Turning a Blind Eye Quotes

Turning a Blind Eye Quotes

Have you ever turned a blind eye to injustice? You’ve heard the saying, “not my circus, not my monkeys.” What if we turn a blind eye to an issue that is our business? This can be tricky, though, because there are many things in life that we do not want to be part of. Sometimes this is due to fear, the previous history with a person or situation, and sometimes it’s because we don’t want to get our hands dirty. Many people are not held accountable for their actions and words because the masses turn a blind eye.

Everyone has a blind eye. It takes so much effort not to see things. At times acceptable social behaviour drives you towards ignoring some things that maim humanity. If you didn’t ignore it, the unbearable pain would tempt you to kill those responsible.

Taking things for granted isn’t an opinion or something people do. It’s a specific action done repeatedly by certain people. Turning a blind eye can be detrimental or advantageous to a person or things. Here are some turning a blind eye quotes to help you know what is right.

Turning a Blind Eye Quotes

Humans are ingenious in ignoring social, moral and ethical concerns and problems. We either tell ourselves or convince others that the problems do not exist because they are not visible to us. Don’t live with your head in the sand and turn a blind eye or ignore seeing what is evident in your sight.

1. Don’t overlook the little things. A wise man once said, “if you notice the small things, big things will happen.

2. There are things you should never ignore, but some situations are best dealt with in silence.

3. Turning a blind eye is a form of “passive aggression”; It amounts to “I don’t want to look or deal with the thing that needs my attention.”

4. Turning a blind eye is the first step down the path to evil.

5. If you dare to turn a blind eye, you dare to change things.

6. Turning a blind eye to someone’s pain isn’t healing. It’s just easier.

7. Don’t turn a blind eye to the things you don’t want in life because they will come to find you.

8. Turning a blind eye to the truth is turning a blind eye to yourself.

9. Don’t turn a blind eye to people who need a hand-up.

10. Turning a blind eye to your own heart. If you want to survive, be true to yourself!

11. Turning a blind eye doesn’t change what you’re looking at.

12. Turning a blind eye to your interests will only make you blind to the world around you.

13. It’s time to stop turning a blind eye and do something about it.

14. Turning a blind eye to something doesn’t make it go away, but denying something doesn’t make it go away.

15. You can turn a blind eye but can’t shut your eyes.

16. Turning a blind eye to hate is not a solution. It’s Just a matter of time before the hate comes around and hits you.

17. We all make mistakes. But turning a blind eye to an issue is not the same as solving it. Turning a blind eye can be as destructive as dealing with it head-on.

18. Don’t turn a blind eye to things you don’t want to see. The best way to make something go away is to confront it, accept reality, and move on—because nothing ever disappears completely.

19. They’re always there even when we don’t want to see them. We can’t ignore it or pretend it didn’t happen. Sooner or later, you have to deal with things that have happened in the past.”

20. Don’t ignore a problem; confront it head-on.

21. Don’t deny what you can’t change. Face the pain. Be honest with yourself and others.

22. You have to face facts. Denial is not a solution. It would help if you moved on.

23. You can’t run away from what happened in the past. You have to face it and deal with it.

24. Turning a blind eye to negativity is only good for keeping peace with everyone; in a world full of negativity and stress, staying positive is important.

25. Turning a blind eye isn’t always about giving up your principles or ideals. It’s about staying true to yourself and knowing you’re the only one who can do that for you.

26. When you try to ignore something, you are only fueling its thoughts. Instead, turn your eyes to something positive and gain strength from it.

27. When you choose to turn a blind eye, you let down your guard and become vulnerable. But when you look at the positives and stand up for what you believe in, you set yourself up to succeed.

28. It’s not bad to turn a blind eye to what other people do. But it’s a mistake to turn your blind spot on your values, beliefs and actions.

29. You believe it’s acceptable for people to be dishonest, turn a blind eye and forgive hard-working, honest people.

30. Let’s face it: It’s easy to let your eyes slide past other people’s behaviours.

31. Don’t ignore the past, and don’t pretend it didn’t happen. It doesn’t matter what you say or how hard you try to move on. The truth always comes out one day.

32. The past is never done with you. Sooner or later, you’ll have to be mature and deal with it.

33. You can’t just run away from the past or try to ignore it. It’s the only way it will affect you mentally and physically.

34. Don’t pretend that things didn’t happen. It won’t make them go away, and it will only hurt you in the long run.

35. You can’t move forward until you’ve dealt with all the things that have happened.

36. You can’t solve a problem by ignoring it.

37. In many cases, the best solution to a conflict is to address the issue directly. The negative effects often amplify if an issue is ignored, treated lightly, or played down.

38. Turning a blind eye to a problem is not the same as solving it. Proceeding without acknowledging these issues can be as destructive as dealing with them head-on.

39. Don’t ignore the problems. Solve them. Acknowledge them and then fix them for good.

40. If your eyes are opened, you’ll find many ways to tackle the problems you are facing. No matter how hard it is, don’t turn a blind eye to these problems.

41. Turning a blind eye to the issues destroying society can be as destructive as dealing with them head-on.

42. You can’t just turn a blind eye to the problems in our world. It’s time to do something about it.

43. To turn a blind eye, to close one’s eyes for the sake of closing them, is cowardice.

44. To turn away from the truth and bury oneself in illusions is self-deception.

45. The greatest crime is to turn a blind eye to suffering.

46. Turning a blind eye to something doesn’t make it go away, but pretending it’s still there doesn’t change anything.

47. If you turn a blind eye to the problems in this world, they will keep coming back with a vengeance. If you open up and look closely, you can improve.

48. Ignoring an issue is not the same as solving it. Turning a blind eye can be as destructive as dealing with it head-on.

49. If you ignore an issue, it’ll just grow bigger. Don’t let fear stop you from doing what is right.

50. The only way to deal with an issue is to face it honestly for yourself and those around you.

51. Don’t let problems sit there – take care of them before they take care of you.

52. You don’t have to face everything you’re afraid of directly, but it’s always better to talk about them than to pretend they aren’t there.

Turning a Blind Eye to Injustice Quotes

The world needs good people willing to stand up for what’s right, even if it means making sacrifices or putting themselves in danger. But you don’t have to be a superhero to make a difference; you must do what’s right in your life and help others whenever possible.

53. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustice—you might see it in someone you love.

54. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustice; speak up and improve things.

55. Don’t let injustice go unchecked. Speak up against discrimination, whether in private or in public.

56. We must stand against injustice no matter how uncomfortable it makes us.

57. You must speak up when you see things others aren’t reporting.

58. If you see something wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up and do something about it.

59. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustice, but stand up for those who can’t do it themselves.

60. Don’t ever turn a blind eye to injustice. Your voice is important. 

61. The world can be a pretty scary place. If you want to be a change-maker, don’t turn a blind eye to injustice because it doesn’t directly affect you.

62. Ignoring injustice doesn’t make it go away. It’s your responsibility to fight for humanity and stand up for what’s right.

63. When you see things that aren’t right, when prejudices are being reinforced, when people are ignored, that’s when you have a responsibility to speak up.

64. Justice is not about being privileged; it’s about knowing what to do when you have the privilege of being privileged.

65. Don’t let others tell you what you can or cannot do. Always stand up for what is right and make sure everybody feels safe.

66. Follow your heart and conscience and speak the truth to power.

67. Sometimes, you have to make a stand for what’s right.

68. Turning a blind eye to injustice is not a sign of strength; it’s a sign of cowardice.

69. Turn a blind eye to injustice, and it will come back to haunt you.

70. We must turn a blind eye to injustice to become the society we desire.

71. When you turn a blind eye to injustice, it will catch up with you.

72. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustices. Speak up for the voiceless.

73. There is no turning a blind eye to injustice. Treat the person you love respectfully, even when they are disrespectful.

74. We must protect those we love and care about the most. We can’t turn a blind eye to injustice, no matter how small it May seem.

75. Let’s rise together and say: that we will no longer tolerate the playing out of injustice.

76. Don’t be a bystander; stand up and speak out when you see something wrong.

77. Let’s be better than a blind eye. Let’s take action to ensure our society never leaves any person behind.

78. Turning a blind eye to injustice is like allowing a bully to keep picking on you.

79. You can’t turn a blind eye to injustice, but you can change your perspective on how things are.

80. If you don’t stand up for what is right, then someone else will-on your behalf.

81. We all need to stand up for what is right, not just in our daily lives but even in the larger issues facing our country today.

82. When you turn a blind eye to injustice, it Will come back to haunt you.

83. Turning a blind eye to injustice can have serious consequences. Be vigilant and stay engaged in your community.

84. Ignoring injustice will only create more problems. Step up now, and make a difference!

85. Stop ignoring injustice. Start doing something about it.

86. It’s time to speak out against injustice.

87. Don’t be a bystander or someone that turns a blind eye to injustice. Shine a spotlight on your community and start a conversation about how we can improve it.

88. Don’t be blind to what’s happening in our communities. These issues must be addressed, starting with each of us ensuring we do the right thing.

89. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustice. The time to do something about it is now.

90. Never turn a blind eye to tragedy. Never ignore a crisis.

91. It’s time to speak out against injustice. With your voice and with your vote, you can make a difference.

92. It’s time to speak out against injustice. Stand up for what is right, and be counted.

93. Stand up for what is right. Speak out against injustice. Fight back against the injustices that occur around you.

94. Time to speak up and make a difference.

95. The sooner we stand up for what is right, the better chance we will make our society better.

96. Turn a blind eye to injustice, and it will kill you.

97. We can’t Just turn a blind eye to injustice. We must fight for what is right, even when it means fighting with every ounce of our strength.

98. Turning a blind eye to injustice means saying yes to corruption.

99. Turn a blind eye to injustice and watch it grow.

100. The only way to ensure justice is not just for the few but for everyone. Don’t turn a blind eye to injustice—speak up!

101. It’s easy to let the little things slide, but when it comes to something as big as injustice, don’t turn a blind eye.

102. Stand up for what’s right. Don’t let injustice pass you by.

103. You’re making a choice when you are wronged in the workplace and turn a blind eye to it. Don’t do that.

104. Injustice is not just an inconvenience; it’s a disgrace. It has to stop.

105. You’re part of the problem when you see something wrong and don’t say anything.

106. We must turn a blind eye to injustice rather than give in to a culture of denial.

The point is that you may be in a position to make a difference, whether you realize it or not. Think about the injustice around you and consider how you can help to create change. Don’t wait for someone else to fix what’s broken in the world; even small actions can go a long way towards making a real difference. Share these turning a blind eye quotes with family and friends. Thanks.

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