I Want to Be Single Forever Quotes

I Want to Be Single Forever Quotes

The concept of being single and living the bachelor’s lifestyle is starting to become a bit more mainstream in our society, but it’s something that’s been around for thousands of years. Whether you love it or hate it, many people have chosen this type of lifestyle out of their own free will.

There’s a certain magic to being single. There’s so much freedom, and you get to do whatever you want! It is the life of being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without any limitations. In reality, not all of us will get to live our lives singly, but there are times when it seems better.

So you’re single, and you’re sure it’s not going to change anytime soon. You have accepted that fact and are even happy being single. Here are some amazing I want to be single forever quotes that will think about how much fun it can be.

I Want to Be Single Forever Quotes

I want to be single forever. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I’m not happy, but I still have to put up with someone else’s moods and demands. I’ve worked too hard to let some asshole come along, screw it all up, and take away all my happiness just because he has the right amount of money.

1. I’m tired of not being good enough for anyone because I don’t fit into their perfect little world where everyone looks and acts the same way they do! I want to be single forever.

2. I want to be single forever. Because every time I find someone who makes me happy, eventually, they make me wake up and realize that being with them doesn’t help my goals. And they’re not worth it.

3. I want to be single forever. But that’s not an option, so I might as well enjoy it while I can—no strings attached.

4. The best part about being single is that I can party all night long.

5. I want to be single forever. I want to be alone forever, and I don’t want anyone in my life who has the slightest doubt of how much he or she means to me.

6. I’m glad I was single for a long time: so many great things came to me then that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

7. I want to be single forever. It’s better than being married to a person who doesn’t love me.

8. I want to be single forever because the benefits are great: no commitments, no demands, no rules. It’s easy to keep your life simple and happy when you’re by yourself.

9. I want to be single forever. I’m sick of being lonely, scared of being hurt and having my heart broken. It’s not worth it. Every time someone hurts me, I just want to run away and hide in a little box where nothing bad can ever happen again.

10. I want to be single forever. It’s the best thing in life. You get to do what you want when you want and to whom you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself

11. I want to be single forever. It’s easier. I have no commitments and can do what I want when I want—and that makes me happy.

12. I want to be single forever, but I don’t want to live alone.

13. This is me. I will never be tied down. Not by a man, or especially not by a relationship.

14. I want to be single forever. I don’t want anyone to come into your life and make you unhappy ever again.

15. I want to be single forever. If I could just stay that way, I’d live happily ever after.

16. I want to be single forever. It’s the height of freedom and fun when single.

17. I want to be single forever because I am fun, I love myself, and all relationships tend to go through ups and downs.

18. If you’re constantly looking for “the one,” you’ll never find someone who suits you. It’s better to be single and happy than to settle for anything less.

19. I want to be single forever. If a relationship can’t work out, it will never work out. I don’t need a man to save me or to change my life. I am perfectly capable of doing that on my own.

20. I want to be single forever. I want to be unique, to be found and recognized.

21. My life is so perfect. I don’t need anyone else to make it better. I want to be single forever!

22. I want to be single forever. It is my favourite state in which I want to be.

23. I want to be single forever. I don’t want to breathe another man’s air and see through his eyes.

24. I want to be single forever. I want to be single forever because I don’t have any energy to spend on someone else. I want to be single forever because I don’t understand why people need other people to make them feel complete.

25. I want to be single forever because I am happy being alone, and there is nothing wrong with that.

26. I want to be single forever because it gives me time for myself and time for my friends and family.

27. I want to be single forever because when you’re in a relationship with someone, they always change you into something different than who you are naturally.

28. I want to be single forever because it’s easier than having someone else’s feelings on your shoulders or having someone else’s problems on your lap all the time, or having someone else making decisions that affect both of you at all times (and sometimes not).

29. I want to be single forever because it allows me more freedom than being in a relationship does (you can go anywhere anytime without permission, you can do anything anytime without permission).

30. I want to be single forever. I don’t want to be in a relationship. I just want to have fun and do whatever the hell I want.

31. I’m tired of putting my happiness on hold to make someone else happy.

32. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who say they love me and then turn their backs when things get tough.

33. I’m tired of being told what to do and how to live my life by people who don’t know who I am or what I’m all about.

34. I want to be single forever because it’s easier than having a relationship sometimes!

35. I want to be single forever. I want to be the one who gets to decide who I spend my time with and when we spend it together. I want to be the only person in my bed. I want to go out with my friends on a Friday night, and maybe meet someone new, but not have any pressure about it.

36. I want to choose which nights are spent alone or with friends. I don’t need someone else’s approval for that.

37. I don’t need anyone else’s approval for anything anymore because I’m in charge of myself now.

38. You don’t have to be single forever. You just have to be single for a long time.

39. You’ve got to believe in yourself and know that you don’t have to be married by a certain age. It’s not wrong to want all the things I want, single or in a relationship. You shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting them.

40. I did not go out into the world for a relationship but I cannot be satisfied unless I seek my perfect and fulfilment.

41. You don’t need a relationship to be happy, but you do need a system. I want to be single forever!

42. I don’t want anyone to hug me or hold my hand. I don’t want anyone to say they love me and that they’ll never leave me. I want to be single forever.

43. I want to be single forever because being single is so much fun!

44. I want to be single forever. I am not ready to be locked in a relationship.

45. When you are single, you get to go out and do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

46. When you are in a relationship, there is no room for spontaneity. Everything has to be planned out and discussed beforehand. I want to be single forever!

47. I don’t need anyone else to complete me or make me happy. I can do that all by myself! I want to be single forever.

48. I’m gonna be single forever. I’m never getting married. I think marriage is overrated and unnecessary.

49. I don’t wanna be in a relationship right now. I like being single and having my own space.

50. I want to be single forever. The trouble with me is that I’m always falling in love with the same person.

51. Love is like a fart: if you have to force it, it’s probably crap. So, I prefer to be single forever than tot crap my pants.

52. Don’t let love make you into someone else. Don’t let it change who you are on the inside or what makes you special as an individual. I love to be single forever.

53. I want to be single forever. I don’t want to be with anyone, so I can put all my energy into writing the best book ever.

54. I’m not saying I don’t want a relationship, but I don’t want it right now. My career is my priority, and it comes first in my life.

55. I love being single. I don’t think it’s something that I’m going to fix just because people want me to. I don’t feel like that’s necessary.

56. I’ve been in relationships for most of my adult life, but now I am enjoying being single and just having fun with my friends, going on adventures and travelling with them.

57. I want to be single forever because I want to date different people.

58. I want to be single forever because I don’t want to feel obligated to be with someone.

59. I want to be single forever because I don’t need anyone else’s help or support.

60. I want to be single forever because I’m independent and proud of it!

61. I want to be single forever because I don’t need anyone but myself.

62. I want to be single forever because I never want to settle for anything less than what I deserve.

63. I want to be single forever because I don’t want to get used to the idea of being with someone and then have it taken away from me.

64. I want to be single forever because I need time for myself before I can give myself over completely to someone else.

65. I like being single because I don’t have to worry about someone else’s needs or wants, and vice versa. I’ll love it to be forever!

66. I want to be single forever. I know it’s not going to happen, but I’m going to pretend like it is.

67. I want to be single forever because I want to be free from all the stress and drama that comes with relationships.

68. I want to be single forever because I like being able to do whatever I want with my time.

69. I want to be single forever because I don’t have to worry about anyone else’s feelings or needs but my own.

As shown above, there are numerous reasons to be single forever. The fact that you’re cool being single shouldn’t make you inferior. Remain positive with the I want to be single forever quotes as they motivate and help you focus on the bigger picture of your life. I hope you like the compilation of I want to be single forever quotes. Please share it with your friends and family.

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