You Make Me Feel Alive Quotes

You Make Me Feel Alive Quotes

Sometimes, love is so strong that it feels like there’s no room left in the heart to complete your sentences to that one who makes you feel alive; other times, the feeling seems to hit its low point. While each connection is different, what remains consistent is that when these moments hit their peak, they

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Bad Family Relationship Quotes

Bad Family Relationship Quotes

Family relationships can be tricky to figure out. While it may seem that people in a family should treat each other the best and kindly, sometimes, the opposite is true. Most families are filled with strife, arguments, and hardship and bad family relationships can cause a lot of stress in your life. You may feel

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New Is Always Better Quotes

New Is Always Better Quotes

New is better than old. Old is just outdated. New is the future. This perpetual mantra saturates every aspect of our culture, and our businesses are no different. Think about it, we’re often encouraged to adopt new technologies and give up old ones because “the way we did things yesterday is just not good enough.”

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