Best Quotes to Heal a Broken Heart

Best Quotes to Heal a Broken Heart

I once read a fact that says being burnt by fire and childbirth are the most painful things in the world. I agree with them, but sometimes I wonder if having a broken heart is not more painful than both of them combined.

Many who have experienced heartbreak may wonder the same thing, too, so you can consider yourself a saviour when you contribute to the healing of a broken heart.

And you don’t even need to gift the person a million pounds! With words, you can help heal a broken heart. Simply using a quote, you can start or aid the healing process.

So I present these quotes to heal a broken heart to you. They are quotes you can share with a person whom you want to move from having a broken heart to a happier, better place. Being an internet addict, I can tell this is the best collection of quotes for this topic.

A little gift for you: I included some quotes about mending a broken heart among them. You can’t miss them.

So dig in, arm yourself with the quotes you think are the best, and go ahead with your mission to heal a broken heart today.

Words to Heal a Broken Heart

There is healing for your broken heart. I can’t claim to know how soon it will be complete, but I know it can begin now. You will be finer than you’ve ever been, as it’s not because I’m telling you these words. It’s because your heart deserves to be healed, and you deserve to be happy.

1. You have a heart that is broken, but there is healing for your broken heart. The broken pieces can come together, and a new piece will come forth, and you’ll be whole once more.

2. There is healing for your broken heart. We may not understand why there is, and that’s fine. You can start again and be a reminder to others that we’re greater than heartbreak.

3. Have you seen my wish list lately? I want your broken heart to be healed. I want your heart to be whole, to be new, and to be bold again because I love you.

4. The healing for your broken heart can come from within or from outside. Of course, it is hard right now, but your heart can be healed. Though the road to healing is long and winding, it will lead you to a better time.

5. There is healing for your broken heart. It will happen soon, or it will happen late. But it will happen, and you will be happier than you’ve ever been.

6. Your broken heart can heal. You need to smile, to shed your tears, to find a way to live and to find a way to cope.

7. I was broken once and then twice. But I am getting better with time. My heart is not so painful or heavy anymore. So I can bet that your heart will be healed too. I am getting better and getting stronger. So will you.

8. Your broken heart can heal. You will smile and laugh again and love again much better than the last. Your heart will heal with time. It’s impossible to know when but it will, like all things.

9. You’re only human. Heartache is part of life. Don’t let it define you. Hold your head up high. You’ll get through this. You’re not alone.

10. There’s no such thing as a broken heart. There is only scar tissue that’s been torn apart. Just put yourself back together again and learn from your mistakes; that’s how you’ll mend.

11. Broken hearts can heal – just like broken bones. They may take a while, but they do heal, and you’ll be fine.

12. Your broken heart deserves to be healed. Take care of it. Be its friend. And learn to love again. Do it for your own heart, the one that lies within your own chest.

13. You will meet someone new. They will love you like I used to do. You will find happiness, and your heart will heal.

14. Let your heart continue to beat as it should. Don’t be afraid to cry. Though it hurts so much you can’t cope, there is healing for your broken heart.

15. There is healing for your broken heart, healing for your broken soul, healing for your wounded mind, healing for your wounded spirit too. Let me sit with you and hold you while you tell me everything. Let me hear all about it, and I promise I will listen.

16. There is healing for a broken heart. There are ways to begin again. There is another out there, and your sorrow will transform into joy!

17. You don’t have to be afraid. Your heart is slowly healing. Your wounds will slowly mend. You just have to keep believing.

18. Yes, heartbreak sucks, and it makes you feel like you are never going to be happy again. However, you have to believe that the best is yet to come. Within time, your happiness will return again, even stronger than before.

19. There is healing for your broken heart. Take your time, find the courage to tell your story. Find the strength to fight back your fear. You’ll be okay.

20. There is healing for your broken heart. There is healing for your wounded soul. Pour your heart out onto paper so you can heal, or pour it out to me over a call. Just give your heart a chance to heal.

21. Sorry about your broken heart. It’ll heal soon. You’re a strong person. You’ll do fine. Try to stay positive. Everything will work out.

22. You will get over this heartbreak, and don’t be surprised if your happiness is even better than it was before.

23. If you are lost and in pain and you have been hurting for a while, you deserve healing and happiness, and they will come to you.

24. There is healing for your broken heart. You’ve been beaten up and bruised. It feels worse than someone crushing your new house. But then you’ll see, you’ll be better, you’ll be strong.

25. Just remember, from a breakup, you can rebuild yourself and make your life even better than it was before. You’ll be stronger than ever. It’s up to you to give yourself the best chance of success.

26. Your breakup might seem all-encompassing right now, but it’s part of a cycle. You’ll heal, and you will thrive. I promise you that.

27. Your heart has broken, and it’s hurt, but it can be healed as you trust. It’s not time to give up. You can rise above and never be hurt again.

28. You’ve got to give so much effort to rising from this sadness and to climbing to happiness. Your broken heart must not dictate the rest of your life. Your future self is going to thank you for making an effort to feel better now.

29. If your heart can still feel the pain, then your heart can be whole again. It can come from being broken to being filled with joy.

30. You’re not over it, and that’s okay. You’re taking all the time you need, and that’s okay. It takes as long as it takes. Your feelings are valid, your experiences are real, and you have all the strength you need to make it through this.

31. There is healing for your broken heart. There is love for you to enjoy. Be brave, be strong, don’t wait to enjoy love again. You’ll be happier than you’ve ever been.

32. The hurt won’t last forever, and neither will the fear. Your scars will heal, your heart will mend, and as it does, you’ll see that you’re better than you’ve ever been.

33. There is healing for your broken heart and happiness for you to share. You’ll get through this love challenge and find a world where you’re loved most of all.

34. I want your broken heart to be healed. I want the wings of your broken soul to be sealed. I want your broken wings to be mended. I want your broken heart to be relieved.

35. Take my hand and hold it tight as I lead you through the dark. I will guide you through the storm, and I will help you touch the stars. Because you’re mine and because your heart, though broken, deserves to be healed.

36. I want your broken heart to be healed. It will be relieved of all the pain you’re feeling. I feel your pain. I know you hurt inside. But it will be okay.

Mending a Broken Heart Quotes

“How do you mend a broken heart? You tell yourself that this is not the end, that there is still a chance to have a mended heart, to be happy, that there is still a chance for your heart’s health to improve.”

37. Often, it’s hard to mend a broken heart, but there is one solution: find someone else and show her the love you once gave someone else.

38. If you want to mend a broken heart, you must first accept that you’ll need a start. You must learn to forgive, to forget, to move on.

39. I’m just trying to mend a broken heart, make it not so dark and grey. I’m chasing a feeling that I can’t get magically, but I know it’s in my way.

40. Love is sweet. Love is kind. Love is the one thing that everyone must find. It can mend a broken heart and make you feel like the most special person earth ever saw.

41. It’s easy to mend a broken heart. It only takes a poof and a smile, a cup of coffee, a blanket, and a friend. This is how you mend a broken heart.

42. The ease of mending a broken heart is in the love that you give. You don’t have to pull a world war three. You can mend it with a soft, warm smile.

43. My heart has been broken, but I have the will to fix it so it can be whole again and to mend it so that it’s good as new.

44. How hard it is to mend a broken heart, smashed to the point that it seems impossible to be whole!
But your heart deserves better, and in time all things can be restored.

45. The process it takes to mend a broken heart is not something that should be rushed. Keep focusing on the art and not the past.

46. It’s not hard to mend a broken heart, but it is hard to forget what has happened, what it’s like to have your heart torn apart.

47. Why is it so hard to mend a broken heart, to repair its broken pieces, to put life back into it and make it feel alright again?

48. When your heart is broken, you think that you’ll never find a heart to love. But if you let your walls down, someone else might find you.

49. How easy it is to mend a broken heart! Just take a step back and look at the big picture. When you’re surrounded by darkness, and you’re in the dark, realize that there is goodness around.

50. How easy it is to mend a broken heart! All the pieces are right in front of your eyes. But you throw them away and adjust yourself to another lie.

51. How easy it is to mend a broken heart! All you need to do is accept that this is the start of a new start and patch it up like a quilt.

52. It’s hard to mend a broken heart when you’re drowning in regrets. You want the hurt to disappear, and yet you’re the one who created the mess.

53. It’s hard to mend a broken heart, but it’s even harder to forget the love that you thought was there was never really meant to be.

54. How hard it is to mend a broken heart when the pieces are scattered all apart. I’ll keep searching. I’ll keep hoping. I’ll keep holding on for my dear life.

55. Oftentimes, it’s a challenge to mend a broken heart, but if you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way through the dark.

56. If you have a broken heart, I advise you to mend it fast because the pain you’ll feel if you don’t is much more than the pain you’ll feel if you do.

57. A broken heart can be mended, but it will take a little time. The best way to mend a heart is to just let it heal itself.

58. It’s not your fault you have a broken heart, but it is your fault if you never mend it. Consider your heart your broken down car. You have a place to be, but the time is flying.

59. The road to healing is long. Having your broken heart mended looks hard. I’ve been broken, and I know the score. But you will be okay, and I’ll be here to help you, all because your broken heart deserves to be healed.

60. I was broken, sad and mad. My heart was ripped apart, but now I smile, I laugh, I play, and I say, “I’m okay”, and mean it. A broken heart can be mended.

61. A broken heart can be mended if you’re lucky enough to find a friend who cares and will help. And you have such a friend—me.

Inspirational Quotes to Heal a Broken Heart

“You deserve to wake with the sun in your eyes, to open your curtains and see the radiant sky, to take a deep breath and smile. You don’t deserve a broken heart. I’m sorry about it, and I pray that your healing will come quickly.”

62. Sorry for the heartbreak you experienced. I know how you feel, and I know it’s very tough. But I’ll be praying for you. Your heart will be healed, and you will feel better than you were before.

63. So sorry for the heartbreak you experienced and the tears that stained your face, and the moments of wishing that your heart would stop. Healing’s coming for your heart, darling.

64. Your heart will heal. Now, the tears are flowing, but you will be happier than you’ve ever been. You’ll be here to see the sunshine, and I’ll be here to see your happy, pretty face.

65. Sorry that I broke your heart, that I left you in the dark, that I couldn’t make you see that you deserved better. Sorry I was wrong. I wish your heart perfect health.

66. There’s healing for your heart, joy for your soul, and sweet, mind-blowing love for your life. I am sorry for the heartbreak, and I wish you healing and happiness. May your soul be healed by the breath of the wind and the fire that burns in your heart.

67. No, it’s not your fault. I’m sure you did your best. In a way, it’s good — ’cause you’ll get better. I am praying for healing for your golden but broken heart.

68. I’m sorry about the heartbreak you experienced. I’m sorry that you had to cry. I know that your heart will be mended, your pain will stop, you’ll smile once again, and you’ll find the kind of love that brings pure joy.

69. The pain, the heartache, the sense of being lost is all a part of you, but you deserve to be happy. Healing will come for you, the world will smile with you, and your heart will cease to ache.

70. Your broken heart will heal ’cause you’re a light that can never fade away, a light that’s always shining in the dark. I’m sorry your heart got broken.

71. I know the pain, and I would change it if I could. But for you and me, this is all a part of life — This, too, will pass. I wish you swift healing for your broken heart.

72. I know your pain and your heartbreak will never be from you at all, for your heart is like a rose that is always full of life. I pray healing finds your broken heart in no time.

73. No matter how sad your past may be, you deserve to have your heart healed. Trust me when I say you deserve healing and allow it to come to you.

74. You deserve a new morning, a fresh start and a revitalized heart. So here are my prayers for you: healing for your heart and a sweeter love.

75. You can heal from a broken heart. And you deserve it! I want to see you go far in your journey to healing, so you can start living your life again.

76. A broken heart? Don’t give up. You deserve to heal, any trauma you have gone through, or you are still going through, is not your fault, and the best is yet to come.

77. You deserve to be happy. There is someone out there waiting for you who will love and inspire you. Don’t get stuck in the past. Believe it or not, a happier future awaits.

78. You can heal your heart, no matter what terrible things happened in the past. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen countless times before!

79. You are worthy of love. Don’t let your past hold you back from meeting someone great and loving again. Trust yourself to know when the time is right to move on from your pain, and no matter what, don’t give up hope.

80. We’ve waited long enough. One extra day of seeing you cry from having a broken heart will pierce my heart. It’s time to start bringing the healing you deserve to those wounds.

Motivational Quotes to Heal a Broken Heart

“If you want your broken heart to be healed and you want to be truly happy again, you need to escape the chains having a broken heart has put on you and embrace forgiveness and healing. Sorry about your broken heart.”

81. Sometimes, we become so overwhelmed we forget to heal. But remember—it’s never too late to start, especially for those like you who don’t deserve a broken heart.

82. Your past doesn’t have to define your future. Even if you feel like your life is over and you can never recover from having a broken heart, trust the process of healing.

83. Your heart has been broken, but I don’t want to hear you say your life is shattered. However, it’s time for your heart to be mended and your wounds healed.

84. Take charge of your life, no matter what has happened in the past. Believe that your broken heart deserves to heal. Go for healing, and you will see a change.

85. Cheer up, my friend. Rest your weary head. Let your wounds begin to mend. Rest while you can. Time will fly, and you’ll be okay.

86. Sometimes, we need a reminder that we deserve to heal from whatever hurt us. Also, remember it’s never too late to start healing.

87. Having a broken heart shouldn’t be the end of your love journey. Go through the healing you deserve and enjoy a passionate, happy love story afterwards.

88. You have to hurt. You have to grieve. You have to let yourself feel it. But you also have to heal.

89. You’ve been through this with other relationships that didn’t work out, and you’re stronger than ever.

90. You are better than this. It’s time to rise above this heartbreak and start living the life you deserve.

91. There is healing for your broken heart. If you let love in and squeeze it tight, you will feel things you never felt before—passion and warmth, and most of all, security.

92. There is healing for your broken heart, and it’s knocking on the door of your heart. If you let the rain wash your pain, you’ll see the sun come out again, and your spirits will rise. Allow the healing rain to wash your heart.

93. There is healing for your broken heart. Your heart knows it, and you really should start agreeing with it.

94. There’s healing for your broken heart. Your heart knows this, and I know it. Listen to us.

95. There is healing for your broken heart. Love is the answer you seek to find. There’s a person out there who’s perfect for you, but you must love yourself in order to know true love.

96. There is healing for your broken heart. These words are so familiar and so stale, but don’t you know, my dear, that those are what makes them true?

97. Your broken heart can be healed if you just give it a chance. There is healing to gain. Your broken heart will mend.

98. Life’s a wilderness—a wilderness full of pain, but don’t let the pain of your heart keep you from the joys of life.

99. Your broken heart will be healed, no matter how hard it seems, and by faith, you’ll make it through.

100. I’ll hold your hand, and we’ll walk through to where healing waits for you. I just want to see you alright, and I believe your heart will be mended. It will be fixed.

101. Even if you’re not ready to forgive and forget, forgiveness is the best way to move forward, to get healing for your broken heart. You deserve the peace that comes after healing.

102. Your broken heart will be healed. You’ll see the sun again and smile at it like you used to. And you’ll be a better you.

103. I love you. I will always love you. You deserve healing and happiness, and they will come and replace your broken heart with a heart that’s filled with joy.

Hey, heart healer. I called you that because you’re armed with many heart-healing quotes, the best of them. Maybe you’re even a heart doctor now. Lol. I hope you loved all the quotes, and I pray they heal the broken hearts that receive them.

Two things I’ll advise you to do before you leave: (1) surf around and read lovely articles on this blog, and (2) share this collection with your friends—you never know who needs them.

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