Prayers for My Relationship 1

100+ Best Prayers for My Relationship to Blossom in 2025

With a new year comes new expectations, and plans to do things differently from the previous year. These things range from weight loss to professional achievements and even relationships. Many people go about achieving these things by making exhaustive lists, and some approach these life changes prayerfully.

If you’re part of the people that approach these life changes prayerfully, here are a couple of prayers that you can pray for the advancement of your relationship in this new year.

Powerful Prayers for My Relationship to Blossom for Him or Her

Awesome Prayers for Relationship to Blossom for Lover. Sweetest Relationship Prayers for Relationship Blossom.

1. On this day, I pray that in the coming year, the Lord will keep us together, make our bond stronger and keep us United in all we do and take away every form of disagreement. Amen!

2. I pray that God keeps us alive to see the new year, and in the new year, he grants us his blessings and keep us safe for each other and keep us forever United in all we do. Amen!

3. In the year 2024, I pray that God continues to bless us, keep us alive and renew and strengthen our love for each other, and take misunderstanding away from us. I pray in Jesus name. Amen!

4. May this coming year, 2024, be a very fruitful year, a year of abundance and multiple blessings, and a year of financial breakthrough, may we know no suffering and may we be kept safe, in Jesus name. Amen!

5. I pray that in this coming year, our relationship will be strengthened, and built upon love and trust, and I also pray that God keeps us alive to see the remaining years. In Jesus name. Amen!

6. In the coming year, 2024, I pray that God keeps us alive and healthy, I pray that He provides for us and take care of us, and finally, I pray that you strengthen our love for each other. Amen!

7. May this coming year be filled with your abundant blessings upon us, and may we continue to enjoy peace of mind, without quarrels and a peaceful relationship. And give us the grace to abide by your instructions. Amen!

8. I pray that in the coming year, we may be filled with the spirit of God and that God will continue to keep us alive and strengthen our relationship. All these I pray in Jesus name. Amen!

9. May the new year come to us with God’s bountiful blessings, and may he shower his abundant mercy upon us, that in the coming year, we may live in peace and rise every day to sing God’s praise. Amen!

10. I pray that this coming year will be a year of financial breakthrough, and I pray that God will grant us our heart desires, and keep us safe for each other. Amen!

11. Lord God, I come to you again…This time, for my woman and myself. I need your help to make us one in deed and in truth in 2024. I want something new for us, God, and you only can make that happen.

12. Jesus, please come to my rescue in 2024 as regards my relationship. I want it to blossom like trees planted by the riverside. I want everything good for us in the coming year. I thank you for it already.

13. Father, your son cries to you for help concerning the love of his life; please, hasten to answer.
2024 has to be the year for my love and I; the year of the spectacular like we have never experienced before. You have answered, I know.

14. Mender of hearts and bridges, I need you to do your work in my life again as it regards my relationship. Please, work, God. Help us both to laugh and love like never before in 2024. Help us to truly live as one.

15. Jesus, I know you hear me every time I pray, and today can’t be an exemption. Today, I ask for your wisdom and grace to move my relationship to the next level in 2024. A new year requires the new, God.

16. God of all flesh, unto you I come. Please help me take care of my heart and who holds it in the year 2024. Help us take care of each other, God, so that we will be perfected in love like you want us to. Thank you, God.

17. Lord, please, I come to you because you alone have the complete manual for love and life. I want to know it sufficiently in 2024, so I don’t keep on making stupid mistakes and letting my love down. Please teach me in the new year.

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18. God, I am doing a shoddy job with my relationship this year; I don’t deny it. Doing the same thing next year would be totally stupid. So help me to walk the right path of love in 2024, please.

19. Lord Jesus, please come to my aid. I need my relationship to be greater in 2024 than it is now. I want her to be totally rooted in me and me in her so that our love never wearies or parts ways from pressure. Help us, oh God.

20. I can’t do this on my own in 2024, God. One look at her face and I know I’ve got to give my all like you gave your all. But then, I don’t think I know how to on my own and so things might end up being the same. I don’t want that at all, God…please help us sprout and bud.

21. God, I am coming to you as a son; I believe I am, anyway.
I come bearing this blessed thing you have given me in my heart. I am not Adam, and will not call the woman you have given me “accursed”. Rather, I seek ways to ensure our love blossoms in the new year. I want my woman to be happy with me, God. Please, make that happen for me in 2024.
I know it is done father, and I thank you.

22. Solomon had one thousand women, and I don’t think there’s any record of them not being happy with him, and this is considering the fact that exuberance is not really a nice thing.
God, I have just one woman; I don’t want her to ever regret being with me and not someone else. Let 2024 not just be peaceful, but let it make our relationship a haven of peace and love.

23. In 2024, Oh God, please let every good thing bud in our relationship, but beyond that, let it blossom and bear fruit, and when the time is right, let us be forever planted like the cedars in Lebanon.
I don’t want to lose on this count, Lord. I want us to be perfect together, fitting each other like a sole to a shoe.
I might try, but only you can make us work.

24. Dear father, you hear me when I pray, and so I am not bothered. But then, I can’t be at ease in Zion too; that would be complacency.
Please, I want my relationship to move to higher grounds…so to speak.
I have made mistakes this year; maybe she has to, and it has cost us in many ways. Please, we don’t want the cycle to be repeated in 2024. We want to truly love in all sense of the word…we want to love the way you do. Please, God, help us.

25. My cries are being heard, I know, and so I look forward to 2024 with expectancy and joy like a child waiting to open up a new toy.
I anticipate the very best from my relationship next year, because you, God, will make it happen.
Joy, peace, love and understanding will never cease in our relationship in Jesus name. You have told me to believe it is done, and I thank you for the grace to make the necessary adjustments so things don’t remain the same.
I thank you, father.

26. I pray this year brings us more joy than we’ve ever experienced, more love than we’ve ever shared and more joy than we’ve ever imagined.

27. We are both blessed having each other in our lives and each morning is a constant reminder that it can only get better. I’m grateful to God for us and I pray we fulfill our purposes in each other lives.

28. Each battle we face together is a proof that our love is unbreakable and invincible. My prayer every day is, we grow more in love with each other even on days that seem dark and it seems like all hope is lost.

29. The sky is just the beginning in everything we can achieve while we’ll hold hands together and bring the world to our feet. I pray we’ll fight through every obstacle that comes our way and growing deeper in love every step of the way.

30. On bent knees,and eyes shut with hands holding each other there’s nothing we can’t break through. Each passing day is a reminder that it can only get better. Our constant prayer is that our love prevails throughout the tough times

31. Dear, I pray today that our lives shall be a reflection of true love and happiness. No weapon formed against us shall prosper.

32. Loving you as brought me to a happy place in my life and I can’t be grateful enough for having you as a friend. I love you and I pray we stay strong together, no matter the weather with love till death passes over us.

33. I pray our love stays as long as the water washes over the sand. I pray our love shine brighter than diamonds in the skies. I pray our heart speaks volumes when our mouths are tired. I’ll love you forever and a day after.

34. Tell me everything you hide behind your eyes, the words that you fear to carry alone and I’ll tell you how much blessed I am to have you in my life. May we never come a long way without fulfilling our purposes and I pray we live to see each other grow old.

35. Let’s believe we’ll make through this, through the storms that darken our skies and the thongs that bite our skins. Let’s believe that our love will be more than enough.

36. Time, they say makes things change. But for us, I pray it makes our bond stronger that even at 80, we’ll both stare into each other’s eyes in love.

37. Though there be troubles, though issues may come
Through the hurdles and through the raging storm
I pray we both stand tall;
Hand in hand and inseparable in it all.

38. May our lives harmonize with each other’s, that you become so united.
I pray that our love will light up each other’s world so much that people will look and learn to love.

39. When the most stressful days come
And our strength seems all gone…
When we encounter the toughest days and we feel really drained,
I pray that we find in each other, strength, warmth and comfort.

40. Many others will come by,
Each with glorious features that seem to outshine yours.
But beyond this, may I see that no other matches the peculiarity of my lover.

41. May time pass by, oceans rise and fall;
Winter, spring, autumn, harmattan and all
Whether it be sunshine, whether it be heavy fall
But may seasons pass by and still meet our love undying and unwavering after all.

42. May I find the bizarre things about you intriguing.
May the seemingly gross features in you be something that draws me nearer.
I pray that in all things weird about you, I find reasons to remain grateful that I found you.

43. May I always find in you:
A reason to hold on,
A reason to smile on,
A reason never to give up
And a reason every morning to rise up.

44. Different as we may seem,
I pray that each one’s strength compliments the other’s weakness,
That each one of us balances the other’s excesses
I pray that together, we make a perfect blend out of your imperfections.

45. I pray our love never grows cold
And that it doesn’t grow old…
Let it have us smiling while we sleep,
Giggling like sheep,
And Whistling joyfully to thoughts of you.

46. All these years we have been together, we have experienced different joys and difficulties over the years and we have still stood strong throughout time. I pray that in this coming year, our relationship may be strengthened. Amen!

47. In this life, anyone who knew me knew that getting someone I love was quite impossible, but we scaled through all our hurdles and I pray that in the coming years, we will be the best. Amen!

48. I pray that in the coming year, my relationship will grow, although I know, not everyone accepts it, but by God’s grace everything is going to be better, and we will grow stronger. Amen!

49. I have always looked at people’s happiness and wished that for us, I pray for understanding between both of us in the coming year 2024, and I ask God to bless our relationship. Amen!

50. It feels like yesterday since we came together, time flies fast, but we have still been prosperous and beautiful together, and I pray that in this coming year, we will be together and better. Amen!

51. In this coming year, I pray that we will be happier, I know I’m not perfect, but that I’ll be for your sake, I want to be a better person, and by God’s grace, I will be that. Amen!

52. If only love could be estimated, mine would be like the sands on the seashore, I need you in my life, I love you so much, and I pray in this coming year, we will be together. Amen!

53. I pray that in the coming year, we will be there for each other, although tomorrow is unknown, but I know that I will be there for you, and I also pray that it be same for you. Amen!

54. Over the years, I have learnt that love is friendship and friendship should last forever, I pray that in the next year, God will rekindle our love for each other and keep us together. Amen!

55. Every day I spend with you completes in me what life was meant to be like, I will try my best to remain with you forever, and I pray that in the coming year, we will still be together. Amen!

56. I pray that my love grows stronger and my dedication does not get boring. I pray that my relationship only blossoms and blossoms till it can blossom no more.

57. My relationship is guided by God and progresses only in the right direction. My days lead me into having a sweeter and a greater one. Amen.

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58. I pray that I don’t get sick of my relationship and that it grows in the direction God knows is best for me, in Jesus name.

59. I pray for only the best in my relationship. I trust God to make my relationship what will be the envy of many others. And I will love my partner forever.

60. My relationship is a vital part of my life, so if not for anything, but for the sake of my life, I pray that my relationship is set to blossom. I pray also that it will actually blossom. Amen.

61. I pray joy into my relationship so that it will be all fun and happiness. I pray that my relationship grows in that joy without stop.

62. I pray that every party that concerns my relationship only creates a platform for it to blossom. May no friend or family assist in ruining my relationship. Amen.

63. I pray that God stops everything that will change my relationship for the worse. I pray also that I’ll trust only God to guide my relationship because that’s the best guidance available for it.

64. May my relationship not be on the fast lane to doom and may it not be on a clear road to nothingness. Amen.

65. May the love I share with my partner grow and bring to us many positive benefits. May nothing that will bring us evil come near us or affect us in any way.

66. My prayer is that my relationship will be to my good, directly and indirectly. Also, my prayer is that my relationship only grows better. Amen.

67. May Paradise be nothing compared to our relationship and may me and my partner enjoy full bliss in our relationship. Amen.

68. I pray that life favours my relationship and that every good prayer said for my relationship be answered. I will enjoy my relationship.

69. May my house be a home of love and joy. May my house be one of peace. May these happen so my relationship can be sweeter. Amen.

70. I put my relationship before God and ask that he makes it as pure as the one he offers humanity. I pray also that my relationship teaches others to do better than they are already doing in theirs.

71. Little by little, or heavily, my relationship will grow better and never stop growing better. I pray that my partner will enjoy his time with me.

72. This is to my relationship and how much it will blossom. This is me celebrating the love and peace and joy that will flow in it. Amen.

73. May our love never fade away like other names do when compared to Jesus. May we blossom as one for as long as we live.

74. May every beauty seen in my relationship be real and not a result of pretense. May everything in my relationship that will bring the best to it remains in it.

75. May my relationship keep metamorphosing into something better, greater and sweeter. May we enjoy every bit of our relationship.

76. May my relationship enjoy its place in bright areas. May nothing dark swallow it up and may every dark force against it be defeated.

77. May I not be the one to bring harm to my relationship and may as many that associate with me only bring good to it. Amen.

78. Deliver peace to my home and strength to me and partner. Help us with wisdom, so we can relate properly. Help us love ourselves better too. Amen.

79. May blessings fill my relationship and may oppression not find its way in. May God take care of my relationship like he takes care of his children. Amen.

80. May no demon against my relationship be treated nicely and may no human against it succeed in destroying it. Amen.

81. Beauty will be found in my relationship and love will be supreme in it. Understanding will flow in it and it will only blossom. Amen.

82. May nothing, seen or unseen, intentionally or unintentionally destroy my relationship. And may every single part of my relationship be awesome. Amen.

83. May everything I need to do for my relationship to blossom be revealed to me and may I use the information in the best way. Amen.

84. The only changes found in my relationship will be for good. My relationship may not be sick, but the doctor, God, will still attend to all its needs. Amen.

85. If one word is all my relationship needs to be sweeter, then I pray it comes as soon as now — or as soon as possible. May I enjoy my time in my relationship.

86. Dear Lord, I humbly ask that in this new year, you give me grace to love my girlfriend like Jesus loves the church and to treat her with the utmost respect. I also ask that you grant her the grace to be patient with me and to love me even when she does not like me.

87. Heavenly Father, I pray that as this new year dawns, that you grant me the grace to love my partner with the 1st Corinthians 13 kind of love. Help my love to radiate a light that illuminates my lover, in Jesus’ name.

88. In this new year, Lord, we need your help. Our relationship has seen some rocky times, and we need it to blossom in this year of fruitfulness. Teach us how to be fruitful this year, oh Lord.

89. Father, I bring my relationship before your throne. I ask, oh Lord that you keep us healthy, financially buoyant and full of wisdom in this new year. May joy never depart from our lives in Jesus’ name.

90. In this past year, Lord, we have experienced the rain of your favor in our lives and our relationship. Lord, I ask that your favor continues with us in this new year and that we get a double portion of all the blessings we enjoyed last year.

91. Father, it’s me again. This time, I have come before your throne of grace to ask that you bless my relationship. I ask that as we move to the next level this year, that your hand be upon us, and that you walk with us every step of the way. I ask that you be with us and help us to make sound decisions according to your Word in Jesus’ name.

92. This year has been prophesied as a year of giant leaps, Lord, and I know that every word from your mouth does not fall to the ground void. I ask that you enable my girlfriend and I to put this word to work in our lives. Help us to understand each other more this year, Lord. Help us to be peaceful. Help us to be strong.

93. Last year was a year of struggle, dear Lord. I don’t want it to be the same, Lord. I ask that you be our peace in this relationship, Lord. Help us to listen to each other calmly and peacefully. Help us to keep our tempers in check and remember that we’re in this relationship for life, Lord.

94. Lord, you know how much I love my girlfriend, and you know how much she loves me too. Lord, I ask that you teach us the right way to be expressive about our love for each other so that our relationship will get better, and so we can glorify you with our conduct.

95. Sweet Jesus, thank you for the love of this great man. I ask Lord, that you teach me to love him the way he needs to be loved, and that you teach him to love me the way I need to be loved, so that our relationship will be even better than it was before, and so we can enjoy our lives to the fullest.

96. May our love be a beacon of hope to the brokenhearted, Lord. May our love transcend the times and the seasons of our lives. May our love last as long as the sky is blue, dear Father. Please grant us this request we pray.

97. Lord, your word says ‘Many waters cannot quench love.’ It seems like the storms of life are trying to drown our love. Father that makes all things new, I ask that you strengthen our love. Remind us of the reason we chose to love each other, Lord. Breathe newness into our relationship, dear Lord. Revive our fire, our passion for each other.

98. Just as Jonathan’s love for David was strong, constant and unwavering, I want our love to be as strong. Father help us.

99. Today, I speak good words over my partner. I decree that he will be favored everywhere he goes and that your hand will be upon him. I ask that you make him the leader he was made to be, that you strengthen him in all ramifications, so he’ll be able to steer our relationship on the course of bliss.

100. Lord, make my woman a woman after your own heart. Help her realize her worth and identity are in you. Heal her wounds from the past, and fill her heart with love for You and for me so our lives and our love will be blissful. Amen.

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