Trending Heart Touching Words About Life

2025 Trending Heart Touching Words About Life

When life seems to be discouraging and everything else is going wrong, there will always be reasons to move on. There’s much more to life than meets the eye and so we keep living, and to the fullest.

Put together here are heart-touching words about life, such that would help you pull through life stronger and better. You need them every day of your life.
Make them your every day nuggets and do share with people you love too.

Heart Touching Words About Life

Best Heart Touching Words About Life you should read and send to loved ones.

1. Life is full of the good, bad and ugly times. Although we cannot tell which will come and when we can only hope for the best out of life.

2. No matter what you seem to get out of life, always remember that you are a product of choice. The ones you make and the ones that are made on your behalf.

3. Don’t just let life happen to you, happen to live! Choose the results you want to get out of life.

4. If they say life’s not a bed of roses, make your own life a bed of roses. Beauty Your own life. It’s your life remember.

5. Truth is, life is too short not to enjoy it to the fullest. So, just make yourself happy. Why? Because you deserve to be happy!

6. Life will always offer you reasons to give up. But instead, you can choose to believe, live, love, smile and enjoy freedom out of life!

7. The fact that you do not look like it doesn’t stop you or deny you from being it. Remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. It all depends on you.

8. Give your best to life. Help others. Make them smile. Live and let live. You will be surprised at how much you will get out of life.

9. Maximize every opportunity that comes your way. It may only come once. That’s just life.

10. Don’t just exist. Live life. And live it to the fullest. Why? Because you don’t have another!

11. Life’s beautiful if you want it to be that way for you. You always have whatsoever you want.

12. To get much out of life, you need to keep believing in your own self first. Impossible is nothing if you believe.

13. Don’t be afraid of succeeding or failing. They are all parts of the experiences in life. It’s not bad to fail but when you do, make sure you learn from it. That’s called failing forward.

14. Success in life is more of faith and consistency than of luck and talent. You can do it if you believe and do it!

15. Anybody can succeed and anybody cannot succeed. Either way, anybody decides what happens to him.

16. Live as though it’s your only life. And of course, that’s all you’ve got.

17. Do good always. Even if it seems stupid, keep at it. You’ll reap well in no time.

Trending Today

18. Live your life because it’s your life. You deserve the best and that’s one thing you owe yourself.

19. Whatsoever it is that you desire, believe that you receive it, and yeah, you shall have it. All you need do is believe!

20. Live. Smile. Laugh. Be grateful. Be good. Be thankful. Believe. Believe. And keep believing. Just make the best of your life!

21. Make the decision to come out stronger and better than before no matter what happens to you. Give life another chance. Give yourself another chance.

22. Every day, like today, has loads of benefits and blessings. What you do with each day is what it gives back to you.

23. You’re not alone. Always keep in touch with friends and family. They’re here for you. Don’t ever go through life alone. Never.

24. There’s a more powerful force that drives the universe. It is divine. Your faith in God can pull you through life’s storms. Just believe.

25. If life says “No”, you can still decide to have “Yes” for an answer. You can’t afford to take everything life gives hook, line and sinker.

26. I do not particularly believe in luck or predestination. Everything in life happens by choice. You either chose it or refused to choose it.

27. Maximize each moment in life. Enjoy each to the fullest cos you wouldn’t know which would be your last.

28. Today is a chance to do something new. Something different. Something that would make a big a big smile on another’s face. And don’t ever hesitate to do that something, not even tomorrow.

29. It’s difficult to believe but so true it is that the greatest limiting force you can have in life is your own self. Nothing else can stop you if you don’t want to be stopped.

30. “I can do all things” Profess positive words every day of your life. You can’t afford to speak negatively. Speak life only.

31. Don’t ever think you have nothing to offer. Your little impact or show of love is enough to change someone’s life. So, do that little thing.

32. Be brave. Do the impossible. Apart from the fact that you owe yourself that, a lot of other people are looking up to you. When you shine your light, you give other people the opportunity to do the same.

33. To succeed in life, you do not have to be extraordinary or overly talented. You only need to believe and keep at what you believe in.

34. Life is easy when you make it that way for yourself. Be free, be happy, believe. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll get out of life.

35. See more potential in yourself that others see in you, and even if no other person does. You are the greatest force in your own life.

36. Don’t ever wait or expect someone to do something for you. You should never be the anyone’s mercy. Ever. Do your thing.

37. Whenever you can and with whatever you have, help others people. You may be in need of their own help tomorrow, too.

38. Bless people and make long-lasting impacts in their hearts, minds and souls. Just do your thing. And always let that thing be good.

39. It is better to risk choosing freedom and dying than remaining in bondage. Truth is, those who choose freedom hardly die!

40. Take more risks in life. In the long run, you will learn how to really live and be brave to face anything.

41. Always take time out with your self. You need your own company the most. Every single day, take time to talk to you, think, rethink, reflect. Just enjoy your company.

42. Everybody can succeed and not everybody can succeed. “Everybody” decides what happens to him.

43. Do not be afraid of starting out with whatever is on your mind. Remember anything is possible for anyone. Just do it, and do it really well.

44. Always be peaceful in your spirit and mind. No matter what life brings to your table, don’t be disturbed. Handle every situation with peace.

45. We touch other people in a million ways we cannot even think of. With our words, smile, courage, attitude. We keep making contact with them. So, be careful of what you do.

46. You are a great personality. You are special and beautiful in your own way. Don’t ever allow anyone to talk you down. Before they do, talk yourself up first. And that’s what matters the most.

47. I believe that things work with timing. So, you only have to be hopeful and work hard at what you believe in. In time, you will hit your big day.

48. Your success in life is not in how much you know, have, do. It is on how much you’ve been able to bless others with those abilities of yours.

49. Don’t ever live life alone no matter how much you seem to know or have achieved. There’s always at least someone who has gone ahead, has experience, understands better and can put you through. Reach out to such persons. They are called mentors.

50. I believe in predestination but more than that, I believe we are a product of choices. The ones we made and the ones that were made for us. From now on, choose by yourself what you want to see in your life.

51. Let the words of your mouth and the thoughts of your heart be full of grace and positivity. You are and have whatever you say.

52. Discipline and consistency are great rules for life. It’s not just enough to start doing, you have to keep keeping up, intentionally.

53. Life is easier when you have good people around you. Surround yourself with such people who will help you enjoy the best of life.

54. Don’t ever settle for the less. You can be in charge too. You shouldn’t be dependent on others at all times, have the I-can-be-more mentality.

55. Even if you aren’t where you are supposed to be yet, make sure you are not where you used to be. Make progress, consistently.

56. Don’t just wish things were better for you. Everyone can make wishes. The wise acts on his wishes and makes them happen.

57. Make plans for your life. For each day, month, year. Be intentional about your own life. Nothing at all should catch you unawares.

58. Opportunities are everywhere. But if you do not meet up or look out for them, they wouldn’t benefit you. Search well and prepare yourself for opportunities too.

59. Don’t ever wish you will have the chance to live another life. That’s not going to be possible and you can start living well from now. Once is just enough.

60. Nothing steals your time than the decision to do tomorrow what you should have done today. Procrastination kills. Worry about today, today.

61. Do you know you could borrow from tomorrow? It’s possible to do that by leveraging on and maximising the night time. Great minds make the best of their time, especially at night while others are sleeping.

62. It’s okay to fail. But when you do, get up and move on. It’s called failing forward. Fail and learn how to succeed.

63. Every day, there is always a lesson to learn. Make sure you are sensitive and attentive to what today has to teach.

64. Do not expect too much from other people. That’s the best way not to be disappointed. Understand that people react based on their level of understanding so when they perform below expectations, you shouldn’t be disappointed.

65. You don’t need to have a special ability to make it. Success in life is more of consistency and faith than of luck and talent.

66. When you understand and believe that anything is possible, nothing will be impossible for you.

67. Your life shouldn’t be one-faceted. Enjoy every bit of life. It has so much to offer.

68. Even if you achieve nothing else each day, ensure that you make progress. Grow.

69. Make yourself happy by yourself. Eat, drink, laugh, smile and make merry. These are the best therapies.

70. What you do or not do would tell on you later on. So, know what to do, why and how. Don’t just do anything and everything.

71. Life doesn’t just happen. Most things we see are a result of choice rather than of predestination.

72. Taking a risk may be costly and not taking a risk may be rather deadly. Which of the devils will you choose? You can’t be on the fence you know.

73. While you wait for the big things to come, add values to yourself. Grow and glow on all sides. That’s how to wait.

74. It’s funny how life happens to us whether or not we planned for it. Why not make plans then so you can choose what happens to you.

75. The currency we spend in life is time, and when it is exhausted, life ends. Truth is, nobody knows how much time they have left, but we all can make the best use of the one we have now. That’s today.

76. What we actually need to live a happy life are not the big things we always want. They are the little things that matter. Love, smile, laugh, be happy, Live and let live.

77. What’s going to matter in the end is not just how long we have lived by the measure of years alone but how wide by the measure of impact.

78. Don’t be too serious with life. Don’t take it personally. Relax, have fun and enjoy every bit of life, else, you won’t come out of it alive.

79. As you hope for the future, make the best of the present as though that’s all you have. And really, that’s everything you are in control of. Make the best of now, now. No Other When.

80. Many people actually think they’re living life but they’re merely existing. There’s a difference between living far and living well.

81. No matter what happens to you, something constant keeps happening to life; it goes on. Why not go on too?

82. Everyone has wishes and dreams. Just go ahead and live out the life you’ve always wished for. You can have whatever you desire. Anything.

83. You want to do something really big but it scares you? Start anyway. And start slowly. Just begin with a step.

84. People will give you reasons not to do or be it. Hear them but do not listen. Only listen to your own intuition and follow your heart. It’s your life, isn’t it?

85. Keep good friends and read good books. They’ll help you live happily.

86. Bob Marley says to love the life you live and love the life you love. That summarizes it all.

87. You get to do things you can’t do by actually doing them. That’s how to do the impossible; doing it.

88. Until you begin, it remains impossible. All you may need to do is start!

89. You may not be able to change the entire world, but if you are not able to change your own life for the better, you have not lived.

90. Spice your life with passion, love, humour, compassion and style. Make life fun for you.

91. Be courageous. You can have all your dreams come true if you have enough courage to make that happen.

92. Don’t be discouraged or disappointed when people say “No” to you. NO means it’s the Next Opportunity you have.

93. There’s something beautiful about everything but you won’t believe until you see it. Take your time to carefully look into things. Life is beautiful.

94. When you wake up every morning, remember that it’s another opportunity to smile, live, breathe, enjoy. Make the best of it.

95. Someone once said he would go anywhere as long as it is forward. That’s what we all should do!

96. In your journey in life, you will do more things that would not work than the ones that would work. But the more you do, the more you see positive results. That’s just how life is.

97. Don’t strive for happiness. It’s in you and is the cheapest thing you have. Just let it out. It costs absolutely nothing to happy and stay happy.

98. If you want to succeed in life, be ready to face discouragements and failures. They are a constant in life.

99. Accept who you are and of course, improve on yourself. But you first have to love and understand your person. No one else will do that if you haven’t done it for yourself first.

100. The greatest loss in life is not physical death, but dying while we live.

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