50+ Best Prayers to Thank God for His Goodness Every Day in 2025

“A thankful heart is a blessed heart and an appreciative heart is pleasurable to the Most-High God and such shall receive more from God “

Thanking God is very much inevitable for the human race even all creation to show forth the praises of God for every seconds of His life, of His love, infinite mercy and goodness towards us counting to minutes, then amounting to hours, His lovingkindness is sure and to the success of each day and even forevermore.

“For great is Thy Faithfulness O Lord My Father, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I have needed Thy Hands have provided, great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto You”

The Lord’s Faithfulness is gracious and so high beyond our comprehension. It’s therefore of great importance to thank Him not just for anything but for all things that we can’t even quantify.

Connect your heart to these best prayers to thank God for His goodness and His mercies over all.

Powerful Prayer to Thank God for His Goodness

God has been so lovely and merciful to you and you family at large. It will be so appreciating if you thank Him with these prayer for thanks giving.

1. My soul blesses You, O God, whose goodness to Mankind is everlasting. You have indeed shower Your goodness and infinite mercy upon me today again. You alone deserve all the praises and is given all the glory. Praise and adoration to You Lord for the unmerited favour and mercy kindness.

2. I am forever grateful for Your goodness and kindness throughout all my journeys today. Great is Your name in all the earth! There is no one that can be compared to You, O God. You are plenteous in mercy and gracious in goodness. Thank You so much everlasting Father for Your merciful kindness towards me. I love You, Lord.

3. I give thanks to You, O God You who made the heavens and the earth. Your love unto me is so high and Your mercy unto me is so great. I can’t for a second think of how much Your goodness unto me is so enduring every day of my life. Am very thankful, O God. Blessed be Your Name.

4. Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised. Your favours and mercy towards me is undoubtedly sure and true. Indeed You have bestowed on me the goodness of Your hands and the mercies of Your heart. Today was indeed an awesome day for me all without the goodness of Your hands. Thank You, Lord.

5. Lord, You are good and You’ve done so much for me. Take all the glory and honour. The love You have for me is immeasurable. My day was beautifully blessed and favoured by You. Thank You so much everlasting Father.

6. O Lord My Redeemer, I appreciate You for the redeeming of the evil days for me and making today a blessing for me. I am really happy I witnessed but all to Your grace and boundless love. Am grateful to You, God.

7. Anytime I see the dawning of a new day, I say thank. During the transition of the day, I can’t but show my profound gratitude at the end of the day to You my Redeemer. You O God brought me into safety and gave me success all through. Thank You so much.

8. There’s nothing left for me to say but THANK YOU, LORD. You carried me when there was no one and You continually show Your goodness and mercy to me, regardless of my sins and unfaithfulness. You are the only One true God. Thank You so much for today again. All praise to Your Name. Hallelujah.

9. What shall I say unto the You O God for Your great favour and mercy towards me throughout today. Even a thousand tongues cannot be enough to say thank you. Thank You, my King and my Lord. I love You, Lord.

10. The Lord of all the earth, if not for Your presence and support I wouldn’t have been alive today not to talk of achieving all I achieved today. I am so grateful to You Jehovah. All glory to Your Name in the highest.

11. You alone are worthy to be praised and adored for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will yet do. Thank You so much for the success of another day today. My heart adores You, Lord. Thank You for life.

12. Hallelujah to You Lord God Almighty, glory and honour and strength to You Lord of Lords and King of kings. Today wouldn’t have been if not for Your mercy, grace and love. Thank You, Jesus.

13. Praises to the King of all ages, the Father of Lights. Thanks and power to You O Lord, You are the God of all creation and no other. You made all things well and granted me a safe journey and a successful day. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Hallelujah.

14. If I can’t give praise, it simply means I am ungrateful. But no, it’s not just for the goodness of Your hands O God but for the gift of life and hope for Your Kingdom. I can’t even count the reasons why I must just give You all the praises. Thank You so much, Father. I love You.

15. You reign in all the earth and Your glory can no man take. I bring to You, O God all the glory, honour and praise for You deserve it all. The success of today and hope for a new day is nothing behind Your grace and goodness. Thank You so much, God.

16. What shall I render unto the Lord for all He has done for, “a grateful heart and a mouth full of thanksgiving” this I bring unto You for all Your goodness and faithfulness over my life. All thanks to You, Jesus.

17. I’ve come to thank You Lord for life, good health and all Your uncountable blessings to me. You are highly lifted up my Father. Receive all my thanks.

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18. Today was truly a blessing and each hour was an undoubtedly by Your grace. Thank You so much, my Father. All praises to Your Name.

19. After looking back at every passing second, all I could say is Thank You, Lord. It was only by Your love and mercy. Glory and power to You, O God. Thank You so much.

20. It’s a sure thing that man cannot live without the presence of God and all creation would be useless in the absence of the Creator. O God You are the One True God. Thank You for yesterday, today and forever. Am so grateful.

21. The eternal Father, the One who is, who was and who is to come. The gracious Father of lights. I thank You for all Your loving kindness and mercies towards me throughout today and even the past and also thanking You for the belief that You will be there for me tomorrow. Thank You, Lord.

22. You alone are God, before the beginning of the world and You alone spans through the ages endlessly. Thank You so much for Your mindfulness of me and my family every second of our lives. You are a great God. We love You, Lord.

23. You are the greater than the greatest, the beginning and the end. There’s no one that can be compared unto You. Am so grateful for the grace to witness a beautiful day like today even for this lovely friend of mine and all our families, Your Name is graciously glorified, our God. Thank You, Father.

24. Father, I thank for today was witnessed by me, my best friend and our families. King of kings we adore You. Indeed You made a way where there was no way. We bless Your Name.

25. The God our refuge and deliverer, thank You so much for delivering us from the hands of the enemy of our souls and bringing us safely to the end of today. We are very appreciative to You O Lord. Accept our little praises.

26. To You, O God be all the glory great things You have done and greater things You will yet do. For the grace and favours of today, to You alone be all the praises. Thank You, God.

27. We have come to show forth our hearty gratitude to You our Father and our God for all You have done even for the gift of another day successfully. Hallelujah to You.

28. For Your love unbounded, Your mercy everlasting and Your grace immeasurable, I say THANK YOU JESUS. Today is made for me because of Your grace and mercy. Thank You so much, Lord God Almighty.

29. Theirs is none like unto You O God for Your goodness is great and Your mercy is unquantifiable. You are the only reason why my family, my friends, and I are alive today even till the end of the day. To You, Lord be all the glory.

30. What can I use to pay for all Your goodness and kindness, love and care, O King of kings? When the arrows of the day were shot, You guided me, and even now in the night, Your mercy is sure to keep me through. Thank You for today, my Father, blessed be Your Holy Name.

31. Yes, I will give thanks, yes I worship You, for countless are Your goodness O God. Thank You, my God.

32. There is none like unto you, for You alone o God are the Most -high and the God of glory. I was made today only by Your grace. No evil overcame me and no scheme of man outshined me. Thank You so much, my gracious Father. Hallelujah.

33. O let the whole world praise You and the inhabitants of the earth give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy and goodness spans through eternity. My thanks to You can never be enough and equal to Your goodness, favours, and mercies for every day of my life. Thank You, Jesus.

34. What more can I say than to say thank You God. You’ve done what no man can do. Your supplies of all my needs is indeed a miracle. Your protection is a sure one and so many uncountable blessings. Thank You so much, Lord.

35. Gracious Father, I give You all the praise and glory. Your blessings are innumerable and everlasting. Each day without Your presence is a disaster. Thank for always being there for me, God. I love You so much, Lord.

36. My soul blesses You and my heart gives You all the glory for today’s blessings and more of Your favours and protection. Thank You, Lord.

37. I praise You, Jehovah for all Your showers of blessings and mercies towards me and my friends. Thank You, Lord.

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38. Thank You, Lord, for all the obstacles surmounted and hindrances I overcame. Your mercy kept me and Your goodness shielded me. I love You, Lord, You are the God of all glory.

39. Days are indeed a journey and seconds are undoubtedly worth giving thanks for. Here I am Lord with a grateful heart bringing You all the praise for who You are and what You have done. Thank You, Lord.

40. Thank You Jehovah Lord. This day, You made me successful in all my endeavours and encompassed me with Your loving kindness. I bless Your Name Jesus.

41. Who is like unto You O Lord among all other gods there is none like unto You. Your goodness unto me is so great even beyond measures, today was indeed a blessing from You. Thank You so much, Lord.

42. I return all the glory to You Lord. For the problems faced and how Your loving kindness and goodness helped me to overcome them all. I love You, Lord.

43. I praise Your Name O Lord for all You have done and all You are doing and will yet do. The achievement of today is far lower than the praises I am giving You Lord. Thank You so much, my King.

44. My hallelujah belongs to You for You deserve it all, Lord. Thank You for the success of today. I am so grateful to You O God.

45. Every second I passed without You is completely dangerous and each minute without Your presence is absolutely a disaster. You alone are the reason I am alive today. Thank You for all You have done. I praise You Name on high.

46. Jesus, You are great, You’ve done so much for me, take and again receive all the glory. My Father, here I am to say a big Thank You to You Lord God Almighty.

47. Nothing left to say than to shout it out with a grateful heart unto You O Lord. I can’t even count the blessings I have received from You especially today. I bless Your Lord.

48. You a blessed forever, my God and my Lord. You have done so great things for me. I can boldly stand here today all because of Your mercy and goodness. Thank You, Lord.

49. Blessed be Your Name O Lord for Your blessings and goodness towards me. Today was indeed a blessing for me all because of You alone. I bless You, Lord.

50. I can’t but give You all the thanks, for You are my Father and my Lord King. Thank You for Your goodness and mercy, today is very much of a reality all because of You Lord. Thank You so much.

51. Thank You thank You Lord for all You have for me, I’ve come to say thank Jesus. Hallelujah to Your Name in the highest. I praise You, Lord God Almighty.

52. I really want to thank You Lord for things You do even the happenings of today was of no problem to me because of Your goodness and mercy. All praise and glory to Your Name on high. Hallelujah to You O God.

53. Your mercy is great, so great that I can’t quantify it. Your mercy kept me throughout today and Your goodness led me through over all obstacles. Thank You Almighty God. Blessed be Your Name.

54. You reign o Lord God Almighty to You only be the praise. I am nothing without You and every day of my life is but for Your grace. Thank You so much for today again. I love You, Lord.

55. It’s not by my doing nor is it by my power that I am alive today and that I had a great day today but for Your love and goodness, O God. Blessed be Your Name.

56. I search all through and tried to count but all to no certainty. Your goodness O Lord is so immeasurable and uncountable. I am here o today all because of Your grace. Thank You, Lord.

57. Here I am to worship, here I am to praise You and to return all glory to You God for it is Yours. Thank You for all the troubles, sorrows and problems faced and conquered today. Its all by Your grace and mercy. Hallelujah to You Lord in the highest.

58. Thank You, eternal Father, thank You for today, I worship You for Your goodness and kindness towards I and my friends. For if not for You, where will we have been. Thank You, Lord, for Your abiding presence with us always. We say thank You again, Lord.

59. Omnipotent are You Lord, all present us Your person and all-sufficient is Your goodness. But incompletely can we humans give You all thanks and worship for You are bigger than millions of tongues praises. But here we are today thanking in the little way we can for who You are and for what You do and have done. All blessing, glory, and honour to You Lord.

60. In seconds there are 60, in minutes there are 60, in hours there are 24, in days there are 365 or 366, all these multiplied together by millions can’t even measure up a bit to the praise of Your wondrous works and goodness. You are greater than the heart can ever imagine. Today is a day to once again bring up our sacrifices of praise to You. Blessed be Your Name, O God of all flesh.

Definitely impossible is it for man to finish giving the praise of Yahweh for He is far far beyond what man can think of.

But it’s of a good thing to show forth our praises in the little way we can from a grateful heart because every single day e end just for a second, the breath we breathe in to stay alive is highly worth giving thanks for before any other thing.

God’s show of love and mercy is incomparable to the number of praises raised to Him. But out of His boundless love and infinite mercy Has he permitted us to give it with a pure and grateful heart.

Therefore, make it of great importance to select one or more of these prayers to appreciate God even when we know He deserves more.

It is really a good thing to praise the Lord, I believe you know that, right?

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