Tired of Defending Myself Quotes

Tired of Defending Myself Quotes

It’s interesting how the definition of the word ‘defend’ has changed over the years. In our current culture, it seems increasingly necessary for people to stand up for themselves, and even fight back when facing criticism or speaking the negative truth about their actions or character.

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes people will say things about you — good, bad, or just plain ugly. Sometimes, these things are false, and if you’re reading this then there’s a good chance you’ve found yourself in the position of being tired of defending your reputation.

We’re all tired of defending ourselves. In these times, it seems you’re either competing with everyone else to get ahead, or trying desperately to hold onto what you’ve got. Everyone wants to live on “easy street” and not have to defend themselves. If you are tired of defending yourself then this is the right place, see these tired of defending myself quotes.

Tired of Defending Myself Quotes

You are busy. You have a life, job and family that needs you. So why do I need to waste time every single day defending myself? After all, what are my friends going to say? What is the point of defending myself? I’m sure everyone has something bad in their past too.

1. I want a healthier and happier lifestyle, I am tired of defending myself.

2. I am tired of defending myself, so let’s have a conversation. let’s have one!

3. I am tired of defending myself from people who don’t know me and just want to put me down.

4. I want to share my story and help others so they can learn from my mistakes too. I am tired of defending myself.

5. I’m tired of having to defend myself, I just want to be loved.

6. I am tired of being judged for what I eat, how I look and how successful I am. If you do not like me for who I am, then don’t look at me. I am tired of defending myself.

7. I want to be seen for who I am, I am tired of defending myself.

8. I’m tired of defending myself when people judge me, but I never judge them.

9. I’m tired of defending myself and trying to prove that I’m not a bad guy. So many times, I feel like I’m the one being judged by people who only know my reputation and have never known me personally.

10. I’m tired of being defensive. I am a person who thinks outside the box but is willing to stand up for what’s right even if it means taking on heavy criticism.

11. I am tired of explaining and defending myself, and I’m tired of always being in the wrong. But most of all, I am sick of people feeling bad for me. They’re not having to live this life that they think is so hard and frustrating; they have no idea what it’s like to always feel judged and misunderstood by everyone around them.

12. I am tired of defending my choices, and actions. Tomorrow is another day, and a chance to do better than yesterday.

13. I am tired of having to defend myself, my good name and my personal life. I will no longer be the scapegoat and victim of the constant arguments that are going on behind the scenes.

14. I’m tired of defending myself and letting the world judge me. I am strong but not in a bad way.

15. I am strong and capable enough to handle everything that comes my way, that’s why I’m tired of defending myself. .

16. If you don’t believe in me, fine. But don’t try to change me or sit on the fence. I am here and tired of defending myself.

17. I’m tired of defending myself, the way I measure up to others and my own expectations. I can’t wait to find out who I am & who I want to be.

18. I am tired of defending myself. I love my freedom and I will never give it away to anyone else.

19. I’ve been called out. I’m tired of defending myself, but I will continue to do so as long as it is needed.

20. The truth is, I am tired of defending myself. I am a strong woman who has been very fortunate to have overcome many challenges in life.

21. I’m always the one who has to explain myself. That’s why I am tired of defending myself from haters and bullies.

22. Letting go of what other people think of me is liberating. I am tired of defending myself, I choose to let go and show off my real self.

23. I choose to let go of the things that no longer serve me and love the person I need to be, I am tired of defending myself.

24. I choose to let go and be vulnerable; I am tired of defending myself and my actions.

25. I want to be seen, heard, and understood. Let’s talk because I am tired of defending myself.

26. I am tired of defending myself from people who throw stones. I don’t want to hear how I should change, I just want to be me.

27. I just can’t do it anymore. It’s time I stopped defending myself, and began to let myself be seen.

28. I am tired of defending myself. Instead, I will learn from my mistakes and become the person that deserves all of this love when I finally get there.

29. I am tired of defending myself. I am not perfect, I am tired of defending. so I have nothing to hide.

30. I want to build a strong foundation that will last the test of time and allow me to grow and evolve into a better version of myself. I no longer want to defend myself.

31. I am tired of defending myself against people who don’t understand me, or don’t want to understand me. I am sick of explaining myself, even though I have nothing to explain.

32. I am tired of defending myself by showing the people who don’t support what I am doing, that I am strong and capable.

33. I am tired of reading what others think of me. I am tired of defending myself. I am tired of trying to please others. I am tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see.

34. I am tired of defending myself and my values. I am tired of explaining why I will not work with someone who doesn’t believe in the same things I do. I am tired of being a target of people who want to get in the way of their success by trying to bring me down.

35. I’ve been defending myself for years, I just wish that it would stop.

36. I am tired of defending myself and my art. I want to be free, free to be myself and speak my mind.

37. I don’t want to be confined just because I have the “wrong” opinion. I am tired of defending myself and my choices.

38. I’m choosing to let go and be vulnerable. I am tired of defending myself. I’m choosing to no longer hold on so tightly to what is known, but to instead chase what I think might be true.

39. I’m taking a break from trying to be a people pleaser, and I’m staying true to myself. I choose to let go of my need to defend myself so that I can be emotionally present.

40. All done defending myself, I choose to let go of the negative self-talk and fill my mind with positive thoughts.

41. I’m ready to let go of this need to defend myself. I know that God is always with me, and he will take care of me.

42. One of the best decisions I ever made was to let go of my reputation. No more defending myself and trying to prove that I’m not a bad guy. It’s time to be authentic and just be me.

43. Sometimes it’s okay to just let go and let God. Let others speak for you, rather than defending myself.

44. I will not be tired of doing the right thing, but I will stop defending myself.

45. I’m done trying to defend myself. I’m here to tell my story and more importantly, be there for others who feel trapped in a hostile environment.

46. I am tired of defending myself, no matter how much people say that I shouldn’t.

47. I am not the kind of person who needs to put others down. I have my truth, and I stand by it, but I will let go of trying to defend myself.

48. I’m gonna keep on saying my piece, even when my words hit a wall. I am tired of defending myself.

49. I am tired of defending myself. I will not let anyone or anything stop me from being the best version of myself.

50. I’m tired of people judging me for being myself. I am tired of defending myself.

51. I’m not perfect, but I am a good person who is trying to improve, so I will stop trying to defend myself.

52. It’s exhausting to keep up the fight when I’m tired of defending myself.

53. I am tired of defending myself against people who don’t know me, and have never bothered to find out.

54. I am tired of defending myself when people act like I don’t belong.

55. When my words and actions are thrown back in my face, I am tired of being on the defensive.

56. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. I am tired of defending myself and my choices to the world. I just want to be happy and get on with my life.

57. I’m tired of defending myself. I’m not perfect, but I am honest and I always treat people with respect. If you don’t like my opinions or behaviour, unfriend me or block me, but don’t attack or insult me because of it.

58. It’s easy to get tired of defending myself in a world that’s constantly trying to put me down. But I’m telling you, it’s not worth it.

59. I’m tired of being defensive. I’m tired of defending myself and my actions because I want people to like me, but really what I want is for them to see beyond the surface and get to know me.

60. I’m tired of defending myself and my actions because I want people to see me for me. My true essence is so much deeper than what the eye can see.

61. I will no longer be defensive of myself. I will no longer defend myself or my actions because I want people to get past the big hair and tattoos and give me a chance.

62. I am tired of being judged. I am tired of being told that I did not deserve more than I have gotten in life, but I am tired of defending myself.

63. I am tired of explaining myself to people. I am tired of being judged by others. I am tired of keeping the peace because I am trying to make peace in my life.

64. I am tired of defending myself against the criticism and claims made about me without proof. I am a creator, and I know what my work is worth.

65. I am not a victim, I’m a survivor. I am tired of defending myself from people who think they know me better than I do.

66. I am tired of defending myself, my thoughts, and my actions when people aren’t happy with the things I do.

67. I’m tired of defending myself. I’m ready to start building something real, something that matters.

68. I am tired of defending myself. I am tired of the way people look at me and how they talk about me. I am tired of being told that I am no good, because they don’t think I deserve to be better than they are.

69. I am tired of having to defend myself, I am tired of people’s judgments and opinions, and I am tired of misconceptions.

70. It is time to stop defending myself and start speaking my truth. It is time to end the silence.

71. II am tired of explaining away every bad thing that has ever happened to me. I am ready for change—for a new way of life where good things happen to me because I deserve them and because I work hard to receive them.

72. I am tired of defending myself. I have been trying to reach a place where I don’t even have to do that anymore.

73. I am tired of having to defend myself when it comes to how I look and what I wear. I am tired of feeling like I have to answer for my choices and decisions. I am tired of being criticized and judged by everyone else but me.

74. I am tired of explaining myself. I am tired of feeling like the other person’s life is more important than mine. I am sick of feeling guilty and ashamed. I am done trying to be a good person.

75. I am tired of defending myself, from people who simply don’t get me or care to. I’ve spent so long trying to please the people around me rather than being the best version of myself and now it is time for me to stand up and take some ownership of what’s happened in my life.

76. I’m tired of defending myself. I’m going to stop doing it and start living my life.

77. I’m tired of having to defend myself, even though I know I have done nothing wrong. I am a good person and I have always worked hard to be the best version of myself.

78. I have been criticized for everything I do. I am tired of defending myself and my actions, but if you don’t like it, I can’t change that.

79. I’m tired of being judged and criticized and shunned by people who have no right to judge me, but I am tired of defending myself against everyone else’s opinions.

80. If you are going to be mean and hateful, it is your fault for being an absolute turd. I am tired of defending myself.

81. I have become so tired of defending myself and my actions. I constantly feel like everyone is against me, but it’s not really fair to expect me to change who I am just because they don’t like it.

82. I’m tired of defending myself and my choices. My voice is powerful enough to do this all by itself. Stop telling me how I should be feeling or acting and start asking me what I’m going to do about it.

83. I’m tired of defending myself against the negative comments and judgments of others. I deserve better.

84. I know I can do better. I’m tired of defending myself against the negative comments and judgments of others. I deserve better.

85. I don’t do the things people criticize me for. I just want to be happy and take care of my family. I’m tired of defending myself.

86. I’m tired of defending myself against the negative comments and judgments of others. It’s time to change the world for the better, by living a more positive life.

87. I am tired of defending myself. I need to move forward, but I’m so scared.

88. I’m tired of apologizing for being me. I’ve never been perfect and I never will be, but that’s okay. Everyone has flaws and everyone is a work in progress. The best things in life are the ones that last forever.

89. I deserve better. I’m tired of defending myself against the negative comments and judgments of others.

90. I’m tired of defending myself. If you don’t like me, fine, but don’t let it affect you.

91. I’m tired of defending myself. I want to be happy, but instead, I’m always the one being judged and criticized. I can’t keep up with the stress of my life anymore, how can I ever be happy?

92. I’m tired of explaining what happened. It’s just too exhausting. Let me be, you don’t understand, and I don’t even care if you do.

93. I’m tired of having to defend myself. I’m tired of explaining what happened and why it happened. I don’t have time for this anymore.

94. I’m not perfect. I’m just me. I’m tired of defending myself and being judged. So I’m going to tell you what I’ve always wanted to say but never did:

95. I’m tired of having to defend myself every time someone asks how I’m doing. It’s not my job to be constantly interacting with the world and answering questions about myself.

96. I’m tired of explaining myself and my motives because people think I’m a bad person. The truth is, I’m just a human being who is trying to do the best she can in this world. Don’t judge me because of how you feel about me.

97. I don’t do anything wrong and I don’t want anybody to get in my way. I’m tired of defending myself.

98. I’m tired of explaining myself, even to people who know me well. This is my life and my body and I’m not asking for anyone else’s approval.

99. I’m tired of defending myself and my decisions. I’m not perfect, but I know what’s best for me.

100. I’m tired of defending myself. I’m tired of people questioning my motives and trying to find a story behind every comment.

101. I’m tired of having to defend my actions, my beliefs, and my tastes. So I’ve decided to stop.

102. I’m tired of defending myself when all I want to do is be a good person.

103. It’s exhausting to defend myself. I’d rather tell you what I’m about instead of telling you what you think I am.

You are a human being who deserves to be heard and respected. Regardless of whether you’re comfortable with your body or not, you deserve to be in charge of your own life and make your own choices. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

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