without bullets. Being bearded is more than just a look, it’s a way of life.

86. Be like the man without a beard: strong, self-reliant and never let anyone make you feel small.

87. The man without a beard is an inspiration to all men who want to look their best.

88. The man without a beard is a man who knows nothing about himself. Beard is a man’s most prized accessory, but without it, he’s just a lonely guy with no friends.

89. A man without a beard is like a day without sunshine.

90. You don’t have to be a man without a beard to be a hero. You just need to be one who always stands up for what’s right, and never gives up on your dreams.

91. A man without facial hair is like a robot without emotions.

92. Beards are a symbol of manliness. A man without a beard is just a boy with braces.

93. A man without a beard is like a woman without makeup. Beards are as beautiful as they are powerful. Be proud of your beard and wear it with so much grace that people will want to take a turn too!

94. The man without a beard is not a man but a collection of thoughts, emotions and feelings that never got the chance to grow, because they were too scared of being rejected.

95. The man without a beard is like a lion, who has no claws and teeth. Life is too short not to have a beard.

96. The man without a beard is like a tree without its leaves. Beards are magnificent. They make you feel powerful, confident and brave.

97. Man without a beard is like a creature without a soul. As we all know, a man beardless is like an animal with only one feature.

98. A man without a beard is like a naked woman—an embarrassment. Beards are cool and awesome. Beards can be used for good and bad. But it’s your choice.

99. The man without a beard is like a man who doesn’t have a heart. Beards are the best. They don’t need to be shaved, they just need to keep growing.

100. A man without a beard is like a city without walls. Beards are a sign of confidence and self-esteem.

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