Best Advance Happy Birthday Wishes for Lover

2025 Best Advance Happy Birthday Wishes for Lover

Is it a few days, weeks or even hours to the birthday of your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, fiancé or fiancée? Do you want an awesome — or the best — text or quote to wish them a happy birthday in advance?

Then this collection of advance happy birthday wishes for lover is for you. There’s a hundred and fifty for you to select from. This should give you what you want.

Go through the list and select your favourite, then shoot it out to your lover because, well, that’s why it is here in the first place.

Happy Birthday in Advance Wishes for Him or Her

Sweet Happy Birthday in Advance Wishes for Lovers from the Heart.

1. In less than 24 hours, the best part of me will be celebrating a new age. Happy birthday to you in advance.

2. If I could wait for the birthday of the most beautiful man in the world, your phone would not have beeped. Happy birthday in advance.

3. It’s like my love for you increases with every passing year. I can’t wait to see it boost again. Happy birthday to you in advance, sweetheart.

4. This is in preparation for the birthday of the number one person in my life. Happy birthday in advance.

5. Look at how far you’ve gone. In three days we will be celebrating the diamond in you. Happy birthday in advance, my love.

6. I don’t care what others think; to me, you’re aging gracefully. Happy birthday to you in advance.

7. Just a week is left until we celebrate the most important woman in the world. Happy birthday to you in advance.

8. Tomorrow is the big day. If you want to ruin my tomorrow, just postpone your birthday by one more week. Happy birthday in advance, baby.

9. It’s now a ritual that excitement doesn’t let me do the things I do normally when your birthday is around the corner. Happy birthday to you in advance.

10. I still got a few days to finish my compilation of the things I’ll be celebrating you for. Happy birthday in advance, sweetheart.

11. Another opportunity to prove that I haven’t forgotten your birthday is around the corner. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

12. I’m praying that the celebrations this year really does justice to the greatness that you are. Happy birthday in advance, darling.

13. Left for me, I think tomorrow should be a public holiday in honour of the best wife the earth has ever seen. Happy birthday to you in advance.

14. My wishes for you are that you enjoy heights of joy that you’ve never enjoyed. Happy birthday to you in advance, my heart.

15. When the day comes, I’ll be a bodyguard and a charity to you. Just watch out for it. Happy birthday to you in advance, dearie.

16. You, my lover, are worthy of all the gifts and wishes you’ll get on your birthday that’s just two days away. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

17. I keep looking for ways to celebrate you and few days from now will give me one. Happy birthday to you in advance, my lover.

18. Every time you are celebrated, it’s for good. I’m proud of that. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

19. Just like the disciples of Jesus waited in the upper room, that’s how I’m waiting for your big day. Happy birthday in advance, dear.

20. I’m so sure that your birthday will come with much blessings for both of us. I just can’t wait to see what they will be. Happy birthday to you in advance.

21. With the way I’ll celebrate you this year, you’ll be blown away like cigarette smoke. I love you. Happy birthday in advance, honey.

22. I’m here for all the good, waiting for your birthday, one of the greatest days I know. Happy birthday in advance to you, baby.

23. We are amazing people, I know, but a few days from now and it’s your turn to be celebrated. Happy birthday to you in advance, heart.

24. Great is the day you were born and greater are the days we celebrate you. I’ll just be patient. Happy birthday in advance, sweetheart.

25. Just like children keep anticipating Christmas, I’m anticipating your big day. Happy birthday, honey.

26. Even with all my patience, waiting for your birthday is so hard — and it’s not because of the food! Happy birthday in advance to you, my baby.

27. Right now, I don’t want to be a hero or a richer or stronger person. I just want to celebrate you. Happy birthday in advance to you, love.

28. We may need new things, but can we, for the next four days, just focus on celebrating the most awesome woman on earth? Happy birthday in advance.

29. I don’t want to celebrate you like I celebrate everyone else. You deserve more. Happy birthday in advance, honey.

30. My heart’s racing. I’m about to witness one of the most beautiful moments in my life — your birthday. Happy birthday in advance to you, my heart.

31. I expect that every day till your birthday brings you answers to important questions about your life. Happy birthday in advance to you, my heart.

32. I took out time to look at a picture of my heart, and it looks like you, baby. I wish you a happy birthday in advance.

33. Every single day till your birthday be feeling like a year. Now it feels like 12 years to your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance.

34. I’ll celebrate you in the best way — watch and see. Can’t wait. Happy birthday to you in advance, beautiful one.

35. Even though it feels like it’s going to be a long countdown to your birthday, your birthday will always be worth it. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

36. I don’t blame myself for being so excited about the coming of your birthday. You’re just so amazing. Happy birthday to you in advance, my love.

37. What’s a better way to show how much I’m anticipating your birthday? Tell me so I’ll do it. Happy birthday in advance, dearie.

38. You have made me more proud of myself. Few days from now, I’ll tell you how. Happy birthday to you in advance, dearie.

39. Dear amazing person, it’s still a few weeks to your birthday and I’m already prepared for it. Happy birthday in advance, my lady.

40. The excellence that flows from you is one of the reasons I can’t wait to celebrate you. Happy birthday to you in advance.

41. My hand could not stop itself from reaching out to you, even though it’s not the big day yet. Happy birthday to you in advance.

42. If the birthday was today, I’d have taken you round the world. But since it’s not today, let’s wait and see what I’ll do for you. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

43. For you, I will be on my toes, because I don’t want anything to go south as we celebrate you. Happy birthday to you in advance, my love.

44. I can see us giving thanks to God for bringing you much success in this almost complete new year of yours. Happy birthday in advance, honey.

45. Every good wish thrown at you for your birthday will come to pass. Happy birthday to you in advance.

46. As we countdown to your birthday, may we not get bored. Happy birthday to you in advance, my baby.

47. If you’re here to get the best of life — and I know that’s why you’re here — then you won’t miss it. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

48. Fight on, fighter. Keep pressing on. It’s just one day to go before we give you a part of your reward. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

49. There are so many ways to celebrate greatness like yours, and one way will be experienced in a week from now. Happy birthday in advance, baby.

50. The light in you is so bright that it cannot be put out in a lifetime. Happy birthday to you in advance, sweetheart.

Birthday Countdown Quotes for Love

As we are just a few days away from your lover’s birthday today. Why not start celebrating him right from now? This is made simple since we have some birthday countdown quotes for lovers ready all you need to do is to just send it to him or better still upload them on your social media platforms.

51. It’s not funny that anytime your birthday is near, the days become slower. Happy birthday to you in advance, dearie.

52. Let all the earth stand at attention and stay that way till the big day — your birthday! Happy birthday in advance to you, my love.

53. May every prayer you get in your birthday be in motion. Enjoy your big day. Happy birthday to you in advance, my love.

54. The motion for now is that your birthday is just any other day, and I’m against it. Happy birthday in advance, my dear.

55. There is no other day in the year that looks forward to as much as I do your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, sweetheart.

56. Would it be alright if I tried to love you more on your birthday? Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

57. I’m not a fan of birthdays, but this day brings me a different kind of happiness. Happy birthday in advance, babe.

58. What if we celebrated your birth every day? I can’t wait for the remaining four days. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

59. I’m begging. Please, just move your birthday backward by a week, so we can celebrate it tomorrow. No more patience. Happy birthday to you in advance, beautiful one.

60. No jokes. I’m preparing for the best day of the year, the day we remember your birth. Happy birthday in advance.

61. Some goodness can only be found in your birthday. That’s what I’m waiting for now. Happy birthday to you in advance, darl.

62. As long as you will be around on your birthday, then let it delay for as long as it wants. Happy birthday to you in advance, sweetie.

63. I’ll just be here, saving all I’ve got to give you until your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

64. The beauty that came into the earth on the day you were born and other beauties that came in when we celebrated you in other years are about to be celebrated. Happy birthday in advance.

65. I’m saying that no gift you receive on your birthday, no matter how beautiful it is, can be as beautiful as you. Happy birthday to you in advance.

66. There’s nothing’s that can stop me from celebrating your day three days from now. Happy birthday to you in advance.

67. Even God is in support of me calling your birthday the best day on earth. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

68. For the greatness that you are, the awesomeness that you’ve become and the perfection you’re becoming, I’ll be happy to celebrate your birthday with you. Happy birthday to you in advance, my lover.

69. You’re my lover and nothing can change that, just like nothing can change the fact that tomorrow is your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, dearie.

70. It’s not yet your birthday, but the air is already saturated with people, especially me, celebrating you. You’re awesome. Happy birthday to you in advance.

71. As I wait for your day to come, I keep counting my blessings and I can’t count how many times I’ve counted you. Happy birthday to you in advance.

72. When Jesus died on the cross, I think he was demonstrating the kind of love you deserve. Happy birthday in advance to you, honey.

73. I’ll keep running any race that will bring me to always have you around me. Happy birthday to you in advance, my heart.

74. If I’m in darkness now, I look forward to your birthday as the light at the end. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

75. Happy birthday is the only song I wanna sing, but I hear I have to wait till tomorrow. Happy birthday to you in advance, dearie.

76. The truest of words now is: “I can’t wait for your birthday.” Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

77. Many years now and I still can’t control or get used to the excitement that comes when your birthday is close. Happy birthday in advance, sweetheart.

78. Even if you are not here with me, I’ll still throw a party to celebrate you. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

79. If I’m to say one thing to all of humanity today, it will be: “the best birth will be celebrated in four days!” Happy birthday in advance, my man.

80. Could it be that your birthday is actually today but you’re just deceiving us that it’s tomorrow? Why am I so excited? Happy birthday to you in advance, though.

81. Until you’re 90 and more, we’ll never be able to talk about all the awesomeness you are. I wish you a happy birthday in advance.

82. I have two birthdays. The one in March and the one we’re waiting for. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

83. We won’t talk about the pains of childbirth. We’ll only talk about the beauty of humanity, the human that you are. Happy birthday to you in advance.

84. I know the woman I’m celebrating, or, officially, that I’m about to celebrate, and she’s the best. Happy birthday in advance, darling.

85. I pray that your birthday goes just as planned and that you find more expression of life in it. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

86. If I have my way, we’ll drag your birthday back in time to today, or we’ll celebrate it every month. Happy birthday to you in advance, my love.

87. Do you know, my love, that I’ve never been tired of being a part of your birthday celebrations? Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

88. You’re the first and the best human to me, and so is your birthday that we all can’t wait for. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

89. When I calk tonight, do well to tell me of your plans for your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

90. Your good works will find you out and some will be recognised just a few days from now. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

91. We, who know you and how amazing you are, can’t wait to celebrate you. Happy birthday to you in advance.

92. My friends are accusing me of gluttony because I’m talking about your birthday all the time. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

93. So, after tomorrow, we’ll have to wait for another year before it comes again? Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

94. One of these years, we will make your birthday a weeklong celebration. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

95. As much as I can’t wait for your day, we also can’t change the date. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

96. When is your deification? Your sweetness makes me not want to consider you human anymore. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

97. I decided to tell you, before your birthday, that you’re a gift from God. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

98. I pray that your day meets us in health, and peace, and strength. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

99. As excitement builds up to your birthday, I want you to know that I love you madly. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

100. There’s really none who can take your place, even those who share birthday with you. Happy birthday in advance, dearie.

101. You are one person I’m happy to see every day. Can’t wait for your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, my heart.

102. One day, a few days from now, I’ll wake up to the birthday of the world’s best man. Happy birthday to you in advance, my love.

103. If you’ve noticed, I’ve been making some extra preparations for your birthday. This one will be special. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

104. You’re special to me and it’s that simple. So is your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

105. I heard your birthday is going to be a great one. I heard it from myself. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

106. How great can a day become that I look forward to it so much? Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

107. Spoiler! I’m preparing myself as a gift to give to you on your birthday! Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

108. Say no more! It’s only two days to go! I’m excited! Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

109. Waiting for your birthday got me feeling like a teenager waiting for his first phone. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

110. Only two days remaining for us to get to the birthday of the most beautiful woman on earth. Happy birthday to you in advance.

111. The span of your life seems like it will be intimidating. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

112. Little by little, the day when we will officially celebrate you is coming closer. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

113. All the days left to your birthday will leave with at least one noticeable blessing each. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

114. If I can wait for your birthday, I doubt you’ll be reading this. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

115. It’s a beautiful day today, but not ad beautiful as your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

116. Sometimes, words may not be the right words to say, but I’ll still say I’m excited about your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance.

117. After all, it’s said and done, your birthday is still the most exciting thing to me right now. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

118. Your birthday may not be perfect, but I still want to be a part of it, because you’re my lover and friend. Happy birthday to you in advance.

119. Listen closely and you’ll hear the bells ringing in my stomach. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

120. Baby boy, there’s no chance I will give you to make your day a small one. You’re stuck with me. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

121. It’s about to be about you, in just five days. I can’t contain my excitement. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

122. In the midst of work and church and everyday life, I still remember your birthday is one week away. Happy birthday to you in advance.

123. I hope you’re not going to forget your birthday this year. Happy birthday to you in advance, my heart.

124. If you get a birthday text from me before the main day, don’t think I’m crazy. Just know I just couldn’t wait anymore. Happy birthday to you in advance.

125. Thinking of changing my birthday date to yours. What do you think? LOL. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

126. Maybe the reason your birthday seems to take long to arrive is because nature is still thinking and working on it. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

127. Even if I’m blind and deaf, I’ll still know your birthday and when it is near. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

128. For the life you enjoy, I’m thankful to God. I pray your birthday is celebrated well. Happy birthday to you in advance, baby.

129. It’s not easy to keep waiting for the birthday of the most important human in your life. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

130. I’m at a place where everything about me is screaming “birthday!” Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

131. As we wait for your day, may we get all we need to celebrate it well. Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

132. The wind against my face only reminds me that tomorrow is the day. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

133. What a time to be alive! I can’t wait for this years birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

134. Whether rain falls like hell or the sun burns like the sun, your birthday must be a success. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

135. Let the rain empty the skies of it today because we don’t want any rains tomorrow. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

136. As the days go on, I’m distracted because of my excitement about tomorrow. Happy birthday to you in advance, sweetheart.

137. These days seem longer, but the consolation is that the long waits won’t be in vain. Happy birthday to you in advance, my baby.

138. I gotta be somewhere outside the state, but no movements until your birthday is done. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

139. These days, I hardly end any conversation without announcing that your birthday comes soon. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

140. I can’t believe I almost decided to sleep until your birthday that’s five days away? Happy birthday to you in advance, babe.

141. I figured that your birthday is special among birthday, so I’m waiting for it differently. Happy birthday to you in advance, dear.

142. I’ll be praying that this birthday blesses you more than any birthday has. Happy birthday to you in advance, love.

143. This one is in anticipation of the birthday of earth’s strongest woman. Happy birthday to you in advance.

144. It’s about to be another year for you. How time flies, darling. Happy birthday to you in advance.

145. You may not expect this, but I’ve been waiting for another birthday of yours since the last one. Still waiting, honey. Happy birthday to you in advance.

146. I could joke about a lot of things, but not about how celebrating you means very much to me, dearie. Happy birthday to you in advance.

147. I wonder why I can’t get used to the excitement that comes when your birthday is close. Maybe it’s because it increases all the time. Happy birthday to you in advance.

148. I guess tomorrow will mean nothing else to me if it wasn’t your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

149. Earth is hard, but there’s some rest to be found on your big day. Happy birthday to you in advance, darling.

150. If I knew God’s plan for your birthday, I would have celebrated it by now. LOL. Happy birthday to you in advance, honey.

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