Safe Journey Prayer Quotes for Your Loved Ones

2025 Safe Journey Prayer Quotes for Your Loved Ones

I don’t care how many who have travelled that road,
How many lives that have been lost on that path.
I only care that you will be back safely,
And so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen.

Powerful Safe Journey Prayers

Amazing Safe Journey Prayer and Messages for Your Loved Ones.

As you go on this journey,
I leave you in the hands of God,
You will be saved from all dangers,
and you will be back home safely.

I pray to God on your behalf.
That He will be your guide and sustainer.
He will lead you to and fro on this journey,
And you will come back sharing testimonies of safe journey.

Wherever you go, whether in summer or winter,
Wherever you may be, morning night and noon,
Whatever you do, throughout your days,
May the safety of the Lord never depart from you,
Even as you travel on this journey. Amen.

As you have started this journey in joy,
It will surely end in Praise and Testimonies.
The Lines shall fall unto you in pleasant places,
And all shall be well with you through the journey.
Safe journey to you.

I pray that those that matter shall attend to you,
On this journey you will find favour and grace.
Nothing good shall God withhold for you.
Stay cool because Jesus is in your vehicle.
Safe Journey Prayers for a Friend

Of all that will meet your eyes,
Of all that will cross your minds,
Of all that you will touch by your hands,
May the good Lord possess for you.
Journey well, friend.

As you are going as a whole being,
So will you come, even hale and hearty.
All the evil on the way will never be yours,
But every good things shall God add to you.

This shall not be your last,
This shall not be your worst,
This shall be your best ever,
And the coming ones will be better.
Have a safe trip dear.

These safe trip prayers were adapted from Psalms 91: 1 – 16 of the Holy Bible. The prayers should be sent to your loved ones for safe journey as they travel. Also, it should be said altogether.

Biblical Prayers for Safe Travel

Inspiring biblical prayers for safe travel you can send to your lover to express how much you care about his or her safety as he or she is embarking on the trip.

As you embark on this journey, may you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty God, even to and fro.

The Lord shall be your unfailing refuge and fortress as you trust in Him for safety through out the journey.

You shall be divinely delivered from any snares of the evil ones and from every lurking pestilence along your way.

With His feathers are you covered and under His saving wings shall you trust. You shall hold on to his truth, in utmost obedience, as your infallible shield and buckler.

You shall not be afraid for the terrors by night, and the arrows that fly by day! Neither will you be afraid of any pestilence that walks in darkness… Not even for the destructions that waste at noonday.

Even if a thousand shall fall at your left side and thousands of thousands at your right hand, none shall come near you because you are secured by His Saving strength.

No matter what level of evil is recorded, with your eyes shall you see them and hear them with your ears.

You will dwell in safety throughout, because the Lord is your Refuge and the most High is your sure habitation.

There shall no evil befall you to and fro, on this journey, neither shall any trouble come near wherever you will be.

Surely, the Lord shall give His Angels charge over you, and they shall keep you in all your steps and ways on this trip.

The heavenly Angels shall bear your up in their hands that you don’t dash your feet against any stone.

Definitely, you shall have dominion over every form of trouble that would ever surface, trampling them under your feet in victory.

You will be delivered from all forms of accidents, calamity, tragedy, and misfortune because you have set you love and hope upon God.  You will be set on high, above forces and principalities, because you have known the name of the Lord, your mighty Redeemer.

Whenever you call upon the name of the Lord, He shall answer you speedily. Even if trouble would come, He will be with you. You will be delivered and be honoured in His name.

And I pray the Lord shall satisfy you with Long. And you shall proclaim His salvation, now and forever more.


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