Quotes to Make You Feel Better

Quotes to Make You Feel Better

First things first, you need to start feeling better. Quotes or no quotes, “good” should be your default feeling.

Life comes at us from different angles and in ways that we who have no manuals on how to go through life and it makes us feel bad.

It’s moments like and similar to this that brought about this compilation of quotes. These quotes are here to help you cheer up, to make you feel good, even to make you feel better no matter how horrible or great you feel.

You’ll also find quotes that make you feel good about yourself and those that remind you to help others feel good too.

So dig in and let these quotes make you feel better to do what they do best—make you feel better.

Quotes That Make You Feel Good

I hate to brag to you, but I do have a certain right to feel good. After all, I did just return home from doing my little to make the world a better place, even with all the many disappointments that met me out there. Why shouldn’t I feel great?”

1. I have a truckload to be thankful for. I have a lot of reasons to be proud of myself. I’m blessed, I’m hardworking, and I’m smart. I may not be great with the ladies, but I do have the best wife in the world!

2. My hair, eyes, nose, lips, teeth, body, arms, legs are all beautiful. I have eyes that sparkle like stars and a heart that’s filled with love.

3. I am strong. I am intelligent. I am beautiful. No matter what people think. I am better than I was yesterday, stronger than I was yesterday, more intelligent than I was yesterday and more beautiful than I was yesterday!

4. I love myself. Life is good for me, no matter how I see it now. I love myself because I am someone special, and life is good for those who love themselves.

5. To me, I am the greatest. I’m talented, smart and sexy. I have a good job and a big bank account with a loving family and great friends.

6. This is dedicated to me, myself and I. I am in love with myself, and I give myself to myself. Each day brings new joy, a new way to feel good about myself.

7. There are many reasons to feel good about myself, from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.

8. If I’ve earned anything, it’s the right to feel good right now.

9. I am my own greatest friend, who cares for me and loves me for who I am and for what I have done.

Quotes That Make You Feel Good About Yourself

“You deserve it—to feel good about yourself. I can swear you’ve been working hard and doing your best. You deserve to feel great too. Treat yourself. And when you meet anything that makes you feel bad about yourself, kick it out the window.”

10. I don’t care what others think; I am going to feel good about myself. I will do the things I love to do and stay strong.

11. I am intelligent, adventurous and beautiful, no matter what people think. I know I can count on myself. I believe in myself. I have faith in myself. I love myself.

12. I am strong, intelligent and beautiful, no matter what people think. I may be the only creature who believes in me, but what I believe about myself is true.

13. I’m a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a friend, a businessman and a pretty cool guy and myself. I’m truly blessed.

14. I am strong. I am a lovely person. There are many beautiful things about me. I know these. Some people don’t think so, but I know the truth.

15. I am strong. I am smart. I am a beautiful work of art. No matter what people think. My mind is my own, and I can think for myself, and I think and believe I am these.

16. I see myself differently than others. I see myself as strong, intelligent, and beautiful too. Being different from the rest of you, I will not let others define me. No matter what others think of me, I will always love myself.

17. I will always feel good about myself. No matter what happens in life, I know that I will always be great.

18. When I look in my mirror, I see a good person, I see someone I love, and I see someone I am proud to be.

19. I’m an awesome person, an adventurer, intuitive and I always give my best. I’m proud of my accomplishments in life and will always be proud of me.

You Make Me Feel Good Quotes

Thank you for doing so much to make me feel good. You and I both know that I’m not that easy to be around sometimes, but you always make me laugh. That is a wonderful thing, and I am very grateful for your friendship.

20. You’ve helped me through so many things, and all the time, you do it with a smile. You’re a unique person, but most importantly, you’re someone I can trust. You make me feel good.

21. You make me feel good when you hold my hand and whisper that I’m beautiful.

22. You make me feel good ‘cuz you look out for me. You make me feel good ‘cuz you’ve got my back. You make me feel good ‘cuz you know what’s up.

23. You make me feel good. You make me feel sun-shiny. You make me feel warm. You make me feel good.

24. You make me feel good. You make me feel stronger. You give me the motivation to achieve my ambitions, and the motivation to do so is because you are my inspiration.

25. You make me feel good. You make me smile. You make me feel like I’m not lonely. You make me feel loved. You make my life better. You make me feel good

26. You make me feel good because you are so supportive. And even when I’m wrong, you’re still there for me.

27. You make me feel good, even if I am not a good man. But I will try to be because you’ve shown me an example.

28. You make me feel good, better than ever, for you bring out the best in me, and there’s no exaggeration.

Quotes to Make You Feel Better About Life

It’s all a part of life. These things happen, and we will all be okay. No matter what it is, we will find solace in that. Don’t worry too much about what might happen. Instead, focus on being a great person, doing good work, and living a meaningful life. In the end, life has a way of rewarding us.

29. Life is good for me, no matter what is happening now. The sun will always shine. The grass will always grow. And my life will always be good, no matter what is happening now.

30. When life gives me a bitter taste, I won’t let it ruin my day! I’ll always pick myself up and look on the bright side. Life is good for me, no matter what is happening now.

31. To me, life is good, no matter what I see right now. I know I’ll be just fine when this storm clears.

32. Sometimes in life, I’m going to get down and low. Here is a little reminder that life is good for me, no matter what the current situation is.

32. Life is good for me. I wake each morning and smile. I’m happy this is my life—the same life I’m so thankful for.

33. Life has many beautiful things, and I’m sure they were meant just for me. I never thought I was special, but who’s more special than me now?

34. Life is good for me, no matter what is happening now. I know I have my family by my side to make life twice as good.

35. I keep looking forward, always reaching higher. Life has so much in store for my family and me, and I’m excited about it.

36. There are many things in life that I want life, but I feel that I deserve all of them and more. Life has so many beautiful things for me. Someday I hope to receive all of them.

Make Someone Feel Good About Themselves Quotes

You can make a difference in someone’s life by telling them how much you admire their work, cheering on their athletic accomplishments, or simply taking the time to listen. Go out of your way to make someone feel good about themselves—you’ll both be glad you did.

37. Beautiful girl, what is it you do to make people feel good about themselves, to make people feel like they’re worth something, to make people feel special, to make people feel like you like them?

38. Some people are mean, some people are vain, but if you can make someone feel good about themselves, they might change, and you’ll be happy with them and you.

39. If you see someone in need of a smile and you can give it, go on and give it. You’ll brighten their day, and you’ll be remembered dearly. That’s one way to make someone feel good about themselves.

40. It’s so beautiful to watch when you make someone feel good about themselves—they start to grow and to glow, laughing and dancing and being so joyful.

41. Make someone’s day. Make them feel like they’re on cloud nine, and make them feel like they’re more than fine.

42. I try to treat all people as if they were special, for they are each individual and so unique. I have a special gift to give all whom I meet—I’ll make them feel better about themselves.

43. You can feel good about yourself because you’re a good person, and you deserve it.

44. Make someone feel good about themselves. Make someone feel like they’re worth it. Make someone feel like they’re wanted. Make someone feel like they’re needed. Make someone feel like they’re good enough.

Inspirational Quotes to Make You Feel Good About Yourself

I am kind, and other people love me. I deserve to be treated with respect. I am of value, and it is my right to be happy. There’s a place far from me for anyone who disagrees with any of these.

45. Note to self: I love you. You’re a good person, and the world is on the list of things you deserve. So go out there and get it!

46. I’m unique. And I’m beautiful. Because there has never been another person exactly like me, and there never will be again.

47. I’m beautiful. No opinions that disagree are correct. No one is ever going to convince me otherwise—and that’s a good thing because they’re wrong anyway.

48. I am more than just one of the billions on earth. I’m new and original, and even if no one else recognizes my one-of-a-kind qualities, I know that I’m extraordinary.

49. I am on the path to living my life with a purpose, and there will never be another me. I can and will change the world around you.

50. I’m a snowflake, and like all snowflakes, I am one-of-a-kind. No other creature will ever have the same outlook on life, the same values and beliefs, or the same sense of humour as me. Surprise! That makes me beautiful.

51. There is no reason to settle for less than the life I want, that I deserve.

52. I am not a typo. No part of me is a mistake. All my parts are wonderfully made and come together perfectly! Psalm 139:14.

Positive Quotes to Make You Feel Better

You are fearfully and wonderfully made, unique and one of a kind. You look better than ever, and you’ve got more life in you than you can imagine. Be yourself. Be beautiful. And avoid paying attention to the things that don’t make you feel better.

53. To myself: Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel. We all have things we’re insecure about, but if you feel good about yourself and how you look, then that’s all that matters.

54. I am so amazing. I am unique. God made no one else like me on the entire planet, and that’s why I love myself so much!

55. Every day, I have the opportunity to show someone my true self. I shouldn’t let body-shaming videos on TV, in magazines, or on social media influence how I feel about myself. I should love myself and be confident in my skin.

56. Dear me, stop worrying about what other people think of your so-called imperfections. Look in the mirror and worship the person you see and be happy with who you are.

57. In a world where everyone seems to be perfect, it can be hard to remember to love me. But I’ll feel good about myself and how I look in the mirror—that’s all that matters.

58. I am not my mistake. I am a perfect being of light, designed with a purpose and destined for greatness.

59. Don’t compare yourself to others, dear self. Everyone has insecurities and makes mistakes. But if you feel good about how you look and how you are, that’s all that matters.

60. I look so good on the outside because what lives inside me is pure.

Quotes About Making Others Feel Good

Make an effort to be someone that makes others feel good. Others will enjoy being around you, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by friends who will help you succeed. People matter, and making them feel special will bring you good things.

61. It’s never too late to make someone feel good. And it feels so good to do it!

62. Feeling happy and making others feel good are the best—so feel good and spread it.

63. It makes you feel good to make others feel good. Do things for the people in your life. It’ll make you happy too.

64. There is nothing better than the feeling of making someone smile, especially for no reason at all.

64. To see someone’s eyes light up from your kind and caring words—how sweet it is!

65. Say it, so they will know it. If you look deeply into someone’s eyes and say something nice to them, their mood changes — it feels good, and it makes them feel good.

66. Make sure you show love to the people who need it today—they’ll feel good. And make sure to tell them why they deserve it.

67. When you make someone feel good, it’s not a gift you give them; it’s a gift you give yourself.

68. You will always make others feel good if you feel good about yourself. And who doesn’t want that?

Motivational Quotes to Feel Better

There’s nothing wrong with feeling good. It’s important to be aware of yourself and your environment. Feeling good is a healthy response to the stresses of everyday life. The number one reason why you should never stop feeling good about yourself is that you are awesome!

69. Feeling better and being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect; it means you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections.

70. We understand you’re struggling right now. It’s okay if you are. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Things will get better, we promise.

71. You are enough. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Be comfortable with who you are.

72. It’s okay if you’re not okay. It’s hard on a lot of us right now, and that’s okay too.

73. It’s okay. Lots of us are hurting right now, and it’s okay to admit how you feel. Look out for yourself. We’ll be looking out for you too.

74. You’re smart, you’ve worked hard, and now it’s time to treat yourself. You deserve it.

75. Yes, we’re a little late to the self-love party, but that’s okay. We’re here now, and we know what our worth is. We deserve the best!

76. You are a queen, which means you are worthy of total beauty and to feel your best every day.

Funny Quotes to Make You Feel Better

Warning: Life is beautiful. There’s no room for frowning; consider yourself warned. There’s only one thing we can be certain of—life is a lot more awesome than we think it is. Life is incredibly fun, and there are so many fun things waiting for you.

77. Note to self: You are amazing—just the way you are. So rad to be chilling with you here in our world.

78. Beyonce probably feels good about herself. Brad Pitt too. I’m worth just as much as they are, so until I hear otherwise about them, I’ll feel better.

79. Stop waiting for happiness. Just decide to be happy already!

80. So do five push-ups. Or introduce yourself to that person across the room. Or shed a tear for no reason at all. Or do whatever it is you need to do to feel better because you deserve to.

81. I’m an original. If there was someone else like me, I wouldn’t have been created.

82. If you could see yourself through my eyes, all the things that I adore about you would far outweigh your insecurities.

83. It’s hard. It sucks most of the time. But guess what? Life is worth living, so deal with it!

84. Suck it up, buttercup! Cuz life ain’t so bad. And when it’s all over, you won’t care how bad it was in the first place.

Sayings That Make You Feel Good

Life will never hand you a guaranteed path of ease, but trust that you are on the right path, that the universe is on your side, and know that no matter what happens, in the end, it will all work out. Cheer up and feel good.

85. I have feelings—good and bad, I have ups, and I have downs, but I know that I am strong—strong enough to get me through.

86. The reason why I should feel good about myself is that I am a human, and I can learn from my mistakes. I can do better and do good. I am important. I am necessary.

87. I am myself. There is no one else like me. I’m unique. I like who I am. I’m strong. I’m powerful. I’m able to do anything. I’m a bright shining star.

88. I am loved and special. I am appreciated and truly thought about. I deserve to be happy. And I like who I am. It’s no secret that I am cared for and that I am respected.

89. I am beautiful. I deserve to feel good. My body is strong. My mind is sharp. I am loved by many. And the world is mine to explore.

90. Think about yourself. Are you not beautiful, special, smart, and witty? Are you not so lovable?

91. Feel good and be happy. All your dreams will come true. Believe in the future. You are bound to succeed.

92. Feel food and be happy. If you can feel good and be happy, then nothing can hold you down once more.

Happy Quotes to Make You Feel Better

Hey girl, it’s okay. I hear you. Sometimes life takes a turn and makes you feel like you can’t catch your breath. But I promise you will get through this. You will laugh again. And “life doesn’t happen to you; it happens for you.” Stay happy and feel better.

93. I deserve the world, no matter what I have now. That’s what I believe.

94. I can do things others can’t. I’m good at things most have never tried. I have a purpose in my life, and even if I stop loving what I do or my job stops paying well, I’ll be fine.

95. Be happy, be free. Don’t let anyone tell you differently, for you are made just as perfect as you are with all the gifts and talents you were given.

96. Feel good and be happy. All your dreams will come true when you’re happy you’re smiling and fearless. And when you’re happy, you know what you’re about.

97. Your future is a gift, a hope and a blessing, and a reason to feel good. The present is where we live, but remember, the future begins with the present.

98. Self-esteem is a decision. Don’t wait until you feel better about yourself. Just decide to feel better about yourself.

99. You have a choice. You can wait until you feel better about yourself, or you can decide to feel better now.

100. Decide to feel better about yourself today. You’re good enough.

I hope you found so many quotes that were helpful to you. I hope you now consider this collection a feel-better manual. And I hope you’ll use these quotes to make others feel good too.

There are more helpful pages on this blog. You’ll be happy if you surf around, I promise. And before you leave here, please share this with one or more friends.