2025 Happy Valentine’s Day Friendship Messages

After sending the love of your life a romantic Valentine’s day message, your good friends should be next on your list. And if there’s no need to send to a lover, then, waste no time in sending to a lovely friend.

Be the first to show them that they matter even on Valentine’s day.

Go ahead and serenade their heart and ignite the corners of their lips with a lovely smile with any of these Happy Valentine’s Day Friendship Messages.

You’ll be glad you did.

Happy Valentine’s Day Messages for Friendship

Happy Valentine’s Day SMS for My Precious Friend.

1. I couldn’t forget a friend like you on Valentine’s day. Happy valentine, dearest friend.

2. Having you as my valentine is more than enough for me. For a good friend is like a gem to live for. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetheart.

3. In abundance, you have given me your love even as a friend. Happy valentine, dear friend.

4. In love with a friend. Forever my heart is your home. Happy Valentine’s day, dearie.

5. To a friend who turns around my frown; happy valentine, dearest.

6. I’d throw a feast to celebrate us on valentine only if I could. Happy valentine to a special friend whose love I do not take for granted.

7. You’ve made friendship a delightful experience of smiles and love. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetheart.

8. Happy Valentine’s day is a happy friendship day. For you, my friend, I’ll do anything.

9. Our friendship is the purest thing I know. And the anchor I’ll forever hold on to. Sweet valentine to you bestie.

10. I couldn’t forget you on this day cause in my heart you live like an ocean. Be my valentine, bestie.

11. To the friend whose light is my shine; happy Valentine’s day, dearie.

12. We love to share a dining table. I hope we share valentine as well. Happy Valentine’s day, dearest friend.

13. Friends who’d last make each other their val. Be my val, sweetheart.

14. You are my memory. I hope we also have a future. Happy Valentine’s day, good friend.

15. No matter how old I get, you’ll be my friend forever. Happy valentine, bestie.

16. Our friendship is light, giving hope in the dark. It is liberating, comforting us whilst the storm rages. Happy valentine, my friend.

17. I’m glad I do have your friendship. So, I wish you were my valentine. Happy valentine, dearie.

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18. Open my heart and see for yourself how much I care. Look into my eyes and see how much I reverence you. Happy valentine, bestie.

19. You never cease to amaze me. Now all I want is you. Happy Valentine’s day, dear friend.

20. Your face is all that I see on this day. Happy valentine, sweet bestie.

21. Now I have your fingerprint marbled in mine, cause we hold hands every day. Happy valentine, bestie.

22. Valentine’s day holds a lot of meaning. But for me, it means you. Happy valentine, dear friend.

23. You deserve a medal on this day. So, have my heart forever. Happy Valentine’s day, sweet friend.

24. I’m not afraid of tomorrow cause I have a special friend. Happy valentine, dearest.

25. In the sky, I’ll write your name because you’re my best friend. And in my heart, I’ll never forget what love you’ve shown me. Happy valentine, dearest friend.

26. I do not need a val, all I need is a friend like you. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

27. To the unsung hero who lives in the core of my heart; happy Valentine’s day, sweet friend.

28. I hope you have a fabulous Valentine’s day celebration.

29. On this Valentine’s day, I hope you find a lover who fights for you till the end. Happy valentine, sweetest friend.

30. My heart melts with gratitude upon seeing you. Happy valentines day, my dearest friend.

31. On this day, I’ll celebrate the friendship that binds us forever. Happy Valentine’s day, dearest friend.

32. In the absence of the stars and the moon, I can be your val. Happy Valentine’s day, lovely friend.

33. My heart bears your love, your pain and your joy because I love you. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

34. Without the romance and dinners, you still make a lovely val. Happy Valentine’s day, sweet friend.

35. Don’t you forget, you’re my val and will always be because you’re a friend indeed. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

36. The stars in the sky remind me of you because, like them, you shine in the dark hours of life. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

37. I sleep with both eyes closed because you’re a friend and an angel. Happy valentine, sweetness.

38. You know what is good for me. Hence, I can’t love you less. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

39. Like the stars testify of your beauty, I hope they can of your heart too. Happy Valentine’s day, lovely friend.

40. I’ll have you as my friend in the life to come because you make a great friend here on earth. Happy valentine, dearest.

41. You give wings for me to fly. And you make jokes for me to smile. Happy Valentine’s day, best friend.

42. My heart beats with joy on this romantic day because you’re a friend with a melodious love. Happy valentine, dearie.

43. I’m flying high because you’re a friend like an angel. Happy valentine, my dearest.

44. I hope you always find what you seek. And life be so kind to you as you are to me. Happy valentine, dearie.

45. I owe you, my love, forever because I hope to be your friend always. Happy valentine, sweetie.

46. When you need a friend to call on Valentine’s day, you can always call me. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetie.

47. I want you to know that no one else can be my val save you. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

48. You’ve been my strength for years long. You’ve set me free with love since I met you. Happy Valentine’s day, sweet friend.

49. Through thick and thin we’ll grow tighter. Through our bond, we’ll become one. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetest friend.

50. I’m glad I knew you from the start. In your arms, I’ll forever find comfort. Happy valentine, sweetness.

Friendship Quotes for Valentine Day

Sweet Friendship Quotes for Beautiful Valentine’s Day.

51. May our pains be washed away as the sky gets clearer on this Valentine’s day.

52. I love being with you on every Valentine’s night and it’s all because of who you are. Happy Valentine’s day.

53. Spending the val next to you is like living in paradise. Have a lovely val.

54. You get me thinking every val, cause you’re an epitome of love, indeed. Happy Valentine’s day.

55. Your lovely heart has held our bond together and hence made it unbreakable. Happy val, my friend.

56. I’ll be toasting to our friendship today because at its core, it has love residing in it. Happy val, my dearest friend.

57. I do feel loved for all the time I’ve been with you. I’ll rather be your val than anyone else’s. Happy val.

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58. May this friendship of ours only bask in love and ditch all forms of enmity. Happy val, my super friend.

59. You’re a paragon of love. You’ll make the best romantic partner in the history of romance. Happy val, my friend.

60. Even if it’s Valentine’s day, I’ll never forget to celebrate you. Enjoy your val, dear friend.

61. Love is what I feel in my heart for you and friendship is what I give to you. Happy val, my true friend.

62. As long as we’re together as friends, val would always be special and unforgettable.

63. I don’t need a val gift nor the romance that comes with the day, I only need a friendly hug. Happy val, my friend.

64. A friend that keeps me warm on val day is one I’ll always love to share my val special moments with.

65. I stopped hating Valentine’s day because a friend like you put its love in my heart. Happy val, bestie.

66. I’m glad you’re always next to me on every Valentine’s day.

67. I like it better when we drink and dance together on Valentine’s day. Happy Val’s day.

68. With a friend like you, Valentine’s day passes so quickly. Happy Valentine’s day.

69. Because I love you, I’ll rather be by your side on this memorable day, than to be anywhere else in the world. Happy val, my friend.

70. Your sweet wishes are enough for me on Valentine’s day. So, be my val.

71. Val after val, you’ve always been there with the warmest hug and the prettiest smile just for me. Enjoy your val, dear.

72. The only angel that visits me on Valentine’s day is you, my friend.

73. I’m sending all my love and kisses to you on this val. You deserve so much more, but let’s start with this.

74. You showed me the true meaning of love whenever you demonstrate your selflessness to me. Happy val, my dearest friend.

75. You built our friendship on the rock because you built it on love. Happy val, my sweetest friend.

76. Get ready for a special kind of valentine by my side. Happy val’s day, dear friend.

77. You’re the one I adore. Hence, you’ll be my val. Happy Valentine’s day, bestie.

78. Valentine’s day will fade away miserably if you’re not spending it with me. Happy val.

79. I’ll only find this kind of love in a true friend. Happy Valentine’s day, dear friend.

80. You make me want to love again. You’re a true friend. Enjoy the val.

81. I’ll not celebrate the val unless I see you around me. Happy val, dearest.

82. I’ll hold out my arms to give you the tightest hug you’ve ever had in a while because it’s Valentine’s day.

83. I’ll go far to prove the depth of our friendship to you today, cause it’s Valentine’s day.

84. An everlasting friendship is what I promise you on this val’s day.

85. Who else in this world would love me the way you do, even as a friend? You’re my true val.

86. May the sun shine on our friendship and may the moon blow us a kiss from the point it stands. Happy val, friend.

87. Valentine’s day is for a true friend who believes in the power of love like you do. Happy val.

88. You’re the magician that mended my broken heart and pulled me out of loneliness. Happy val to a friend indeed.

89. You gave me a wing to fly when I had two broken wings. Happy val to a true friend.

90. I want to watch the moon grow bigger with you on this Valentine’s day.

91. You’re my light in darkness and the one who makes me smile when it’s so hard to love. Happy Valentine’s day to my very true friend.

92. Took me a while to believe in love, but I eventually did, because you proved it to me. Happy Valentine’s day, my dear.

93. Our friendship gets stronger ever val because you light up the fire of love. Happy val.

94. A friend like you makes me want to get one of my knees on the floor. Happy Valentine’s day.

95. Your love is my love on this Valentine’s day. Enjoy your val.

96. You make me wait for every val, because you have your way of making me feel special on such a day. Happy Valentine’s day.

97. When the moon is the only light in my life, your friendly smile makes me come alive again. Happy val, my dearest.

98. I take pride in being in your company on every Valentine’s day. Let’s make new memory on this special val.

99. On this Valentine’s day, our friendship has turned into love. Happy val, dear friend.

100. I may not be perfect, yet you extend your hand of friendship to me. Happy Valentine’s day to a friend.

Happy Valentine’s day to your friends and you. Do have a swell time.

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