100+ Prayers for Protection from Harm in 2025

The need for assurance is so very important to everyone, especially in this perilous times when evil seems to push people into harm at ease.

Our loved ones are faced with different situations every day, evil plots, and conspiracies, dangerous occurrence. Only God can deliver and protect them.

Show them how much you love them by sending them prayers of protection from harm, we’ve got some messages to help your quest.

Collection of Prayers for Protection from Harm

There is no work anyone on earth will embark upon daily that is not hazardous, in one way or the other. That is why protect and safety is always one of the ways to be successful. Here are Powerful Protection from Harm Prayers you will always need on a daily bases.

1. This day, I pray the Lord would keep you from harm and guide your steps through the day. As you go about your day to day activities, every evil ordinance against you will be cancelled.

2. As the Lord lives, he would hold you and guide your steps away from harm. You would be kept safe by his unfailing hands of protection.

3. As you go through your daily activities, may God be your guide, may you escape all evil and be free from harm. Keep enjoying divine protection.

4. Evil is planned ever minutes but as God Liveth, you will be exempted from it. The Lord’s mighty hand of protection will be all over you. 

6. I pray to God of heaven, as you go into your day, he would destroy all the works of the enemies against your lives and keep you safe from all their evil plans.

7. Safety is assured by God, our father, today I pray that he would guide your steps and keep you from harm, he would protect you through the way In his precious name.

8. Our heavenly father, we thank you because you are always there for us, as you go out I pray that he guides you this day and make you rest in your safety.

9. Today as you set out, I pray to God that he would guide your decisions and your plans and keep you from harm, cover you with his hedge of protection and satisfy you with peace.

10. The enemies have gathered and they plan evil daily, the lord is your saviour and protector, he would keep you under your safe hands. Guide you and protect us from the evil plot of your adversaries.

11. Today is the day you the lord has made, as you go about our daily activities, may he send his angels to direct your path and protect you from evil.

12. I commit you before our father in heaven, may he keep you safe from this evil world. He would make all plans of enemies destroyed and make you forever happy.

13. , I pray the Lord would protect and keep you from harm, he will be your shield and our fortress, he will be your safety tabernacle. Rest in his unfailing promises of protection.

14. May the cloud of protection of the lord overshadow you in our day to day activities, he will guide your from harm and protect you from the evil ones by his grace.

15. I pray the Lord will bind you under your tabernacle of safety, protect you from harm and guide your steps all the days of our lives. Prayers for Peace and Comfort for the Troubled

16. May the Lord help you to abide under his shadow of safety, may he never let you wander out of his divine protection, all the days of your life.

17. I pray to God to Order your steps, your actions and guide your decisions. Every evil plot against you will be turned into a ladder of greatness for you. He will keep you safe forever.

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18. May the Lord wrap his arm of protection around you, Keep you away from harm, Deliver you from every evil plot and make us fulfilled.

19. The lord lives forever. He will Keep you from temptations, guide your steps, deliver you from evil. By his grace, he will guide you safely and protect you forever.

20. Blessed be the lord for giving you grace through the night, as you set out into the day, may he order your steps away from harm, protect you from every evil arrow and keep you safe under your arm forever.

21. As the Lord lives, may he keep you alive, may all the plots of evil over you be destroyed and you will be a living testimony of protection.

22. Life is full of ups and downs, with many planning evil, but I pray God would destroy their plans and keep you safe. You will excel over your enemies.

23. The day is full of evil and uncertainties, but the lord is with you to keep you away from harm and guide your steps into safety.

24. I pray that all the days of your life, you would abide in his shadow of protection. Keep basking in divine safety, God is for you, all the plans of the enemies are destroyed.

25. Many are the evil plans of man, but the spirit of the Lord guides his people, I pray you’d be divinely ordered and be kept safe from harm.

26. The journey of life is a road with different pits at an interval. So I pray God will go before you to lead you, and protect you from harm, have a safe life.

27. Where others are scared and weary, be strong and believe in the lord, he has your back and he will protect you from evil. Keep enjoying divine safety.

28. The news around may be terrifying, evil may seem to visit people at random, but you will be exempted. Every evil against you will be destroyed.

29. The divine protection of the Lord will be upon you and you will be kept safe from all evil arrows and plots of the enemies, you would escape and be settled in divine safety.

30. God of heaven will keep you safe, as you journey through life, he will guide your steps, you will never fall, evil will not come near you and you will be a living testimony of divine protection.

31. Life is full of many uncertainties, no one knows what can happen anytime, but even in this uncertainties, the Lord will keep you safe and make you settled.

32. Evil arrows are flying around devouring lives, but by the divine grace of protection, you are exempted. May you be kept under his abode of safety, all the days of your life.

33. May the Lord order your steps. As you go about your daily activities, you will be divinely directed, I pray all plans of the enemies against would be destroyed.

34. When others are scared of what might happen, be rest assured that God is with you, he will never let you down. All evil plots will scatter and all the plans of enemies will be destroyed.

35. No matter the gathering of evil against you, they will not prosper, even if the whole world stands against you, you will excel over them. God will keep you in his tabernacle of safety forever.

36. Continuously evil is planned, but by God’s mercy over and over, you will be made victorious, you will abide by his shadow of safety forever.

37. As the Lord lives, you will be exempted from every evil occurrence. Every plan of the enemy over you will not prosper, you will keep excelling over your enemies all the days of your life.

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38. The Lord would make you victorious over your enemies, those that plan against you and hate you without reason will lose before you and be your servants.

39. When your enemies conspire against you for evil. You will come out victorious, you will ride upon the protection of God and hide under his divine safety.

40. Amidst all evil plots, God will vindicate you and keep you safe from their claws, you will be immune to all evil arrows and you will continue to live happily unhurt.

41. The Grace of the Lord will keep you safe, even when evil seems to handpick, you will be delivered and his arm of protection will be over you.

42. Without cause, many plans for destruction. But by grace, the Lord will deliver you, he will keep you under his wings and deliver you from harm.

43. The Lord is faithful, keep trusting in his might, he will never fail you. He will make your enemies confounded and embarrassed before you. Keep enjoying divine safety.

44. Wherever you go, whatever you do, may the grace of God speak for you. You will be signed under his everlasting covenant of protection forever.

45. Those that stand in high places planning your downfall shall be brought down, they shall lick the sole of your feet, and you will triumph over them safe and unscratched.

46. As your enemies gather for evil, I pray that by God’s mercy you shall excel over their evil plans, you shall never have any cause to weep, and his divine protection will remain unshaken over you.

47. Those that gather to plan against your downfall shall be disappointed. I pray God will make you overcome their evil plots and keep you safe by his mighty arms.

48. God never fails, I pray he would take charge of your safety, in every sphere of your life. You will be covered by the shield of protection forever.

49. The Lord is for you, be not afraid, he will hold your hands and keep you from evil, he would deliver you from your enemies and deliver you from harm. Keep basking in the euphoria of his divine protection

50. Today, I pray that as you go out and come in, the angel of the Lord will go before you to you safe, he will guide your steps away from evil, and keep you out of harm’s way.

51. Father in heaven, you alone are worthy of all my praises, because your steadfast love never ceases, by this love you have kept me from all evil, you have delivered me from my arch enemies when they rushed against me to consume me, you provided a way out. Oh lord, you are my strength, my life is hidden with you, keep me safe oh lord. Guide me by your word. Deliver me from harm, and nullify all evil plots against my life forever.

52. Unto the only wise God, the God of heaven, I commit my life, my easy, my thoughts, my words, my decision and will. Guide me in your safe path. Guide me from all plans of the evil ones. Wandering without your guidance is disastrous, you are the anchor of my life. Without you, I can do nothing, so I’d rather stick with you as I do great exploits under the umbrella of your divine protection.

53. Our Father, who is a keeper of his children. I come to you Lord because you are faithful and you never, keep my path from evil, let not my heart wander away from your safety. deliver me from evil set up, guide me and keep me under your protection of safety forever. I put my trust in you, save me from every harm and make me happy in you forever.

54. Oh Lord our God, you are God from everlasting to everlasting, thank you for keeping me alive and healthy. Many are those that are against me, many are those that plan evil against me without cause, father delivers me. You are my God forever and my safety is assured in you. Break every covenant of evil, cancel every bad ordinance and lead my steps out of danger. Thank you, Lord, for prayers answered.

55. Righteous Father, the giver of life, the protector and defender of the saint. I come to you because I know in you is the whole world secured. I have come to ensure my life in you. Keep me safe from evil arrows and pestilence. Deliver me from the snares of my enemy and make me overcome them. Grant me victory over my arch rivals and be my shield and buckler forever.

56. Oh God, as I go into this day, protect me from all plans of the enemy, make my going out and coming in secured in you, deliver me from all bondage and oppression of evil. Let me overcome every harm that dwells in the day, keep me safe by your side all through the day. Thank you for being there for me always. In you is my safety guaranteed forever.

57. Father in heaven, if not for you, I would have been dead and forgotten, but for your grace that has kept me, I commit myself into your hands, protect me from harm, keep me safe from all the evil plots for my enemies. Destroy all their plans over my life and disappoint my enemies, scatter their plans and make me victorious all the days of my life. Thank you, Lord.

58. Oh Lord, daily do people rise against me without cause, daily do they plan their trap to set me up and put me in bondage forever. Oh God, arise daily to defend me, when my enemies came against me, like a flood, let your spirit be raised up against them to fight for me. I will rest in the safe haven of your tabernacle forever.

59. I have learnt that you are the custodian of safety, so I have moved my family and personal belongings over to be insured in your safety policy forever. I am in you as my fortress and so plans of the enemies have failed over me. Do not ever let me wander out of your protection, let your word direct my life and let your light shine forth in my path, protect me from harm and make me fulfilled in you.

60. God of heaven, I come to you today, you are a safe haven. Keep me under your wings forever, guide me through the storm, help me up and direct my feet lest I come to any harm. Make all my enemies disappointed and confounded, make their traps against my life useless. In you do I put my trust, never put me to shame oh lord. Thank you for being there for me always. I rest in your eternal safety and I’m satisfied.

61. Righteous Father, I come to you this day, deliver me from those that devise my hurt, stand up for me and fight for me. Thank you, Jesus.

62. Only you can keep me safe, I run to you hide me under your fortress, destroy all the works of evil against me and make me secured forever.

63. I magnify your name oh God. I thank you for your unfailing promises, you have promised me even though I walk in shadows of evil, you’d be there to guide me through.

64. Keep me under your divine safety insurance, help me to live under your umbrella of protection and cancel every evil plan coming my way.

65. Oh, my father, I pray this day, that you keep me from harm and make me untouchable by evil, disappoint all that gather together to plan my hurt and make me safe in you, all the days of my life.

66. Oh lord, I commit my life to you. Teach me how to stay under your divine protection and help me never to wander out of your safety camp forever.

67. Father, you make me understand that whatsoever I ask in your name is done. Oh lord, disappoint my enemies, make their land void, keep me from evil and protect me forever.

68. Today, by the authority of God. I bind every power of the enemy against my existence, I destroy their gathering and I pray God will guide my steps away from evil and keep me under his fortress.

69. Oh God, I pray that today, you will go with me, to protect my going and coming. My steps will be ordained by you, every evil in my way will be cancelled by your precious blood.

70. Holy Lord, you are worthy of our praises, you have been my protector to from my mother’s womb, keep guiding me and protecting from harm to the glory of your name.

71. Oh God, keep me under your wings forever, protect me from harm and fortify my life with your angels to keep me safe and untouchable by evil.

72. Oh lord, many are they that seek my downfall, many are they that devise plans for my hurt, discomfit them oh lord, and keep me safe from their evil plot.

73. You are my father and I pray, you will keep me in your safety insurance forever. Don’t ever let me wander into the waiting hands of evil.

74. Oh Lord by your authority, I nullify every evil plan against my life, let your Spirit guide me away from every setup, keep me from harm and put me in your tabernacle forever.

75. You promised to put an angel before me, to guide me in my way, to destroy evil attacks aimed at me, oh God, perfect your promise fo protection over my life forever.

76. Oh God of heaven, you are the keeper of the saints, I believe in you and trust you to deliver me from evil, keep me from harm oh lord and make me safe in your tabernacle forever.

77. You have been my protector and deliverer, I believe and trust in you that you will not cease to protect me. Help me to remain under your shadows of protection forever.

78. Lord Jesus, I pray this day that you send your angels to save me from every harm, let them hold my hands and lead me in the path of righteousness. Thank you for being my saviour and guide.

79. I pray Lord for your protection from any harm, I pray that you send your angels to take charge upon my life that no evil shall befall me, let all the plans of my enemies over me be destroyed.

80. Oh lord of heaven, your promises stand sure and cannot be broken, I key into your promise of protection over the Saints. Guide my steps and keep me from harm’s way, all the days of my life.

81. You are God, from everlasting to everlasting, your name is a strong tower, I use it as my shield and I pray, every evil plot and harm in my way should be destroyed in Jesus mighty name.

82. Your name is a strong tall tower and the righteous run into it and they are saved, Lord I ask that you protect me from every harm as I run into your tower.

83. Your protection, I seek from your holy throne lord, guide my steps day in, day out from evil and I believe you have answered my humble prayer.

84. Mighty king, you promised me in the scriptures, that you will always protect and guard me against any form of harm or evil, I believe your word forever.

85. I believe and trust in your word that you will protect me. You are my shield and my buckler, thank you for always being there for me. I’d keep being under your umbrella of protection.

86. Hallow be your name oh God, the father of heaven and earth, I come to you today, hide me in your safe haven, give your angels charge over me to preserve me for your glory.

87. Oh Lord, I pray, keep me under your mighty hands, destroy every evil plan aimed at me, and make me safe forever, under the shadows of your presence.

88. I am alive today by the saving strength of your hand, keep protecting me and guiding me from evil. Let your name be glorified in my life.

89. Oh God, you have never disappointed me, when all my enemies gathered against me, you disappointed them. I call upon your name, cancel every evil in my way, keep me away from harm in Jesus name.

90. In your mighty hands down I trust, to keep me from evil, to guide me away from harm and keep me safe. Keep being my God, oh lord, thou art my protector forever.

91. Lord, you have kept me all through the storms of life. You are there for me when all hope was lost, keep being my God, protect me and guide me all the days of my life, to the glory of your name

92. As I go into today oh Lord, let your mighty hand be my compass, let it guide me through my decisions and plans, keep me from harm, protect me from evil and let me come back home blessed.

93. Lord, I come against every plan of the devil over my life, every evil plot and harm in my way. I destroy them and pray for your divine protection all the days of my life.

94. Oh, Lord! I pray to thee, deliver me from all the devices of the devil, protect me from every harm directly or indirectly. Thank you for answering my prayer.

95. From the North, East, West, and South, I pray that you send your angels to take charge over my life and loved ones, protect me from seen and unseen harm in Jesus name.

96. You have promised that you will never fail and will deliver me from harm in the day and in the Night and I stand by your word.

97. Your word doesn’t come back to you void lord, you’ve promised me protection, I believe and put all my trust in you, save me from every evil forever.

98. You are bigger than every situation, what you say you will do that’s what exactly you do, I believe and trust in you that you will guide and protect me from any form of harm. Thank you for being there for me always.

99. Lord Jesus, this day I pray you send your angels to go before and after me, in each of my endeavours. Please keep me safe from all forms of harm in Jesus name.

100. Lord Jesus, you are my protector and my guide. Thank you for being my saviour. I pray that you keep me in your safe tabernacle, cancel every evil in my way and make me secure forever.

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